Selçuklu ulu camileri böyle midir ülkemizin her köşesinde? İlk bakışta kocaman bir minare görürsünüz, camiye oranla oldukça iri ve kaba hissi uyandıran. Hele, asırlar boyu caminin etrafını yığılmış olan toprak ve beton yükseltiler, duvarların nerdeyse yarıya yakınının gömülmesine sebep olmuşsa bu durum, minareyle cami arasında uygun düşmeyen bir garip tezat duygusu uyandırır insanda.
Cami avlusuna bir merdivenle inildiğini adımlarınız size hatırlatınca, merdivenin orijinal mi, sonradan yapılma mı olduğunu düşüne düşüne inersiniz cümle kapısına. Merdivenin aslından olduğu söylenince geçen asırların mı duvarları toprağa, daha sonrada betona gömdüğünü, yoksa camiyi yapanların mı bunu uygun gördüğünü kestiremez ikinci bir zıtlık içine düşersiniz.
Camiye girdiğinizde apayrı bir âlemdesinizdir artık. Dışından yarım metre duvara sahip görüp basık tavanlı bir bina hayal ettiğiniz cami ferahlamış ve sizi de ferahlatmıştır. Tavana baktığınızda dört duvar üstünde ahşap bir tavan, hayali de yıkılıp gider. O bodur duvarlar altına bu sütunlar acaba nasıl yerleştirilir? Ve insanı en dokunaklı yerinden kucaklayıp saran bir serinlik… Ve sütunlar, sütunlar, sütunlar… Arkalarında acaba kimi saklar bu birbirini gizleyen sütunlar? Sadeddin Köpek mi çıkacak karşıma şu sütunun arkasında diye ürperirsiniz. Şu en uçtaki sütunun arkasında Mevlâna en ulu dersini mi veriyor. Ya şu ortadaki iki sütunun etrafındaki kıpırdanmalar neye işaret? Hayyâm riyaziye dersini bitirmiş de rubâiye mi başlamış:
“an kasr ki ber çarh hem îzed pehlû
ber dergeh-i û şehân nihâdend-i rû
dîdem ki ber künkereş fahteî
bî-neşeste hemî güft ki ku, ku, ku”
“vaktiyle bu bir saraydı dağlardan ulu
hanlar eşiğinde el kavuşturmuştu,
bir kumru ötüp durmada üstünde bu gün:
ku, ku, ku, kimse yok mu? ku ku ku*”
Sivas’ın Ulu Camii’ne girdiğimizde mimarî ve mimarîye akseden Selçuklu ruhu bizi büyülemiş olacak ki, arkadaşımla sütunları gelişi güzel saymaya başladık, kaç tane olduklarını öğrenmekti arzumuz. Yirmi kadar sütun saymıştık ki bütün sütunlara numara verildiğini, sütunlara çakılan kırmızı zemin üzerine beyaz boyayla yazılmış ruhsuz rakam tabelacıklarından öğreniverdik. Büyülenmiş ilk ziyaretçiler, sayılarla karşılaşıp ne kadar aptalca bir işe giriştiğini anlasın, yani metafiziği bıraksın fiziğe çarpsınlar diye mi koymuşlar bu rakamları? Yani enine doğru kaç sütun var caminin, boyuna doğru kaç sütun var birbiriyle çarparak sütun sayısının bulunacağını, sütunları saymanın şehrin sakinleri tarafında yadırgandığını ve hatta bazı muzip yerlilerce alay konusu edilip cami ziyaretiyle uyuşmayan gülüşmelere sebep olunabileceğini düşünerek mi bu rakamlarla kirletilmiş sütunlar? Çarpma işleminin kesin sonuca kısa yoldan götürmesiyle elli sütun üzerine tavanı oturttuklarının gördüm. Tavan… Aman Allah’ım, taşları birbirine geçirmişler de üstümüze taştan bir deniz yaymışlar. Tavan bir taş denizi, tavan bir deniz üstümüze yayılan. Nasıl bir deniz kimliğini dalgalarıyla kazanırsa bu taşları dalgalandırarak tavan haline getirmişler.
