O gün yine fena bir şekilde dönüyordu evine, Amr. Yine fena bir şekilde azar işitmişti müdüründen. Görünürde mühim bir hatası da yoktu ama sanki dünyanın bütün suçları onun üzerine yıkılmıştı; öylesine kınanmış, öylesine ayıplanmış, öylesine suçlanmıştı. Dairedeki çalışma hayatı boyunca yaptığı bütün yanlışlar önüne konmuş, her birinden ötürü yeniden yeniden yargılanmıştı. “Yahu” diyordu kendi kendine, “Ne oldu da bu kadar üstüme üstüme geldi bu adam, ne yaptım ben; odanın önündeki bir süpürge çöpünü süpürtmedim diye insan bu kadar ağır bir şekilde azarlanır mı? Müdür herhalde başkalarına kızmış, ya da genel müdürden iyi bir fırça yemiş, veya boşanmak üzere olduğu eşiyle telefonda görüşmüştü. İyi ama bütün bunlar onun dışında değil miydi; ne alakası vardı, bunların kendisiyle; neden böyle kendisine patlıyordu ikide birde.
İyi de neden sesini çıkarmıyordu, o zaman. Neden hemen boyun eğiyordu müdürün azarlamalarına. Güçsüz bir adam mıydı? Hayır. Şahsiyetsiz miydi? Değil. Onursuz biri miydi? Asla. Ama ne olursa oluyor, müdür kızıp söylenmeye başlayınca Amr susup kalıyor, bir cevap vermiyor, bir laf bile söylemiyordu. Gerçi bazen için için çok kızıyor, öfkeleniyor, hatta dövmek istiyor ama hiçbir şey diyemeden odasından çıkıyordu. Sonra da kendine zulmediyor, neden şöyle söylemedin diye kendine kızıyordu ama yine de yeni bir azarlama karşısında eski tutumu değişmiyordu. Galiba onu bir şey tutuyor, bırakmıyordu.
Eskiden böyle değildi Amr. Ona bir şey söylemek pek mümkün değildi; hemen karşılığını verir, ya da tutumunu sertleştirir, yüzünü asar, veya birkaç gün küser; kendine bir şey yapanın burnundan getirirdi. “Ne oldu da bu kadar değiştim ben” diyordu ki adamın biri ona bir omuz attı ve hızla geçti yanından; arkasından baktı adamın ama bir şey de söyleyemedi. Acımıştı omzu hatta, o derece hızla çarpmıştı herif ona. Bu da ayrı bir sıkıntı oluşturdu Amr’a. “Yahu hep bizi mi buluyor bu kaba adamlar” diye söylendi, “bizim böyle olduğumuzu yani yumuşamış bir adam olduğumuzu ta karşıdan mı biliyor bu adamlar.”
Geçende bir camiye gitmiş, bir kenara oturmuş, öylesine düşünüyordu ki hacı amcanın biri “Niye boş oturuyorsun, bir tespih al eline de tespih çek” diye azarlamıştı kendisini. Halbuki o hacı amca biraz önce bir arkadaşıyla o kadar çok malayani konuşmuştu ki… “Malayani konuşmak iş de, düşünmek iş değil mi, be hacı amca” demişti içinden ama gülümsemekten başka karşılık verememişti ona. İyi de bunu da kendine dert yapmaktan geri kalmamıştı. Müdürün fırçası, adamın attığı omuz, hacı amcanın azarı birleşmiş, ağır bit yük olmuştu Amr’a. İçi kaynıyordu fokur fokur. İçinin sesini desibele dönüştürseler bir uçağın kalkarken çıkardığı sesten fazlası ölçülürdü herhalde.
“Yahu yine gaflete düştük, nefsin pençesine düştük, şeytanın iğvasına uğradık; yine unuttuk fail-i hakiki olan Rabbimiz hazretlerini. Afvet ya Rabbi, senin iznin olmadan bir sinek bile kanadını kaldırabilir mi? Kim bilir hangi günahımızdan ötürü geldi bütün bunlar başıma ki devede kulak bile değil bu sıkıntılar; biz büyütüyoruz, pireyi deve yapıyoruz. Dünya fani değil mi, gün gelecek hiçbirini hatırlamayacaksın bile; hatırlasan da “amma da büyütmüşüz ufacık meseleleri” diyeceksin ve kendine bir kez daha güleceksin. Hadi toparla kendini, eve geliyorsun, içini düzelt, yüzünü düzelt de evdekiler bir şey sezmesinler; kimseyi kendi derdinden ötürü üzmek zorunda değilsin.”
Amr, apartmanın kapısını ağır ağır açtı, asansöre bindi, evin kapısını da anahtarıyla ağır ağır açtı; “Selamun aleykum” dedi, içeri girdi.
