Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi A.MKT 28/62’de kayıtlı ve 1845 (hicrî 1261) tarihli Ankara Vilayet Meclisi mazbatasının günümüz Türkçesine çevrilmiş hali şöyledir:
“Sadrazamın yüce makamına arz ederiz ki,
Ankara ve ona bağlı olan yerlerde bulanan ahalinin ilahî emirleri yerine getirmeleri konusundaki ihmalkârlıklarından dolayı cami ve mescitlerde ezan okunmadığı, beş vakit namazın cemaatle kılınmadığı ve tekke ile zaviyelerde de Allah’ın zikrinden gaflet olunduğu, ayrıca çocukluk yaşını geçmiş genç kızların açık saçık olarak sokaklarda gezmelerine hâkim ve zabitler tarafından bir şey denilmediği, bazı kaza müdürlerinin ise kişisel menfaatleri için mahkeme işlerini yerli naiblere havale edip onları etkileyerek ile davaların çoğunu mahkemelere göndermeyip kendileri sonuçlandırdıkları, bunlardan başka yörüklerin bulunduğu kazalarda anne ve babaların kızlarının rızası olmadığı halde onları isteyenlere verdikleri konuları siz Sadrazam efendimize bildirilmesi üzerine bu konuların güzelce düzeltilmesine başlanılması emrini içeren emirnameniz bize ulaşmıştır.
Peygamber Efendimizin sünneti ve İslam Dini’nin şiarından olduğundan Ankara ve ona bağlı kazaların hepsinde bulunan cami ve mescitlerde beş vakitte ezan okunmak ve ahalinin de beş vakit namazı cemaatle kılmasını sağlamak ve çocukluk yaşını geçmiş kızların açık saçık sokaklarda gezmesini engellemek konusunda görüş birliğine varılmış olup gereken tedbirler alınacaktır. Bundan önce gerekenlere buyuruldu (genelge) yazılıp gönderilmiş ayrıca müftülük ve mutasarrıflık tarafından müstakil memurlar tayin edilerek cami ve mescitlerde beş vakitte ezan-ı Muhammedî okunularak beş vakit farz namazın cemaatle kılınmasına devam ettirilmesi ve yetişmiş kızların da açık saçık sokaklarda gezmekten men edilmesi sağlanmıştır. Ayrıca Ankara şehrinde medfun olan Hacı Bayram-ı Veli ve Tâceddin-zâde kuddise sirruh-ul-âlî dergahlarıyla Mevlevîhâne’den başka tekke ve zaviye olmayıp adı geçen Hacı Bayram-ı Veli ve Tâceddin-zâde dergahlarında cuma ve pazartesi geceleri zikrullah yapılmakta ve her sabah evrâd-ı şerîfe okunmakta, Mevlevîhâne’de ise Perşembe günleri semâ icrâ kılınmakta ve ihya geceleri ism-i celâl çekilmektedir. Bundan başka Ankara eyaletine bağlı kazalarda yerli naib olmayıp fakat Tabanlı (Bala) kazası naibi yerlilerden bir kimse olup bu güne kadar uygunsuz bir hareketi olmamış ve ahali de kendisinden memnun bulunmakta olup eğer uygunsuz bir hareketi zuhur ederse değiştirilecektir. Yörüklerden bir kıza talip olanlara kız verilirken baba ve analarının rızaları olduğu bilinen bir durumdur.