Bir yandan tavanın bu halini düşünüyor öbür taraftan mihrabı inceliyordum. Mihrabın karşısındaki sütuna yaslanarak oturmuş iki ihtiyar, yabancı olduğumuzu anlamış olacaklar ki bizim hareketlerimizi takip etmeye başladılar. Bu bakışların verdiği tedirginlikle, mihrabın her iki tarafında bulunan bir metre uzunluğunda, yuvarlak demirden olduğu anlaşılan, komple mermerlerin arasına yerleştirilmiş süs zannettiğimiz şeyleri inceliyorduk arkadaşımla. Elimizi sürüyor ne olduğunu anlamaya çalışıyorduk. “Onlar caminin terazileridir” dedi yaşlılardan biri. “Caminin her hangi bir yerinde çökme olursa anlaşılması için.” Ben biraz yaklaşarak, “Nasıl anlaşılır?” dedim. “Soldakini elinle döndür, döner, sağdakinin dönmesi artık mümkün değil” dedi. Sol taraftakini elimle döndürdüm, sağa geçtim onu döndüremedim, çok sıkıştığı anlaşılıyordu. “Bir çökme oldu mu camide bu neden dönmüyor?” dedim. “Gözle görünür bir çökme yok” dedi, “Ama komşu şehrimizin geçirdiği depremler, burayı da biraz sarsar. Elli yıl içinde meydana gelen iki büyük depremden sonra terazinin biri dönmez oldu.”
Aman, deprem mi sakalını sevdiğim. Şu taş denizi, şu muhteşem tavan tepemize yağsa ne yaparız? Şu sütunların daldası bizi kurtarabilir mi?
Terazisi var bu binanın arkadaş, terazisi. Teraziyi düşünen depremi düşünmemiş olabilir mi? Bilmem kaç şiddetinde kaç deprem geçirmiştir bu mabet. Ama dimdik ayakta ve terazisinin biri dönmüyor ve içindekileri uyarıyor. Tedbirinizi alın diyor asırlar önceki bilmem hangi kutlu mimar.
“Bu cami hakkında bize bilgi verebilir misin Amca?” dedim. Dokuz yüz sene önce yapılmış Selçuklular zamanında. Bizzat duyduğuna göre, seferberlikte askerî depo olarak kullanılmış bu mabet ve ibadetin yasaklandığı devirlerde bakımsız bir viraneye dönmüş. Sonra gönül ehlinden bir kutlu kişinin gayretleriyle onarılarak ibadet edilir hale getirilmiş. “Şehrimize hangi maksatla geldiniz evlâdım” diye sordu konuşmasını bitirince. “Depremde yaralanan bir arkadaşımız şehrinizdeki hastanede yatıyor. Onu ziyarete geldik, ziyaret saatinin gelmesini beklerken camiyi ziyaret ediyorduk.”
Ziyaret saatinin geldiğini, hatta geç bile kaldığımızı hatırlattım arkadaşıma kolumdaki saatin yardımıyla. Güzelim camiyi iyice incelemeden ayrılmanın üzüntüsüyle aceleyle çıktık camiden ve kestirmeden hastaneye çıkabileceğimizi umduğumuz bir sokağa daldık, caddeyi terk ederek. Kerpiç ve ahşabın uyumu içinde iki katlı cumbalı evler, kimisi bakımlı, onarılmış, şipşirin. Kimisi terkedilmiş mahzun. Kimisi virane olmuş, bir beton kardeşinin gölgesinde perişan… Arkadaşım bunları terk edip betonlara sığınmamızın anlamsızlığı ve suçluluğunu ta yüreğinde hissettiğini söyleyerek kızıp durdu hastaneye gidinceye kadar.
Can’ın odasına çıktığımızda bizden önce gelen ziyaretçiler etrafını sarmışlardı. Yıllarca beraber okuyup çoğu zaman aynı yurdu, aynı evi paylaştığımız arkadaşımın boynuna sarılıp geçmiş olsun demek istedim. Heyhat, kolları kalkmıyordu, bir yastığın üzerine uzatmışlardı kollarını. Omzundan tutarak tereddüt içinde yüzümü biraz yaklaştırıp “Geçmiş olsun kardeşim” dedim. İki çocuğunu depremde kaybeden bir babanın üzüntüsü değil, teslimiyetin pırıltısı vardı gözlerinde. Ziyaretçiler seyrelinceye kadar şuradan buradan konuştuk. Değişik yerlerden gelen arkadaşlarımızla hasret giderdik bir müddet.
