Öte dünyaya yani ahirete. Ahirete yani hesap ve ceza gününe. Cezaya yani karşılık bulmaya, bu dünyada yapılan her işe karşılık bulmaya.
Kabir hayatına, yani dirilmeden önce de sorgu sualden geçmeye, mezarların cennet bahçesi ya da cehennem çukuruna dönüşmesine. Öldükten sonra dirilmenin hak olduğuna, bedenimizin ruhumuzla beraber yeniden vücut bulmasına.
Haşre ve Mahşere yani “bütün insanların bir araya toplanacağı güne.” Tartıya yani sevab ve günahların tartılmasına; sonuca göre ödül ve ceza almaya. Cennet ve cehennemin hak olduğuna; işlenen iyi veya kötü amellerin karşılığı olarak iki yerden birisine girmeye ve sonsuz olarak orada kalmaya.
Din gününe yani herkesin “din” bakımından kıymet ya da kıymetsizliğinin ortaya çıkacağı güne.
İnandık ve ikrar getirdik, elhamdülillah.
Bir insan, herhangi bir yere, sıradan bir kazık çaksa bile, onu bir daha kimsenin çıkaramayacağı sağlamlıkta çakmak ister, bu dünyaya kazık çakmak ister gibi.
Sonlu ya da ölümlü hayatta, ebedi olmak ister insan ama nafile; ölüm vardır ve bu herkes için geçerlidir. Ama yine de bu dünyada sonsuz kalmak ister; bunu belki etten diliyle söylememektedir. Hayır, bazen de açıktan söylemektedir; Batılı meşhur şarkıcı demiyor mu: “I want to be forever young (Sonsuza kadar genç kalmak istiyorum.)” Çoğu insan o şarkıcı gibi açıkça söylememekte ama öyle işler yapmaktadır ki hal diliyle “bu dünyada ebedi olmak / kalmak istiyorum” demektedir. O koca binaları, piramitleri, sarayları başka neyle açıklayacaksınız ki… Barınma içgüdüsüyle mi?
İnsan, bu sonlu hayatta, sonsuz ve ölümsüz hayata neden inanmak istemez? Hâlbuki öte dünyayı, oturduğu odadan ötedeki odayı bilir gibi bilmektedir. Bu bilgi sezgisel bir bilgidir, belki ispatlanamaz ama insandaki “iç bilgi” ile bilinir. Ölen hiç kimsenin geri dönmemesinden sezilir. Her işin sonunda bir ödül ya da ceza olması kesinkesliğinden süzülür ve anlaşılır. Her şey bilimsel bilgiden ibaretse, insanın ölümlü dünyada sonsuz olmaya / kalmaya çalışmasını hangi bilim, nasıl açıklayacaksa açıklasın da görelim bakalım.
Ahiret ve dünya birdir aslında, bir madalyonun iki yüzü gibidir, etle tırnak gibidir, suyu oluşturan hidrojen ve oksijen gibidir. Çünkü Allah birdir, tektir, biriciktir. Çünkü her iki dünyayı yaratan O’dur. Bizi yaratan ve iki âleme de yetenekli kılan Rabbimiz hazretlerine hamdü senalar olsun.
İlham perisine inanıp da meleklere inanmamak gibi, rüyaya inanıp da maneviyata inanmamak gibi, fiziğe inanıp da metafiziğe inanmamak gibi büyük bir aldanıştır, öte dünyaya inanmamak. İnsanın en büyük aldanışlarından biridir; belki de en büyüğüdür çünkü öte dünyaya inanmayanın hüsranı pek büyüktür, kaybedişi pek büyüktür. Çünkü ahireti kaybettiği bu dünyayı da kaybetmektedir. Öte dünyaya inanmayan aslında bu dünyaya da inanmaz, ötesi olmayan bir dünyanın nesine inansın ki…
Öte dünyaya inanıp çalışanın kazanmasına, sadece dünya için çalışan ama ahirete inanmayanın kaybedişine, sadece öte dünyaya yönelip rüsva olanın haline dair şu üç gencin halinde ibret vardır:
Lisede okuyan son derece başarılı bir öğrenci düşünün. Öyle ki bütün dersleri pekiyi. Hiçbir dersi birbirinden ayırmıyor, hepsine çalışıyor ve yapılan sınavlarda hep üstün not alıyor. Ama nedense bu talebe üniversiteye gitmeyi düşünmüyor, aklına dahi getirmiyor.