“Ben niye bu kadar abus bir adam oldum, neden” dedi Zeyd kendi kendine. Eve gelmiş, gelmeden önce de bir lokantada karnını doyurmuş; pijamalarını giymiş, televizyonun başına oturmuş, bir iki zaplamış, keyfine göre program bulamamış, sinirlenip televizyonu kapatmış, balkona çıkmıştı. “Boşu boşuna kızdım evliya gibi adama, yine âhını aldım galiba. Kızdım da ne oldu, daha da kötü oldu, zaten canım sıkkındı, bir de hiç yoktan onu payladığımın üzüntüsü bindi üzerime. İkide birde niye kızıyorum bu adama ben. Ya dönüp karşılık verirse, ya da iyice kızıp bir yumruk atarsa burnumun üzerine; olur mu olur, olabilir. Herkesin içinde rezil olurum, vallahi. Ama adam da tek kelime etmiyor, be kardeşim. Onun için mi bu kadar zalim, bu kadar kaprisli oluyorum yoksa. Yahu insan bu kadar da yumuşak olmaz ki. Adam dediğin kendini korumalı, laf söyletmemeli kendisine, karşı çıkmalı kendini eleştirene, hatta gerekirse kavga bile etmeli, dayak yiyeceğini bilse bile. Bizimkisi eleştiri boyutunu da aşıyor; fırça, azarlama, paylama hatta aşağılama… Hepsini yapıyoruz da tek kelime çıkmıyor adamın ağzından. Hâlbuki eskiden böyle değildi, pek laf söyletmezdi kendine. Hemen karşı çıkar, kendini savunur, en zor durumda bile kendini kurtaracak bir söz bulurdu da… Aman, bırak bunları kardeşim, sen kendine haline bir bak. Amr’la uğraşacağına kendi halini bir düşün.”
Bugün yine aramıştı karısı, yani boşanmak üzere olduğu karısı. Yine ileri geri konuşmuş, cen cen cenlemiş, asabını bozmuştu. “Yaradan, senin canını konuşurken alsın. Yanındaki herkes, çocukların bile, senin konuşmandan bıksın, senden istikrah etsin de öyle geberesin, inşallah” diye beddua etti içinden. Hoş, bu ilenmeyi onun yüzüne karşı da yapmıştı ama kadının bir kulağından girip diğerinden çıkmamış, kulağına bile varmamıştır hatta; motor gibi konuşmaktan kimseyi duymazdı ki o.
Asıl çocuklara hayret ediyordu Zeyd. Hepsi analarından yana olmuş, kendisinden fersah fersah uzaklaşmışlardı. Hele büyük kızı, onun tepkisi hepsinden fazla olmuştu. Hâlbuki onu bir başka severdi, kızı da onu bir zamanlar ne kadar severdi. Baba kız değillerdi de sanki sevgiliydiler; birbirlerini görmedikleri günü yaşamamış sayarlardı. İki oğlunu da severdi elbette, onlarla da arası çok iyiydi ama kızını bir başka severdi, şimdiyse baş düşmanı kesilmişti. Boşanma sürecinde hepsini bir bir kaybetmişti; daha doğrusu hepsini birden ve toptan yitirmişti. Şimdi babalarını görmek bile istemiyorlardı. Geçen bayram verdiği harçlığı almak bile istememişlerdi de annelerinin “O sizin babanız” referansıyla gönülsüzce kabullenmişlerdi, hatırı sayılır derecedeki harçlıkları.
“Seviyorduk ama pek ilgilenmiyorduk ki be kardeşim. Daireden çıkıp muhasebeci arkadaşa uğrayıp onun işlerini gördükten sonra eve geliyor, yemek yiyip hemen uyuyorduk. Para kazanacağız derken ihmal ettik güzelim yavrucağızları. Hadi o zamanlar borçlar, taksitler vardı; bitince ne oldu, yine aynı tempoya devam. Bahane hazır: Çocuklar için çalışıyoruz. Hiç görmediğin çocuklar için çalış babam çalış. Şef olduk, müdür olduk; maaşımız arttı ama hırsımız da arttı be kardeşim. Sonuç ne: Babalarını tanımayan çocuklar, kocasından uzaklaşmış bir eş. Üstüne üstlük bir de sinirlilik. Sürekli kızgınsın, her zaman hiddetlisin, her an şiddetlisin. Kim dayanır buna? İşte kaybettin, onlar için çalıştığını söylediğin herkesi. Sonuç ne? Koca bir hiç…”
Bunca olumsuz düşüncelerin bir anda hücum edivermesini Amr’a yaptığı terbiyesizce davranışından kaynaklandığını düşündü, Zeyd. “Bari yarın özür dilesem” diye düşündü. Ama nafile. Özür dileyemeyeceğini biliyordu. Her zaman böyle olurdu. Herhangi bir şeyden ötürü herkese kızar, bağırır, çağırır, sonra pişman olurdu. Ama o kadar. Özür dileyemez, zamana bırakır, sonra da işlerin düzeldiğini zannederdi. Ama herkes ona bir mesafe koyardı. Samimi olduğu pek kimse yoktu, çünkü ne zaman ne yapacağı belli olmazdı. Ailede bu da olmuyordu; bir yere, bir zamana, bir seviyeye kadar sabrediyorlardı aile fertleri. Ama nereye kadar: Canlarının tak ettiği yere kadar. Ondan sonrası tufan…
Selam verdikten sonra yavaşça eve giren kocasını karşıladı, Hind. “Hoş geldin, bey” dedi, elindeki poşetleri aldı. Mutfağa gitti, yemeklerin altını yaktı, sofrayı hazırlamaya koyuldu. “Eskiden böyle değildi, bu adam” dedi kendi kendine. Evet, şimdi daha iyi eskisine göre, ama şimdi de iyice sessiz oldu. Kızar, bağırır, çağırır ama gönül almasını da bilir, esprileriyle eve neşe katar, herkese bir laf atar, takılırdı. Şimdi kızma da yok, neşe de. Şu kadar seneden beri tanımasam, birine âşık diyeceğim ama öyle bir insan değil. Eve gelir, yemeğini yer, biraz televizyon seyreder, sonra kitaplarına dalar, namaza gider, erkenden yatar; ara sıra laflar, dertleşir; çocuklarla ilgilenir ama o kadar. Özel ve derin bir ilgi göstermez. Resmi bir daire mi burası? Eskiden şu yemeği yap, şöyle yap diye talimat verir, yiyince de pek bir iltifat ederdi. Şimdi ne yaparsan yap, iştahsız iştahsız azıcık yer, sonra da yarım ağızla “Eline sağlık, hanım der, kalkar sofradan.”
