Hem Nakşî Hem Mevlevî: ALİ BEHÇET EFENDİ
Konya ulemasından Ebûbekir Efendi’nin oğludur. 1727 (h.1140) senesinde Konya’da doğdu. Babası ve dedesinin yanında küçük yaşta tahsile başladı. Derviş tabiatlı bir zat olan babası, Ali Behçet Efendi’nin tahsil ve terbiyesi için özel itina gösterdi. Medreselerde ilk olarak okutulan kitapları bitirdikten sonra, Karamanlı Abdullah Efendi ve meşhur âlim Abdüssamed Efendi’nin derslerinde bulundu, onlardan icâzet aldı.
Sonra Afyonkarahisar’a gidip Divane Mehmed Çelebi Dergâhı postnişini ve anne tarafından dedesi Alâeddîn Çelebi‘den ders aldı; ondan Mesnevi, Mektubat, Avarif-ül-Maarif ve Hikem-i Atâiyye gibi tasavvuf klasiklerini okudu. Daha sonra medrese tahsilini tamamladı, kadılık yaptı, bu görevle Anadolu’nun çeşitli yerlerine gitti. Ankara’daki vazifesi sırasında kendisinde meydana gelen bazı manevî hâller yüzünden görevden ayrılarak Afyon’a dedesinin yanına döndü ve Mevlevî çilesine yani 1001 günlük dergah hizmetine başladı. Çile müddeti bitiminde çeşitli manevî hallere kavuştu ve “sikke” giyerek icazet almış oldu.
Ali Behçet Efendi, 1796 senesinde Hazret-i Mevlâna’nın manevî işaretiyle Bursa’ya giderek hem Kaadiriyye hem de Nakşibendiyye yolunun büyüklerinden olan Kerküklü Seyyid Mehmed Emin Efendi’nin (vefatı 1813) talebesi oldu. Ondan Nakşibendiyye, Kaadiriyye, Sühreverdiyye, Çiştiyye, Şüttâriyye tarikatlarından icazet aldı. (Mevlevî ve Nakşî silsileleri, sadeleştirmeye çalıştığımız Risale-i Ubeydiyye-i Nakşibendiyye’sinde kayıtlıdır.)
Şeyhi Mehmed Emin Efendi kaddesallahu sirruhu bulunmadığı zaman, yerine vekâlet ederdi. Bir gün hocası, Ali Behçet Efendi’yi huzuruna çağırıp, ona kendisi âhirete göçtükten sonra, yerine vekâlet etmesini; bir ara İstanbul’dan onun davet edileceğini, dergâhı bırakmamak düşüncesiyle bu daveti kabulden kaçınmamasını, yani daveti kabul etmesini tavsiye etti.
Bu sırada, sürgünle Bursa’da ikaamete mecbur olan Burdurlu Derviş Paşa, Emin Efendi’nin sohbetlerine devam ederdi. Bir süre sonra affedilen Derviş Paşa, İstanbul’a döndü. Bu arada Sultan Üçüncü Selim’in Üsküdar’da ihya ettiği Selimiye Camii yanındaki Nakşibendiyye Dergâhı şeyhi Nîmetullah Buhârî kaddesallahu sirruhu vefat ettiğinden, Sultan Mahmud Han, bu zatın yerine birinin bulunarak tayin edilmesini Derviş Paşa’ya havale etti. Derviş Paşa’nın teklifi üzerine, Ali Behçet Efendi Selimiye Camii Nakşibendiyye dergâhına şeyh tayin edildi (1816). Burada tefsir, hadis, fıkıh; Mesnevî-i Şerîf ve İmâm-ı Rabbânî hazretlerinin Mektubât‘ını okuturdu. Sohbetlerine devlet adamları, âlimler katılırdı. Hâlet Efendi, Pertev Paşa, Kethüdazâde Ârif, Şeyhülislam Turşucuzâde Ahmed Muhtar bunlardan bazılarıdır.
Hüseyin Vassâf’a gore Ali Behçet Efendi’yi şemaili şöyledir: “Nurlu yüzü beyaz, boyu uzun, sakalı seyrek, kaşları çokça, gözleri elâ olup daima Mevlevî sikkesi giyerlerdi. (Kaddesallahu sirruhu)”
Ali Behçet Efendi, zamanında ilmî fazileti ve manevî derecesinin yüksekliği ile tanındı. Kendisine talebe olarak gelenlere; ibadetlere ve tâatlara, Allah tealanın beğendiği işlere çok ehemmiyet vermeleri, onlara sıkı sarılmaları, dinde yasaklanan şeylerden de çok sakınmalarını tavsiye ederdi. Nasihatleri ile onların nefislerinin kötülüklerden temizlenmesine çalışırdı. Vakitlerinin çoğunu kitap mütalâa etmek ve sohbet ile geçirirdi. Farz ve vacip ibadetleri yerine getirdikten sonra nafile ibadetle meşgul olurdu. Açık, net ve düzgün konuşurdu.
Ali Behçet Efendi talebelerini Ehl-i Sünnet inancına bağlı kalmaya teşvik etmiştir. Tasavvufî prensiplerden Peygamberin sünnetine bağlılığa ve mürşide uymaya büyük önem vermekte, itirazın zerresinden bile kaçınmak gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Mürşid sohbetini, Hak yoluna en kısa yoldan ulaştırıcı bir vasıta olarak görmektedir.