Diğer bir öğrenci de derslerin hepsine değil de kendi gayesine uygun derslere çok çalışıyor. Bazı derslerden sınıfını geçecek kadar not alıyor ama hafta sonları da testler çözerek üniversiteye hazırlanıyor ve iyi bir fakülte kazanmaya çalışıyor; hatta yüksek lisans ve doktora yapmayı da düşünüyor, çünkü profesör olmak, büyük bir ilim adamı olmak istiyor.
Üçüncü bir genç ise üniversiteye çok ama çok iyi hazırlanıyor, çoktan seçmeli sistemin bütün inceliklerini öğreniyor, çok test çözüyor. Fakat lise derslerini tamamen boşluyor. Bu genç, sınıflarını geçemiyor, liseyi bitiremiyor, dolayısıyla üniversite sınavına girme hakkını dahi kazanamıyor.
Hangi öğrenci daha iyidir; elbette üniversiteyi kazanan değil mi? Bütün dersleri iyi olup da yüksek okula gitmeyi düşünmeyen öğrencinin çalışmalarının çoğu boşa gitmiştir değil mi? Gereksiz yere çok çalışmakla eline pek bir şey de geçmemiştir.
Üniversiteyi düşünen genç, akıllı ve planlı bir çalışmayla fakülteyi kazanmış, sonra da iyi bir meslek, aynı zamanda itibar sahibi olarak okul sonrası hayatta da başarılı olmuştur.
Sadece üniversiteyi düşünüp lise derslerini boşlayan gencin akıbetiyse birinciden kötü olmuştur, üniversiteyi kazanmak bir yana liseyi de bitirememiştir.
Öte dünyaya inanmayan adam, liseden ötesini düşünmeyen, lisede başarılı ama hayatta başarısız o öğrenci gibidir. Liseye kazık çakılır mı hiç; bir üstü, bir yükseği varken?
Hem bu dünyayı hem de öte dünyayı bilip inanan bir insan, ikinci genç gibi, bu dünyaya ve ahirete beraberce çalıştı, burada çalıştı ve başarılı oldu, daha üsttekini de hedefleyip ona göre gayret ettiği için her ikisinde de başarılı oldu.
Üçüncü genç ise sadece öte dünyaya yöneldi, yalnızca orası için çalışıp bu dünyayı boşladı. Böylece dünyadan koptu, ne olduğu bilinmez bir halde kaldı; öte dünyada da rüsvalığa aday oldu.
Bir de dördüncüsü var: Bu dünya ile öte dünyanın hakikatini az çok bildiği halde, hem burası hem orası için çok az gayret eden adamın hali nicedir acaba? İnancın kendisi eylemdir aslında, lakin inanan insanın bu dünyada işleri, ödevleri, çalışmaları vardır. Bunlara göre gayret etmezse inancının gereğini yerine getirmemiş olmaz mı? İnancı zayıflamaz mı? İnancı zayıf olanın eylemi de zayıf olur; öyle değil mi?
Yahudilerin çoğunluğu, lise dersleri iyi olup da üniversiteyi düşünmeyen gence benzerler. Onlar için yalnızca bu dünya vardır.
Üniversiteyi düşünen ve çalışan ama lise dersleri boşlayan genci hali de bir kısım Hıristiyan keşişlerine benzer ki onlar manastırlara çekilip hayattan tamamen kopmuşlardır.
Hem liseyi hem üniversiteyi başaranlar ise Müslümanlardır; onlar orta ümmettir, denge insanlarıdır; hem dünyayı hem ahireti bir arada ve paralel bir şekilde yürütmeye çalışırlar. Zaten dünyadaki emekleri de salih ameldir, yani sevaptır, yani öte dünyaya olan inançlarının bir gereği ve süreğidir.
Biz önce iman eder, sonra aklederiz; önce inanır, sonra düşünürüz. İnanmak için örnek, delil veya burhan aramayız. İmandan sonra inanç esaslarının hikmetlerini, inanç ve aklımızın nurlarıyla aramaya gayret ederiz. Bu yolda yürürken gelen örnek, delil veya burhanları, imanımızı pekiştiren hediyeler olarak alır, başımızın üstene koyar ve kabul ederiz.
İman asıldır. İnsanın yaratılış gayesi olan kulluğun giriş kapısıdır. Hayır, eksik söylenmemeli: Ancak ve sadece “kulluk” için, yani Allah’ı tanıma, bilme ve çok zikretme göreviyle yaratılan insanın ilk ve en önemli işidir.