Sonra anlattı, anlatmasını beklediğimizi:
“Enkazın altında kaldım. Ellerim kıpırdamıyor, kollarım oynamıyor. Sol kolum biraz kıpırdıyor gibi. Beş katlı bir binanın üçüncü katındaydık. Yer gürledi korkunç bir patlama ile sallamaya başladı üstündekileri. Baktım tavan üzerime geliyor abandım yanımdaki kanepenin oturacak yerine. Kafamı korumak için kollarımı başımın üstüne kavuşturdum. Tavan üstüme göçtü, kollarımla nefes alabilecek bir boşluk kalmasını sağlamaya çalışıyordum. Artık aldırmıyordum sırtıma, bacaklarıma düşen betonlara. Olacak oluyor ve sarsıntı kesiliyor. Diğer odadaki kadınlarla çocuklar ne durumdalar acaba öyle ya önce can demişler. Acı hissedebildiğime göre sağım, yaşıyorum ve canım teminat altında şimdi cananımı düşünebilirim, biraz bekledikten sonra sesleniyorum kadınlar cevap veriyorlar. Ama ses yandan değil de yukardan geliyor. Yoksa ben mi sesin yönünün tayin edemiyordum? Yan yana duran iki odadan biri nasıl olur da yukarıda kalır. Çocuklar nasıl, diye soruyorum. Onlar mutfakta yemek yiyorlardı, diyorlar. Pekiyi onların sesini duyabiliyor musunuz? Hayır, duyulmuyor sesleri diyorlar ağlayarak. Mutfakla bizim aramızdaki mesafeyi yıkıntı doldurmuş olacak ki sesleri bize ulaşmıyor diye düşünüyorum.
Evet, düşünüyorum, tam düşünme konumunda, yerinde ve zamanındayım. Gerçi elimi çeneme dayama imkânım yok ama daha derin düşünmek için bir elin çeneye dayanması değil iki elin kafayı kavraması lazım. Şair öyle tarif etmiyor mu düşünen genci? Gerçi şimdi kafamı alıp dizlerimin üstüne koyma imkânım yok ama durumum düşünmeye pek uygun. Biraz sonra kafamın ezilmeyeceğinden veya boynuma düşen bir demir çubuğun kafamı koparmayacağından kim, nasıl emin edebilir beni. Evet, durumum pek müsait, çömelmişim ve kollarımı başıma dolamışım. Daha çok üzülen bir adama benziyorum, lakin düşünen adamlar üzülenden daha fazla üzülür. Düşünmek sonuçta üzülmeyi, üzülmek de düşünmeyi gerekli kılar. Biri diğerinin doğurduğuna göre, bu bekleyişin görünen iki sonucu var. Ya bu enkazdan sağ çıkacağım yahut cesedimi çıkaracaklar. O halde bütün tedbirimi ölüm üzerine kurmalıyım. Sağ olarak çıkarsam şayet şu anda sabırdan başka tedbir gerekmez bana. Cesedim çıkarılacaksa bu enkazdan, ölümümü makul ve makbul bir hale bürümeliyim. Madem başucumda Yasin okuyacak kimse yok besmele çekip başlamalıyım. Ve sergüzeştim başlıyor…
–canın ölüm üzre söyledikleri–
göz tavana asılı iki çengel ucu üzre kalmıştı dingin
bir dev mi gibiydi bedenim
azalarım deve hörgüç hörgüç develer
kemiklerim ulu taşlar gibiydi
cüce beden bir özge cihan
ve hafıza enginlendi:
her yerde benmişim, her şey değil ben, güya benden sorulurmuş âlem. Âdem benle başlarmış, adem bitermiş benim ilen. İbrahim ateşini yakan benmişim söndüren değil ben. Musa’yla kızıl denizi geçmiş Firavun’la deniz kızartmışız. İsa’yla üflemişiz ölüye cân…
neyse ki var olan var olurken benimle
göz göre göre ölüyordu beden
göz, göre göre ölüyordu bir nöbetçi odasında.
taşlardı kemiklerim ve ağaçlar etlerim
rabbim bu bir sihir mi, kıpırdasın bir yerim!
–canın can sağlığına bağışlanması–
sunuldu tebâreke, yâsînle dendi vedâ
elvedâ şeytanlar ey ve buğdaylar elvedâ
enginimde ürküttüm berkimiş şeytanları
şeytanlar ki elmayla buğdaydan kalkanları
öğürtülerle geçtiler cenk meydanından
ve çarptılar gürzlerine tevbenin.
–canın canla başla arayışı–
sırtımda mavi camdan, ölü gömleğim
surlarında dolaştırıldım sularında muştulu şehrin
iğdiş edilmiş bir beyin sarayı burnunda oturtuldum denizin
ve seyrettim:
insanlar geldi geçti. Polis geçti, fırlayan gözlerindeki korkaklık dingin gözlerimde eridi. Kimi aydırıldı, kimi caydırıldı, mavi camdan ölü gömleğimin yakası karışmış kimliğimin ucuyla.
a can ölümü canla sırla,
cana ölüm ısmarla
dile cennet ısrarla
bu sır, ah bu sır
rabbim güçleştirme kolaylaştır.