Gönderdiğiniz emir gereği bütün cami ve mescitlerde ezan-ı Muhammedî okunması ve beş vakit namazın cemaatle kılınması için çaba harcanacağı ve yetişmiş kızların açık saçık sokaklarda gezmemesi ile kazalarda yerli şahıslardan ehliyetsiz kimselerin naib tayin edilmemesi sağlanacaktır. Ayrıca yörük bulunan kazalarda baba ve analarının rızaları olmadıkça talip olanlara kız verilmemesi konusunda gereken uyarılar yapılacaktır. Bu işlerin yapılıp yapılmadığı istikrarlı bir şekilde takip edilecektir. Ayrıca Padişah efendimiz için hayır dualar edilmesine gayret edilmesi ile yukarıda belirtilen hususlar bütün kaza müdürleriyle diğer görevlilere buyuruldu (genelge) eşliğinde kesin bir şekilde bildirildiği ve bu konuda gereken uyarıların yapıldığı ve gereken tedbirlerin alındığını bildirir bu mazbatamızı görüşlerinize sunarız. Bu konuda ve her hususta irade ve ferman emir sahibinindir. [29 Ramazan 1261 (1 Ekim 1845)]
(İmzalar) Bende Vâsıf, Bende Mehmed Râif, El-abdü’d-dâ‘î: Es-seyyid Mehmed, Müftî: Hak lutf kâfi es-Seyyid Osman Vâfî, Bende es-Seyyid Mehmed Es’ad, Bende es-Seyyid Celaleddin el-Mevlevî, Bende (kırmızı mürekkeple) Zahîre alış-satışı için Yozgad canibinde olduğu, Bende Mehmed İzzet, Bende Halil İbrahim, Bende es-Seyyid Mehmed Behcet; Bende Ankara Yahudi Milleti Hahamı, Bende Ermeni milleti başı (Ermenice Mühür), Bende: Katolik milleti başı Ohannes (Rumca mühür), Bende: Rum milleti başı Heci Nesis oğlu Kele (?).”
Kısaca özetlersek; sadrazamlığa ulaşan bazı olumsuzluklar hakkında tedbir alınması gereği üzerine Ankara vilayet meclisinin toplandığı anlaşılıyor. Sadrazamlıkça genç kızların açık saçık gezmelerinin önlenmesi emredilmekte, cami ve mescitlerde ezan okunması ve beş vakit namazın cemaatle kılınması için tedbir alınması istenmekte; naiblerin (Osmanlı Devleti’nde, kadıların kendi yerlerine gönderdikleri vekilleri) taraflı karar verdiklerinden şikâyet edildiği belirtilerek bu konunun değerlendirilmesi belirtilmekte; tekke ve zaviyelerde Allah’ı zikretmekte tembellik yapıldığı da söylenmekte ve zikrin teşvik edilmesi vurgulanmaktadır.
Ezan okunmaması ve cemaate devam edilmemesi; Hacı Bayram Veli ve Taceddin dergâhlarıyla Mevlevihane’de zikir yapılmaması hususlarının Sadrazamlıkça ve Ankara valiliğince tedbir almaya layık bulunması, zamanımızın laik anlayışının tamamen karşıtı olduğundan günümüz insanına garip gelebilir. Düşününüz ki devlet halkının namaz konusunda daha titiz davranmasını, tekkelere devam edip zikir yapmalarını istemekte; bununla da kalmamakta tedbir alınmasını istemektedir. Zamanımız insanının bunu anlaması hayli zor. Bugünün müslümanlarının bir kısmı da, devletin bu konularda bir vazifesi bulunmadığını söyleyebilirler. İnsanımızın zihin, şuur ve idrak yapısı, köklü bir değişime uğramıştır. Hâlbuki doğru olan devletin halkına ait her konuda kendini sorumlu hissetmesi değil midir? Halkının sadece dünyasıyla değil hem dünyası hem ahiretiyle ilgilenen devlet; daha doğru, daha şefkatli ve daha kerim bir devlet olmaz mı?
“Yetişmiş kızların da açık saçık sokaklarda gezmesi”nden bugünkü gibi bir açıklığı düşünmemek lazımdır, onların belki ancak başları açıktır veya henüz tam manasıyla tesettüre girmemişlerdir. Tesettür konusunda idarenin de gevşek davrandığı anlaşılıyor, çünkü “hâkim ve zabitler” tesettüre girmesi gereken genç kızlara bir şey dememektedirler.
Ankara Meclisi konuyu görüşerek bu aksaklıkların giderileceği yönünde aldığı kararı Sadrazam’a bildiriyor. Meclis üyeleri arasında Yahudileri temsilen hahamın, Ermeniler ile Rum ve Katolikleri temsil eden üyelerin de imzaları var. Müslümanlara ait böyle nazik meselelere onların da muttali olmaları oldukça manidar. Onlar bu konuda ne düşünüyorlardı acaba; üzülüyorlar mıydı yoksa seviniyorlar mıydı? Müslümanların İslam’ı uygulamadaki gevşeklikleri hakkında kendi aralarında neler konuşuyorlardı? “Müslümanlar artık ibadetlerine, tesettürlerine, cami ve tekkelerine dört elle sarılmıyorlar; bunların çöküşü yakındır” mı diyorlardı?