İman neden öncedir ve insan hangi özelliğiyle iman eder diye sorulursa şöyle deriz: Yaratılan bütün her şey içinde ruhu (kalbi, aklı) olan tek mahlûk insandır. Ve insan, kalbiyle ruhuyla iman eder. Ruh ise Allah’tandır. Apaçık olan kitabımızda Rabbimiz buyuruyor: “Ona (insana) ruhumdan üfledim. (Sâd suresi, 72. ayet)” ve “Ruh, Rabbimin emrindendir (İsrâ suresi 85. ayet).” Demek ki Yaratıcı’dan bahşedilen ruh ile insan, imana layık ve muhatap kılınmıştır.
Rabbimiz bize kendini ve hangi iman esaslarına iman etmemiz gerektiğini, gönderdiği elçiler ve kitaplar yoluyla açıkça bildirmiştir. Onun içindir ki “Biz kimiz ki Tanrı’yı bilelim ve bilmediğimiz bir şeye nasıl inanalım” diyen Bilinemezciler’in davaları yanlış ve batıldır. Kendini bize, hem (elçiler ve kitaplar yoluyla) dıştan hem de (bize üflediği ruh yoluyla) içten tanıtan Rabbimize ve O’nun inanmamızı istediği esaslara iman etmek, insanın kabiliyeti dâhilindedir.
İman bizim her şeyimizdir, bu en büyük nimete yatar kalkar hamdederiz, ömrümüz boyunca binlerce şükrederiz. O’nun en büyük emaneti olan canımızı verme anına kadar koruması için de, Rabbimiz hazretlerine dua eder, ağlar ve yalvarırız.
Rabbimiz ve O’nun kutlu elçisi, “Allah’a ve ahiret gününe inanmayı” çoğu kereler beraberce anmışlar, böylece öte dünyaya inanmanın önemini insanlara defalarca hatırlatmışlardır. Onun için sen ey gafil kişi, Allah’a ve ahiret gününe inancının derecesi nedir? Öte dünyayı, aklına ve düşüncene ne kadar getiriyorsun? Ölümü, kabir hayatını, kıyameti, mizanı, haşri ve mahşeri, amel defterinin halini, hesaba çekilmeyi, sıratı, cehennem ve cenneti; aklına ne kadar getiriyorsun? Hepsinden önemlisi asıl yurdun olan orası için bir hazırlık yapıyor musun, yoksa oyunda oynaşta mısın?
/// Haydar Murad HEPSEV’in bu yazısı, Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nin 1 Haziran 2012 tarihli 11. sayısında yayınlanmıştır.
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A lot of thanks for all your labor on this web site. My niece loves doing investigation and it’s really easy to see why. Most of us hear all about the lively mode you provide simple suggestions via this blog and in addition increase participation from some other people on this subject then our own princess is now discovering a lot. Take pleasure in the rest of the year. You are always conducting a wonderful job.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with remarkably spectacular chance to read critical reviews from this website. It’s always so kind and as well , jam-packed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office co-workers to search your blog a minimum of three times in 7 days to learn the fresh guides you have got. Not to mention, I’m at all times happy for the beautiful techniques served by you. Certain 3 tips in this posting are absolutely the most suitable we have all had.
I wanted to put you one little bit of remark to help say thank you over again on your unique thoughts you’ve shared on this website. This has been simply seriously generous with you to give publicly what most people might have made available for an e-book in making some cash for themselves, primarily now that you might well have done it in the event you wanted. These concepts in addition worked to provide a fantastic way to be aware that other people online have the same keenness the same as my very own to grasp whole lot more with regard to this matter. I think there are some more pleasurable situations up front for those who read through your blog post.
Thanks a lot for providing individuals with an extraordinarily marvellous chance to discover important secrets from here. It is often very cool and also jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office co-workers to visit your website particularly 3 times per week to find out the fresh items you have got. Of course, I’m just at all times amazed considering the magnificent solutions served by you. Selected 3 ideas on this page are undeniably the most beneficial we have ever had.
My wife and i felt joyous that Raymond could deal with his reports from the precious recommendations he came across when using the site. It’s not at all simplistic to simply happen to be making a gift of methods which many others may have been selling. We really take into account we’ve got you to give thanks to for this. The type of explanations you have made, the straightforward website navigation, the relationships you will help create – it’s many superb, and it is leading our son in addition to our family understand that subject matter is satisfying, and that’s really pressing. Thanks for everything!