“Hanım, hazırladın mı sofrayı” hitabıyla irkildi, Hind; dalmıştı, dalgınlaşmıştı. “Sen otur, hemen getiriyorum” dedi. “İlla ki hemen hazır olacak sofra. Biraz beleyemez misin be adam. Karşında garson mu var? Bütün erkekler böyle midir? Galiba böyledir; babam da böyleydi, eve gelince sofranın hemen hazır olmasını beklerdi, hazır değilse kıyameti koparırdı. Ona tahammül ederdik tabii, ama insan kocasına daha az tahammüllü oluyor, nedense.”
“Sağ ol, eline sağlık, hanım” dedi Amr karısına, “Çay demlendi mi” diye sordu; “Demlendi” cevabını alınca bir bardak çay istedi ondan. O gün çocuklar yoktu, nerede olduklarını sordu. Sonra bir yutkundu, hanımın yüzüne baktı “Bugün yine müdür bana nedensiz kızdı” dedi. “Sen de ona cevap bile vermemişsindir” deyiverdi. “Evet” cevabını alınca da “Neden böyle yapıyorsun, bak sonra depresyona filan gireceksin, bak çekemem valla, kendine gel artık; noldu sana böyle, sen böyle değildin, ruh gibi bir adam oldun, çocuklar da soruyor noldu babamıza diye; bizimle ilgilenmiyorsun, ancak kifayet miktarı; noluyor sana, toparlan artık, eskiden ne iyiydin, gönlümüzü alırdın, neşelendirirdin, şimdiyse kendi halinde yaşıyorsun; bana bak, biz bir aileyiz, sen de babasın” diye motor gibi sıraladı kelimeleri ardı ardına. “Seninle de bir şey konuşulmuyor, hanım” dedi ve sofradan yavaşça kalktı Amr. Abdestini tazeledi, camiye gitti.
“Eskiden bana bu kadar laf ettirmezdi, hemen kızar, bağırır, çağırır, hiddetlenirdi; ama ne oldu bu adama. Şimdi kuzu gibi dinliyor beni, en fazla “Seninle de bir şey konuşulmuyor, hanım” diyor. Ne yapmalı bilmem ki… Müdürle mi konuşsam, neden böyle yapıyorsun, kocamı neden üzüyorsun diye. Ama olmaz ki, hiç olmaz. Beycağızım darılır. Cevap verecekse o vermeli değil mi? Hem Zeyd de belasını bulmadı mı, karısından işittiği azarlar kaf dağına varmadı mı; konu komşuya, bütün mahalleliye rezil olmadı mı? Yarın birgün boşanacaklar, Zeyd’in bütün malını mülkünü de alacakmış. Alsın, oh olsun; layıktır o abus adama, beter etsin Rabbim, inşallah…”
İşte böyle dostlarım, her dövenin bir dövücüsü vardır mutlaka. Her şerliden daha şirreti, her azarlayıcıdan daha katı paylayıcı vardır muhakkak. Amr, azarlandı, üzüldü. Bunu öğrenen karısı Hind de üzüldü. Lakin Zeyd de üzüldü, hem de herkesten çok, belki ileride daha da üzülecek. Etme bulma dünyası, kimsenin yanına hiçbir şey kâr kalmıyor ki.
Amr’ın neden bu kadar yumuşadığını merak ettiniz değil mi? Bir hikâyede merak unsuru da olmalı diyor edebiyat hocaları, ya; biz de onlara uyalım dedik. Dedik ama sorunun cevabını ben de tam olarak bilmiyorum, ama bazı tahminlerim var: Amr, belki de Yunus Emre hazretlerini rüyasında görmüş, “dövene elsiz gerek, sövene dilsiz gerek” mısraını ondan duymuştur. Belki de sufi olmuş, tövbe etmiş, kalbini Hakk’a bağlamış olabilir. Veyahut Hızır aleyhisselam onun elini tutmuş, öfkesini almış, yerin yedi kat dibine savurmuştur. Kim bilir?
Benimkileri söyledim ben, siz de başka tahminlerde bulunabilirsiniz. Lakin bir soru daha var kanaatimce. Böyle sertken yumuşamak, hamken olgunlaşmak, çiğken pişmek için, ilk adımı nasıl atmıştır, Amr? İlk adımdan sonra karşılaştığı ilk imtihanda nasıl muvaffak olmuştur?
Bunu da bir düşünelim, olmaz mı?
Hikâyeye zeyl: Tramvay, Zeytinburnu durağında iken, “Bu Zeytinburnu ismi de nereden gelmiştir” soruma, yekten “Amr’ın ağzı, Zeyd’in burnundan” diye cevap veren kardeşim Hayreddin Meral, bu öyküye ilham vermiş oldu. Benim kardeşim, işte böyle ilham vericidir. Allah ondan razı olsun, tabii sizlerden de…
/// Haydar Murad Hepsev’in bu hikâyesi, Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nde (15 Aralık 2010, 7. sayı) yayınlanmıştır.