*Tercüme Cemal YEŞİL, Türkçe Hayyam Rübaileri, Dr. Hüseyin KARAKAN, Şiir Yay. İst. 1962
/// Hayreddin MERAL’in bu hikâyesi, Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nde (7 Aralık 1995, sayı 5, s.10–11) yayınlanmış; 30 Ocak 2008 tarihinde ‘a eklenmiş, Aralık 2011’e kadar 592 kere okunmuştur.
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I and my pals have been viewing the excellent procedures from your site and so unexpectedly developed an awful suspicion I never expressed respect to the site owner for them. My ladies came absolutely joyful to study all of them and have in effect very much been enjoying those things. Appreciate your simply being well thoughtful and also for figuring out certain magnificent useful guides millions of individuals are really wanting to learn about. My personal sincere regret for not saying thanks to you sooner.
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I have to express appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of such a setting. Right after searching through the internet and coming across advice that were not beneficial, I assumed my entire life was gone. Existing without the presence of answers to the problems you’ve fixed by means of the guideline is a crucial case, and ones which might have badly affected my entire career if I had not discovered your blog post. Your main ability and kindness in touching all things was valuable. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not encountered such a stuff like this. I’m able to at this point look ahead to my future. Thanks very much for this specialized and results-oriented help. I won’t think twice to endorse the website to anybody who will need tips on this situation.
Needed to draft you this very small observation just to say thank you as before for your personal pleasing knowledge you have provided in this article. This is so seriously generous of you to provide publicly what many people could have marketed as an e book to help with making some cash for themselves, principally since you could have tried it in the event you wanted. Those thoughts also acted to be the good way to understand that other individuals have a similar eagerness really like mine to see a whole lot more when considering this condition. I’m certain there are several more pleasant occasions ahead for folks who scan your website.
I am also writing to make you know of the nice encounter my wife’s daughter obtained studying your blog. She learned lots of things, most notably how it is like to possess a wonderful giving style to get the others quite simply grasp a variety of complicated issues. You undoubtedly exceeded our own expectations. I appreciate you for offering those powerful, trustworthy, revealing and even fun tips on that topic to Kate.
I in addition to my pals were actually analyzing the excellent strategies on your site and so all of the sudden developed an awful feeling I never expressed respect to the website owner for those tips. All of the young men are already absolutely passionate to learn all of them and already have sincerely been enjoying them. Thanks for really being well considerate and then for making a choice on this sort of beneficial subject matter most people are really wanting to learn about. Our own sincere regret for not saying thanks to you earlier.
I wish to show my love for your generosity giving support to those people that absolutely need assistance with the concern. Your special dedication to getting the solution along ended up being quite valuable and have constantly encouraged girls like me to reach their ambitions. Your new insightful facts denotes a lot to me and even more to my colleagues. Thanks a ton; from all of us.
I must show my appreciation to this writer for rescuing me from this issue. Just after researching throughout the search engines and meeting proposals that were not helpful, I assumed my entire life was gone. Being alive without the approaches to the problems you have fixed through your website is a crucial case, and the kind that might have in a negative way affected my career if I had not come across the website. The training and kindness in maneuvering every part was excellent. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not come across such a point like this. I am able to at this time look forward to my future. Thank you so much for the specialized and results-oriented guide. I won’t think twice to endorse the website to any person who should get tips about this subject.
My spouse and i ended up being quite thankful when John managed to do his investigation while using the ideas he got out of your blog. It is now and again perplexing to simply be giving away secrets and techniques which the rest may have been trying to sell. And now we do understand we have the website owner to thank for that. The illustrations you’ve made, the simple website navigation, the relationships you will help create – it is everything remarkable, and it’s facilitating our son and us imagine that the subject matter is excellent, which is really pressing. Thank you for all!
I truly wanted to send a small message so as to appreciate you for all of the fabulous guides you are placing here. My prolonged internet look up has at the end of the day been recognized with awesome suggestions to talk about with my family members. I ‘d claim that many of us visitors actually are undeniably fortunate to live in a fine place with very many lovely people with useful pointers. I feel very much blessed to have discovered your entire web pages and look forward to some more amazing minutes reading here. Thank you again for a lot of things.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely brilliant chance to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It’s usually very excellent and jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office mates to visit your website on the least three times a week to study the newest issues you have got. And of course, we’re usually happy with all the dazzling concepts you give. Certain 3 tips in this article are indeed the best I’ve had.
My husband and i have been really comfortable Raymond could finish up his investigation with the ideas he came across from your own web pages. It’s not at all simplistic to simply choose to be giving away things which people have been trying to sell. And we fully understand we need the blog owner to appreciate for that. The main explanations you’ve made, the simple site navigation, the relationships you can aid to engender – it’s most spectacular, and it’s helping our son and the family recognize that the article is amusing, which is unbelievably important. Thanks for all!