I intended to post you that very small note just to thank you once again on your incredible guidelines you’ve provided on this site. It has been particularly open-handed with you to supply publicly what exactly a lot of folks might have offered for sale for an electronic book to get some cash for themselves, primarily considering that you might well have tried it in the event you considered necessary. These strategies additionally served as the fantastic way to comprehend many people have the same dreams really like mine to realize a good deal more on the topic of this issue. I believe there are some more pleasant situations up front for many who find out your site.
A lot of thanks for all of your efforts on this web page. My mum takes pleasure in doing research and it’s really obvious why. Most people know all regarding the lively way you deliver rewarding guides via your web blog and even welcome contribution from others on the area of interest so my princess is certainly learning a lot. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. Your carrying out a good job.
I enjoy you because of your entire labor on this blog. Ellie take interest in setting aside time for research and it’s simple to grasp why. All of us learn all concerning the compelling way you convey very helpful tricks by means of this web site and therefore foster participation from other people on the area of interest so our favorite simple princess is now discovering a lot of things. Enjoy the rest of the new year. You have been doing a glorious job.
Thanks a lot for giving everyone an extraordinarily wonderful opportunity to read from this blog. It is always very fantastic and as well , stuffed with a good time for me personally and my office peers to search your website on the least 3 times every week to find out the fresh items you will have. And of course, I’m usually happy considering the staggering ideas you give. Selected 1 tips in this article are undeniably the most suitable we have all ever had.
I precisely wanted to appreciate you again. I’m not certain the things that I would’ve carried out in the absence of the tips shared by you over my subject. This was a very traumatic condition in my position, but being able to see a skilled way you treated that forced me to leap for joy. Now i am grateful for this advice and in addition believe you find out what a powerful job that you’re getting into educating the mediocre ones using your web page. I know that you haven’t got to know any of us.
My spouse and i got very excited that Edward could conclude his studies through the ideas he was given in your site. It is now and again perplexing to simply find yourself giving away hints which men and women have been selling. And now we keep in mind we need the website owner to be grateful to for that. The main illustrations you’ve made, the straightforward web site menu, the friendships you assist to create – it is everything impressive, and it is aiding our son in addition to the family do think that topic is exciting, and that’s especially mandatory. Thank you for all the pieces!
I wish to show my passion for your kind-heartedness supporting people that should have help on the content. Your real commitment to passing the solution all over became rather functional and have specifically permitted workers much like me to reach their objectives. Your new warm and helpful help and advice can mean a lot a person like me and much more to my colleagues. With thanks; from all of us.
My husband and i ended up being really thrilled that John could complete his studies from your precious recommendations he gained while using the weblog. It is now and again perplexing to just happen to be giving away thoughts which some people have been selling. We grasp we’ve got the writer to be grateful to for that. The type of illustrations you’ve made, the simple website menu, the friendships you can make it possible to engender – it’s got many incredible, and it’s assisting our son and us imagine that this content is excellent, and that’s especially mandatory. Thank you for all!
I truly wanted to post a note in order to thank you for the amazing suggestions you are writing at this site. My extensive internet research has at the end of the day been paid with extremely good tips to write about with my good friends. I ‘d declare that we site visitors are definitely endowed to exist in a fine place with many perfect professionals with great tips. I feel really grateful to have encountered your website and look forward to tons of more entertaining minutes reading here. Thank you once more for all the details.
I’m also writing to let you be aware of what a beneficial experience my daughter enjoyed going through your site. She noticed too many things, including what it’s like to have a wonderful helping style to let many people quite simply know precisely some specialized topics. You really did more than visitors’ expectations. I appreciate you for delivering those essential, safe, explanatory and as well as cool guidance on the topic to Sandra.
I needed to post you one little bit of note just to say thanks once again over the unique views you have provided here. This is quite remarkably generous of you to offer freely precisely what a few individuals would have supplied for an e-book to make some money on their own, certainly considering the fact that you could possibly have tried it in case you considered necessary. Those advice as well worked to be the easy way to recognize that other people have the identical zeal much like mine to learn great deal more related to this issue. I’m certain there are several more enjoyable moments ahead for those who look over your website.
I really wanted to jot down a note to say thanks to you for all of the splendid ways you are showing at this site. My considerable internet lookup has at the end been recognized with sensible content to talk about with my friends and classmates. I would tell you that many of us readers actually are undoubtedly fortunate to be in a fantastic website with many special people with very beneficial pointers. I feel very happy to have come across the web pages and look forward to really more awesome moments reading here. Thanks a lot once again for all the details.