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My wife and i ended up being absolutely joyful Ervin could conclude his investigations from your precious recommendations he made using your web pages. It’s not at all simplistic just to happen to be giving freely guidance the rest might have been selling. And we also figure out we need the blog owner to give thanks to for that. Those explanations you’ve made, the simple website navigation, the friendships your site give support to engender – it’s everything awesome, and it’s helping our son and us recognize that that situation is brilliant, and that’s extraordinarily serious. Many thanks for all!
My spouse and i have been very lucky when Albert managed to finish off his preliminary research through your precious recommendations he got out of your web site. It is now and again perplexing to simply be giving for free steps which usually people could have been selling. And we all take into account we have got you to be grateful to for this. All the illustrations you’ve made, the straightforward site menu, the relationships you can help promote – it’s got many remarkable, and it is helping our son and our family feel that that concept is amusing, and that is quite vital. Thank you for all the pieces!
I am glad for commenting to let you be aware of what a notable experience my wife’s child went through reading through your site. She came to understand a good number of details, with the inclusion of how it is like to have an excellent teaching heart to let certain people clearly fully grasp selected hard to do things. You truly surpassed her expected results. Many thanks for imparting these invaluable, trustworthy, informative not to mention unique guidance on the topic to Janet.
Thanks for all of the labor on this web page. Kate take interest in carrying out research and it is simple to grasp why. Almost all notice all concerning the lively tactic you convey rewarding steps by means of your website and therefore inspire contribution from other individuals on the subject then our favorite simple princess is without question learning so much. Have fun with the rest of the year. You’re performing a fantastic job.
I and my friends ended up checking out the best tips from your web blog while unexpectedly came up with a horrible feeling I never thanked the web blog owner for them. My young men had been so stimulated to learn all of them and have now without a doubt been making the most of those things. Thanks for simply being quite kind as well as for choosing varieties of magnificent information millions of individuals are really desperate to be aware of. My honest regret for not expressing appreciation to earlier.
I have to show my love for your generosity giving support to men and women that should have help with this matter. Your personal commitment to passing the solution along has been surprisingly invaluable and has usually allowed folks much like me to achieve their desired goals. Your personal warm and helpful tutorial indicates much a person like me and much more to my mates. Thanks a lot; from everyone of us.
I’m just writing to make you understand what a perfect discovery my friend’s girl gained viewing your blog. She discovered several details, including how it is like to possess a great coaching spirit to get other people without problems know precisely specific tortuous subject areas. You undoubtedly surpassed readers’ desires. Thank you for providing such interesting, dependable, educational as well as fun guidance on this topic to Julie.
I want to point out my appreciation for your kind-heartedness giving support to all those that really want guidance on this situation. Your special commitment to getting the message all around has been extraordinarily helpful and has surely helped men and women just like me to achieve their pursuits. This interesting help entails much to me and somewhat more to my colleagues. With thanks; from all of us.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally brilliant possiblity to read in detail from this blog. It is often so lovely and as well , jam-packed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office acquaintances to search your web site more than thrice a week to study the newest stuff you have. And of course, I am actually fulfilled concerning the mind-blowing tips and hints served by you. Certain 2 points on this page are truly the very best I’ve ever had.
My wife and i felt really comfortable Chris managed to conclude his investigations using the ideas he gained from your very own web site. It’s not at all simplistic to simply happen to be giving for free ideas that a number of people have been selling. And we discover we have got the writer to thank because of that. Those explanations you’ve made, the easy website navigation, the relationships you can assist to instill – it’s most great, and it is assisting our son in addition to the family understand that subject is satisfying, and that is seriously vital. Many thanks for all!
I as well as my guys were reading the good pointers found on your site while unexpectedly I had an awful feeling I had not expressed respect to you for those secrets. Most of the young men appeared to be consequently passionate to learn them and now have honestly been taking advantage of these things. We appreciate you getting considerably accommodating as well as for going for some essential topics millions of individuals are really desperate to be informed on. My very own honest apologies for not saying thanks to sooner.
I as well as my pals appeared to be looking through the nice strategies from your web page then all of the sudden developed a horrible feeling I had not thanked the website owner for those techniques. The ladies happened to be so stimulated to study all of them and have now in reality been using those things. I appreciate you for being simply considerate and then for obtaining some extraordinary information most people are really desirous to understand about. My very own honest apologies for not saying thanks to you earlier.
I have to express appreciation to you just for bailing me out of this type of crisis. Just after looking throughout the the web and coming across tips which were not productive, I figured my life was over. Being alive devoid of the solutions to the problems you have fixed as a result of your main guideline is a crucial case, as well as the ones that might have in a wrong way affected my entire career if I had not come across your blog. Your ability and kindness in handling every part was invaluable. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not discovered such a point like this. I can also now relish my future. Thanks very much for this skilled and amazing guide. I won’t think twice to propose your web page to anyone who requires guidance about this situation.
I simply wished to appreciate you yet again. I am not sure the things I could possibly have undertaken in the absence of the entire tactics shown by you regarding such problem. This has been the frustrating situation in my position, nevertheless taking a look at a specialised strategy you resolved it made me to cry with delight. Now i am thankful for this guidance and in addition have high hopes you comprehend what an amazing job your are providing educating the rest using a web site. I am certain you have never got to know all of us.