Bu belge, mühim bir vesikadır; önemli bir değişim/dönüşümün artık görünür hale geldiğini aktarmaktadır. Cami ve mescidlere devam azalmış hatta ezan bile okunmaz olmuştur. Tekke ile zaviyelerde Allah’ın zikrinden gaflet başlamıştır. Hanımların tesettürü konusunda hem toplumda hem de yönetimde dikkatsizlik ve gevşeklik baş göstermiştir. Yani bu değişim derinleşmeye ve genişlemeye yüz tutmuş, sosyolojik bir boyuta ulaşmıştır.
1914–1945 arasında Adriyatik’ten Çin Seddi’ne kadar olan coğrafyada 40.000 cami ve mescidin yıkıldığı rivayet ediliyor. Camilerin, cemaatin kadri bilinmezse böyle bir sonuç kaçınılmaz olmaz mı? Memleketimizde bir zamanlar devlet tarafından ezanın Türkçeye çevrilmesi, bir ceza değil midir; gevşekliğin ve gafletin cezası…
Tekke ve zaviyeler 30 Kasım 1925’te kapatıldı ve kurumsal tasavvuf yasaklandı. Hâlbuki 1000 senelik Anadolu ve Rumeli (ve tabii ki Irak, Suriye, Mısır ve sair memleket-i Osmaniye) tarihimiz boyunca, bu kıymetli irfan ocakları koca bir milleti ahlak ve ilimce eğitmiş, öğrenim eksiğini kapamış, olgunlaştırıp medenileştirmişti. Üzerine titreneceğine gaflete terk edilirse bir nimetin değeri bilinmiyor demektir. Kadri bilinmeyen nimetin elden alınıvermesi tabii bir sonuç değil mi?
Zamanımızda açıklık hem de cahiliye devirlerini aratmayacak derecede teşhirciliğe dönüştü. Açıklık-saçıklık normal, örtünme anormal kabul edilmekte, toplumun bir kesimi tarafından… Bütün bunların başlangıcını 1845’e götürmek, ilk başta kabul edilmez görünebilir, lakin toplum hayatı büyük bir sürekliliktir. Sosyolojik olayların hiçbiri birden başlamaz, birdenbire sona ermez. İyilik, zamanla yayılır, kaybolması yavaş yavaş olur; ama kötülük hızla yayılır geç yok olur. Bundan 100–150 sene önce açıklık hayalen dahi düşünülemezken bugün örtünmenin ne ve niçin gerekli olduğunu topluma anlatmakta neden bu kadar zorlanıyoruz zannediyorsunuz?..
Bu dikkate değer belge, ne yapmamız gerektiğini de söylüyor aslında. Camiye, cemaata, ezana; tekkelere yani kurumsal tasavvufa, tesettüre önem verelim, dört elle sarılalım da bunlarla beraber daha büyük nimetlere, yeniden kavuşalım, inşaallah. Yani İslam’ı Kur’an’ın ve peygamberimizin öğrettiği şekilde bir hayat nizamı olarak yaşama nimetine… İslam birliği, dirliği, milleti, devleti, medeniyeti ile yeniden dünyanın hâkimi olarak…
/// [H.MERAL-M. SIRRIOĞLU tarafından hazırlanan bu yazı, Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nin 14 Mart 2011 tarihli 8. sayısında yayınlanmıştır.]