I simply wished to appreciate you once again. I do not know the things I might have tried in the absence of these tactics discussed by you regarding my question. It was an absolute distressing situation in my position, however , understanding the very expert style you dealt with that took me to leap with gladness. I am happier for this support and in addition hope you really know what an amazing job you are providing training the others all through a blog. I know that you have never encountered any of us.
I must voice my admiration for your generosity giving support to people that require help with this particular topic. Your real dedication to passing the solution all-around had been wonderfully good and have continually encouraged individuals much like me to reach their aims. Your interesting guidelines entails so much to me and substantially more to my office workers. With thanks; from everyone of us.
I precisely desired to appreciate you again. I’m not certain the things I would’ve worked on in the absence of those points provided by you concerning such a situation. It previously was a hard difficulty in my position, but observing this specialized style you treated the issue made me to weep with happiness. I’m just happy for your support and then trust you are aware of a great job you happen to be providing training many people thru your websites. I am sure you’ve never encountered all of us.
I must show some appreciation to you just for bailing me out of this crisis. As a result of looking out through the search engines and seeing tips which are not beneficial, I believed my entire life was well over. Being alive without the presence of approaches to the difficulties you have fixed through your main site is a serious case, and the kind which might have in a wrong way damaged my career if I hadn’t discovered your web site. The training and kindness in dealing with almost everything was priceless. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t encountered such a step like this. I can at this moment look ahead to my future. Thanks a lot very much for your professional and result oriented guide. I won’t think twice to suggest the blog to any person who should have support about this subject.
I have to express thanks to this writer for rescuing me from this type of instance. As a result of looking out throughout the the web and coming across suggestions which are not productive, I figured my life was done. Being alive devoid of the answers to the problems you have resolved all through your website is a crucial case, as well as the kind which might have negatively affected my career if I hadn’t come across your web blog. Your personal know-how and kindness in maneuvering a lot of things was vital. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a subject like this. I can also now look forward to my future. Thanks a lot so much for your professional and sensible help. I will not be reluctant to endorse the sites to any individual who ought to have direction about this topic.
I simply wanted to thank you very much once more. I’m not certain what I would’ve worked on without the tactics provided by you regarding such subject matter. It absolutely was an absolute fearsome concern for me personally, however , witnessing this specialised style you treated it forced me to weep with happiness. I am just happier for your assistance as well as have high hopes you comprehend what a powerful job you happen to be accomplishing teaching most people with the aid of your website. I am sure you’ve never got to know any of us.
I enjoy you because of all of the hard work on this blog. Gloria take interest in making time for research and it’s really simple to grasp why. Most of us hear all regarding the powerful means you offer functional steps through the website and as well as recommend participation from others on this situation while my daughter is undoubtedly being taught so much. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. You’re performing a dazzling job.
I needed to send you a tiny note in order to say thank you as before for those splendid solutions you’ve documented in this article. It has been so wonderfully generous of you to deliver openly just what a lot of folks could have distributed as an ebook in making some profit on their own, specifically now that you could possibly have tried it if you ever considered necessary. Those techniques as well acted as a fantastic way to fully grasp other people have the identical passion the same as my personal own to figure out good deal more when it comes to this condition. I’m certain there are many more enjoyable sessions up front for individuals that look into your website.
I want to show some appreciation to you for bailing me out of this instance. Right after browsing through the the web and meeting proposals which are not pleasant, I assumed my life was done. Living minus the strategies to the issues you have resolved through the guideline is a serious case, and ones that would have negatively damaged my career if I hadn’t noticed the website. Your primary capability and kindness in maneuvering all the things was vital. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not encountered such a subject like this. I can also at this time relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for your high quality and sensible guide. I won’t be reluctant to endorse the website to any individual who would need direction about this subject.
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an extremely breathtaking chance to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It really is very pleasing plus full of a good time for me personally and my office colleagues to visit your blog at a minimum thrice in one week to read through the new issues you have. And lastly, we’re actually impressed with the beautiful methods you serve. Certain 4 ideas in this article are essentially the very best we’ve had.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely remarkable opportunity to read in detail from this site. It’s usually so kind plus full of fun for me personally and my office colleagues to visit the blog minimum three times per week to find out the latest issues you have got. And lastly, I am usually amazed with the fantastic inspiring ideas served by you. Some 2 facts in this posting are unquestionably the finest we’ve had.