I wanted to post you one tiny observation to finally say thanks a lot as before about the superb tips you’ve documented at this time. It’s really seriously generous with you to allow without restraint exactly what a number of people could possibly have offered as an e-book to end up making some profit on their own, primarily since you could possibly have tried it in case you desired. Those techniques as well worked as a fantastic way to comprehend some people have the same dreams just like my own to know much more when it comes to this condition. I’m certain there are many more fun instances up front for individuals who see your blog.
My wife and i got really fortunate when John managed to complete his researching using the ideas he was given when using the weblog. It is now and again perplexing just to always be making a gift of tactics some other people have been selling. And we also take into account we now have the website owner to give thanks to because of that. These illustrations you’ve made, the simple blog menu, the relationships you will help to foster – it’s mostly powerful, and it is making our son and the family imagine that this topic is excellent, and that’s especially fundamental. Thank you for all!
I would like to express my passion for your kind-heartedness giving support to men and women that really need guidance on this concept. Your very own dedication to passing the solution all over turned out to be certainly invaluable and has always empowered men and women much like me to attain their aims. The helpful facts means this much to me and substantially more to my peers. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
Thank you for your entire work on this web site. My aunt delights in participating in investigation and it’s easy to see why. Many of us learn all regarding the lively manner you provide vital guidance via this web blog and strongly encourage participation from other people on this matter and our favorite princess is actually becoming educated a lot. Take advantage of the rest of the new year. You are always doing a glorious job.
My wife and i have been absolutely comfortable that Michael managed to do his basic research through the entire precious recommendations he got when using the web site. It is now and again perplexing just to possibly be offering tips and tricks men and women have been trying to sell. And now we take into account we have the website owner to thank because of that. The main illustrations you have made, the easy site navigation, the friendships your site help create – it’s most unbelievable, and it is assisting our son and the family know that this subject is cool, and that is really serious. Thank you for all the pieces!
My spouse and i ended up being now ecstatic that Edward managed to finish up his investigation from your precious recommendations he had when using the site. It’s not at all simplistic just to be handing out guidance which often some other people may have been trying to sell. And now we know we now have the writer to be grateful to because of that. The entire explanations you have made, the straightforward website menu, the relationships you can help to instill – it’s got mostly superb, and it’s making our son and our family reason why the idea is brilliant, which is certainly extremely fundamental. Thanks for the whole lot!
Thanks a lot for providing individuals with an extraordinarily spectacular opportunity to read in detail from this web site. It’s always very nice and packed with fun for me personally and my office co-workers to search the blog minimum three times in one week to learn the latest things you have got. And definitely, I’m so certainly fulfilled considering the brilliant tactics you serve. Selected 2 tips on this page are basically the most suitable I’ve had.
I have to show my appreciation to this writer just for rescuing me from such a difficulty. Because of looking throughout the online world and seeing techniques which were not powerful, I assumed my entire life was gone. Living minus the solutions to the difficulties you have fixed as a result of your entire article content is a crucial case, and the kind which could have in a negative way damaged my entire career if I hadn’t discovered your site. Your actual knowledge and kindness in handling all the things was excellent. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a stuff like this. I can also at this moment look ahead to my future. Thanks for your time so much for the expert and sensible guide. I will not be reluctant to suggest the blog to anyone who would need guidance about this problem.
I needed to create you the little remark just to give many thanks as before for your personal precious ideas you’ve shown above. This is simply tremendously open-handed with people like you to convey unreservedly what most people could possibly have made available for an e book to earn some profit on their own, even more so considering that you might have tried it in the event you desired. Those tactics in addition served to become a good way to comprehend most people have similar fervor like mine to understand more with regard to this problem. I believe there are numerous more fun instances up front for people who look into your blog post.
I wish to show appreciation to this writer for rescuing me from this type of instance. After researching through the online world and obtaining tips which were not pleasant, I thought my entire life was done. Being alive without the approaches to the problems you have fixed as a result of the posting is a crucial case, as well as ones that might have in a wrong way affected my career if I had not come across the website. Your actual competence and kindness in handling every aspect was valuable. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a subject like this. I can also now relish my future. Thanks so much for the specialized and amazing help. I won’t hesitate to recommend the website to anyone who will need tips on this matter.
I’m commenting to make you know what a really good experience my cousin’s daughter gained browsing yuor web blog. She picked up such a lot of things, including how it is like to possess a marvelous giving mindset to have many more easily fully grasp a number of hard to do things. You truly surpassed her expected results. Thank you for delivering these beneficial, safe, revealing not to mention fun tips on your topic to Gloria.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely wonderful chance to read from here. It is usually so beneficial and as well , packed with fun for me personally and my office fellow workers to visit your web site not less than three times every week to see the fresh secrets you have got. And indeed, I am also usually impressed with the cool pointers you serve. Selected 1 areas on this page are definitely the most efficient we’ve had.
A lot of thanks for all of your work on this web site. My mother really loves making time for investigations and it is easy to see why. A lot of people know all regarding the lively tactic you offer very helpful items on your blog and even strongly encourage response from others on this area plus my daughter has been being taught a whole lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. You’re conducting a fabulous job.
I and my buddies were going through the good advice found on your site then before long came up with a terrible suspicion I never thanked you for those strategies. My young men happened to be for that reason stimulated to see them and already have without a doubt been enjoying those things. I appreciate you for indeed being so thoughtful and also for using such high-quality subject matter millions of individuals are really desirous to be informed on. My sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to you sooner.