EK: Osmânzâde Hüseyin Vassâf hazretlerinin Sefîne-i Evliyâ adlı mübarek eserinden iktibas edilen şu kısım belgeyi doğrulamaktadır:
“Ankara ahalisinde Hz. Pir’e muhabbet hissi yoktur. Her halde vaktiyle ziyade imiş, sonraları zail olmuştur. Sebebi ise post-nişin olan zevatın tasavvuftan zevkinden, ilim ve irfandan mahrum olup dünya zevklerine dalmaları ve halk üzerinde o ulvi makamın tesirini izale edecek tavır ve hareketlerden ibarettir. Halen oraya bir insan-ı kâmil gelmiş olsa, Hz. Pir’in mertebesinin ulviliğini ve yüce makamlarını onlara idrak ettirecek surette hareket etse, halk orasını irfan kıblesi ittihaz eder. Ankara’da altmış yaşına gelmiş bir ihtiyar ile görüştüğümde “Efendi bu yaşa geldim, oraya girmedim” demiş ve fakiri hayrette bırakmış idi.
Burada post-nişin olanlara “Çelebi” derler. Bayramiye vakfının geliri çoktur. Çelebiler, gelirleri kendilerine hasr eylemişler ve fukara ve seyyahlara bakmaz olmuşlardır. Hatta yakında Ankara’dan gelen bir arkadaşım, “Hz. Pir’in türbesi toz, toprak, örümcek içindedir. Muvacehe penceresi o kadar kirlidir ki içerisi görünmez. Dışarısını badana etmek, silmek süpürmek bile kimsenin hatırına gelmez. Her taraf hüzün ve elem içinde bir harap bir hal arz ediyor” dediği zaman, o muazzam tekkenin gelirleriyle yaşayan çelebi efendiye lanet ettim. Zevk ve safaya dalmışlar, tekkeyi unutmuşlar. Bu hale teessüfe etmemek elden gelmiyor.” [Osmânzâde Hüseyin Vassâf, Sefîne-i Evliyâ, (Haz. Prof Dr. Mehmet Akkuş-Prof. Dr. Ali Yılmaz), Kitabevi yay., İstanbul 2006, II. cilt, s. 443-444; (Hüseyin Vassaf 1872–1929 yılları arasında yaşamış; Sefine-i Evliya 1925’te tamamlanmıştır.) İktibas edilen kısım sadeleştirilmiştir.]
70’li 80’li yıllardan sonra Hacı Bayram Veli hazretlerinin camii ve türbesi şenlenmiş ve etrafındaki dini kitaplar satan dükkânlarla beraber müslümanların rağbet ettiği bir manevi mahal olmuştur. Olmuştur amma “ba’de harâb-il-Basra”…
Konumuzla ilgisi olması ve o zamanın hanımlarıyla bu günün kadınları arasındaki farkı ortaya koyması bakımından şu kısmı da dikkatlerinize arz ederiz:
“Yazıcı-zade Mehmed ve Ahmed Bîcân’ın eserleri erbab-ı aşka mürşidlik hizmeti görmektedir. Gerek Muhammediyye gerek Ahmediyye Anadolu’da pek ziyade yaygındır. Herkes bir zaman adeta evrad gibi bunu okumağa istekli bulunurdu. Muhammediyye okunup bitince hatim cemiyeti gibi cemiyetler yaparlar imiş. Çocukluk yaşımdan pekiyi hatırlarım; validem merhumenin Muhammediyye ve Ahmediyye kitapları elinden düşmez, komşular bir araya gelirlerse dedikodu edeceklerine Muhammediyye’den okurlar, ağlarlar idi. Halkın bu eğilimi azalmış, tabii feyz-i Muhammedî bizlerden uzaklaşmış, başımıza bunca felaketler gelmiştir. (Sefîne-i Evliyâ, s. 463)
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I enjoy you because of all of the effort on this blog. My daughter take interest in participating in investigation and it’s really easy to understand why. We notice all concerning the powerful manner you convey rewarding techniques by means of the web blog and therefore cause response from other people about this issue then our favorite daughter has been being taught so much. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. You’re performing a fantastic job.
A lot of thanks for your own efforts on this web page. My daughter enjoys making time for investigation and it’s simple to grasp why. Many of us hear all of the powerful way you deliver effective tips and hints via your website and as well welcome contribution from some others on this concept so my princess is really understanding a whole lot. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the new year. You are performing a splendid job.
I definitely wanted to develop a remark so as to thank you for some of the stunning instructions you are giving out here. My time intensive internet look up has at the end been compensated with incredibly good information to share with my companions. I would say that many of us website visitors actually are truly blessed to be in a decent network with many wonderful people with great advice. I feel rather privileged to have seen your weblog and look forward to some more entertaining moments reading here. Thanks a lot again for all the details.