I not to mention my guys have been looking at the nice items found on your web blog and suddenly I got an awful feeling I never expressed respect to the web site owner for those tips. The people became for that reason happy to read all of them and already have extremely been taking pleasure in those things. Many thanks for truly being really kind as well as for going for varieties of impressive issues most people are really needing to learn about. My very own sincere regret for not saying thanks to earlier.
I and also my buddies ended up looking at the great guidelines on your web page and then immediately developed a terrible feeling I had not thanked the web site owner for those secrets. These young men are actually thrilled to read all of them and have actually been taking pleasure in them. We appreciate you genuinely well thoughtful and also for making a choice on such decent issues millions of individuals are really desperate to be aware of. My personal honest apologies for not saying thanks to you earlier.
I not to mention my buddies were reading the nice tips and hints from your web site and so immediately came up with an awful suspicion I had not thanked the site owner for them. The young men are already as a result excited to learn all of them and have in effect unquestionably been having fun with these things. Many thanks for truly being very accommodating and for choosing varieties of superb tips millions of individuals are really desperate to learn about. Our honest regret for not saying thanks to you sooner.
I actually wanted to send a quick message so as to appreciate you for those splendid concepts you are posting on this site. My prolonged internet research has at the end of the day been recognized with awesome tips to go over with my co-workers. I would assume that we visitors are undeniably blessed to exist in a perfect network with very many wonderful professionals with useful methods. I feel quite happy to have come across your entire weblog and look forward to tons of more exciting times reading here. Thank you again for a lot of things.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an exceptionally pleasant chance to check tips from this site. It is usually so brilliant and as well , full of a good time for me personally and my office mates to visit your site not less than 3 times weekly to see the latest tips you have got. And lastly, we’re usually happy concerning the sensational solutions you serve. Selected two facts in this posting are without a doubt the most beneficial we’ve had.
My husband and i were quite thankful Raymond managed to carry out his survey through your precious recommendations he acquired when using the blog. It’s not at all simplistic just to choose to be offering techniques which usually most people have been trying to sell. We realize we now have the writer to be grateful to for this. Those explanations you made, the straightforward site menu, the relationships you can help promote – it’s all impressive, and it’s really facilitating our son and us understand that article is brilliant, and that is quite serious. Many thanks for all!
I truly wanted to write down a small comment to be able to express gratitude to you for these amazing items you are giving out at this website. My particularly long internet investigation has at the end of the day been honored with sensible suggestions to exchange with my contacts. I would believe that most of us readers actually are truly blessed to dwell in a great network with very many outstanding individuals with beneficial techniques. I feel quite happy to have encountered your entire web page and look forward to tons of more fun moments reading here. Thank you again for a lot of things.
I definitely wanted to write down a simple remark in order to appreciate you for all of the amazing pointers you are writing at this site. My time-consuming internet look up has at the end of the day been honored with professional facts to exchange with my family and friends. I ‘d claim that many of us site visitors actually are rather lucky to be in a decent website with many awesome individuals with interesting methods. I feel really happy to have used your entire web pages and look forward to some more cool times reading here. Thanks once again for a lot of things.
My wife and i ended up being really thankful when Jordan could conclude his analysis because of the ideas he discovered using your web page. It is now and again perplexing to simply happen to be giving freely guidelines that people today might have been making money from. And now we consider we have got the writer to give thanks to for that. The entire illustrations you made, the straightforward website menu, the relationships your site give support to foster – it’s got everything great, and it is helping our son in addition to the family reckon that the issue is amusing, which is certainly very essential. Thanks for everything!
My husband and i have been now joyful when Raymond managed to do his homework using the precious recommendations he gained in your web pages. It is now and again perplexing just to choose to be giving for free helpful tips which usually people today could have been selling. So we already know we have the writer to thank for that. The most important illustrations you’ve made, the straightforward website menu, the friendships your site help to foster – it is everything sensational, and it’s really facilitating our son and us do think that topic is thrilling, which is especially essential. Thanks for everything!
I and my pals appeared to be studying the nice things found on your website and all of the sudden developed a horrible suspicion I never thanked the website owner for those techniques. My guys came so very interested to learn them and have now certainly been tapping into them. Appreciation for actually being simply considerate and also for obtaining these kinds of fantastic things millions of individuals are really desperate to be informed on. My honest regret for not expressing appreciation to you earlier.
I definitely wanted to write down a small note to thank you for all the superb tactics you are sharing on this site. My extensive internet look up has at the end been recognized with good facts and strategies to share with my pals. I would tell you that most of us visitors are unequivocally lucky to be in a useful network with very many perfect professionals with very beneficial guidelines. I feel rather fortunate to have come across the webpage and look forward to so many more fun times reading here. Thank you once again for everything.
