İslam Medeniyetinin en parlak ve muhteşem açılımlarından biri olan Endülüs tarihinin ilk dönemi, Emevi hanedanının (H.138–420; M.756-1029’da) sona ermesiyle kapanmıştır. Son Emevi Halifesi III. Hişâm bin Muhammed bin Abdülcabbâr’ın devletin merkezini tanımayan valilerin müstakil hükümetler kurup birbirlerine düşmeleriyle başlayan kargaşalığa son veremeyip bir hükümdara yakışmayacak bir şekilde, başşehir Kurtuba’yı ve halkını terk edip ayrılmasından sonra Endülüs’te Tavaif-i Mülûk (beylikler) dönemi başlar. III. Hişam, Endülüs’ün acı sonunu ileri görüşü ve derin sezgisiyle anlayarak eyaletlerde devletçikler kuran valileri ikaz etmiş ve gerekli öğütleri vermişse de, siyasi ve askeri gücünün de yetersiz olmasından kabul ettirememiştir. Devamlı olarak birbirleriyle çatışan ve hatta yekdiğerini ortadan kaldırmak için Hıristiyan devletlerle ittifaktan çekinmeyen bu devletçikler sonunda İspanya’dan İslamiyet’in silinmesine sebep oldular.
Eşsiz ve benzersiz, aynı derecede talihsiz Endülüs… Hemen her sahada yetiştirdiği âlim ve sanatkârlarla, kurduğu teşkilat ve müesseselerle İslam Medeniyetinin büyük bir hamlesi, ışığını şarka ve özellikle garba ulaştıran parlak güneşi, derin ve geniş muhtevasını yepyeni şekil ve boyutlara ulaştıran güçlü açılımı olmuştur. Lakin sanki böyle bu derecede iyi olmanın cezasını çekmiş, Hıristiyanların yüzyıllar süren korkunç zulümleriyle İspanya’dan kovulmuş ve hatta izleri dahi silinmek istenmiştir. Asırlarca Müslümanlara payitaht olan muhteşem camii, medrese, saray, hamam vesair eserlerle bezeli Kurtuba’da bir köprü ve birkaç mimari yapıdan başka eser bırakılmamıştır.
Adil ve dürüst Müslümanların İspanya’yı fethi yalnızca üç senede gerçekleşmiş, çıkarılmaları ise yüzyılları içine alan eşsiz bir zulüm ve şiddetle olmuştur… Müslümanların İspanya’da muhteşem bir uygarlık kurduktan sonra inhitatları için birçok sebep sıralanabilir. Lakin en belli başlısı İslamlar arasındaki birliğin bozulması ve bir daha kurulamamasıdır. Yukarıda bahsi geçen Halife III. Hişam’dan sonra da birçok melik, kadı, fakih ve âlimler birliğin teminine azami gayret sarf etmişlerdir. Hatta Baca Kadısı Ebül-Velid (H. 478, M. 1085’de) şehirden şehre, beylikten beyliğe, memleketten memlekete ittihadın yerinden sağlanması için gezip durmuş, melik ve emirlere İslam’ın bu husustaki emir ve yasaklarını hatırlatıp nasihat vermeye kendini adeta adamıştır. Bu gibi sonuç vermeyen çabaların akabinde aynı sene Kurtuba, Hıristiyanların eline geçmiş, Müslümanlara ait ne varsa yerle bir edilmiştir.
Aslında bütün emirlerin gayesi, Endülüs’te hilafetin yeniden tesisi ve birliğin kurulmasıydı. Fakat hep birbirlerini yok etmek için uğraşmışlar, güçlenen Hıristiyan devletlere karşı ise hiçbir şey yapamamışlardır. Yekdiğerine aslan kesilip Hıristiyanların önünde süt dökmüş kediler misali uysallaşıvermişlerdir. Din gayretini bir yana bırakarak kavim gayreti gütmüşler; Araplar Berberileri, Berberiler Arapları ezmek için hatta Hıristiyan devletlerle işbirliğinden çekinmemişlerdir. Sonunda zillet derekelerinin en korkunçlarına yuvarlanıvermişlerdir. Ayrıca bu basiretsiz ve hamiyetsizliklerinden başka, ele geçen İslam şehirlerinde Müslüman ahaliye Hıristiyanların uyguladıkları baskı ve zulümlerden bir ders de almamışlardır.
Endülüs’te, Tavaif-i Müluk döneminde, hükümdarlardan birisi, İslam tarihinde başka örneği görülmeyen bir şekilde bir Yahudi’yi kendine vezir yapmıştı. Gırnata Eyaletinde miladi 1012 ile 1090 yılları arasında hüküm sürmüş olan Berberi Beni Zîrî hanedanından Bâdîs b. Habbûs’un veziri İsmail b. Nagzela (Samuel H-Levi b. Nagdela) aslında zeki, bilgili, alçakgönüllü ve ılımlı bir kimseydi. İlmiyle İran, Filistin ve Mısır gibi ülkelerin Yahudileri arasında tanınmıştı ve aynı zamanda şair ve filozoftu; Yahudi dilindeki (Hebrevce) Talmud’a bir mukaddime ve Hebrev grameriyle ilgili eserler yazmıştır. Önceleri Badis’in babası Habbus’un zamanında vezir Ebül Kâsım b. Arif’in sarayına yakın bir yerde ufak bir dükkan çalıştırmaktaydı. Samuel’in değerli bir kişi olduğunu anlayan vezir, onu kendisine yardımcı olarak tayin eder. Ebül Kasım’ın vefatı üzerine vezir seçilen Samuel kuvvetli bir idareci, dirayetli bir yöneticiydi. Gırnata’da asayiş ve emniyeti sağlamış ve tebaayı rahat ettirmişti. Samuel sayesinde Gırnata gelişmeye başladı. Miladi 1055’te öldüğünde beylik çökmeye başlamıştır.