I wanted to put you a very little note to help thank you so much yet again on the gorgeous strategies you have featured in this article. This is really pretty generous with people like you in giving freely exactly what most of us would have advertised for an ebook in making some money on their own, chiefly considering the fact that you might have tried it in the event you wanted. Those points additionally worked like a easy way to understand that the rest have the identical interest just as my very own to learn significantly more in respect of this issue. I’m sure there are millions of more pleasant situations ahead for individuals that read your blog.
I am commenting to make you be aware of of the impressive experience my wife’s child went through going through yuor web blog. She learned a wide variety of details, most notably what it is like to have an incredible teaching spirit to have many more completely learn about chosen hard to do issues. You really surpassed her desires. I appreciate you for presenting these great, trustworthy, informative and fun tips about that topic to Kate.
I wanted to create you the tiny word so as to give thanks as before regarding the marvelous techniques you have provided on this page. It’s really unbelievably generous of people like you to deliver easily just what many people might have made available as an electronic book to end up making some money on their own, most importantly since you could have done it in the event you decided. The concepts additionally worked like a great way to be sure that other individuals have similar keenness like my personal own to learn more and more when it comes to this condition. I’m certain there are many more fun situations ahead for people who find out your blog post.
Thanks a lot for providing individuals with such a memorable opportunity to discover important secrets from this web site. It is often very amazing plus jam-packed with amusement for me and my office mates to search your website at the very least three times in one week to read the fresh items you have. Not to mention, I’m just at all times motivated for the outstanding things you serve. Certain 2 ideas on this page are basically the most beneficial I’ve had.
I not to mention my guys happened to be going through the excellent procedures located on your web blog and before long came up with a horrible feeling I never thanked the website owner for them. All the ladies are already thrilled to see all of them and already have really been taking pleasure in them. Thanks for simply being considerably kind as well as for deciding upon such good information most people are really wanting to be aware of. My very own sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to sooner.
I would like to express some appreciation to you just for bailing me out of this particular challenge. Because of researching throughout the the net and seeing methods which were not pleasant, I thought my life was done. Living devoid of the solutions to the problems you’ve resolved by way of your main site is a crucial case, as well as the ones that could have in a negative way damaged my entire career if I hadn’t discovered the website. Your actual knowledge and kindness in maneuvering a lot of things was invaluable. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come upon such a point like this. I’m able to at this point relish my future. Thanks very much for the professional and sensible guide. I won’t be reluctant to propose your web site to anyone who would need guidelines about this area.
I simply wanted to appreciate you once again. I am not sure the things that I could possibly have carried out in the absence of the suggestions shared by you directly on such a concern. It was a traumatic situation in my position, nevertheless taking a look at your specialized manner you dealt with that took me to weep for gladness. Extremely happier for this information and have high hopes you comprehend what a powerful job you’re putting in educating many people by way of your web site. I’m certain you’ve never encountered any of us.
My wife and i felt really glad Raymond could round up his researching out of the precious recommendations he made in your blog. It is now and again perplexing to simply find yourself freely giving guidance which people may have been selling. We really fully understand we have you to thank for that. The most important illustrations you’ve made, the straightforward blog navigation, the friendships your site help foster – it’s got everything excellent, and it is helping our son in addition to the family know that the situation is thrilling, and that is incredibly mandatory. Thanks for the whole lot!
I’m just commenting to let you be aware of of the beneficial discovery my friend’s daughter found viewing your site. She realized some issues, which included what it is like to possess a very effective helping nature to have the rest smoothly fully grasp chosen impossible issues. You really surpassed her expected results. Thanks for offering those interesting, trustworthy, revealing as well as fun tips on that topic to Gloria.
Needed to write you a bit of word to finally give thanks as before about the magnificent knowledge you have discussed at this time. It is strangely open-handed of you to supply without restraint all that some people could have sold for an electronic book to get some bucks for their own end, principally since you might well have tried it in case you desired. These tactics as well served to become good way to recognize that other individuals have a similar dream like my own to find out a good deal more when considering this problem. I think there are thousands of more pleasurable sessions up front for individuals who view your blog.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely spectacular possiblity to read from this blog. It is usually very ideal and full of a great time for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit your web site no less than 3 times in one week to see the newest guides you have. And indeed, I am also always impressed with the spectacular tricks you serve. Selected 2 tips in this article are easily the most beneficial we have all ever had.
I together with my pals have been checking the best advice located on your site and then instantly developed a horrible suspicion I had not thanked the web blog owner for those strategies. All of the men are actually for that reason joyful to study them and have in effect pretty much been having fun with these things. We appreciate you indeed being indeed helpful and then for using such outstanding tips millions of individuals are really desirous to be informed on. My personal sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
My husband and i have been very satisfied when John managed to carry out his studies out of the precious recommendations he acquired out of the site. It is now and again perplexing to simply possibly be releasing information and facts that most people could have been trying to sell. We really keep in mind we’ve got the writer to give thanks to because of that. Most of the explanations you’ve made, the straightforward web site navigation, the friendships you can give support to foster – it is many astonishing, and it’s letting our son in addition to our family recognize that that concept is brilliant, and that is extremely pressing. Many thanks for all the pieces!