Ali Behçet Efendi’nin dergâhı civarında oturan Hırka-i Şerif hizmetçilerinden Sadullah Efendi’nin yeni doğan çocuğu hiç ağlamıyordu. Annesi çocuğun bu halini merak edip Ali Behçet Efendi’ye götürmesini kocasından rica etti. Sadullah Efendi, Ali Behçet Efendi’nin âdetini, böyle işler yapmadığını bildiği için, hanımının bu arzusunu yerine getirmedi. Hanımı bunun üzerine çocuğu alıp dergâha gitti. Ali Behçet Efendi’nin huzuruna müsaade isteyerek girdi ve durumunu arzetti. Ali Behçet Efendi, onun bu arzusunu kırmadı ve çocuğu kucağına alarak “Sen uslu çocuk olduğun için, ana babanı rahatsız etmemek için ağlamıyorsun. Fakat oğlum ne yapalım, görüyorum ki annen ağlamıyorsun diye merakından ağlayacak” diyerek eli ile çocuğun ağzına vurdu. Çocuk o andan itibaren ağlamaya başladı. Çocuğu evine götüren hanımcağız bir süre sonra da çocuk susmuyor diye Behçet Efendi’ye başvurdu.
Ali Behçet Efendi’nin bir talebesine yazdığı mektup şöyledir:
“Benim sevgili, insaniyetli ve iyiliksever oğlum! Göndermiş olduğunuz mektup elimize geçti ve çok memnun olduk. Ey oğlum! Dersimizden uzak olmayasınız. Bir an Allahü teâlâyı anmak, Süleyman aleyhisselâmın mülkünden daha iyidir, ifadesini hatırdan çıkarmayınız. Oğul, daima talep edenlerden ol. Mübarek gecelerde Allah tealaya yalvarıp yakarmayı fazlaca yaparsanız, isabetli olur. Zira Allah teala kulunun yalvarmasını sever. Bu, Allah adamlarının yoludur.”
Ali Behçet Efendi, vefatına kadar ilim taliplerine ders verdi. Dört kişiye tarikat icazeti vermiştir: İbrahim Hayranî, Emir Buharî Dergâhı Şeyhi Mehmed Rıfkı Efendi, Derûnî Mehmet Efendi tekkesi postnişini Veliyeddin Efendi ve Eyüp’te Şeyhülislam Tekkesi postnişini Ali Efendi. Büyük oğlu Mehmed Feyzullah Efendi yetişinceye kadar halife olarak yerine İbrahim Hayranî Efendi’yi bıraktı. 1822 (h.1238) senesinde vefat etti. Cenaze namazı büyük bir kalabalık tarafından kılınarak Selimiye Dergâhı haziresine defnedildi. Üzerine demirden kubbeli açık bir türbe yapıldı. Cenaze hazırlıklarını Kethüdâzâde Arif Efendi ifa eylemiş, namazını Fatih Emîr Buhârî Dergâhı postnişini Abdullah Ferdî Efendi kıldırmış ve Mülkiye Nâzırı Said Pertev Paşa da şu tarihi düşürmüştür:
“Oku ey Fâtiha-hân hâtime-i târihini
Göçdü da’vet-geh-i dîdâra Cenâb-ı Behcet”
(Hüseyin Vassaf’ın Tercüme-i Hâl-i Hazret-i Şeyh Ali Behcet Konevî ve Sefîne adlı kitaplarında yazıldığı üzere) Ali Behçet Efendi’nin eserleri şunlardır: 1. Risâle-i Ubeydiyye-i Nakşibendiyye, 2. Behcet-üs-Sülûk, 3. Sırr-ül-Mî’âd, 4. Terceme-i Hâl-i Ricâl-i Çiştiyye, 5. Risâle-i Hâliyye ve Rûhâniyye, 7. Vâridât-ı Kalbiye, 8. Divançe. Bunlardan yalnızca Risâle-i Ubeydiyye-i Nakşibendiyye (h.1260) basılmıştır.
Ali Behçet Efendi, Mevlevilikle Nakşîlik gibi iki farklı tarikatı birleştirmiş zatlardan birisidir. İlk Nakşî-Mesnevîhan Neccarzâde Mustafa Rıza Efendi’dir (vefatı 1746). Neccarzâde, Beşiktaş Mevlevîhânesi postnişini Mesnevîhan Mehmed Memiş Efendi (vefatı 1723)’den Mesnevî okuyarak icazet almıştır. Onun dervişi Muhammed Âgâh (vefatı 1770), bu neşveyi devam ettirerek Bursa’daki Eminiyye Tekkesinin kuran Mehmed Emin Kerkûkî’yi yetiştirmiştir. Mehmet Emin Kerkûkî’nin geliştirdiği Nakşîlik-Mevlevilik yolu halifesi Ali Behçet Efendi‘nin faaliyetleriyle devam etmiştir. Hüseyin Vassaf, Ali Behcet Efendi hakkında, “urefâ-yı Mevleviyye ve ricâl-i Nakşibendiyye’den bir kâmil (Mevlevi âriflerinden ve Nakşibendî erlerinden olgun bir zat)” demiştir.
DİA’daki Ali Behçet Efendi maddesinde “tasavvuf tarihinde birbirine zıt temayüllere sahip Nakşibendiyye’den Müceddidiyye ile Mevlevî tarikatları …” ibaresi geçmektedir. Bu yanlış bir ifadedir. Ehl-i sünnete bağlı tarikatların hiçbirisi diğerine zıt temayüller içermez. Gizli veya açık zikri tercih etme gibi bazı yöntem farklılıkları vardır, bu da son derece normaldir; çünkü insanların mizaçları da farklıdır, herkes kendi mizacına uygun bir mürşid ve yola bağlanmakta serbesttir. Önemli olan itikat ve amelde, Kur’an ve Sünnete uygun olmaktır, şeriatın zahirine ve batınına tam bir bağlılıktır.
