Talip MERT(1)
Necip Fâzıl’ın 100. Doğum yılına nâçiz bir hâtıra olmak üzere Osmanlı Arşivi’nde ve Şer’î Siciller Arşivi’nde yaptığım araştırmalarda onun adına rastlamak da nasib oldu. Bu araştırmanın esas konusu Üstad’ın dedesi Maraşlı Kısakürek-zade Mehmed Hilmi Efendi (1841- 28.04.1916) idi. Üç aylık bir inceleme sonucu ortaya çıkan dört sayfalık bu ilk metin, 6–8 Mayıs 2004 tarihinde Kahramanmaraş Sempozyumu’nda tebliğ olarak sunuldu. Aynı metin Kültür Bakanlığı’nın “Necip Fâzıl 100. Yıl Hatıra Kitabı”nda da yer aldı. Ama ilk üç aylık süre içerisinde Üstad’ın adının geçtiği bu belgeyi bulmak ve yayınlamak nasip olmadı.
Söz konusu bu belge Üstad’ın babası Abdülbaki Fazıl Bey’in (21.07. 1889- 17.10. 1921) vefatı üzerine açılmış bir dava ile ilgilidir. İstanbul Şer’î Siciller Arşivi’nin Kısmet-i Askeriye Mahkemesi kayıtları arasında bulunan 26 Aralık 1921 (26 Rebiulâahır 1340) tarihli bu davanın konusu Fâzıl Bey’in ikinci eşi Fatma Nigâr Hanım’ın Fazıl Bey’in vefatı sebebiyle alamadığı 30.000 kuruşluk mihr-i müeccelini kayın validesi Hatice Zafer Hanım’dan talebi ile ilgilidir. Belgede geçen adresle ilgili Üstad’dan kısa bir bilgi aktarmak vesikanın daha iyi anlaşılmasına yardımcı olur kanaatindeyim.
Üstad’ın anlatığına göre: “Babamın tavrı, anneme [Mediha Hanım’a] tahammül edemediği zamanlar ‘götürün’ diyor; çocuk kadını, sokağa yakın bir tarafta tuttukları bir evciğe taşıyorlar sokağa yakın bir tarafta tuttukları bir evciğe taşıyorlar” dediği ev(2) her halde bu ev olmalı. Belgenin mahiyeti şöyledir:
“Üsküdar Kâtib-i Adilliği’nin (noterinin) 14 Şubat 1337 (1921) tarihli vekâletnamesine göre Kadıköy Altıyol ağzında telefon şirketine bitişik 19 numaralı hanede sâkin Haydar Bey kızı Fatma Nigâr Hanım’ın annesi ve her hususa vekili Hüseyin Hüsnü kızı Huriye Hanım Muhallefât-ı Umumiye Kassamlığı Mahkemesi’nde [açtığı davada şu iddiada bulunmuştur]. İstanbul’da Peykhane yakınlarında Uzunşücaaddin Mahallesi Peykhane Caddesi 31 numaralı evde oturan Salim [Paşa] kızı Hatice Zafer Hanım muvacehesinde (yüzleşme, yüz yüze gelme) aynı caddenin 33 numara[sın]da sâkin iken 17 Ekim 1921 (Rûmî 17 Teşrin-i evvel 1337) günü vefat eden Kadıköy sulh hâkimi muavini Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey b. Hilmi b. Ahmed [Necib]’in verâseti eşi Fatma Nigar Hanım ile annesi Hatice Zafer Hanım, Nigâr Hanım’dan doğma küçük oğlu Orhan, boşandığı eşi Aziz kızı Mediha Hanım’dan doğma büyük oğlu Necib Beylere ait olup başkaca bir vârisi [de] yoktur.
Müteveffa Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey hayatta ve sıhhatte iken 29 Aralık 1918 günü Kadıköy Rasimpaşa Mahallesi Aziziye Sokağı 66 numaralı hanede, şâhitler huzurunda 30.000 kuruş mihr-i mua‘ccel (peşin) ve 30.000 kuruş mihr-i müeccel (ölüm veya boşanma halinde ödenmesi lazım gelen mihr) takdiri ile Nigâr Hanım’ın vekili… Sami Efendi, Fatma Nigâr Hanım’ı vekâletle Fâzıl Bey’e nikâhlamıştır. Fâzıl Bey’in nikâh için vekili ise Ârif Bey’dir. Bu şekilde Fatma Nigâr Hanım Fâzıl Bey’in vefatına kadar nikâhlı eşi olmuştur. Ancak Fâzıl Bey’in zimmetinde (borcu) olup da ödenmemiş olan 30.000 kuruşu almadan Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey vefat ettiğinden [Huriye Hanım] merhumun terekesinden bu kadar meblağın müvekkilem namına tarafıma ödenmesini taleb ediyorum diye dava etmiştir. Ve [ayrıca] hazır bulunanlar huzurunda verâset hakkındaki ifadesine uygun bir ilm ü haber ile Dârulhilafe Kadılığı’ndan verilmiş bir akit name suretini de ibraz etmiştir.