Gırnata Emiri Bâdîs hunhar ve ayyaş bir müstebitti. Hâkimiyetini takviye için cinayetler işlemekten çekinmedi; bu cümleden olarak el-Meriyye’nin (Almeria) Arap Emiri Züheyr ve veziri İbn Abbas’ı haince öldürtmüştü (Bu şahıslar ilmi ve edebi çalışmalara büyük alaka duymuşlar ve saray kütüphanesinde yüz binden fazla kitap toplamışlardı.) Daha sonra, İşbiliyye (Sevilla)’de hüküm süren Arap hanedanı Abbâdîlere karşı bitmez tükenmez harplere girişti. Abbâdîlerin bazı Berberi reislerini öldürmesi üzerine, Gırnata’daki Arap ahaliyi bir cuma namazı esnasında camide katlettirmeyi kararlaştırdıysa da veziri Samuel bu tasavvuru büyük güçlüklerle önledi.
Samuel’in ölümünden sonra vezir olan oğlu Yusuf (Joseph) kibirli, gösteriş düşkünü ve azametten hoşlanan bir kimseydi. İsmen Yahudi’ydi, fakat diniyle bir alakası yoktu, ne atalarının ne de başkalarının inancına sahip değildi. Yahudiliğe açıkça bir cephe almamışsa da, halkın arasında Kur’an ayetleriyle alaydan çekinmemiş ve İslam’ın sahte bir din olduğunu ilan etmişti. Kibri, hak ve adaleti küçük görmesiyle Joseph Arapları, Berberileri, yerli halkı ve hatta Yahudileri bile kızdırıyordu. Nefsine hükmetmeyi pek az başaran Bâdîs’in kendi gücünü kısacak her atılımını hemen önlüyor; görevlendirdiği casusları sayesinde hükümdarın en küçük hareketlerinden bile hemen haber alabiliyordu. Ayrıca melik ve veziri aynı derece ve seviyede ihtişam içerisindeydiler. Joseph hatta emirden daha fazla hükümdarlık taslayabiliyordu. Veliahdı öldürüp bir Yahudi krallığının kurulmasına önayak olmak istediği söyleniyordu. Bir de el–Meriyye hükümdarıyla anlaşarak ülkesini sattığı dedikodusu yayılmıştı. Bu ve buna benzer binlerce suç ve cinayet Joseph’e isnat ediliyor ve ahali Joseph ve her yere yerleştirdiği Yahudilerden kurtulmanın çarelerini arıyordu.
Bâdis’in bir İslam memleketinde bir Yahudi’yi baş vezir yapmasının acayipliğinin yanı sıra; dinsiz ve zalim olmasına ve İslam dinini sahte ilan etmesine rağmen Joseph’e güvenmesi elbette ulema tarafından da hoş görülmemişti. Açıkça tenkit ediliyor, uyarılıyordu. Alim, şair ve fakih Elbiralı Ebu İshak hazretleri de üzerine düşen irşat vazifesini yapmaya çalışan bir kimse olarak Joseph’in ve Yahudilerin kötülüklerini anlatan bir kasideyi Bâdîs’e takdim etmişti. Joseph’in şerri bu zata da erişmiş, saraydaki yükselmesini engelleyip sürgüne göndermişti. Müslümanların hain bir Yahudi tarafından zulümle yönetilip korkunç şiddet ve teröre maruz kalmasına dayanamayan Ebu İshak, hükümdar ve ahaliyi, şiirin Endülüs’teki revacından faydalanarak uyarmıştı. Aşağıya tercümesini aldığımız şiiri lakin Joseph’e sınırsızca güvenen Bâdîs üzerinde pek etki bırakmadı. Fakat Berberiler üzerinde son derece kuvvetli bir tesir icra etti. Zaten Joseph’in ve Yahudilerin zulümlerinden iyice fütur getirmişlerdi. Bir isyan başlatarak saraya saldırdılar. Joseph kendini kömür mahzenine gizleyip bulamasınlar diye üzerini kömür tozlarına buladıysa da ortaya çıkarılıp hemen öldürüldü. Uzun bir zaman içerisinde Yahudi vezir ve onun tayin ettiği Yahudi memurlardan, bu sebeple şımaran Yahudilerden bıkan Müslüman ahali, bununla yetinmeyerek şehirlerdeki dört bin kadar Yahudi’yi öldürüp mallarını yağmaladı (M. 1066; Ebu İshak hazretlerinin vefatı da aynı senededir.)
git ve ilet haberlerimi bu sözlerimi benim
söyle gecenin dolunaylarına ve zamanın aslanlarına
git ey haberci sevgili ulağım benim
anlat onlara, seven ve acıyan adamın sözlerini
çünkü kan ağlıyor yüreğinde taşıyor endişesini,
söyle ey haberci bu adamın kelimelerini
ki o anlatmazsa dertlerini vermezse öğütlerini
sorumlu hissediyor söylemezse ihtiyat tedbirlerini
ağır bir vebal var diyor yiyip bitiriyor kendini.
dinen yükümlüdür o mecburdur muvaffak olmaya
tebliğ edip gerçekleri anlatmaya
bildirmeye tehlikeyi uçurumu göstermeye:
efendiniz hükümdarınız reisiniz sizin
bir iş yapmıştır ki kötüleri sevindiren
ancak onlara yaramış onları hoşnut etmiştir,
kafirin birini seçmiş vezir diye kendine
kendinizden bir yardımcı seçeceğine
bir düşmanı getirmiştir önemli bir mevkiye,
kibri ve küstahlığı sınıf tanımayan
alçak ve rezil bir yahudi vezir olmuştur;
arzularına emellerine nasıl da erişiverdiler
en yüksek mertebelere en yüce mevkilere
aşağılık yahudilerden serseri kimselerden
akıllarının ucundan bile geçiremezken
en aşağılık maymunlar kuyruklu mukallitler
inançsız imansız değersiz heriflerden,
samimi ve ciddi dindarların
hizmetçilerinden sıradan kölelerinden.