Kaldı ki Nakşibendî tarikatında Hazret-i Mevlâna ve Mesnevî’sine olan yakınlık çok daha eskidir. Nakşibendî silsilesinin büyüklerinden Ya’kûb-ı Çerhî kaddesallahu sirruhu (vefatı h.851/m.1447) hazretlerinin Hazret-i Mevlâna ve Mesnevî’sine özel bir yakınlığı vardı. Mesnevî’nin ilk 18 beytinin ve bazı hikâyelerinin şerhinden oluşan Neynâme-i Mevlâna adlı bir risale yazmış; eserinde Hz. Mevlâna’yı “yüce bir irfan ve lisan sahibi, sözüne itibar edilen –hakikat sırlarını ortaya çıkaran-, şeriat ve tarikatta ulema ve evliyanın burhanı” gibi sıfatlarla övmüş, diğer eserlerinde de Mesnevî’den bolca iktibasta bulunmuştur. (bkz. Ahmet Cahit Haksever, Ya’kûb-ı Çerhî – Hayatı, Eserleri ve Tasavvuf Anlayışı, İnsan Yay., İstanbul 2009; aynı yazar Ney-name’yi de Erkam yayınlarından neşretmiştir.)
Şunu da ilave etmek lazımdır: Nakşî tarikatının son büyük müceddidi Mevlâna Halid Bagdadî kaddesallahu sirruhu hazretleri, şeyhi Abdullah Dihlevî kaddesallahu sirruhu hazretlerinden beş tarikatın yani Nakşibendî, Kaadirî, Sühreverdî, Kübrevî ve Çiştî yollarının icazetini almış, irşadını Nakşibendîlik üzerine devam ettirmiş, yetiştirdiği halifelerine bu beş tarikatın icazetini vermiştir. Onun için Nakşibendî-Halidî yolunda bu beş tarikatın neşvesi mündemiç olmuş, farklı renk ve zevklerin yaşamasına vesile olmuştur. Mevlevî şeyhi olan Ali Behçet Efendi de daha sonra intisap ettiği Mehmed Emin Kerkükî hazretlerinden Nakşibendiyye, Kaadiriyye, Sühreverdiyye, Çiştiyye, Şüttâriyye tarikatlarının icazetini almış, ama o da irşadını Nakşî yoluna göre icra etmiştir.
Yani hiçbir tarikat birbirine zıt temayül içermez, tam bir paralellik içinde yan yana Hakk’a yürürler. Birbiriyle tanıştıklarında dervişler “Siz hangi bahçenin gülüsünüz” diye nazenince sorarlar; “Nakşî, Kaadirî, Gülşenî, Uşşakî, Halvetî, Mevlevî vb.” gibi cevaplar verirler birbirlerine, ya da muhterem mürşidlerinin ism-i âlîlerini telaffuz ederler, kol kola girip sohbet ederler, birbirlerinin muhabbetlerini arttırırlar, o kadar.
Tasavvuf ve tarikatların tarihini, usul ve yöntemlerini iyice incelemeden; tasavvuf büyüklerinin bilgeliklerini tam olarak anlamadan verilen hükümler, elbette yanlış olacaktır. Bu konuda azami dikkat gerekir. Salt akademik kafayla tasavvuf anlaşılmaz, irfan gerekir, irfan sahibi olmak için tasavvufu biraz olsun yaşamak lazımdır. Yaşamadan tasavvufa yaklaşmak, bal kavanozunu dışından yalamağa benzer ki tabii ki hiçbir tat ve lezzet alınmaz.
[Bu metnin hazırlanmasında, a) DİA, “Ali Behçet Efendi” maddesi, cilt II, s.382–383, hazırlayan Nihat Azamat; b) Doç. Dr. Bilal Kemikli “Üsküdar’da Bir Mesnevihan Ali Behçet Efendi ve Muhiti”, Üsküdar Sempozyumu V, s.307–315; c) Yusuf Turan Günaydın, “Ali Behçet Efendi ve Risâle-i Ubeydiyye-i Nakşibendiyye’si”, Tasavvuf: İlmi ve Akademik Araştırma Dergisi, VII (17), Ankara, 2006, s. 217–235) makalelerinden yararlanılmıştır.]
/// Haydar Hepsev tarafından hazırlanan bu yazı, Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nde (6. Sayı) yayınlanmıştır.
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I definitely wanted to write a remark to be able to say thanks to you for all the superb ways you are showing on this website. My long internet lookup has at the end of the day been compensated with sensible tips to write about with my partners. I would claim that we website visitors are very much endowed to be in a superb site with so many lovely people with valuable methods. I feel rather grateful to have encountered your weblog and look forward to so many more fun moments reading here. Thank you once again for everything.
I wish to express some thanks to this writer for rescuing me from such a issue. After browsing through the search engines and getting ways which were not helpful, I was thinking my entire life was over. Living devoid of the answers to the difficulties you’ve resolved by means of your entire guide is a crucial case, as well as the kind which might have adversely damaged my career if I hadn’t discovered your web page. Your main expertise and kindness in controlling all the details was important. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not come upon such a solution like this. It’s possible to at this point relish my future. Thanks for your time very much for your expert and results-oriented guide. I will not be reluctant to suggest your blog to anyone who needs guidance about this issue.
My husband and i felt really ecstatic Emmanuel could round up his investigation using the precious recommendations he got through your site. It is now and again perplexing just to choose to be freely giving tips and tricks many others have been making money from. Therefore we acknowledge we now have the blog owner to appreciate for this. Those explanations you have made, the simple website navigation, the relationships you can make it possible to instill – it’s got many great, and it’s aiding our son in addition to the family believe that that content is entertaining, which is certainly extraordinarily pressing. Thanks for all the pieces!