Zafer Hanım da cevabında: “Oğlu Fâzıl Bey’in vefat ettiğini Fatma Nigâr Hanım’ın da vefatına kadar onun zevcesi olduğunu ikrar etmiş ama istenen miktar mihrden haberim yok” diyerek Huriye Hanım’ın mihr-i müeccel davasını reddetmiştir. [Bu durum karşısında yeni şahitler dinlemeye karar veren mahkeme] Huriye Hanım’ın şahit gösterdiği Kadıköy Osmanağa Mahallesi’nde sakin Nail Bey söz alarak [şunları söylemiştir]:
– Peykhane yakınlarında Uzunşücaaddin Mahallesi’nde Peykhane Caddesi’nde 33 numaralı hanede sâkin iken 17 Ekim 1921’de vefat eden Kadıköy sulh hâkimi muavini Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in verâseti vefatıyla işbu vekile Huriye Hanım’ın kızı Fatma Nigâr ile annesi davalı Hatice Zafer Hanım ve Nigar Hanım’dan doğma küçük oğlu Orhan ile boşandığı eşi Mediha Hanım’dan doğma büyük oğlu Necib Beylere aittir, bunlardan maada vârisi ve terekesinden hak iddia edecek başka kimsesi [de] yoktur. Ve müteveffa Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in hayatında ve sıhhatli günlerinde 29 Aralık 1918 (1334)’de Kadıköy’de Rasimpaşa Mahallesi Aziziye Sokağı’nda 66 numaralı hanede, şahitler huzurunda 30.000 kuruş mihr-i mua’ccel ve 30.000 kuruş mihr-i müeccel takdiri ile Fatma Nigar Hanım’ı akd ve tezvice (evlendirmeğe) vekili bulunan Sami Efendi vekâleten Fatma Nigar Hanım’ı Fâzıl Bey’e nikâhlamıştır.
Fâzıl Bey tarafından nikâh için vekili olan Ârif Bey de aynı şekilde vekâlet yoluyla Fâzıl Bey’i [Fatma Nigar Hanım’la] nikâhlamış, Fâzıl Bey’de bu akdi kabul eylemiş ve zifaf da gerçekleşmiştir. Mihr-i müeccel olan 30.000 kuruş da [hukuken] Nigâr Hanım’ın Fâzıl Bey’den alacak hakkıdır. Ben bu hususa bu şekilde şahidim ve şahadet dahi ederim, diye [mahkemede] şahitlik etmiştir.
Bir başka şahidin daha dinlenmesi lüzumu ortaya çıkınca davalı Hatice Zafer Hanım mahkemeye gelmediğinden taleb üzerine gıyabî muameleye başvurularak şahitlik yapmak üzere hazır olan Kocamustafapaşa Mahallesi Hacekadın (Hocakadın) Caddesi’nde 19 numaralı evde oturan Jandarma Dairesi Muhasebe Kalemi Kâtipliği’nden emekli Mehmed Efendi [söz alarak]:
– Peykhane yakınlarında Uzunşücaaddin Mahallesi’nde Peykhane Caddesi’nde 33 numaralı hanede sâkin iken 17 Ekim 1912 (1337)’de vefat eden Kadıköy sulh hâkimi muavini Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey…’in verâseti vefatıyla zevcesi Fatma Nigâr Hanım, [Fâzıl Bey’in] annesi davalı Hatice Zafer Hanım, Nigar Hanım’dan doğma küçük oğlu Orhan ile boşandığı eşi Mediha Hanım’dan doğma büyük oğlu Necib beylere aittir. Bunlardan maada vârisi ve terekesinden hak iddia edecek başka kimsesi [de] yoktur. Ve müteveffa… Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in hayatında ve sıhhatli günlerinde 1334 (1918) senesi Kânun-u evvel’inin 29. günü Kadıköy’de Rasimpaşa Mahallesi’nde Aziziye sokağı’nda 66 numaralı hanede, şâhitler huzurunda 30.000 kuruş mihr-i mua’ccel… Ve 30.000 kuruş mihr-i müeccel takdiri ile Fatma Nigar Hanım’ı akd ve tezvice (evlendirmeğe) vekili bulunan Sami Efendi Fâzıl Bey’e vekâleten Fatma Nigar Hanım’ı Fâzıl Bey’e nikâhlamıştır. Fâzıl Bey tarafından nikâh için vekili olan Ârif Bey de aynı şekilde vekâlet yoluyla Fâzıl Bey’i [Fatma Nigar Hanım’la] nikâhlamış, Fâzıl Bey’de bu akdi kabul eylemiş ve zifaf da gerçekleşmiştir. [Dolayısıyla] müvekkilem Fatma Nigar Hanım merhum Fâzıl Bey’in ölümüne kadar nikâhlı eşi olarak beraber yaşamışlardır. Mihr-i müeccel olan 30.000 kuruş da [hukuken] Nigâr Hanım’ın Fâzıl Bey’den alacak hakkıdır. Ben bu hususa bu şekilde şâhidim ve şahadet dahi ederim, diye [mahkemede] şâhitlik etmiştir.