I want to express appreciation to you for bailing me out of this type of crisis. After surfing through the internet and getting strategies that were not powerful, I figured my life was well over. Being alive without the approaches to the issues you have resolved as a result of your good short article is a crucial case, as well as the ones that would have in a wrong way damaged my entire career if I hadn’t come across the blog. Your primary training and kindness in controlling all the pieces was helpful. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a step like this. I am able to at this moment look ahead to my future. Thanks a lot very much for this reliable and results-oriented help. I won’t think twice to propose your web blog to anybody who would like guidance on this matter.
I needed to compose you the tiny note to be able to thank you again with your stunning solutions you have shared on this page. It was really seriously generous with people like you to provide extensively precisely what most people could have supplied as an ebook in order to make some cash for themselves, particularly now that you might have done it in case you decided. Those basics in addition worked to provide a good way to fully grasp someone else have the same keenness really like my own to know the truth way more concerning this condition. Certainly there are millions of more fun times up front for many who discover your site.
I want to express my appreciation to you for bailing me out of such a circumstance. Right after surfing throughout the world wide web and getting methods which are not helpful, I assumed my life was done. Existing without the solutions to the issues you’ve resolved through your good short post is a crucial case, as well as the kind which may have negatively damaged my entire career if I had not discovered your website. That understanding and kindness in maneuvering the whole lot was important. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a point like this. I am able to at this point look forward to my future. Thanks for your time very much for this reliable and sensible guide. I won’t think twice to endorse your web sites to any person who would need guidance on this problem.
I intended to compose you the little bit of note to thank you very much as before considering the pleasant methods you have contributed at this time. It’s certainly seriously open-handed of you to supply easily precisely what a few individuals might have supplied as an ebook in order to make some bucks for themselves, chiefly given that you might well have done it in the event you considered necessary. These tactics as well worked like the good way to know that other people online have similar interest just like my very own to know a good deal more with reference to this condition. I’m certain there are millions of more pleasant periods ahead for many who look into your website.
I needed to send you one tiny observation so as to thank you very much the moment again on the splendid views you’ve provided in this article. It has been quite surprisingly generous with you to give unreservedly what most of us would’ve supplied for an ebook in making some dough on their own, most notably considering that you could possibly have tried it if you decided. These good ideas in addition acted like a great way to be aware that many people have similar keenness the same as mine to learn a whole lot more with respect to this issue. Certainly there are several more fun instances in the future for those who looked over your website.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally remarkable opportunity to read in detail from this website. It is always very fantastic plus stuffed with amusement for me and my office colleagues to search your site nearly 3 times a week to read through the new secrets you have. Not to mention, I am at all times contented with all the dazzling tricks you give. Some 1 ideas in this article are surely the most beneficial we’ve ever had.
I wanted to compose a small note in order to appreciate you for those unique tips and hints you are sharing on this website. My time-consuming internet search has finally been rewarded with reputable ideas to exchange with my classmates and friends. I would express that many of us visitors are definitely fortunate to exist in a notable community with so many marvellous people with good points. I feel extremely blessed to have used your website page and look forward to so many more exciting times reading here. Thanks once more for everything.
I as well as my buddies happened to be studying the excellent ideas from your site and the sudden got an awful suspicion I had not thanked the site owner for those strategies. All of the boys had been certainly warmed to read all of them and already have absolutely been making the most of those things. I appreciate you for truly being indeed thoughtful as well as for opting for this sort of decent guides millions of individuals are really desperate to be informed on. My sincere apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.
My wife and i felt quite more than happy that Jordan could finish off his inquiry because of the precious recommendations he obtained out of the web site. It is now and again perplexing to simply happen to be giving out helpful tips which a number of people may have been selling. So we discover we now have the website owner to thank for this. Most of the explanations you made, the simple blog menu, the relationships your site help to engender – it’s got most terrific, and it is assisting our son and our family reason why the topic is fun, and that is really serious. Many thanks for all!
I must show appreciation to you just for bailing me out of this problem. Just after researching through the the net and coming across tricks that were not beneficial, I was thinking my life was gone. Living without the answers to the issues you have solved by way of the guideline is a serious case, and those that could have badly damaged my entire career if I had not discovered your web blog. Your own personal ability and kindness in playing with every part was invaluable. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a subject like this. It’s possible to at this time look forward to my future. Thank you so much for your professional and effective help. I will not think twice to endorse your web blog to any individual who desires care about this problem.