I precisely had to thank you so much once more. I do not know the things that I would have created in the absence of the actual information documented by you regarding my concern. It became a real frightening condition in my circumstances, but being able to see the very skilled strategy you treated it made me to jump with joy. Extremely grateful for this support and thus pray you know what a powerful job your are accomplishing instructing some other people by way of your web site. I’m certain you haven’t met any of us.
I in addition to my pals have already been going through the nice strategies from your web page then quickly developed an awful feeling I never thanked the blog owner for them. Those ladies were as a result excited to read all of them and have in effect actually been using these things. Thank you for actually being very helpful and for deciding on some impressive information most people are really wanting to discover. Our honest apologies for not saying thanks to sooner.
I precisely wanted to thank you very much once more. I am not sure the things that I might have handled without the actual pointers discussed by you over such a question. This has been an absolute difficult issue in my view, but spending time with the professional form you handled it made me to cry with joy. I am just happier for this assistance and pray you really know what a powerful job that you’re putting in teaching people via your webblog. I’m certain you haven’t encountered any of us.
I simply had to say thanks again. I do not know the things I might have done in the absence of the aspects shown by you directly on my field. Previously it was a very challenging situation in my circumstances, but taking note of a new professional strategy you dealt with that took me to jump for joy. Now i’m grateful for your support and then hope that you are aware of a great job your are providing educating some other people thru your blog post. Probably you’ve never met all of us.
I would like to show some thanks to you for rescuing me from such a circumstance. Just after browsing throughout the world-wide-web and seeing techniques which are not pleasant, I was thinking my entire life was gone. Being alive devoid of the strategies to the problems you’ve resolved all through your entire write-up is a crucial case, as well as the ones which could have in a wrong way affected my career if I hadn’t discovered your web site. Your actual understanding and kindness in controlling all the things was excellent. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not encountered such a step like this. It’s possible to at this moment relish my future. Thanks for your time so much for your skilled and amazing guide. I won’t think twice to refer your web page to anybody who should get guidelines on this matter.
I wish to convey my affection for your kindness supporting men and women who need help on the content. Your special commitment to getting the solution up and down has been extraordinarily interesting and have frequently allowed associates like me to realize their desired goals. Your personal insightful hints and tips means so much a person like me and far more to my office workers. Regards; from everyone of us.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone a very special opportunity to read from this blog. It’s always so superb and also jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office colleagues to search your blog a minimum of 3 times in 7 days to study the newest guidance you have got. Of course, I’m also always satisfied with your attractive advice you serve. Some 4 areas in this post are definitely the most beneficial we have had.
I wish to show some thanks to you just for rescuing me from this particular problem. Right after looking out throughout the world wide web and obtaining opinions which were not powerful, I figured my life was over. Being alive without the answers to the issues you’ve resolved as a result of your main guideline is a serious case, as well as the ones that could have in a wrong way affected my career if I hadn’t discovered your website. Your personal capability and kindness in controlling every part was tremendous. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not come across such a subject like this. I am able to at this point relish my future. Thanks so much for the specialized and effective guide. I won’t hesitate to endorse your blog post to anyone who should get recommendations on this issue.
I wanted to draft you that tiny note to say thanks again for these unique guidelines you’ve provided at this time. It is quite surprisingly open-handed with people like you in giving freely what a few people might have marketed as an electronic book to generate some money for themselves, most importantly now that you might have done it in the event you desired. Those basics additionally worked like the good way to understand that most people have similar desire like my very own to know the truth somewhat more on the topic of this matter. I’m certain there are thousands of more pleasurable moments up front for individuals who read carefully your website.
I precisely wanted to appreciate you once again. I am not sure the things that I might have done in the absence of the type of tactics contributed by you on my situation. Certainly was a intimidating situation in my circumstances, however , noticing a professional avenue you processed it took me to jump with delight. Extremely grateful for the advice and then expect you find out what an amazing job you were providing training people by way of a web site. More than likely you have never come across any of us.
I not to mention my friends ended up going through the nice ideas found on the website and suddenly got a terrible feeling I never thanked the blog owner for those strategies. These boys are already certainly passionate to see them and have in effect really been taking advantage of them. Thank you for really being indeed kind and then for choosing varieties of outstanding things millions of individuals are really desirous to learn about. My very own honest regret for not expressing appreciation to earlier.
My wife and i got so contented that Peter could round up his studies through the entire ideas he grabbed through your site. It is now and again perplexing just to always be freely giving techniques that people today could have been trying to sell. And now we realize we have the writer to give thanks to for that. The entire illustrations you have made, the easy website menu, the relationships your site aid to foster – it is everything fabulous, and it is leading our son in addition to us recognize that that matter is brilliant, which is certainly particularly serious. Thanks for everything!
I am writing to let you be aware of what a amazing encounter my wife’s child obtained studying your web site. She picked up plenty of issues, which included how it is like to possess an ideal teaching style to have certain people easily gain knowledge of specific advanced issues. You undoubtedly exceeded her expectations. Many thanks for producing those important, healthy, edifying and in addition unique tips on your topic to Evelyn.
I together with my guys were actually following the great tricks from your web page and then all of a sudden I got a horrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the blog owner for those tips. All the boys became for that reason very interested to study all of them and have really been tapping into these things. Thank you for truly being really considerate as well as for opting for varieties of amazing subject areas millions of individuals are really wanting to discover. Our sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
I happen to be writing to make you know of the incredible encounter my girl enjoyed studying yuor web blog. She discovered so many things, with the inclusion of what it is like to possess an awesome coaching mood to get most people quite simply grasp specific hard to do issues. You actually exceeded people’s expectations. Thank you for supplying the great, safe, edifying and also cool tips on that topic to Jane.