I precisely desired to thank you very much once again. I do not know the things that I could possibly have implemented in the absence of the actual aspects provided by you about such a question. This was a very alarming condition in my position, but viewing the very specialised strategy you handled that took me to leap over joy. Now i’m happy for your service and in addition wish you find out what an amazing job you are providing training others via your web page. I’m certain you haven’t encountered any of us.
I really wanted to compose a simple note so as to say thanks to you for some of the fabulous tactics you are writing here. My time consuming internet look up has at the end of the day been rewarded with beneficial knowledge to exchange with my best friends. I would state that that most of us visitors actually are undoubtedly endowed to dwell in a perfect website with very many wonderful individuals with interesting solutions. I feel rather fortunate to have seen the website page and look forward to tons of more brilliant times reading here. Thanks a lot once again for everything.
My husband and i got quite happy Chris could do his web research from the ideas he gained when using the site. It is now and again perplexing just to always be giving for free tips and hints which most people have been making money from. And now we discover we’ve got the website owner to give thanks to for this. The specific illustrations you’ve made, the simple website menu, the relationships you will make it possible to instill – it’s all extraordinary, and it is helping our son and us believe that that topic is exciting, and that is quite important. Many thanks for all the pieces!
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I intended to write you one little bit of note to finally thank you very much again with the magnificent views you have documented on this site. It’s so incredibly generous of people like you giving extensively all a lot of folks could possibly have made available as an electronic book to get some money for their own end, even more so since you might have done it in case you desired. These tactics likewise acted as the easy way to know that some people have a similar desire just like mine to understand a good deal more related to this condition. I think there are several more fun instances ahead for folks who browse through your site.
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Thank you so much for giving everyone a very marvellous opportunity to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It really is so pleasing and jam-packed with a good time for me personally and my office friends to search the blog nearly three times in one week to study the latest things you have. And lastly, I am always happy with the excellent knowledge you serve. Certain 3 ideas in this posting are unquestionably the most impressive I’ve had.
I am also commenting to let you be aware of of the exceptional encounter my girl gained viewing your webblog. She came to understand too many details, not to mention how it is like to possess an amazing coaching nature to let many others completely have an understanding of specified hard to do subject areas. You really surpassed my desires. Many thanks for rendering these productive, trusted, revealing and unique tips about this topic to Jane.
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an exceptionally pleasant possiblity to read from this web site. It is often very useful plus stuffed with a good time for me and my office friends to search your web site minimum three times every week to see the new items you have got. And definitely, I am just usually astounded concerning the good principles you serve. Selected 3 facts in this posting are definitely the most impressive I have had.
I simply wanted to thank you very much again. I am not sure the things I would’ve sorted out in the absence of the type of hints shared by you regarding such a topic. It was actually an absolute distressing crisis in my circumstances, but observing the very expert form you processed it forced me to weep over gladness. I’m just thankful for the advice and in addition sincerely hope you know what a great job you were providing training others through the use of your web site. I’m certain you haven’t met all of us.
A lot of thanks for all of the work on this web site. Ellie takes pleasure in getting into research and it is obvious why. My partner and i hear all relating to the lively form you produce invaluable tricks via the blog and therefore strongly encourage participation from people on the concern so our own girl is undoubtedly being taught a lot. Take advantage of the rest of the new year. You have been doing a dazzling job.
Thank you so much for giving everyone remarkably wonderful chance to read in detail from here. It is always very brilliant plus full of amusement for me personally and my office co-workers to visit the blog minimum three times in a week to read through the newest tips you have. And lastly, I’m usually astounded with your impressive creative concepts you give. Some 4 ideas in this posting are unquestionably the most beneficial I have had.
I have to express my passion for your kindness in support of those people that have the need for help with your issue. Your personal dedication to passing the message along appears to be quite valuable and have really made girls just like me to reach their objectives. Your new important publication means this much to me and a whole lot more to my fellow workers. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
I wanted to send you the very small observation to finally give many thanks the moment again with your great ideas you’ve contributed in this article. This is simply surprisingly generous of you to supply unreservedly all a lot of folks might have offered for an ebook in making some cash for their own end, chiefly considering the fact that you might well have done it in the event you desired. Those advice as well acted as the good way to recognize that most people have similar passion much like my own to figure out many more in regard to this matter. I know there are thousands of more pleasurable instances up front for people who scan through your blog post.
A lot of thanks for your entire efforts on this web page. My niece delights in doing research and it’s obvious why. Many of us learn all of the dynamic mode you deliver sensible tricks through your web site and therefore increase contribution from others on that area of interest then our favorite daughter is now starting to learn a whole lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. You are always performing a superb job.