[İlk şâhit] Nail Bey, mensup olduğu Osmanağa Mahallesi imamı Hafız Süleyman Efendi, mahallenin birinci muhtarı Mehmed Şevket Efendi ve ihtiyar heyetinden Süleyman Remzi Bey’den, [İkinci şahit] Mehmed Efendi de aynı şekilde mensup olduğu Kocamustafapaşa Mahallesi İmamı Hâfız Mehmed Tevfik Efendi, birinci Muhtarı Ahmed Efendi İhtiyar heyetinden de Ali Efendi’den [bu husus] evvela yazılı olarak gizlice, daha sonra özrüne binaen mahkemeye gelemeyen Nail Bey’in gıyabında, Fatma Nigâr Hanım ile Mehmed Efendi hazır oldukları halde adı geçen şahitlerden her birinin iyi hallerine, alenî ifadelerinden âdil ve şahadetlerinin de makbul olduğuna yazılı olarak [da kişiler şahitlik etmişlerdir.] Sarıgez (Sarıgüzel) yakınlarında Çıkrıkçı Kemaleddin Mahallesi’nden asker emeklisi Mülazım-ı evvel (üsteğmen) Ahmed Efendi, Kasımpaşa Cami-i Kebir Mahallesi’nde sâkin Berber Hasan Efendi.
Davacı Fatma Nigâr Hanım 30.000 kuruş mihr-i müeccelini merhum [Fâzıl Bey]’den tamamen veya kısmen veya bir başkası vasıtasıyla almadığına, onu ibra veya başkasına havale ettirmediğine, başka birisi tarafından da verilmediğine, bu hak mukabili olarak merhumun rehni olmadığına yemin ederek 30.000 kuruşun merhumun mevcut ve bu işe kâfi gelecek terekesinden ödenmesi iktiza eylediği tescil ve i’lam olundu. 26 Aralık 1921 (29 Rebiu’l-âhir 1340).”(3)
Bu vesikanın asıl kahramanı Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey ve ilk eşi Mediha Hanım’ı oğulları Necip Fazıl’ın kaleminden takiple biraz daha yakından tanıyalım. (Önce Fâzıl Bey’in Osmanlı Arşivi’nde kayıtlı olan hayat hikâyesi, daha sonra da Üstad’dan bazı notlar.)
Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey (1889 -1921)
Abdülbaki Fâzıl Bey Maraşlı Kısakürek-zade Mehmed Hilmi Efendi ile Hatice Zafer Hanım’ın iki çocuğundan biridir. Diğer çocukları kız olup adı da Meliha’dır. Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in Osmanlı Arşivi kayıtlarına göre hayat hikâyesi şöyledir:
“Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey,
Dersaadet (İstanbul) İstinaf Mahkemesi I. Riyasetinden emekli Mehmed Hilmi Bey’in mahdumudur. Kısakürek ve Necib Efendi-zade şöhretiyle bilinir. 21 Temmuz 1889’da (23 Zilka’de 1306 / 9 Temmuz 1305) Dersaadet’te doğmuştur. Hususi hocalardan sarf, nahiv, mantık, Fransızca, Rumca ve biraz da resim dersi almış olan Fâzıl Bey’in Fransızca okuyup yazdığı ve Rumcaya âşina olduğu tercüme-i halinde yazılıdır. Dârulfünun Hukuk Fakültesi’den a’lâ (iyi) derece ile 7 Ekim 1909 (24 Eylül 325) tarihinde şehadetname (diploma) almıştır. Bir müddet cinayet mahkemesi kalemine devam ederek 26 Eylül 1910’da 1000 kuruş maaşla ve Encümen-i İntihab-ı Adliye kararıyla Hudavendigâr (Bursa) Vilayeti İstinaf Mahkemesi a’za mülazımlığına (stajyer, yedek hâkim) ta‘yin olunmuştur. Ta‘yin tarihi ve maaşının miktarı, tercüme-i hal varakasının altında yazılıdır. Ve nezaretten de tasdikli olup Adliye Nezaret-i Sicill-i Memurin Müdüriyeti’nin derkenarında da beyan olunmuştur. Ayrıca cinayet mahkemesine nasıl devam ettiğini gösteren 10 Kasım 1909 tarihli tasdikname ile nüfus cüzdanı ve şahadetnamesinin tasdikli birer suretleri de idare-i umumiyece hıfz ettirilmiştir, 4 Ocak 1911. Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in 14 Şubat 1911 tarihinde [Bursa’daki vazifesinden] istifâen ayrılıp 14 Haziran 1911 tarihinde 250 kuruş maaşla Adliye Nezareti İhsâiyyat ve Müdevvenat-ı Kanuniyye İdaresi’nin… Mukarrerat-ı Temyiziye şubesi muvazzaf mülazımlığına (kadrolu me’mur olarak) tayin ettirildiği adliye Sicill-i Me’murin Kalemi Müdüriyeti’nin 17 Aralık 1910 tarihli cevabî müzekkeresinde ifade kılınmıştır.” (4)
Fâzıl Bey’in Bursa’dan sonra Gebze’de savcılık yaptığını Necip Fâzıl’ın yazılarından öğreniyoruz. 4 Haziran 1916 tarihinde Fâzıl Bey Fatih Sulh Mahkemesi başkâtibidir. Daha sonraları Kadıköy’de sulh hukuk hâkimi muavini olduğu ise vefatından sonra çıkarılan verâset ilamından anlaşılıyor. Fâzıl Bey, Kadıköy’de hâkimlik yaptığı sırada 17 Ekim 1921’de vefat etmiştir.