kendi gayretleriyle olsa yanmazdım
alın terleriyle ve derin çabalarıyla
hayır! onları başımıza geçiren bu derece yükselten
esefle derim ki bizden bir adamdır, kendi dinimizden,
yazıklar olsun! neden örnek almamıştır
niçin takip etmemiştir kutlu yollarını
dindar şehzadelerin ciddi hükümdarların
imanlı kimselerin samimi insanların.
niçin kibrini kırmamıştır burnunu sürtmemiş
aşağılık yahudilerin iğrenci fanilerin,
lâyıktır onlar buna hedefleri nefretin
serseri muamelesi görmeye sürü gibi idare edilmeye;
haddini bilmezlik edemez tepeden bakamazlardı
hürmette kusur etmez hükmedemezdi asilzadelere.
ey bâdîs! akıllı bir adamsın sen zeki ve ferasetli
ileri görüşlüsün doğru çıkar tahminlerin,
gözlerin mi bağlıydı görmedin mi iblisleri
boynuzlarını sallayan idaren altındakilerden?
nasıl da göz yumdun bütün bu kötülüklere,
nasıl muhabbet duydun bu sefillerden ne bekledin,
yaptığını yıkıyorlardı kurduğunu bozuyorken.
bir haine güvendin ve dost yaptın kendine
unuttun mu rabbinin bildirdiğini kitabında,
bir dinsize yakın olamazsın kafiri dost edinmezsin
fermanı budur allahın yüce kur’anında.
yardımcı seçme kendine sokma adamlarının arasına
lakin müsaade etme gaile de çıkarmalarına,
yeryüzü ürküyor çünkü insanlık haykırıyor
her şeyi mahvedecek bunlar depremler oluyor,
çevir gözlerini de bak ülkelerin aynasına
köpek muamelesi görmekteler sürekli aşağılanmakta,
söylenenleri dinle kulak ver kutlu öğütlere
yahudiden sakın! ve uzak tut halkımızdan.
değiştir yolunu bundan böyle yeni bir üslubun olsun
aziz şehzade, dostu ve yardımcısı halkının,
asilzadesin gelmektesin hükümdar sülalesinden
ve geçtin hepsini üstün oldun krallarına zamanın
ileri gittin hatta üstün çıktın atalarından
arkada bıraktın yürüdün saltanat basamaklarını…
ah! gırnataya girdim gördüm ki yahudiler hükümferma
ve yaralandım kavruldum kahroldum sonunda,
bölmüşler her yeri hisselerine ayırmışlar
parçalamışlar vilayetleri payitahta oturmuşlar
bir tek kendileri neşe içinde cıvıl cıvıl
yahudiler menfur adamlar meşum kimseler
vergi alıyor kazanç sahibi ve zengin oluyorlar
şahane yaşıyorlar onlar ferah içinde,
muhteşem kumaşlar en güzel elbiseler
zengin kıyafetler onların üzerlerinde,
ve siz müslümanlar eski püskü elbiselerinizle
yamalı giysilerinizle sokağa çıkmaya utanırken.
bütün sırları devletin gizli işleri bilgisinde onların
eline geçmiş hainlerin soysuz kimselerin.
en nefis yemekleri en leziz gıdaları
saraylarda bitiriyorlar debdebe içinde.
bir kuru ekmeğe talim ediyorken mü’minler
aç kalıyorken kimi zaman sefalet içinde.
tercih etti size bâdîs kayırarak yahudileri
daha ne kadar katlanacaksınız ne zaman başkaldıracak
müslümanlar! yerinizi kaptılar ayağınızı kaydırıp
onlar geçti en şerefli mevkilere en yükseğini seçip.
en güzel hayvanları koyun ve keçi ve sığırdan
kesen ve yiyen afiyetle onlardır alıp paramızdan
kalanlar size ancak kötü ve arık olanları
yiyin yiyebilirseniz artık elverirse mideniz.
süslemiş malikanesini maymunların başı
her yerini en pahalı mermerlerle,
çeşmeler yaptırmış sarayına fıskıyeli havuzlar
uzak yerlerden getirtmiş temiz ve berrak suları.
fakat heyhat kapılarda bekletiyorlar içeri almıyorlar
alay ediyorlar sürekli başa kakıyorlar,
maruz kalıyor halkımız en ağır hakaretlere
ah! yüce dinimize bile dil uzatılıyor.
bu ne zillet ya rabbi! ne ağır bir utanç bu
ne bu rezalet, bu ne ihanet ya rabbi!
ey bâdîs gerçeği söylememi istersen
vezirin zengindir derim senden bile zengin,
zamanı gelmedi mi daha ortadan kaldırmanın
şişko koyunu artık darağacına asmanın;
unutma lakin akraba ve arkadaşlarını
bertaraf et de eriştiremesinler zararlarını,
asıl hain onlardır düşünme sen ihanet diye
vefa borcun Müslümanlaradır masum günahsızlara,
cani olanın nefes alması bile haram
cürmü işleyen çekecek ceremeyi cezayı,
ahdi bozan onlardır anlaşmayı çiğneyen
kimin ne düşer kahretsen yalan yere yemin edeni.
cevap ver söyle bize nasıl muvaffak olacağız kuvvet bulacak
gölgesinde yaşarken yahudinin debdebeden gözlerimiz kamaşırken,
nasıl mamur olacak ülkemiz nasıl refah bulacak
sultasında ezilirken yahudinin şaşaasından geçilemezken;
sen de katlanma artık yalvartma zavallı milleti
bizden soracaksan onu sor kafirin nasıl idare edileceğini,
aklını başına devşir de düşün, hesap vereceksin
unutma halkına sen çoban diye seçilmişken,
gizlidir burada sonsuz mutluluğun ey bâdîs ebedi saadet
dinle rabbinin emirlerini, göster nasihat dinlediğini.