I have to convey my affection for your generosity giving support to those who really need help with that content. Your special commitment to passing the solution all-around appears to be astonishingly important and have consistently made guys much like me to reach their pursuits. Your own useful guide means a lot a person like me and even more to my colleagues. With thanks; from each one of us.
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I truly wanted to develop a brief message so as to express gratitude to you for those precious tips and hints you are giving out at this site. My considerable internet lookup has at the end been compensated with sensible know-how to share with my neighbours. I would assume that we visitors actually are undeniably endowed to dwell in a really good network with many special people with interesting ideas. I feel rather blessed to have used the webpages and look forward to tons of more brilliant moments reading here. Thank you again for a lot of things.
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I not to mention my buddies came checking the great procedures located on your website and all of a sudden I got a terrible suspicion I had not thanked the site owner for those strategies. All the women were very interested to study all of them and now have really been making the most of those things. Thank you for simply being well helpful and for considering certain nice guides millions of individuals are really eager to discover. My personal honest apologies for not saying thanks to earlier.
My spouse and i were absolutely contented when Ervin managed to finish up his analysis out of the ideas he gained from your own site. It’s not at all simplistic to just possibly be giving away key points which some people may have been making money from. Therefore we remember we now have the website owner to appreciate for this. The type of explanations you have made, the straightforward website navigation, the friendships you aid to foster – it is many incredible, and it is facilitating our son and the family know that this concept is excellent, which is extraordinarily essential. Thanks for all!
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I intended to compose you the bit of word to help give thanks again relating to the extraordinary suggestions you’ve documented on this page. It’s shockingly generous with people like you to give easily all a few individuals might have supplied as an ebook to end up making some profit on their own, even more so given that you could have tried it if you ever considered necessary. Those points as well worked to become great way to know that many people have the identical passion much like my very own to know the truth many more around this problem. I think there are numerous more fun situations ahead for those who see your website.
I want to express some thanks to this writer just for rescuing me from this type of crisis. Just after looking through the internet and obtaining recommendations that were not productive, I was thinking my entire life was done. Living devoid of the approaches to the problems you’ve solved by means of your good posting is a serious case, and the kind which may have in a wrong way damaged my career if I had not encountered your blog. Your own personal expertise and kindness in maneuvering every item was useful. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a thing like this. I can at this time look forward to my future. Thanks a lot very much for your expert and result oriented help. I won’t think twice to recommend your web site to any individual who wants and needs assistance about this subject matter.
I’m also commenting to make you know of the beneficial encounter my friend’s child experienced studying your blog. She noticed a good number of issues, most notably how it is like to possess an awesome teaching character to have many others very easily completely grasp specific very confusing topics. You truly surpassed our own expectations. Many thanks for rendering those essential, trusted, educational and cool guidance on the topic to Sandra.
Needed to post you that bit of remark so as to give many thanks the moment again on your nice pointers you have documented on this website. It is simply remarkably open-handed of you to offer without restraint exactly what many of us could possibly have sold for an electronic book to get some cash on their own, particularly considering that you might well have done it in case you considered necessary. These techniques additionally served to be a fantastic way to fully grasp that many people have similar desire like mine to learn more and more with regards to this condition. I am sure there are numerous more fun occasions ahead for people who check out your blog.
I together with my guys were actually following the great items located on the website then before long developed a horrible feeling I had not expressed respect to the website owner for those secrets. Most of the ladies became totally joyful to read through them and have now very much been having fun with these things. Appreciation for truly being indeed helpful and also for selecting varieties of amazing issues most people are really desperate to discover. Our own honest apologies for not expressing gratitude to you earlier.
Thanks a lot for giving everyone an extremely nice opportunity to read articles and blog posts from this web site. It’s usually so ideal and as well , packed with amusement for me personally and my office mates to visit your blog at the least three times per week to see the newest stuff you have. Of course, we’re at all times astounded concerning the eye-popping ideas you give. Certain two areas on this page are undeniably the most efficient I have had.
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Thanks a lot for giving everyone an extraordinarily splendid opportunity to discover important secrets from this website. It can be very superb plus full of a great time for me and my office fellow workers to search your web site really three times in 7 days to find out the newest secrets you have. And lastly, I’m also always contented for the exceptional advice you give. Some 3 tips in this article are completely the most beneficial I have had.
I precisely needed to thank you very much yet again. I’m not certain the things that I might have made to happen in the absence of the type of advice discussed by you about this area of interest. It was actually a very intimidating case in my opinion, but encountering a new skilled form you processed that forced me to leap with fulfillment. Now i am grateful for this guidance as well as wish you are aware of an amazing job you were providing teaching most people by way of your webblog. I am certain you haven’t encountered all of us.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with an extraordinarily marvellous chance to read critical reviews from this blog. It’s always very pleasing and also full of a great time for me and my office mates to search the blog no less than thrice every week to study the newest things you have. Not to mention, I am just always fulfilled with your awesome techniques you give. Some two tips on this page are honestly the most beneficial we have had.