I precisely desired to thank you very much once again. I am not sure the things I might have carried out in the absence of those concepts shown by you over that concern. It absolutely was a very frightful situation for me, nevertheless coming across the expert manner you processed the issue took me to cry with happiness. I am just thankful for your service and then wish you realize what a great job your are carrying out instructing the rest via your web page. Probably you have never encountered all of us.
I simply wished to thank you very much all over again. I am not sure the things I would have handled without the actual aspects revealed by you regarding my area of interest. Entirely was a challenging problem for me personally, however , considering a specialised style you dealt with that forced me to cry over joy. I’m happy for your advice and as well , believe you find out what an amazing job that you are putting in teaching the others with the aid of your webpage. I am certain you have never met all of us.
I am commenting to let you be aware of of the brilliant encounter our girl undergone going through yuor web blog. She figured out a good number of things, not to mention what it is like to have a wonderful helping spirit to get many more without problems fully grasp specified advanced subject areas. You undoubtedly exceeded her expectations. Many thanks for distributing the great, safe, informative and fun tips on your topic to Tanya.
I intended to send you the little observation in order to thank you very much once again for these magnificent basics you’ve documented on this page. This is quite generous with people like you giving openly all many of us would have made available for an electronic book in making some money on their own, primarily now that you might well have done it in the event you desired. The good ideas additionally acted to become good way to be aware that other individuals have a similar passion really like mine to learn somewhat more around this matter. I know there are many more pleasurable occasions up front for those who go through your blog post.
I simply needed to appreciate you yet again. I do not know the things that I would’ve taken care of in the absence of the tips shown by you regarding this theme. It seemed to be the distressing problem in my circumstances, but understanding the very expert strategy you treated it forced me to weep with delight. I’m happy for this information and sincerely hope you are aware of an amazing job you are doing teaching the others through the use of your webblog. Probably you’ve never got to know any of us.
I precisely had to appreciate you yet again. I’m not certain the things that I would have carried out without these strategies shown by you on this field. It previously was a very distressing crisis in my view, but looking at a new well-written form you resolved that forced me to leap with gladness. Now i am grateful for your assistance and in addition have high hopes you realize what a powerful job your are doing training many others with the aid of your web site. I’m certain you haven’t got to know any of us.
I would like to express some appreciation to the writer for bailing me out of this particular issue. After checking through the online world and getting basics which are not productive, I assumed my life was over. Existing without the approaches to the problems you have solved as a result of this report is a serious case, as well as those that would have in a negative way damaged my entire career if I hadn’t noticed the blog. Your main competence and kindness in controlling everything was precious. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a step like this. I can also at this moment relish my future. Thanks for your time so much for the expert and amazing guide. I will not be reluctant to recommend your blog post to anybody who ought to have counselling about this topic.
I precisely had to thank you so much all over again. I am not sure the things that I would have sorted out in the absence of the actual creative ideas provided by you regarding my subject. This has been the frightful condition in my view, however , finding out your specialized style you resolved that took me to jump with delight. Extremely happy for your assistance and as well , pray you know what a powerful job you were doing training men and women through the use of your site. I am certain you haven’t met all of us.
I and also my guys happened to be analyzing the excellent information found on the blog and the sudden got a horrible suspicion I had not expressed respect to the web blog owner for those tips. The women had been for this reason happy to study all of them and have now pretty much been having fun with them. Many thanks for genuinely indeed accommodating and then for opting for such superior subjects most people are really wanting to understand about. My honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to you sooner.
I’m just writing to let you understand of the nice encounter our daughter found studying your blog. She mastered many details, not to mention what it’s like to have an excellent teaching nature to get others completely master selected tortuous things. You undoubtedly exceeded her expectations. Many thanks for imparting those warm and helpful, trusted, revealing and also unique thoughts on that topic to Tanya.
I intended to post you this very small observation so as to give many thanks yet again considering the spectacular knowledge you have contributed at this time. This has been really incredibly open-handed with you to present publicly just what a few people would’ve sold as an e-book to help with making some profit for their own end, most notably given that you might well have done it if you ever decided. These good tips as well served to provide a great way to know that someone else have a similar fervor like mine to know a lot more on the subject of this condition. I believe there are thousands of more pleasurable moments in the future for individuals that take a look at your blog.
I am only commenting to let you understand of the great experience my cousin’s daughter enjoyed visiting your web page. She mastered lots of details, including what it is like to have a very effective helping style to make many more with no trouble understand certain extremely tough subject matter. You truly exceeded our own expectations. I appreciate you for giving these good, healthy, explanatory and also fun tips about this topic to Jane.
I wish to express my appreciation for your generosity for men who need help on that niche. Your special commitment to getting the solution throughout came to be remarkably productive and has always permitted ladies just like me to get to their endeavors. Your helpful guidelines can mean so much to me and especially to my office workers. Warm regards; from each one of us.
Needed to put you the very small note to say thank you as before for your extraordinary guidelines you have contributed here. This has been simply surprisingly open-handed of you to deliver freely all many individuals could have advertised for an e book to end up making some bucks on their own, especially since you might have done it in case you decided. These points also acted to provide a good way to be sure that many people have the same dreams the same as my own to see more concerning this issue. I’m sure there are numerous more enjoyable moments up front for individuals that read through your blog post.
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an extremely superb possiblity to read critical reviews from this blog. It is always so pleasurable and also jam-packed with amusement for me and my office co-workers to visit your site at the least three times in 7 days to learn the latest things you have got. And of course, I’m also certainly fascinated concerning the effective tricks served by you. Certain 1 points on this page are honestly the simplest we’ve had.
I’m just commenting to make you understand of the nice encounter my child found going through your site. She even learned a lot of pieces, with the inclusion of what it’s like to possess an excellent helping character to get many more just comprehend a variety of grueling issues. You really did more than my desires. I appreciate you for coming up with such precious, healthy, educational and fun tips about this topic to Julie.