/// Bu yazı ve şiir; H.M. Hepsev’in Şiir Bilgisi (Mayıs 1992, s.26–35) kitabında yayınlanmıştır.
*Eleştiri ve Uyarı Şiiri adını verdiğimiz eser, Reinhart Dozy’nin Spanish İslam adlı
kitabının 651–652. sayfalarından alınarak çevrilmiştir. Bu şiir, hiciv türünün en muhteşem örneklerindendir ve ayrıca şiirin gücünü göstermesi bakımından son derece dikkat çekicidir.
KAYNAKLAR: Halil Edhem, Düvel-i İslamiye, Maarif Vekâleti tarafından, İstanbul, 1927. (Stanley Lane-Poole’un İslam Devletleri ve Sülaleleri adlı eserine bazı ilavelerle çevrilen bu eser İslam harfleriyle neşredilmiştir.); Reinhart DOZY, Spanish İslam: A History of the Moslems in Spain, Fransızcadan İngilizceye çeviren Francis Griffin Stokes, Karaçi, Pakistan, 1976; Muhammed İmamüddün, Prof. Dr., Endülüs Siyasi Tarihi, çev. Yusuf YAZAR, Rehber yay., Ankara, 1990; M. Zekai KONRAPA, “Endülüs Mersiyesi-Nizami Tercümesi ve Endülüs Tarihine Kısa Bir Bakış”, İstanbul Yüksek Enstitüsü Dergisi, Sayı 2, s. 165–184, İstanbul, 1964; Ziya Paşa, Endülüs Tarihi, İstanbul, 1304 (m. 1886; ikinci tab’).
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My husband and i got absolutely lucky John could complete his researching using the precious recommendations he gained while using the weblog. It is now and again perplexing just to happen to be giving away guidance that many people could have been trying to sell. And we also take into account we need the blog owner to be grateful to because of that. All of the illustrations you have made, the easy website navigation, the relationships you will aid to create – it’s got most astounding, and it’s letting our son and the family feel that that concept is enjoyable, and that’s unbelievably indispensable. Thanks for all the pieces!
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an exceptionally nice opportunity to check tips from here. It’s usually very awesome and full of a good time for me and my office colleagues to visit the blog not less than three times per week to see the newest guidance you have got. Of course, we are always astounded with your dazzling methods you give. Selected 2 ideas in this posting are really the most impressive I have ever had.
My husband and i were peaceful Emmanuel could conclude his research with the ideas he made out of your web site. It is now and again perplexing just to be making a gift of secrets which some people might have been making money from. And we also do understand we have the writer to appreciate because of that. These explanations you made, the simple web site menu, the friendships your site make it possible to instill – it’s mostly remarkable, and it’s leading our son in addition to our family do think this idea is pleasurable, and that is seriously vital. Thank you for all!
Thank you so much for giving everyone such a pleasant chance to read in detail from this website. It’s usually so good and as well , full of a good time for me and my office peers to visit your web site more than thrice per week to read the newest guidance you have got. And lastly, we’re at all times satisfied concerning the mind-boggling concepts served by you. Selected 2 areas in this post are undeniably the most efficient I have had.
Thank you for all your effort on this site. Gloria take interest in going through investigation and it’s really simple to grasp why. Most of us notice all concerning the powerful method you present very important strategies via this blog and as well inspire response from other ones on the area plus our own simple princess is starting to learn a great deal. Enjoy the remaining portion of the year. You have been performing a tremendous job.
My wife and i were so joyful that Albert managed to finish off his reports through the entire ideas he came across through the web pages. It is now and again perplexing to just choose to be giving freely concepts which some other people might have been making money from. And we know we now have the website owner to give thanks to for that. Most of the explanations you have made, the easy site navigation, the friendships you make it possible to foster – it is many wonderful, and it’s really making our son in addition to our family believe that this subject is brilliant, which is rather vital. Thanks for all the pieces!
I wish to show my respect for your generosity supporting individuals who really want help on this one question. Your personal commitment to getting the solution all around appeared to be really good and has really enabled associates much like me to arrive at their desired goals. Your new important guideline implies this much a person like me and even more to my fellow workers. Thanks a lot; from everyone of us.
I precisely desired to appreciate you again. I’m not certain the things I might have accomplished in the absence of the type of basics shown by you regarding such a subject matter. It was actually a very scary case in my opinion, nevertheless being able to see this professional form you resolved the issue took me to leap over joy. I’m just happier for this help and in addition wish you realize what a powerful job you are accomplishing teaching men and women through your web blog. Most likely you’ve never encountered any of us.
Thank you for all your efforts on this blog. My mom really loves engaging in investigation and it is easy to see why. My partner and i learn all about the powerful method you produce very useful techniques via the website and therefore recommend response from other people on the concern while our own simple princess is actually becoming educated a great deal. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. You’re the one carrying out a useful job.
I truly wanted to write down a brief note so as to appreciate you for some of the fantastic secrets you are writing on this website. My particularly long internet investigation has now been rewarded with wonderful facts and techniques to go over with my family. I would mention that many of us readers are undoubtedly endowed to exist in a very good place with very many lovely people with interesting opinions. I feel rather fortunate to have seen your web page and look forward to some more cool minutes reading here. Thanks again for a lot of things.
I enjoy you because of all your valuable work on this website. Debby really loves getting into research and it’s obvious why. We hear all concerning the lively medium you convey helpful tips and tricks via this web blog and therefore inspire response from other people on the area so our favorite girl has been being taught so much. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. Your performing a useful job.