Ruh yapısı çok farklı olan Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey evinden ve âilesinden oldukça uzak ve ilgisiz yaşamış birisidir. Onunla ilgili düşüncelerini Üstad Kafa Kağıdı ile O Ve Ben’de epeyce anlatmıştır. Bahriye’de okurken bir hafta tatilinde kendisini Tepebaşı’nda Çardaş Fürstin operasına götürdüğünü söyler ve “babamdan gördüğüm bütün alâka bu kadardır” der. Bir de babası Fâzıl Bey’e yazdığı bir mektuba:
“Ne de güzel yazın ve üslubun varmış! cevabını verecek kadar oğlundan habersizdi.” (5) diyerek babasından sıcak bir alâka göremediğini bu buruk ifadelerle resmeder. Üstad, devamla babası Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’i şu cümlelerle anlatır:
“O, girdaplar çizen, her türlü nefs muhasebesine yabancı, ne yaptığını ve ne istediğini bilmez bir rüzgârdı. Ve ne durgunlaşabildi, ne de kasırgalaşabildi, satıh üstü esip geçti.” (6)
Necip Fazıl’ın annesi Mediha Hanım da muhtemelen Fâzıl Bey’le aynı yaştadır. Fâzıl Bey onu ölümünden üç dört sene önce tahminen 1917 veya 1918’de boşamıştır. Bu konuda Üstad herhangi bir tarih yazmıyor. Ondan sonar Mediha Hanım, ağabeyleri Kerim ve Mustafa Beylerle yaşamış ve bir daha da evlenmemiştir. Mediha Hanım’ın ağabeyleri Soyadı Kanunu’nda Milar soyadını almışlardır. Annesinin boşanması sebebiyle Üstad, Bahriye Mektebi’nde okuduğu yıllarda hep annesinin dolayısıyla dayılarının yanında kalmış, babası Fâzıl Bey’le ciddi hiçbir teması olmamıştır. O kadar ki, babasının vefatını Erzurum’da Emniyet müdürü olan dayısı Kerim Bey’in yanında bulunduğu sırada öğrenmiştir.
“Dört yıl sonra, ben Erzurum’da dayımın yanındayken ölüm haberini alacak olduğum babamı bir daha görmedim ve onunla, o çağıma değin hayatımda hepsi bir günlük kadar konuşamadım.” (7)
Mediha Hanım ise uzunca bir ömürden sonra 90 yaş civarında 10 Haziran 1977’de(8) ahirete intikal etmiştir. Üstad, annesi Mediha Hanım’dan: “Ne aldımsa annemden… Hayatı boyunca masum ve mazlum bu kadından aldığıma inanıyorum…” (9) der. (Necip Fazıl Kısakürek üstadın babası ve annesi hakkında yazdıkları kısaca bunlardır. Hepsini almak bu makalenin sınırını çok aşacağından bu kadarla iktifa olundu.)
Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in Mediha Hanım’la izdivacı 1903’tedir. Mediha Hanım Giritli Abdülaziz Efendi’nin yetime kızıdır. Bu evlilikten 1904’de Ahmed Necip ve 1905’de Selma adlı iki çocukları olmuş, Selma 6 yaşında iken Büyükdere’deki yalılarında vefat etmiş, Necip ise 25. 05. 1983’e kadar yaşamıştır.
Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in Fatma Nigâr Hanım’dan doğan oğlu Orhan mühendislik tahsili yapmış ve uzun yıllar Amerika’da yaşamış ama İstanbul’da vefat etmiştir.
Abdülbakı Fâzıl Bey’in verâset i’lamıyla adı arşiv kayıtlarına giren Üstad’ı başka yerde, başka belgelerde de görmek isterdim. Ama şimdilik nasip olmadı. Bildiğim kadarıyla en az iki yerde daha bu isme rastlamak mümkün idi. Birisi Büyükdere’de balık tutma hevesi ile denize düşmesi, diğeri de Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı arşivi.
Birinci ihtimale göre o zamanlar âfetlerde veya çok tehlikeli bir anda imdada koşanlara “Tahlisiye madalyası” verilirdi. Necip Fâzıl’ı denizden çıkaran ihtiyar Rum bakkala da böyle bir madalya verilmesi ihtimali vardı. Ama bakmış olduğum 1908- 1913 yılları arası kataloglarda kayıtlı 100 civarındaki “Tahlisiye Madalyası” belgesinde böyle bir isim göremedim.
İkinci ihtimal, Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı arşividir. Ancak bu arşivin yayınlanmış kataloglarında onunla ilgili hiçbir kayıt yoktur. Onunla ilgili kayıtların daha çok Deniz Harp Okulu arşivinde olabileceğini düşünüyorum.
Üstad’ın ism-i necibini Osmanlı arşiv vesikaları arasında görmek fakir için bütün hayatım boyunca karşılaştığım en mühim olaylardan birisidir. Belgeye dayalı olmak, elbette ki edebiyat tarihinin de en önemli vazifesidir. Onun için Üstad’ın biyografisine bir katkı yapabildiysem kendimi bahtiyar addeceğim.
(1) Öğretim Görevlisi, Marmara Ün. FEF Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi (Arşivcilik) Böl.
(2) Kısakürek, O ve Ben, s. 17, Kafa Kağıdı, s. 48.
(3) Şer’i Siciller Arşivi, Kısmet-i Askeriye Mahkemesi (V) Cilt 2104 sayfa 218- 220.
(4) Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi, Sicill-i Ahval defteri (SAİD. d, 172 / 271.
(5) Kısakürek, age s. 152–153.
(6) Kısakürek, age s. 154.
(7) Kısakürek age, s. 153.
(8) Kısakürek, Çile, 49. Baskı, Eko Matbaası, İstanbul, Ağustos, 2003, S. 502.
(9) Kısakürek, Kafa Kâğıdı, s. 46.
/// Talip Merd’in bu yazısı, Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nin 1 Eylül 2009 tarihli 1. sayısında (s.10-11) yayınlanmıştır.
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I definitely wanted to construct a brief comment in order to say thanks to you for all the marvelous items you are giving out at this site. My time-consuming internet lookup has at the end of the day been paid with professional insight to go over with my guests. I ‘d point out that most of us website visitors actually are unquestionably endowed to be in a fantastic network with so many perfect people with good points. I feel very lucky to have encountered your web page and look forward to so many more cool times reading here. Thank you again for everything.
I not to mention my pals were taking note of the nice key points from the blog and then before long came up with a horrible feeling I never thanked the site owner for those techniques. My guys are actually as a consequence stimulated to study them and have now simply been enjoying those things. Many thanks for actually being indeed thoughtful and for obtaining this sort of outstanding themes millions of individuals are really needing to understand about. My very own honest regret for not saying thanks to sooner.
My husband and i were quite more than happy when Emmanuel could round up his studies by way of the ideas he made from your very own web pages. It’s not at all simplistic just to always be offering helpful hints that the others could have been trying to sell. Therefore we grasp we need the blog owner to give thanks to for this. The specific explanations you’ve made, the easy web site menu, the relationships you can assist to foster – it’s got most superb, and it is letting our son in addition to our family understand the content is entertaining, which is certainly really serious. Thanks for the whole thing!
I just wanted to construct a message to be able to say thanks to you for some of the superb pointers you are giving out at this website. My particularly long internet investigation has at the end been compensated with good quality suggestions to talk about with my best friends. I would tell you that most of us website visitors are extremely lucky to dwell in a superb website with so many awesome individuals with very beneficial basics. I feel somewhat grateful to have used your website and look forward to some more amazing minutes reading here. Thanks again for all the details.
My husband and i felt absolutely excited Albert could round up his survey with the precious recommendations he got when using the web page. It’s not at all simplistic to simply possibly be giving out tricks which usually people today may have been selling. Therefore we take into account we have the writer to give thanks to because of that. The most important illustrations you’ve made, the easy web site navigation, the friendships you will make it easier to promote – it is many fabulous, and it’s really making our son in addition to our family recognize that that subject is thrilling, and that’s really fundamental. Many thanks for the whole thing!