Thank you so much for giving everyone an extraordinarily spectacular chance to read from this site. It is usually so ideal and also stuffed with amusement for me and my office peers to visit your website at least thrice in 7 days to read the new guides you will have. And indeed, we’re always astounded concerning the attractive tips and hints you serve. Some 2 ideas on this page are basically the best we’ve ever had.
I definitely wanted to type a quick word to express gratitude to you for all the magnificent guides you are placing at this site. My incredibly long internet investigation has now been paid with pleasant strategies to share with my neighbours. I would repeat that many of us website visitors actually are definitely fortunate to dwell in a fine network with many brilliant people with insightful tactics. I feel extremely privileged to have used the site and look forward to plenty of more pleasurable times reading here. Thanks a lot once more for everything.
I would like to express some appreciation to the writer just for bailing me out of such a circumstance. Because of exploring throughout the the web and obtaining tips that were not pleasant, I was thinking my entire life was over. Existing devoid of the answers to the issues you’ve resolved all through your article content is a critical case, as well as the ones that might have negatively damaged my entire career if I had not discovered your site. That talents and kindness in maneuvering everything was invaluable. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come upon such a thing like this. I’m able to at this moment relish my future. Thanks for your time very much for the high quality and amazing help. I won’t think twice to refer your web page to anyone who ought to have guidelines about this topic.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely special chance to read in detail from this web site. It really is so fantastic and stuffed with amusement for me personally and my office fellow workers to search the blog no less than 3 times in 7 days to study the newest guidance you have got. Not to mention, we are always happy considering the good inspiring ideas you give. Certain 4 points in this article are surely the simplest I’ve ever had.
Thanks for all your valuable labor on this blog. My aunt really likes working on investigations and it is simple to grasp why. Many of us know all of the lively way you give great guides through this blog and in addition foster response from other individuals on that issue plus our favorite girl is truly becoming educated a lot. Enjoy the rest of the year. You’re the one performing a fantastic job.
I wanted to send you one little bit of note in order to say thank you over again about the superb ideas you have discussed in this article. It is really generous of you to give unhampered all that many of us could possibly have advertised as an e-book to make some cash for themselves, particularly now that you might well have done it if you ever considered necessary. The thoughts additionally served to provide a fantastic way to fully grasp that some people have similar fervor much like my very own to know the truth many more when considering this condition. I’m certain there are millions of more enjoyable occasions in the future for those who scan through your blog post.
I just wanted to jot down a brief message in order to say thanks to you for all of the great ideas you are posting at this site. My prolonged internet lookup has now been compensated with good ideas to exchange with my relatives. I ‘d assume that most of us site visitors actually are definitely fortunate to be in a perfect website with many special individuals with useful strategies. I feel really grateful to have used your entire web page and look forward to many more excellent moments reading here. Thank you once more for a lot of things.
I must show my respect for your kindness supporting persons who have the need for assistance with that study. Your real commitment to getting the message throughout came to be extraordinarily productive and have always allowed guys much like me to realize their aims. Your interesting publication can mean this much a person like me and somewhat more to my office colleagues. Best wishes; from all of us.
I simply desired to thank you very much again. I do not know what I might have handled without the type of information contributed by you about such area. It had become the frightening crisis in my circumstances, but viewing the well-written tactic you dealt with that made me to jump over happiness. Extremely happy for your work and then trust you really know what a great job that you’re providing teaching many people with the aid of your blog post. I’m certain you haven’t met all of us.
I together with my buddies were found to be analyzing the nice thoughts located on the blog while all of the sudden I got a terrible feeling I had not thanked you for those techniques. Most of the men happened to be glad to learn all of them and have in reality been using those things. I appreciate you for simply being indeed helpful as well as for selecting this kind of incredible topics millions of individuals are really desirous to know about. My very own sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to you earlier.
I needed to write you that tiny note to help thank you so much the moment again on the incredible views you have shared in this article. This has been certainly remarkably open-handed of people like you to offer freely all that a number of people would have offered as an ebook to make some money on their own, principally considering that you might have done it if you wanted. The tactics likewise worked to become fantastic way to recognize that some people have the same keenness really like my personal own to grasp whole lot more around this matter. I believe there are some more pleasurable times ahead for folks who look over your blog.
I would like to voice my respect for your generosity in support of men and women who actually need help with in this area. Your personal dedication to passing the message throughout appears to be wonderfully practical and has truly permitted regular people much like me to reach their objectives. Your personal valuable recommendations means so much to me and even more to my office workers. Thank you; from each one of us.
I intended to put you a little bit of observation to be able to give thanks the moment again relating to the magnificent tactics you’ve shown in this case. It is pretty open-handed with you to provide freely exactly what many individuals could have made available as an ebook to help make some money for their own end, particularly given that you could possibly have done it if you desired. These thoughts also served as a easy way to recognize that other people have similar desire just as mine to find out more and more around this problem. I’m certain there are lots of more fun periods up front for folks who read carefully your blog.
I wish to show some thanks to this writer just for rescuing me from this setting. Just after surfing through the world-wide-web and coming across basics which are not powerful, I figured my life was done. Existing without the strategies to the problems you’ve sorted out by way of your good article is a serious case, as well as the kind that might have in a wrong way affected my career if I had not come across your web site. Your main training and kindness in dealing with almost everything was very useful. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not discovered such a subject like this. I can at this time relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for this expert and amazing guide. I will not be reluctant to propose your web page to anybody who ought to have assistance on this problem.