I just wanted to send a quick message so as to say thanks to you for those nice points you are sharing on this website. My time intensive internet research has at the end of the day been paid with good ideas to write about with my partners. I ‘d believe that most of us readers actually are rather endowed to live in a fabulous place with so many brilliant professionals with great tips and hints. I feel very privileged to have encountered your entire website and look forward to tons of more exciting moments reading here. Thanks a lot once more for everything.
A lot of thanks for your entire effort on this site. Debby enjoys going through internet research and it’s obvious why. Most of us notice all of the lively way you convey rewarding secrets by means of the blog and as well attract participation from visitors on the topic plus my daughter is without a doubt learning so much. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You have been doing a remarkable job.
I must express my appreciation to the writer for bailing me out of this instance. Right after searching throughout the the net and seeing ways which were not helpful, I figured my entire life was gone. Being alive without the answers to the difficulties you have sorted out by means of your main short article is a crucial case, and the ones that would have badly affected my entire career if I had not noticed your blog post. Your own personal skills and kindness in touching all the pieces was vital. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t discovered such a stuff like this. I can at this time look forward to my future. Thank you so much for this high quality and effective help. I will not think twice to propose your web sites to anybody who should get guide about this subject.
I and also my buddies appeared to be studying the excellent helpful hints on your website and then at once got a horrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the site owner for those tips. All of the young boys came consequently thrilled to read through all of them and already have extremely been using them. Many thanks for simply being very thoughtful and then for opting for this sort of amazing things most people are really eager to discover. Our own sincere apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally pleasant possiblity to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It can be so amazing and also packed with a great time for me personally and my office acquaintances to search your site at a minimum three times a week to read the fresh stuff you have got. And of course, we are actually fulfilled concerning the striking techniques you serve. Certain 2 ideas in this posting are undoubtedly the simplest we have all ever had.
I would like to voice my respect for your kindness for visitors who absolutely need assistance with this particular field. Your personal dedication to passing the message around turned out to be extremely useful and have consistently encouraged ladies just like me to realize their objectives. Your personal helpful tutorial entails a whole lot to me and a whole lot more to my peers. With thanks; from each one of us.
Thanks so much for giving everyone an extraordinarily terrific possiblity to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It is often so amazing plus full of a good time for me and my office mates to search your blog really thrice in 7 days to read through the newest guides you have got. Of course, I am certainly happy concerning the unique tips and hints you give. Certain two points in this post are clearly the finest we’ve had.
I needed to compose you a little bit of word just to give many thanks once again on your exceptional thoughts you have discussed here. It has been so particularly open-handed of you to provide without restraint precisely what most of us might have advertised for an ebook to make some cash on their own, notably considering that you might have done it in the event you wanted. Those points in addition served like the great way to comprehend many people have a similar interest similar to my very own to grasp much more in respect of this matter. I’m sure there are lots of more enjoyable times in the future for people who read your site.
I wish to convey my gratitude for your generosity in support of those people who have the need for assistance with the concern. Your real dedication to passing the message across was extraordinarily functional and has constantly permitted associates much like me to get to their objectives. Your entire helpful help can mean this much to me and somewhat more to my colleagues. Thank you; from all of us.
I in addition to my guys were reading the nice techniques from your web page and so immediately came up with a horrible suspicion I had not thanked the site owner for those strategies. These young boys are already absolutely excited to read through all of them and have in effect in actuality been taking advantage of those things. Thank you for indeed being so helpful and also for getting variety of terrific information most people are really eager to know about. My personal honest apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.
I definitely wanted to send a simple note so as to say thanks to you for some of the pleasant tricks you are showing at this site. My extended internet lookup has at the end of the day been rewarded with useful insight to talk about with my guests. I ‘d assert that most of us site visitors actually are undoubtedly endowed to exist in a decent website with many special people with very beneficial principles. I feel really grateful to have used your webpage and look forward to tons of more thrilling minutes reading here. Thanks a lot once more for all the details.
I simply desired to say thanks once more. I’m not certain what I could possibly have gone through without the concepts shown by you regarding this subject matter. It was a real daunting matter for me, nevertheless taking note of a new well-written fashion you managed the issue took me to weep for fulfillment. Now i am happier for this assistance and even wish you comprehend what a powerful job you’re carrying out teaching people through the use of your site. More than likely you have never met all of us.
Needed to draft you a bit of word to finally thank you so much the moment again on your remarkable secrets you have contributed above. This is simply generous with people like you in giving freely precisely what a number of people could possibly have distributed for an ebook to get some cash for their own end, even more so given that you could possibly have done it in the event you wanted. These strategies as well worked to become a fantastic way to be sure that many people have similar interest really like my very own to figure out a lot more with regard to this problem. I believe there are some more pleasant periods in the future for individuals that check out your site.
I and my pals ended up reading the best items from your web page and so the sudden developed a terrible feeling I had not thanked the site owner for them. All the people were totally joyful to read them and already have surely been tapping into these things. Appreciation for being really kind as well as for figuring out these kinds of incredibly good tips most people are really eager to understand about. My very own honest apologies for not expressing gratitude to you sooner.
I precisely wished to thank you so much all over again. I’m not certain what I could possibly have handled in the absence of these creative concepts contributed by you on that industry. It was actually a real fearsome concern in my position, but viewing the expert fashion you treated the issue forced me to jump for gladness. Now i’m happier for the help and even pray you are aware of a great job you happen to be carrying out teaching many people via your web blog. I know that you’ve never met any of us.
I and my friends ended up taking note of the best helpful hints from the blog and all of the sudden developed a terrible feeling I had not thanked you for those tips. Most of the boys happened to be so warmed to see all of them and have in effect undoubtedly been enjoying them. Thank you for getting well considerate and also for opting for this kind of fantastic tips most people are really desirous to understand about. My sincere apologies for not saying thanks to sooner.