I as well as my buddies ended up viewing the great tactics from your web blog while at once came up with an awful feeling I never thanked the web blog owner for those tips. My young men were definitely for that reason joyful to see them and already have truly been having fun with those things. Appreciation for really being indeed kind as well as for making a decision on some fine themes millions of individuals are really needing to be informed on. Our own honest apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
Thanks a lot for providing individuals with an exceptionally superb chance to read from this website. It’s usually very lovely plus packed with a good time for me and my office fellow workers to search your web site really three times every week to find out the latest things you have. Not to mention, I am also at all times pleased for the exceptional hints you give. Certain two areas on this page are in fact the simplest I have had.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with an extremely pleasant chance to discover important secrets from this site. It is often very pleasant plus stuffed with a lot of fun for me and my office fellow workers to visit the blog nearly three times in a week to read through the fresh stuff you have got. Of course, I am also always motivated for the eye-popping creative concepts served by you. Some 1 points in this post are really the finest we have all had.
I enjoy you because of your whole efforts on this site. My daughter takes pleasure in carrying out investigations and it is simple to grasp why. We learn all regarding the powerful manner you deliver simple thoughts on this web site and as well cause response from visitors on that content so my princess is in fact discovering a great deal. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. You have been carrying out a splendid job.
I not to mention my buddies have already been digesting the nice solutions on your web blog and so the sudden developed an awful feeling I never thanked the blog owner for those strategies. All of the ladies happened to be consequently passionate to read all of them and already have quite simply been using those things. I appreciate you for actually being quite considerate and also for considering varieties of ideal subjects millions of individuals are really eager to learn about. My sincere regret for not saying thanks to you earlier.
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A lot of thanks for all your valuable labor on this web page. My aunt takes pleasure in going through internet research and it’s really easy to see why. All of us hear all of the compelling method you make great tactics by means of your blog and as well as foster contribution from other ones on this topic so our princess is in fact becoming educated a great deal. Enjoy the rest of the new year. You’re doing a brilliant job.
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I in addition to my guys were actually looking at the great suggestions located on the blog and so immediately I had a terrible feeling I had not thanked the blog owner for those strategies. My boys appeared to be for that reason stimulated to read them and have in effect definitely been enjoying them. Many thanks for actually being simply considerate and then for selecting varieties of fine subjects millions of individuals are really eager to know about. Our own honest regret for not expressing appreciation to you earlier.
A lot of thanks for all of your effort on this blog. Kim delights in making time for internet research and it is obvious why. We all notice all concerning the dynamic way you render informative guidelines via this blog and therefore welcome participation from other people about this idea then my simple princess is actually becoming educated a whole lot. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You’re the one conducting a brilliant job.
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Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an extraordinarily nice possiblity to check tips from this web site. It is usually very sweet and also jam-packed with fun for me personally and my office friends to visit the blog more than 3 times weekly to read through the newest guides you will have. Of course, I am also actually impressed with the exceptional things served by you. Certain 1 areas in this article are particularly the most efficient we have all had.
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Thank you a lot for giving everyone such a brilliant opportunity to check tips from this website. It is always so terrific and stuffed with a great time for me and my office fellow workers to search your website at the very least 3 times weekly to read the latest guides you have. And of course, I’m certainly satisfied with your awesome information you serve. Certain 3 points in this post are easily the most beneficial we’ve had.
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I definitely wanted to compose a quick note in order to say thanks to you for those splendid facts you are giving at this website. My incredibly long internet lookup has at the end of the day been rewarded with incredibly good insight to exchange with my friends. I ‘d mention that most of us readers actually are undeniably endowed to dwell in a wonderful community with very many special individuals with interesting secrets. I feel very much grateful to have come across your entire web site and look forward to many more awesome times reading here. Thank you again for all the details.
I precisely wished to say thanks once more. I am not sure the things that I would’ve undertaken without these recommendations revealed by you over my area. It had become a distressing difficulty in my circumstances, but taking note of the very specialised way you treated it took me to weep for contentment. Extremely thankful for your assistance and expect you recognize what a powerful job you were getting into instructing the mediocre ones with the aid of your web blog. More than likely you have never got to know any of us.
I precisely wanted to thank you very much once again. I’m not certain what I might have gone through without the entire techniques discussed by you on this subject matter. It was actually the troublesome concern for me, however , looking at a expert mode you dealt with that made me to cry over delight. Now i’m grateful for the support and thus hope that you find out what a powerful job your are accomplishing training people through the use of your web blog. Most likely you have never encountered any of us.
I precisely needed to say thanks all over again. I do not know what I might have gone through without these tips revealed by you about such a subject matter. It actually was a very frightful circumstance in my view, nevertheless considering this well-written technique you managed that forced me to jump over joy. I will be happier for the service and hope you really know what a powerful job that you are undertaking instructing most people with the aid of a web site. I am sure you have never encountered all of us.