I’m just commenting to let you be aware of of the great encounter my wife’s daughter enjoyed going through your blog. She discovered a lot of pieces, which include how it is like to possess an awesome helping character to let most people quite simply grasp some tricky matters. You truly did more than our expectations. Thank you for churning out those invaluable, dependable, informative and also fun tips about that topic to Tanya.
Thank you so much for giving everyone an extremely superb opportunity to read critical reviews from this site. It’s always very great and also stuffed with a good time for me and my office acquaintances to visit your website more than thrice per week to find out the newest tips you have. And definitely, I am also certainly pleased with the surprising points served by you. Selected 3 areas in this post are unequivocally the best I have ever had.
I intended to put you the little bit of observation just to say thanks once again on the unique opinions you have discussed on this site. This has been quite incredibly generous with people like you to allow without restraint what exactly a number of people could possibly have marketed as an electronic book to end up making some profit on their own, especially since you could have tried it if you ever decided. The solutions additionally worked to become a good way to recognize that someone else have similar interest like mine to see a good deal more when it comes to this issue. I know there are many more enjoyable times up front for individuals that looked at your blog post.
I and also my guys were checking the nice hints from your web blog and then all of a sudden developed an awful suspicion I never expressed respect to the blog owner for those tips. Most of the young men came absolutely excited to read through them and have now clearly been taking pleasure in these things. I appreciate you for getting simply considerate and for considering varieties of fantastic information most people are really desirous to be aware of. My personal sincere apologies for not expressing appreciation to earlier.
My wife and i have been now comfortable Emmanuel could finish up his inquiry using the precious recommendations he received out of your weblog. It is now and again perplexing to simply happen to be offering things which often a number of people may have been trying to sell. Therefore we recognize we need the website owner to thank for this. The entire illustrations you’ve made, the easy site menu, the relationships you aid to promote – it’s all extraordinary, and it’s really aiding our son in addition to the family reckon that that idea is awesome, and that is extraordinarily serious. Many thanks for all!
I am writing to let you know what a awesome discovery my wife’s child obtained browsing your blog. She came to find a lot of details, not to mention what it is like to have a wonderful helping nature to have certain people easily master a number of tortuous matters. You actually did more than our expected results. I appreciate you for presenting such insightful, trusted, explanatory and unique thoughts on that topic to Sandra.
I would like to point out my respect for your generosity giving support to visitors who should have assistance with this important concern. Your very own dedication to passing the message all over turned out to be pretty valuable and has in every case enabled guys and women much like me to achieve their targets. Your new important report indicates a whole lot a person like me and still more to my office colleagues. With thanks; from everyone of us.
I needed to create you a little remark in order to thank you so much the moment again considering the precious views you have documented on this site. This has been really surprisingly generous of people like you to allow openly all a number of us could possibly have made available as an e-book to earn some dough for their own end, most notably now that you could possibly have tried it if you ever considered necessary. Those tactics likewise worked to become a easy way to be sure that some people have the same desire much like my own to grasp more with regards to this problem. I am sure there are lots of more pleasurable periods up front for those who examine your site.
My husband and i got now comfortable that Peter managed to do his studies by way of the precious recommendations he was given from your web page. It is now and again perplexing to just be giving for free tactics that many people today might have been trying to sell. We really see we now have the blog owner to thank because of that. All of the illustrations you have made, the easy website menu, the relationships you can help to instill – it’s most amazing, and it is facilitating our son in addition to the family do think that subject matter is thrilling, and that is highly serious. Thank you for the whole thing!
I needed to create you one very little word to be able to say thanks a lot yet again regarding the stunning ideas you have documented in this article. This has been simply strangely open-handed with you to provide unhampered precisely what a lot of people would have made available as an ebook to generate some bucks for their own end, specifically since you could have tried it if you wanted. These points likewise worked to be the good way to recognize that most people have a similar desire really like my personal own to grasp great deal more when considering this issue. I know there are many more enjoyable moments in the future for many who scan through your website.
My husband and i felt absolutely delighted Albert managed to complete his research from the ideas he gained when using the blog. It’s not at all simplistic to simply continually be releasing secrets which people may have been selling. And we fully understand we have got you to give thanks to for this. All the explanations you made, the straightforward web site navigation, the friendships you will give support to promote – it’s mostly astounding, and it’s really letting our son and us feel that the situation is awesome, which is certainly rather fundamental. Many thanks for everything!
I wish to express my thanks to the writer just for bailing me out of such a problem. Because of surfing through the world wide web and finding concepts which were not powerful, I thought my entire life was well over. Living devoid of the answers to the issues you have sorted out through your good report is a serious case, as well as ones that would have negatively damaged my entire career if I had not come across your site. Your personal expertise and kindness in playing with a lot of stuff was very useful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a point like this. I am able to at this moment look ahead to my future. Thanks for your time very much for this impressive and effective help. I won’t be reluctant to recommend the website to anyone who should get care on this subject.
I intended to create you one very little word to be able to give thanks yet again just for the awesome principles you’ve provided at this time. It’s so surprisingly generous of you giving openly all most of us would’ve distributed as an e-book in making some dough on their own, certainly seeing that you might have done it in the event you desired. These smart ideas likewise acted like the good way to be aware that someone else have the same dream just as my personal own to grasp many more on the topic of this issue. I am sure there are numerous more fun sessions in the future for individuals who read your site.