I have to convey my admiration for your kind-heartedness giving support to people that require assistance with this topic. Your special dedication to passing the solution around has been wonderfully helpful and have helped women like me to realize their targets. Your amazing interesting publication signifies a whole lot a person like me and somewhat more to my mates. Thank you; from each one of us.
My spouse and i were so comfortable that Peter could do his studies through the ideas he grabbed when using the site. It is now and again perplexing to just happen to be giving freely guidance which often people could have been selling. We see we’ve got you to be grateful to because of that. The entire explanations you’ve made, the straightforward web site menu, the friendships you will give support to instill – it is everything impressive, and it’s really making our son and the family know that this subject is interesting, and that’s quite essential. Many thanks for the whole lot!
Thanks so much for giving everyone remarkably remarkable chance to read critical reviews from this web site. It’s usually very good plus packed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit your web site minimum three times a week to see the latest tips you have. And definitely, I’m just usually satisfied with your eye-popping thoughts served by you. Certain 4 facts in this post are ultimately the most effective I’ve had.
I want to point out my admiration for your kind-heartedness for men and women that must have assistance with that matter. Your real commitment to passing the solution all through came to be surprisingly beneficial and have in most cases encouraged men and women much like me to achieve their targets. Your personal helpful help and advice means this much to me and much more to my mates. Best wishes; from all of us.
I would like to show my passion for your kindness in support of people who actually need help with this one theme. Your real dedication to getting the solution along became pretty insightful and have continually made people just like me to attain their objectives. Your own important recommendations can mean this much a person like me and far more to my mates. Best wishes; from each one of us.
Thank you for your whole effort on this web site. My mom enjoys conducting investigation and it’s easy to see why. Many of us learn all regarding the lively ways you make very useful secrets via your blog and in addition increase response from other individuals on this topic while our own girl is undoubtedly studying a great deal. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the new year. You have been doing a fantastic job.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with remarkably breathtaking opportunity to check tips from this website. It can be so pleasing and as well , packed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office friends to visit the blog more than three times in one week to read through the newest secrets you will have. And of course, I am usually satisfied for the special pointers served by you. Certain 3 facts in this posting are without a doubt the very best I have ever had.
I wish to show appreciation to you for rescuing me from this type of condition. As a result of looking out throughout the online world and seeing ways that were not pleasant, I believed my entire life was done. Existing minus the strategies to the difficulties you have solved through your entire article content is a serious case, and ones that could have in a negative way affected my entire career if I had not discovered your site. Your personal training and kindness in dealing with all areas was excellent. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a stuff like this. I’m able to at this point look forward to my future. Thanks very much for this reliable and amazing help. I won’t think twice to refer the blog to any individual who will need counselling about this situation.
I want to show thanks to you just for rescuing me from this particular scenario. After surfing around through the world-wide-web and getting things that were not beneficial, I was thinking my entire life was gone. Existing without the approaches to the difficulties you’ve resolved by means of your entire article content is a serious case, and those that could have adversely damaged my entire career if I had not come across your blog. Your own personal ability and kindness in controlling the whole lot was very helpful. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come upon such a solution like this. I can also at this moment relish my future. Thank you very much for this high quality and effective guide. I will not hesitate to suggest your site to anyone who would like tips about this topic.
I want to express some thanks to the writer for rescuing me from this particular circumstance. After browsing throughout the internet and obtaining tips which are not helpful, I believed my life was gone. Existing devoid of the approaches to the difficulties you have solved as a result of your main site is a critical case, and those that could have in a negative way affected my entire career if I had not come across your web blog. Your good skills and kindness in controlling a lot of things was excellent. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not discovered such a solution like this. It’s possible to at this moment look forward to my future. Thanks so much for your skilled and effective guide. I won’t think twice to recommend your web sites to any person who wants and needs assistance about this subject matter.
I definitely wanted to write a quick comment to be able to appreciate you for those remarkable facts you are placing here. My incredibly long internet investigation has now been rewarded with reputable content to exchange with my close friends. I ‘d state that that many of us site visitors actually are quite lucky to live in a great site with many outstanding professionals with useful suggestions. I feel rather lucky to have encountered your website page and look forward to really more excellent moments reading here. Thanks once again for all the details.
I precisely wanted to appreciate you yet again. I do not know the things that I might have accomplished in the absence of the actual creative concepts documented by you about my topic. This was an absolute traumatic case in my position, nevertheless seeing a specialized style you handled it forced me to cry over delight. I’m just grateful for this information and thus believe you find out what a great job that you are carrying out educating the mediocre ones through the use of your blog. I am sure you have never come across any of us.
I not to mention my pals ended up checking out the great helpful hints located on the website and immediately I got an awful feeling I had not thanked the web site owner for those tips. Those guys had been warmed to learn all of them and have now honestly been loving those things. We appreciate you indeed being considerably thoughtful and also for going for such awesome topics most people are really needing to learn about. Our own honest regret for not expressing gratitude to you sooner.
I and my buddies have been checking the excellent techniques located on your web blog and so all of the sudden I got a terrible feeling I had not expressed respect to the blog owner for those tips. All of the young men had been absolutely thrilled to learn all of them and have surely been loving them. I appreciate you for truly being really helpful and for utilizing certain exceptional subjects most people are really desperate to be informed on. Our own sincere regret for not saying thanks to you earlier.
I want to express my affection for your kind-heartedness giving support to people who absolutely need guidance on this important niche. Your personal commitment to passing the message all through was surprisingly informative and has continuously made ladies much like me to attain their pursuits. Your entire informative guide can mean a lot to me and extremely more to my peers. Many thanks; from all of us.