My spouse and i have been peaceful that John could round up his survey with the ideas he came across through your web pages. It is now and again perplexing to just happen to be giving freely facts others could have been selling. Therefore we know we now have the writer to appreciate because of that. The most important illustrations you made, the straightforward web site navigation, the friendships you can aid to foster – it is many extraordinary, and it’s letting our son in addition to the family do think this situation is interesting, which is highly serious. Thank you for everything!
I’m just commenting to let you be aware of of the notable discovery my friend’s girl experienced viewing your blog. She learned some pieces, with the inclusion of how it is like to possess a marvelous giving mood to make the rest just understand specific multifaceted topics. You truly did more than her expected results. Many thanks for rendering the warm and friendly, healthy, educational as well as fun thoughts on this topic to Mary.
I together with my buddies ended up reviewing the excellent ideas found on your website and the sudden I got a horrible suspicion I had not expressed respect to the web site owner for those secrets. All of the young men came as a consequence joyful to read all of them and already have sincerely been taking advantage of those things. Appreciation for turning out to be considerably helpful and for deciding on these kinds of fantastic information most people are really eager to know about. My honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to earlier.
I want to express my appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of such a predicament. Right after looking throughout the internet and coming across tips which were not helpful, I assumed my entire life was done. Being alive minus the approaches to the problems you have fixed by means of this short post is a serious case, as well as ones which may have negatively affected my entire career if I had not come across your blog. Your primary mastery and kindness in handling the whole lot was very useful. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a step like this. I can at this moment relish my future. Thanks for your time very much for this skilled and result oriented help. I will not think twice to recommend your web page to anybody who should get care on this area.
I precisely needed to thank you very much once again. I’m not certain the things I might have sorted out in the absence of those secrets contributed by you over this theme. It was before a very frustrating matter for me personally, however , considering this well-written technique you handled it forced me to weep over delight. I will be grateful for your help and then hope that you really know what a great job you have been doing teaching the others with the aid of your website. Probably you haven’t got to know any of us.
I precisely desired to say thanks all over again. I do not know what I would’ve achieved in the absence of the entire creative ideas revealed by you over this field. It was a very troublesome problem in my position, nevertheless witnessing a new expert strategy you solved that made me to leap over delight. I’m happier for this advice and even expect you realize what an amazing job you’re doing training most people via a site. I know that you haven’t encountered all of us.
My wife and i got ecstatic that Louis managed to finish up his investigations through the precious recommendations he got through your web page. It is now and again perplexing just to continually be releasing tips and hints that many some other people might have been making money from. And we all discover we’ve got the blog owner to be grateful to for this. Those illustrations you made, the easy blog menu, the friendships you aid to promote – it’s got many incredible, and it is letting our son and our family understand that article is enjoyable, and that’s incredibly pressing. Many thanks for the whole lot!
A lot of thanks for every one of your labor on this web site. My mum really likes getting into internet research and it is easy to see why. Almost all know all about the dynamic form you provide both interesting and useful steps by means of the web blog and as well as attract participation from people about this matter then our girl is truly becoming educated so much. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You’re doing a fantastic job.
My wife and i ended up being so cheerful when Jordan could finish up his studies using the precious recommendations he made from your own web page. It is now and again perplexing to just always be freely giving hints which usually people today could have been making money from. And we all discover we now have the blog owner to be grateful to for this. The specific illustrations you made, the simple web site menu, the relationships your site give support to foster – it’s many superb, and it’s really letting our son in addition to us recognize that this content is thrilling, and that’s exceedingly pressing. Many thanks for the whole thing!
Thank you a lot for giving everyone remarkably breathtaking opportunity to read articles and blog posts from this web site. It is always very beneficial plus stuffed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office colleagues to search the blog not less than thrice in a week to learn the new things you will have. And definitely, I am usually contented considering the mind-boggling tactics you give. Some 1 facts in this post are clearly the simplest we have all had.
I’m writing to make you understand what a incredible encounter my friend’s daughter had reading your site. She learned some details, including what it is like to have an amazing giving mood to get the others quite simply comprehend specific tricky topics. You actually exceeded readers’ desires. Thank you for displaying those good, dependable, informative and even easy tips about this topic to Lizeth.
I in addition to my friends were digesting the best recommendations found on your web page while quickly got an awful feeling I never thanked the web blog owner for those strategies. These women were absolutely excited to read through them and have now honestly been loving these things. Thanks for turning out to be quite kind and for using this form of awesome useful guides most people are really needing to be informed on. My very own sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
My wife and i got quite delighted Chris managed to carry out his analysis from the ideas he gained from your own weblog. It’s not at all simplistic to simply be offering tactics which often men and women might have been selling. And we consider we now have you to thank for this. All the illustrations you made, the simple web site navigation, the friendships your site make it easier to instill – it is everything awesome, and it’s aiding our son and us feel that the subject is amusing, which is certainly unbelievably vital. Thank you for the whole thing!