My wife and i have been satisfied that Edward managed to round up his investigations from the precious recommendations he obtained when using the blog. It’s not at all simplistic to simply be giving freely hints which often a number of people have been trying to sell. And we see we have the blog owner to be grateful to for that. These illustrations you have made, the straightforward blog menu, the friendships you can make it easier to engender – it’s all terrific, and it is leading our son in addition to our family imagine that this matter is interesting, and that’s highly essential. Many thanks for all!
I really wanted to jot down a brief note in order to thank you for those unique points you are sharing on this site. My incredibly long internet search has at the end of the day been recognized with good quality content to write about with my close friends. I ‘d mention that most of us readers actually are quite endowed to be in a perfect website with so many outstanding professionals with very beneficial tactics. I feel rather blessed to have come across your webpage and look forward to so many more awesome minutes reading here. Thank you once again for everything.
I simply had to appreciate you once again. I’m not certain what I would’ve sorted out in the absence of the recommendations discussed by you on that problem. Completely was a very terrifying setting in my opinion, but viewing a new specialised style you dealt with that took me to cry for happiness. I am thankful for this service as well as believe you comprehend what a great job your are providing teaching people all through your web page. Probably you haven’t got to know all of us.
I simply wanted to post a quick remark to be able to say thanks to you for those great instructions you are writing here. My time intensive internet research has at the end of the day been recognized with really good facts to go over with my pals. I would say that we site visitors are unquestionably lucky to dwell in a useful community with many perfect people with very beneficial plans. I feel very much grateful to have encountered your website and look forward to some more entertaining times reading here. Thanks once more for a lot of things.
I simply desired to appreciate you all over again. I do not know the things I could possibly have used in the absence of the entire recommendations contributed by you directly on that field. This has been a real frightful crisis in my opinion, however , noticing the expert approach you solved that took me to leap for happiness. I am just thankful for this help and then pray you really know what a great job that you are accomplishing teaching the rest with the aid of your blog. Most probably you’ve never met all of us.
I definitely wanted to make a quick remark to be able to appreciate you for all the fantastic tactics you are giving at this website. My time consuming internet look up has at the end been paid with awesome information to write about with my guests. I would point out that we site visitors actually are extremely blessed to be in a good website with very many marvellous individuals with useful tips. I feel somewhat privileged to have discovered the web pages and look forward to some more brilliant times reading here. Thanks a lot again for everything.
I wanted to create you a little note to help thank you very much as before for these splendid principles you have featured on this website. It’s so incredibly open-handed of people like you to make freely all some people could possibly have offered for sale as an electronic book in making some money on their own, and in particular considering that you might have tried it in case you desired. Those good tips additionally acted to become great way to be aware that someone else have the same passion just like mine to find out lots more with regard to this condition. I know there are a lot more pleasurable opportunities up front for individuals who go through your website.
I enjoy you because of your entire labor on this blog. My mum take interest in going through research and it is obvious why. My partner and i learn all regarding the powerful means you make rewarding ideas by means of your web blog and in addition recommend response from other ones on the content so our daughter has been learning a whole lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You have been doing a dazzling job.
I needed to draft you a tiny word to be able to say thank you yet again for your personal beautiful strategies you’ve featured on this site. This has been certainly particularly generous of people like you to deliver extensively all that many people would’ve offered for sale for an e-book to end up making some dough for themselves, even more so given that you might well have tried it if you decided. The guidelines also worked to be the fantastic way to realize that other people have the identical eagerness just like my very own to know a little more when considering this problem. I am certain there are a lot more pleasant times in the future for people who discover your blog post.
I must show my appreciation to the writer for rescuing me from this particular predicament. Just after exploring throughout the the web and meeting thoughts that were not beneficial, I thought my life was over. Living devoid of the strategies to the issues you have resolved all through your main short post is a crucial case, and the kind that could have adversely damaged my career if I had not noticed your website. Your good expertise and kindness in playing with all the stuff was invaluable. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come upon such a step like this. I’m able to now relish my future. Thanks so much for this specialized and amazing guide. I will not hesitate to propose your web sites to any individual who will need guide on this subject matter.
I actually wanted to make a brief comment to be able to appreciate you for those nice hints you are sharing on this website. My time-consuming internet investigation has now been rewarded with sensible points to write about with my great friends. I ‘d believe that many of us site visitors actually are very much fortunate to be in a good community with very many awesome individuals with good secrets. I feel really blessed to have discovered your entire weblog and look forward to really more entertaining times reading here. Thank you again for all the details.