Thanks so much for giving everyone such a marvellous opportunity to read from this website. It really is so cool and full of a great time for me personally and my office colleagues to visit your blog no less than 3 times in a week to see the fresh things you have. And indeed, I’m also certainly amazed with the mind-boggling pointers you give. Some 4 ideas in this posting are without a doubt the most beneficial I’ve had.
A lot of thanks for all of your efforts on this blog. My aunt take interest in making time for internet research and it’s easy to understand why. Many of us hear all of the dynamic method you make great suggestions by means of the website and in addition invigorate contribution from visitors about this article then our princess is truly understanding a whole lot. Have fun with the rest of the new year. You are always carrying out a very good job.
Thanks for each of your hard work on this website. Ellie take interest in making time for internet research and it’s simple to grasp why. I learn all relating to the lively manner you render valuable guides by means of this web blog and therefore recommend response from other individuals on this idea then my princess is always studying a lot of things. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You have been performing a really good job.
I really wanted to develop a small word to express gratitude to you for all of the awesome tips and hints you are sharing at this website. My prolonged internet investigation has finally been honored with reliable information to write about with my classmates and friends. I would claim that we site visitors actually are quite lucky to live in a very good place with so many marvellous professionals with interesting guidelines. I feel pretty lucky to have used the web site and look forward to plenty of more entertaining moments reading here. Thank you once again for everything.
Thank you so much for giving everyone an extraordinarily marvellous possiblity to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It is always very kind and as well , full of a lot of fun for me and my office acquaintances to search the blog no less than 3 times a week to find out the new issues you have. And lastly, I am also certainly satisfied concerning the awesome opinions served by you. Some 4 tips in this post are easily the very best I’ve ever had.
I am glad for commenting to let you understand what a awesome experience my cousin’s daughter undergone going through the blog. She learned too many pieces, most notably what it’s like to possess a very effective giving character to let many more quite simply gain knowledge of certain multifaceted topics. You really exceeded our own desires. Thanks for producing those warm and helpful, dependable, explanatory and fun tips on your topic to Lizeth.
I simply wished to thank you very much yet again. I’m not certain the things that I might have used without the actual hints provided by you over such concern. It previously was a daunting case for me, nevertheless discovering your skilled style you handled the issue took me to leap with delight. Extremely happy for your advice as well as pray you recognize what an amazing job you were getting into educating many others through your site. I’m certain you have never met all of us.
I precisely needed to thank you very much yet again. I am not sure what I could possibly have accomplished in the absence of the strategies documented by you about such a subject. Previously it was an absolute alarming circumstance for me, however , finding out a new well-written tactic you dealt with that made me to cry for happiness. I’m grateful for this service and as well , expect you are aware of a powerful job you happen to be undertaking training the mediocre ones thru a web site. Probably you have never come across all of us.
I truly wanted to construct a brief comment to be able to say thanks to you for some of the fabulous facts you are giving out at this site. My incredibly long internet investigation has at the end of the day been honored with really good facts to share with my visitors. I would express that we readers are very fortunate to live in a notable network with so many marvellous people with insightful pointers. I feel very blessed to have seen your entire webpage and look forward to so many more pleasurable moments reading here. Thanks again for a lot of things.
My husband and i were now delighted that John could finish off his investigation through your precious recommendations he came across from your own weblog. It’s not at all simplistic to simply choose to be offering ideas others could have been trying to sell. And we also remember we have got the website owner to thank for that. The most important illustrations you have made, the straightforward site navigation, the relationships you will make it easier to foster – it is most exceptional, and it’s really assisting our son and us know that the subject matter is awesome, which is certainly incredibly essential. Many thanks for the whole thing!
I would like to show my admiration for your generosity in support of visitors who need help with that situation. Your special commitment to getting the solution across was extraordinarily valuable and has in most cases allowed those much like me to arrive at their pursuits. Your valuable guideline indicates so much to me and even further to my office workers. Thanks a ton; from all of us.
I simply wanted to develop a remark to be able to say thanks to you for the pleasant facts you are posting at this website. My time consuming internet look up has finally been honored with beneficial facts and strategies to write about with my friends. I would assume that many of us visitors actually are undeniably fortunate to exist in a good place with so many special professionals with useful basics. I feel somewhat fortunate to have come across your website page and look forward to some more exciting times reading here. Thanks a lot once again for everything.
I’m commenting to let you know of the magnificent discovery my cousin’s girl obtained browsing your web page. She figured out so many things, which include what it’s like to possess an incredible coaching character to have men and women quite simply gain knowledge of certain impossible things. You truly exceeded readers’ expected results. Thank you for churning out such informative, dependable, informative not to mention cool tips about the topic to Evelyn.
My spouse and i have been so more than happy when Emmanuel managed to complete his preliminary research from the precious recommendations he received out of the site. It’s not at all simplistic to just be offering guidance that many some people could have been making money from. We do understand we have got the writer to give thanks to for that. The illustrations you made, the simple website menu, the friendships you can help engender – it’s mostly astonishing, and it’s really letting our son and the family reckon that this subject matter is satisfying, which is certainly exceedingly important. Thank you for the whole lot!
I’m just commenting to make you know what a wonderful discovery my friend’s girl had visiting your web page. She figured out plenty of pieces, which included what it is like to possess a great teaching nature to get others very easily completely grasp selected multifaceted subject matter. You actually did more than readers’ expected results. Thanks for displaying such effective, trusted, explanatory not to mention fun tips on your topic to Tanya.
I and my pals happened to be reviewing the great thoughts located on your site while all of a sudden I got a terrible suspicion I never thanked the blog owner for them. All of the young men ended up for this reason stimulated to learn all of them and have in effect absolutely been taking pleasure in those things. Thank you for getting very considerate and also for picking out some notable information most people are really wanting to be aware of. Our own sincere regret for not saying thanks to earlier.