Thanks so much for giving everyone an extremely superb opportunity to read in detail from this blog. It’s always very superb and as well , jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office friends to search the blog at the very least thrice weekly to find out the newest items you will have. And indeed, we’re always pleased concerning the tremendous methods you give. Some 3 areas in this posting are certainly the most impressive I have ever had.
I truly wanted to write a small note to say thanks to you for the awesome tricks you are writing on this site. My rather long internet look up has finally been compensated with really good knowledge to go over with my great friends. I ‘d state that that most of us readers actually are truly blessed to be in a magnificent network with so many outstanding people with very helpful things. I feel very much happy to have discovered the site and look forward to so many more brilliant moments reading here. Thank you once again for all the details.
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Endopeak is a natural energy-boosting formula designed to improve men’s stamina, energy levels, and overall health. The supplement is made up of eight high-quality ingredients that address the underlying cause of declining energy and vitality.
Cortexi is a completely natural product that promotes healthy hearing, improves memory, and sharpens mental clarity. Cortexi hearing support formula is a combination of high-quality natural components that work together to offer you with a variety of health advantages, particularly for persons in their middle and late years. Cortexi not only improves hearing but also decreases inflammation, eliminates brain fog, and gives natural memory protection.
Dentitox Pro is a liquid dietary solution created as a serum to support healthy gums and teeth. Dentitox Pro formula is made in the best natural way with unique, powerful botanical ingredients that can support healthy teeth.
EyeFortin is an all-natural eye-health supplement that helps to keep your eyes healthy even as you age. It prevents infections and detoxifies your eyes while also being stimulant-free. This makes it a great choice for those who are looking for a natural way to improve their eye health.
Erec Prime is a natural formula designed to boost your virility and improve your male enhancement abilities, helping you maintain long-lasting performance. This product is ideal for men facing challenges with maintaining strong erections and desiring to enhance both their size and overall health.
Folixine is a enhancement that regrows hair from the follicles by nourishing the scalp. It helps in strengthening hairs from roots.
Dentitox Pro is a liquid dietary solution created as a serum to support healthy gums and teeth. Dentitox Pro formula is made in the best natural way with unique, powerful botanical ingredients that can support healthy teeth.
Erec Prime is a natural formula designed to boost your virility and improve your male enhancement abilities, helping you maintain long-lasting performance. This product is ideal for men facing challenges with maintaining strong erections and desiring to enhance both their size and overall health.
Kerassentials are natural skin care products with ingredients such as vitamins and plants that help support good health and prevent the appearance of aging skin. They’re also 100% natural and safe to use. The manufacturer states that the product has no negative side effects and is safe to take on a daily basis. Kerassentials is a convenient, easy-to-use formula.
InchaGrow is a new natural formula that enhances your virility and allows you to have long-lasting male enhancement capabilities.
GlucoFlush is an advanced formula specially designed for pancreas support that will let you promote healthy weight by effectively maintaining the blood sugar level and cleansing and strengthening your gut.
Illuderma is a serum designed to deeply nourish, clear, and hydrate the skin. The goal of this solution began with dark spots, which were previously thought to be a natural symptom of ageing. The creators of Illuderma were certain that blue modern radiation is the source of dark spots after conducting extensive research.
HoneyBurn is a revolutionary liquid weight loss formula that stands as the epitome of excellence in the industry.
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What makes Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic even more unique is its inspiration from the beautiful Indonesian island of Sumatra. This supplement incorporates ingredients that are indigenous to this stunning island, including the exotic blue spirulina. How amazing is that? By harnessing the power of these rare and natural ingredients, Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic provides you with a weight loss solution that is both effective and enchanting.
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I scored a 5 on the AP Statistics Exam in May 2021, received an A in both Intro to Data Science and Statistics II in college, and I have over 100 hours of experience tutoring both high school and college statistics students over the past year.See Lou’s full profile Here are Statistics 1 questions from past Maths A-level papers separated by topic. I have been working as a Mathematics tutor since 2011. I have experience working with A-level IB students as well as undergraduates in a variety of fields. A few years ago I switched to online tutoring, which I find a very effective and fruitful method of teaching. My students come from numerous backgrounds and places, from the UK to China. I’m quite passionate and enthusiastic with teaching, and maths as a subject. Thus I am trying to pass this feeling to my students as well. Maths is not plainly something you have to learn but something fun you can learn and that crops up in unexpected places.
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