My husband and i ended up being so thankful that Edward could round up his research from the ideas he came across through your web pages. It’s not at all simplistic just to find yourself releasing facts that other people have been making money from. And we all understand we need the blog owner to give thanks to for this. The entire illustrations you have made, the straightforward website navigation, the friendships you can make it possible to promote – it is all superb, and it’s assisting our son and us reason why that concept is cool, and that’s truly vital. Thank you for everything!
I am commenting to let you be aware of what a amazing encounter our girl undergone browsing your site. She learned too many things, which included what it’s like to possess a very effective coaching character to make most people clearly know a number of tricky subject matter. You actually exceeded our own expected results. I appreciate you for churning out those essential, dependable, educational and also fun guidance on the topic to Mary.
I wanted to develop a brief remark so as to appreciate you for all the fantastic tips you are giving on this website. My long internet lookup has finally been compensated with brilliant ideas to share with my friends and classmates. I would declare that many of us site visitors are undeniably lucky to dwell in a decent website with many brilliant professionals with valuable hints. I feel very much grateful to have encountered your web pages and look forward to plenty of more awesome moments reading here. Thank you once again for a lot of things.
Thanks for each of your labor on this site. My daughter takes pleasure in participating in research and it is simple to grasp why. A lot of people hear all relating to the compelling mode you make sensible thoughts via the blog and therefore boost response from others on that situation and my girl is now being taught so much. Enjoy the remaining portion of the year. Your conducting a really great job.
I definitely wanted to write down a simple word so as to appreciate you for all the stunning suggestions you are writing here. My considerable internet investigation has at the end of the day been rewarded with professional ideas to write about with my guests. I would state that that most of us visitors actually are unquestionably fortunate to exist in a perfect place with so many awesome individuals with beneficial tips. I feel rather blessed to have used the webpages and look forward to plenty of more thrilling times reading here. Thank you once again for everything.
I’m just writing to let you know what a magnificent experience my friend’s child found visiting your web page. She mastered numerous things, including how it is like to possess an ideal helping nature to make the mediocre ones quite simply have an understanding of chosen complicated things. You actually surpassed visitors’ expected results. Thanks for giving these helpful, healthy, edifying and in addition unique guidance on your topic to Ethel.
Thanks for your own effort on this site. Ellie loves getting into research and it’s easy to understand why. Most of us hear all concerning the powerful medium you make powerful guidelines on your blog and as well as invigorate participation from others about this idea then my daughter is without a doubt studying a lot. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You are always conducting a fabulous job.
I want to convey my passion for your kind-heartedness for men and women who should have help on the topic. Your special commitment to passing the message across was pretty interesting and has always enabled men and women just like me to get to their ambitions. Your entire invaluable help and advice signifies much to me and substantially more to my office workers. Regards; from each one of us.
My wife and i got comfortable when Peter managed to deal with his research from the precious recommendations he grabbed while using the site. It is now and again perplexing just to be giving away hints most people could have been making money from. And we all grasp we have got the writer to be grateful to for this. The entire explanations you made, the simple site menu, the relationships you help to foster – it’s got many amazing, and it’s really facilitating our son in addition to the family do think that content is enjoyable, and that is extremely mandatory. Many thanks for everything!
I am also writing to make you be aware of of the perfect encounter my daughter encountered using your site. She learned too many things, which include how it is like to have a marvelous helping heart to get most people with ease understand chosen hard to do matters. You actually surpassed visitors’ expectations. I appreciate you for supplying those invaluable, dependable, informative and as well as cool tips on the topic to Evelyn.
Thank you for all of your hard work on this blog. Gloria really likes working on investigations and it’s really simple to grasp why. A number of us notice all of the dynamic manner you make helpful tips via the web blog and as well as inspire response from other ones on this subject matter so my daughter is studying so much. Take advantage of the rest of the year. You are carrying out a good job.
Needed to send you one tiny word to be able to give thanks over again relating to the exceptional views you have shown on this site. It has been so open-handed of you to offer extensively all that a number of us would have offered for an e-book to help make some cash on their own, most importantly given that you might well have done it in the event you decided. The tips as well worked to become a great way to fully grasp other people online have the same desire really like my own to realize very much more with respect to this matter. I am sure there are a lot more fun times in the future for individuals who go through your website.
I simply had to appreciate you once again. I’m not certain what I could possibly have made to happen in the absence of the entire tactics provided by you concerning such a situation. It was actually a traumatic concern for me personally, but understanding your specialized approach you dealt with the issue forced me to weep over delight. I will be happy for your help and hope that you realize what a powerful job you happen to be putting in instructing many people using your websites. More than likely you have never come across any of us.
Needed to send you this very little remark just to thank you so much once again relating to the striking pointers you have featured above. It is simply shockingly generous of people like you to offer extensively all a number of people could have marketed for an ebook to make some money for themselves, most importantly seeing that you might well have tried it if you decided. Those advice additionally worked to be the easy way to understand that other people online have similar desire really like my very own to know great deal more around this condition. Certainly there are thousands of more enjoyable times up front for individuals that looked at your blog post.
I and also my buddies were found to be examining the excellent secrets and techniques located on the website and then developed an awful suspicion I had not thanked the website owner for those techniques. Those young men ended up so very interested to read through all of them and now have definitely been having fun with them. I appreciate you for being simply accommodating and also for using this form of useful useful guides most people are really desperate to discover. Our sincere regret for not expressing appreciation to sooner.
I would like to show my appreciation for your kind-heartedness supporting men who absolutely need guidance on your area of interest. Your very own commitment to passing the solution across came to be incredibly insightful and have consistently enabled employees much like me to achieve their aims. Your useful report signifies a whole lot a person like me and even more to my colleagues. With thanks; from all of us.