Thanks a lot for giving everyone remarkably superb chance to read from this web site. It is usually so terrific and full of a great time for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit the blog no less than 3 times in a week to see the latest tips you have. Of course, I am always amazed with all the very good suggestions you give. Selected two areas on this page are completely the most efficient I’ve had.
I together with my pals have been reading the nice recommendations located on your site and so immediately I got a horrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the site owner for those secrets. Most of the young men had been thrilled to study all of them and have in effect definitely been making the most of those things. Appreciation for actually being so accommodating and for having this form of notable resources millions of individuals are really desirous to learn about. My sincere apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.
I in addition to my pals were found to be studying the excellent information found on the website and then unexpectedly I got a horrible feeling I had not thanked the web site owner for them. All of the boys came consequently happy to read through them and already have pretty much been tapping into those things. Many thanks for actually being very thoughtful as well as for obtaining some excellent ideas millions of individuals are really wanting to know about. My personal honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to you earlier.
I needed to create you one little bit of word just to thank you the moment again for the breathtaking opinions you’ve provided in this article. It was so unbelievably open-handed with you giving unreservedly what exactly numerous people would have marketed as an ebook to generate some profit for themselves, even more so seeing that you might well have done it if you ever decided. The tips as well served to be a fantastic way to be certain that some people have a similar fervor much like my own to realize good deal more when it comes to this matter. I am sure there are many more enjoyable times in the future for many who check out your blog post.
I enjoy you because of each of your effort on this web site. Ellie really likes managing investigation and it’s really obvious why. Most people learn all regarding the compelling manner you produce both interesting and useful things on this blog and as well as boost contribution from the others about this matter so our simple princess is undoubtedly discovering so much. Enjoy the rest of the year. Your doing a brilliant job.
I enjoy you because of all of your work on this site. Kim take interest in going through research and it’s really easy to see why. My partner and i hear all regarding the lively method you create priceless guides via your website and increase contribution from some others about this topic plus our favorite princess is without a doubt understanding a lot of things. Have fun with the rest of the year. Your conducting a good job.
Thank you for your entire hard work on this blog. My mother delights in working on investigations and it is easy to understand why. Many of us hear all of the dynamic mode you deliver powerful information through the blog and in addition recommend contribution from other people on the matter plus our favorite girl is truly understanding a whole lot. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the year. You are performing a good job.
Needed to write you this little note to thank you very much yet again just for the spectacular techniques you’ve featured at this time. This is so unbelievably open-handed with people like you to give openly all that numerous people could possibly have marketed as an e book to make some profit for themselves, precisely seeing that you might have done it in the event you considered necessary. The suggestions also acted to be a easy way to comprehend the rest have similar passion like my own to find out a whole lot more around this problem. I’m certain there are many more enjoyable times up front for people who find out your site.
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Fabio Borini and Rickie Lambert scored the goals as Liverpool won 2-0 at Aston Villa on Saturday in a Premier League match at Villa Park. Who: Aston Villa vs. Liverpool With the win, Liverpool moved up to 35 points through 22 matches. After a difficult start to the season, the Reds are trying to remain in the hunt for the top four. Before Saturday, Liverpool were five points behind fourth-placed Manchester United. Liverpool XI (4-3-3): Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Matip, van Dijk, Robertson; Henderson, Fabinho, Thiago; Salah, Nunez, Oxlade-Chamberlain Meanwhile, Robertson overtook Everton’s Leighton Baines as the Premier League’s most prolific provider as he took his tally of assists to a staggering 54. Liverpool face off against Aston Villa on Monday the 26th of December, at 17:30 in Villa Park.
Wolverhampton: Daniel Podence, Nathan Collins, Pedro Neto, João Gomes, Rayan Aït-Nouri, Adama Traoré, Jonny, Diego Costa and Daniel Bentley. The past 10 or so minutes have seen Liverpool take the wind out of City’s sails – this is a much more even contest compared to the first 20 minutes. The visitors are being more aggressive without the ball and it’s paying dividends. 23′: Urgency from Liverpool, who have been pressing in search of early lead. Madrid struggling to match Liverpool’s intensity at the moment. But the scoreline still remains 0-0. Premier League is arguably the most entertaining league in Europe owing to its unpredictability and the unrelenting pace of the game. The 2021-22 season just proved my EPL is arguably the best league in the world. The season had a nerve wrecking finish as Manchester City and Liverpool went face to face for the title. However, it was City who secured the PL title with just a single point lead over Liverpool.
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