I would like to show my appreciation to the writer just for rescuing me from such a problem. As a result of surfing around throughout the the net and finding techniques which are not pleasant, I believed my entire life was done. Existing without the answers to the problems you have resolved through your entire short post is a serious case, as well as those that would have in a negative way damaged my career if I hadn’t encountered the website. The ability and kindness in taking care of every part was precious. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not come across such a step like this. I’m able to now relish my future. Thanks a lot very much for the reliable and amazing help. I will not hesitate to recommend your web blog to any person who should have guidelines on this issue.
I must show my appreciation to you for bailing me out of this particular dilemma. Just after exploring through the the web and finding tips which are not pleasant, I thought my life was well over. Living minus the solutions to the difficulties you’ve sorted out by means of your entire report is a critical case, as well as those which might have adversely damaged my entire career if I had not discovered your blog post. The expertise and kindness in controlling every item was helpful. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a stuff like this. I can now look forward to my future. Thanks a lot very much for your expert and result oriented help. I will not hesitate to endorse your web sites to anyone who will need support on this topic.
A lot of thanks for each of your labor on this blog. My mother really likes going through research and it is easy to understand why. I learn all regarding the compelling tactic you offer good things on the web blog and improve response from others on the issue while our favorite girl is without a doubt starting to learn a whole lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. Your carrying out a very good job.
I am glad for commenting to make you know what a magnificent discovery my princess encountered going through your site. She picked up a wide variety of details, with the inclusion of what it’s like to have a great helping mood to have most people with ease know some hard to do subject matter. You truly surpassed our own desires. Thanks for coming up with the effective, safe, explanatory not to mention unique tips about that topic to Kate.
I precisely had to say thanks all over again. I’m not certain the things I would’ve worked on without the creative concepts contributed by you directly on that subject matter. It became the fearsome difficulty in my circumstances, nevertheless understanding the specialized tactic you processed the issue took me to weep over fulfillment. Now i am thankful for this guidance and even hope that you are aware of a powerful job you have been accomplishing teaching other individuals thru a site. I’m certain you have never encountered all of us.
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There’s longwear. And then there’s strongwear. There’s longwear. And then there’s strongwear. The NARS Natural Radiant foundation lasts really well on the skin. If you have particularly oily skin, you may find it goes a little too dewy (though I don’t feel it is greasy), however I personally love how radiant and healthy this looks on my skin, specially after it has been on my skin for a few hours! Even though this foundation is definitely radiant and becomes more radiant through the day, it hasn’t ever broken up on me or moved around, it has remained looking amazing in my opinion! Sign up to receive theNARS newsletter and an exclusive gift. A post shared by NARS Cosmetics (@narsissist) This shade has a very peachy-warm undertone so it’s not really what I would go for if I had to pick. However it doesn’t look that bad and I might be able to make it work with another foundation in the mix that’s too light for me and a little more neutral-yellow. For the testing I wore it on its own though.
Smudge Stick Waterproof Eye Liner $22.00 The MAC Greasepaint Stick is more of an eyeshadow base and this is like an eyeliner (the tip is a LOT thinner and unlike the MAC, you don’t have to sharpen this). They both stay on really well tho. Think a dimly lit jazz club with cigar smoke and leather chairs Get on the list for the latest in beauty! Be the first to hear about in-studio events & promos. 40,90 € Recently Added We found reviews for the, “Retractable Long-Lasting Mechanical Eyeliner” that mention “Stila” This product goes well with Stila Magnum XXX Mascara. Perfect flush of colour for your cheeks Have an account? Log in to see your cart items. ” + _localizedStrings.redirect_overlay_title + ” Hey I know I am late to the stila smudge stick party. Not because I did not want to get them, but I got distracted. LOL I ordered the Moray color and I hope that it will show up as a liner or I will use as shadow base.
Make sure you’re following along with college baseball action all year long on Fubo and ESPN+! Money line: Kent State (+2800) Notre Dame () Total:139.5 Entering the week, LSU and Florida were second and third in title odds, both trailing only Wake Forest. The College World Series begins with 64 teams in the first round, which is called the Regionals. These teams consist of 31 conference champions (all of whom earn automatic bids) and 33 non-conference champions chosen by the NCAA Division I Baseball Committee. Make sure you’re following along with college baseball action all year long on Fubo and ESPN+! The NCAA Baseball World Series concludes the post-season. Division I baseball teams compete through the year and the national champion is crowned at the end of the eight-team College World Series.
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