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An attention-grabbing dialogue is value comment. I think that you must write more on this matter, it may not be a taboo subject however typically people are not enough to talk on such topics. To the next. Cheers
Hello! I simply wish to give an enormous thumbs up for the nice information you’ve here on this post. I will likely be coming back to your weblog for more soon.
I simply desired to say thanks again. I do not know the things that I could possibly have made to happen without the suggestions provided by you on my subject matter. It had been the daunting problem in my position, nevertheless being able to view the very professional approach you handled it forced me to leap over delight. Extremely happy for your information and as well , trust you recognize what a powerful job you’re putting in educating people today through the use of your blog. Probably you haven’t met all of us.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with such a marvellous opportunity to read critical reviews from this website. It is usually so sweet plus stuffed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office friends to search the blog no less than 3 times per week to see the newest secrets you have. Of course, I’m so at all times contented with your mind-boggling secrets you give. Some 4 tips in this article are certainly the best we have had.
I am glad for writing to make you be aware of of the useful experience my wife’s girl gained viewing your webblog. She noticed several things, which include what it’s like to possess a great coaching character to make most people really easily know various problematic subject areas. You undoubtedly did more than our own desires. Thanks for presenting the invaluable, dependable, educational and fun tips about this topic to Mary.
I simply wanted to post a simple message in order to appreciate you for all of the remarkable secrets you are writing here. My time intensive internet search has finally been recognized with wonderful details to share with my classmates and friends. I ‘d suppose that many of us website visitors are rather lucky to live in a superb place with so many outstanding professionals with very helpful principles. I feel very much blessed to have come across the web pages and look forward to plenty of more fabulous minutes reading here. Thanks a lot once more for all the details.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with an extraordinarily superb chance to read critical reviews from this web site. It really is very kind plus full of fun for me personally and my office mates to search your site at a minimum thrice in one week to study the new items you have. And definitely, I’m also usually contented with your fabulous suggestions served by you. Selected 3 points in this article are basically the simplest I have had.
I wish to convey my admiration for your kind-heartedness supporting individuals who have the need for guidance on this one subject matter. Your real dedication to getting the message around turned out to be quite insightful and have regularly permitted others much like me to achieve their aims. Your own helpful recommendations implies this much to me and substantially more to my colleagues. Best wishes; from each one of us.
Thank you for your entire work on this site. My daughter delights in working on internet research and it’s really obvious why. My partner and i notice all regarding the compelling medium you present efficient suggestions by means of the website and even inspire contribution from website visitors on this article so our daughter is actually being taught so much. Enjoy the rest of the new year. You have been doing a powerful job.
A lot of thanks for all of your hard work on this web site. My niece enjoys participating in investigations and it is easy to see why. Most people learn all regarding the lively way you create practical strategies on this website and as well increase participation from some others on the subject matter so our favorite child is certainly being taught a great deal. Have fun with the rest of the new year. You’re conducting a terrific job.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely spectacular possiblity to read in detail from this blog. It can be so kind and also full of amusement for me and my office fellow workers to search your blog at the very least three times in one week to study the latest issues you have. Not to mention, I’m also always motivated with your fabulous hints you serve. Some 4 ideas in this posting are clearly the simplest we’ve ever had.
I precisely wanted to thank you very much once again. I do not know what I would’ve handled in the absence of the methods provided by you regarding this situation. It had become a very troublesome matter for me, nevertheless encountering the very specialized fashion you managed the issue forced me to jump over delight. I will be thankful for the advice and as well , expect you really know what an amazing job that you’re getting into teaching the others through the use of your blog post. I am sure you haven’t encountered all of us.
I wish to convey my appreciation for your generosity in support of persons that have the need for assistance with your study. Your special dedication to getting the solution all through had become extremely invaluable and have truly encouraged women just like me to get to their goals. Your warm and helpful advice can mean a great deal to me and especially to my fellow workers. Thank you; from each one of us.
I as well as my guys were checking out the excellent strategies from your website and then quickly got a terrible suspicion I had not thanked the web blog owner for them. My young men were certainly joyful to read through them and have in effect in truth been taking pleasure in them. Appreciation for getting well helpful and for obtaining such awesome areas millions of individuals are really needing to learn about. Our own sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to sooner.
I have to show appreciation to you for bailing me out of this condition. Right after looking throughout the world wide web and getting principles that were not beneficial, I was thinking my life was gone. Existing minus the answers to the issues you’ve solved by means of your entire review is a serious case, as well as ones that might have negatively damaged my entire career if I hadn’t come across the blog. That understanding and kindness in dealing with the whole thing was valuable. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a stuff like this. I can also at this point look ahead to my future. Thanks for your time very much for your reliable and result oriented guide. I will not think twice to recommend the blog to anybody who should get guidance about this situation.
I intended to draft you one little remark so as to give thanks again for your fantastic secrets you’ve shown on this website. This has been really incredibly generous of people like you to provide unreservedly all that numerous people would have offered for sale for an e-book to earn some dough on their own, even more so considering the fact that you could possibly have done it if you ever considered necessary. Those smart ideas additionally worked to be the fantastic way to be aware that some people have a similar dreams much like my very own to grasp more when considering this problem. Certainly there are a lot more pleasant opportunities up front for many who read through your blog.
My wife and i ended up being happy Louis could conclude his investigation through the entire precious recommendations he acquired from your web page. It is now and again perplexing to simply be making a gift of secrets and techniques which the others could have been selling. We keep in mind we need the website owner to be grateful to for this. These explanations you have made, the easy blog menu, the friendships you can help to create – it’s most superb, and it’s really leading our son and the family recognize that the concept is thrilling, and that is extraordinarily indispensable. Thanks for everything!
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