I precisely wanted to appreciate you once more. I’m not certain the things that I would have sorted out without these ways discussed by you directly on that subject. This was a daunting crisis in my circumstances, nevertheless being able to see a new professional form you solved that forced me to weep over delight. Extremely grateful for this service and pray you recognize what a powerful job your are providing training people today with the aid of your web site. Most likely you haven’t got to know all of us.
I have to show my love for your kindness for those individuals that require help on that concern. Your real dedication to getting the solution up and down had become especially insightful and has encouraged men and women just like me to realize their desired goals. Your important help means so much a person like me and a whole lot more to my mates. Warm regards; from each one of us.
I wish to express my appreciation for your kind-heartedness supporting people who need help on this one area of interest. Your real commitment to passing the message up and down has been exceedingly interesting and has without exception helped others much like me to get to their targets. This warm and helpful guidelines denotes much a person like me and much more to my office workers. Thanks a ton; from all of us.
I actually wanted to post a brief comment in order to say thanks to you for all the unique concepts you are giving here. My time intensive internet look up has at the end of the day been recognized with pleasant facts and techniques to write about with my co-workers. I would point out that many of us readers are very much blessed to live in a wonderful network with very many wonderful professionals with very helpful strategies. I feel somewhat blessed to have come across your webpage and look forward to so many more awesome minutes reading here. Thank you once more for everything.
I not to mention my guys appeared to be reviewing the good strategies from the blog then instantly got an awful feeling I never expressed respect to the web site owner for those secrets. Those men ended up totally glad to see all of them and have in effect definitely been loving those things. Many thanks for really being indeed thoughtful and also for using certain remarkable ideas most people are really needing to be informed on. My very own honest regret for not saying thanks to sooner.
I must convey my passion for your generosity supporting men and women who have the need for help on that area. Your real commitment to getting the solution around ended up being amazingly interesting and have surely allowed others like me to arrive at their endeavors. Your new helpful publication entails a lot to me and even further to my fellow workers. With thanks; from each one of us.
Thanks so much for giving everyone a very breathtaking possiblity to read from this web site. It is usually very sweet and also jam-packed with amusement for me and my office co-workers to search your web site minimum thrice in 7 days to find out the newest things you have. And of course, I am always satisfied with all the awesome inspiring ideas you give. Selected two points in this post are undeniably the most beneficial we have ever had.
I together with my guys ended up reviewing the good secrets and techniques on your web blog while unexpectedly I got an awful suspicion I never thanked the web site owner for those secrets. These people are actually joyful to learn them and now have in reality been enjoying them. Thank you for being considerably thoughtful and then for going for such remarkable guides most people are really eager to understand about. Our honest regret for not expressing appreciation to you sooner.
I in addition to my guys were actually reading the good guides on your web page then the sudden I got a terrible feeling I had not thanked the website owner for those strategies. These boys are already for that reason happy to read them and already have pretty much been having fun with these things. Many thanks for getting simply thoughtful and for settling on such high-quality subject matter millions of individuals are really needing to understand about. My sincere regret for not saying thanks to you earlier.
I want to express my thanks to you for rescuing me from this scenario. After looking throughout the the web and coming across ways that were not powerful, I believed my life was over. Being alive without the approaches to the difficulties you’ve fixed by means of your main report is a serious case, and those that could have negatively affected my career if I had not encountered your web blog. That understanding and kindness in touching the whole lot was useful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a subject like this. It’s possible to at this moment look ahead to my future. Thank you so much for this professional and results-oriented guide. I will not hesitate to endorse your blog to any individual who needs to have guidance about this situation.
I happen to be commenting to let you know of the incredible experience my cousin’s girl experienced using your site. She came to find a good number of details, which include how it is like to have a great teaching mindset to have many others very easily know precisely specified specialized matters. You undoubtedly exceeded our expectations. Thank you for churning out these useful, safe, explanatory not to mention fun thoughts on this topic to Sandra.
I precisely wished to thank you very much again. I’m not certain the things I would have used in the absence of the points discussed by you concerning such industry. It was actually a very frightful circumstance in my circumstances, nevertheless noticing a new specialized form you resolved the issue made me to jump with happiness. I will be happier for this information and even trust you are aware of a great job that you are putting in educating some other people using your webblog. I am certain you haven’t encountered all of us.
Thanks for your entire efforts on this web page. Ellie enjoys setting aside time for research and it is obvious why. My spouse and i know all of the dynamic mode you render very useful tactics by means of your web blog and attract contribution from other people on the point so my child is now becoming educated so much. Take pleasure in the rest of the new year. You have been performing a really good job.
I wish to express appreciation to the writer just for rescuing me from this crisis. Because of looking out throughout the world-wide-web and meeting basics which were not productive, I believed my life was gone. Living without the presence of solutions to the problems you’ve resolved by way of your guide is a critical case, and ones that would have badly damaged my entire career if I hadn’t noticed your web blog. Your main competence and kindness in maneuvering the whole lot was helpful. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t discovered such a stuff like this. It’s possible to at this moment relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for the specialized and effective guide. I won’t think twice to endorse your web page to anyone who should have guide on this matter.
I precisely wished to thank you very much once more. I do not know the things that I would have sorted out in the absence of the entire advice documented by you relating to this subject matter. It truly was the frightful issue in my position, nevertheless discovering the professional technique you resolved it took me to leap for fulfillment. I am just grateful for your work as well as expect you are aware of a powerful job you have been undertaking educating people through your site. I am certain you’ve never met any of us.
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