I simply had to say thanks yet again. I do not know the things I might have sorted out in the absence of those thoughts contributed by you over that subject. It seemed to be a very scary setting for me personally, however , seeing the very expert manner you managed it took me to cry over contentment. I’m just happier for your advice and in addition have high hopes you recognize what a great job you’re carrying out educating the others all through your site. I’m certain you’ve never got to know any of us.
I would like to express some appreciation to the writer just for rescuing me from such a difficulty. Because of surfing around through the the net and coming across concepts which were not pleasant, I believed my life was well over. Being alive devoid of the strategies to the difficulties you’ve solved all through the write-up is a crucial case, and the ones that might have in a wrong way affected my entire career if I hadn’t noticed your site. That skills and kindness in maneuvering the whole thing was priceless. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a solution like this. I can also at this moment relish my future. Thanks so much for your skilled and effective guide. I will not be reluctant to refer the website to any individual who should have tips on this problem.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with an extremely breathtaking chance to read critical reviews from this blog. It’s usually very terrific plus jam-packed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office mates to visit the blog nearly 3 times a week to find out the latest secrets you have. And definitely, we are certainly happy concerning the sensational techniques you serve. Some 2 points on this page are certainly the most impressive we have ever had.
Needed to compose you one bit of word to help say thank you again for your personal pleasing advice you’ve contributed here. This has been remarkably generous of you to convey without restraint just what some people would have offered for sale for an ebook to make some dough on their own, notably seeing that you might well have tried it if you ever desired. These creative ideas additionally acted to be a great way to fully grasp that other people online have similar dreams the same as mine to know the truth a good deal more in respect of this problem. I am certain there are many more pleasant opportunities in the future for those who browse through your site.
My husband and i got fortunate when Michael managed to conclude his investigation through the ideas he gained out of your web site. It is now and again perplexing just to find yourself giving out key points which people may have been selling. We really recognize we have got the writer to appreciate for that. The most important explanations you have made, the straightforward website navigation, the friendships you will give support to foster – it’s all powerful, and it is making our son and our family understand the issue is brilliant, and that’s exceptionally vital. Many thanks for the whole lot!
My husband and i were absolutely relieved that Ervin managed to carry out his investigation using the ideas he gained while using the web site. It is now and again perplexing just to choose to be releasing hints that some others have been selling. We really grasp we need the website owner to thank for that. The main illustrations you have made, the easy blog menu, the friendships you help to engender – it is everything fabulous, and it’s facilitating our son in addition to the family understand that concept is enjoyable, and that’s rather indispensable. Thank you for all the pieces!
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Payments made in office or via emailed invoice, accepted through BTCPay. The .gov means it’s official. Municipal government websites often end in .gov or .org. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a City of Chicago government site. Illegal transportation or use of marijuana by a driver or a passenger is a Class A misdemeanor, which carries up to a year in jail and or a $2,500.00 fine plus mandatory court assessments. If you are under the age of 21, a violation for possession of cannabis will result in a driver’s license suspension if you were in a motor vehicle at the time of the offense. Some of the most common policy questions regarding medical cannabis include how to regulate its recommendation, dispensing, and registration of approved patients. Some small cannabis growers or are often called “caregivers” and may grow a certain number of plants per patient. This issue may also be regulated on a local level, in addition to any state regulation. https://wefundfreedom.org/community/profile/hueyself9851309/ Using cannabis is a personal choice. There are short-term and long-term health risks associated with cannabis use, particularly for people under the age of 25, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and individuals with mental health issues or a family history of mental health issues. Recreational marijuana will officially become legal in Canada on Oct. 17, 2018, the prime minister announced on Wednesday afternoon. Possession restrictions: Those 19 and up can possess up to 30 grams of marijuana in public. The government is considering limits on the storage of marijuana in order to limit stockpiling for the purpose of illegally reselling it. However, there will be no “dry” communities as there are with alcohol. Cannabis laws are different in each province and territory in Canada. This includes legal age, where cannabis can be sold and consumed, and possession limits.
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If you’re a beginner interested in taking a hike in the woods and emerging with some treasures, there are a few things you must keep in mind! The basic tips I’ve listed below will provide you with an excellent starting point from which to learn and grow. After a decades-long hiatus, in 2000 our research group at Johns Hopkins was the first to obtain regulatory approval in the United States to reinitiate research with psychedelics in healthy, psychedelic-naive volunteers. Our 2006 publication on the safety and enduring positive effects of a single dose of psilocybin is widely considered the landmark study that sparked a renewal of psychedelic research world-wide. Proponents say decriminalization of psilocybin opens the door for researchers to explore possible medical benefits; opponents argue it could lead to higher rates of drug abuse. Current use of the drug is low–an annual average of 0.1% of the U.S. population reported using any drug under the “hallucinogen” category (including psilocybin) within the last 30 days between 2002 and 2014, acording to the Drug Policy Alliance, a nonprofit committed to ending the war on drugs. https://kilo-wiki.win/index.php?title=How_to_store_fresh_magic_mushrooms Some magic mushroom users prefer to dry them before storing them. That’s because dried shrooms have a longer shelf life than fresh shrooms. According to Psychedelic Experience, mushrooms are dried using food dehydrators, Epsom salt, the oven, or air drying. The best way to freeze-dry morels is to purchase a freeze-drying machine, however, these can be expensive, therefore below we list a cheap and easy method to get the next best results: Ordered for the first time recently, took 2 days to come in the mail in winnipeg. Super fast! Havent tried the mushrooms yet, but they look amazing!!! Would absolutely recommend! They even provide tracking info through Canada post so you know your package is on the way. When consumed, the effects of magic mushrooms can vary from person to person. In addition, the strength of magic mushrooms can vary greatly. One mushroom may have different concentrations of the active ingredients compared to another and, consequently, the effects of the magic mushroom can depend on the dose and type of mushroom used.
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