My husband and i got very joyful Jordan managed to conclude his homework through your ideas he grabbed through your web pages. It is now and again perplexing to just find yourself giving for free solutions men and women could have been selling. And we all discover we now have the website owner to thank for that. The most important illustrations you have made, the easy site navigation, the friendships your site help foster – it is many spectacular, and it’s aiding our son and our family do think this article is interesting, and that’s quite serious. Thank you for the whole lot!
I would like to convey my admiration for your kind-heartedness supporting men and women that must have assistance with this one area of interest. Your real commitment to passing the message all around turned out to be definitely useful and has empowered professionals much like me to reach their endeavors. Your warm and friendly suggestions can mean so much a person like me and further more to my mates. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
I must show my thanks to you just for bailing me out of this particular scenario. As a result of checking through the online world and obtaining principles which are not beneficial, I figured my life was well over. Living without the presence of strategies to the issues you have sorted out by means of your entire review is a crucial case, as well as the ones that would have badly damaged my career if I had not come across your blog post. The competence and kindness in playing with a lot of things was precious. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t discovered such a point like this. It’s possible to at this time look forward to my future. Thanks for your time very much for your reliable and result oriented help. I will not be reluctant to suggest your blog to anyone who desires assistance about this topic.
I must show my appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of this particular dilemma. After looking out through the world-wide-web and meeting opinions that were not powerful, I thought my life was well over. Living devoid of the solutions to the problems you have sorted out through your main guide is a critical case, as well as ones that would have negatively damaged my career if I hadn’t encountered your web blog. Your main skills and kindness in taking care of a lot of things was crucial. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come across such a subject like this. I can at this moment look forward to my future. Thank you so much for your reliable and amazing help. I won’t hesitate to refer your blog to any person who should have guide on this subject matter.
I definitely wanted to make a simple comment to be able to say thanks to you for some of the fantastic points you are showing on this site. My considerable internet research has finally been recognized with reasonable content to exchange with my friends and family. I would mention that many of us site visitors are definitely blessed to be in a magnificent site with many outstanding individuals with very helpful tips. I feel somewhat happy to have encountered your webpage and look forward to so many more amazing moments reading here. Thanks once more for everything.
I wanted to post you one very little word to finally say thank you over again relating to the remarkable views you have shared here. It was simply shockingly open-handed with you to offer easily precisely what a few individuals could have made available as an e book to help with making some cash for themselves, most importantly considering that you could have done it if you considered necessary. Those ideas additionally acted like the easy way to realize that some people have similar dream just as mine to understand way more in regard to this condition. I know there are many more enjoyable sessions in the future for those who take a look at your blog post.
I must convey my passion for your generosity giving support to individuals who have the need for help with this situation. Your personal commitment to passing the message all-around came to be remarkably valuable and has in every case helped folks like me to attain their endeavors. Your new interesting publication denotes a great deal a person like me and further more to my fellow workers. Warm regards; from each one of us.
I wish to show some thanks to the writer just for rescuing me from this particular issue. Just after searching through the the net and getting solutions which were not pleasant, I believed my life was gone. Existing minus the approaches to the difficulties you’ve solved by means of your report is a serious case, as well as ones which may have in a wrong way damaged my entire career if I had not come across your web site. Your personal talents and kindness in touching all the stuff was very helpful. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t encountered such a point like this. I can now relish my future. Thank you so much for the high quality and effective guide. I will not be reluctant to propose your site to any person who would need guidance on this issue.
I simply needed to appreciate you once again. I am not sure the things I would’ve gone through in the absence of the type of points revealed by you over that question. It previously was a very fearsome matter in my view, however , viewing a skilled way you handled it made me to cry with contentment. Now i’m happier for this help as well as hope you know what an amazing job you are putting in teaching many people using a site. I’m certain you have never got to know any of us.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with such a wonderful opportunity to read critical reviews from this blog. It is often very enjoyable and as well , packed with fun for me and my office colleagues to search your web site not less than thrice per week to study the newest secrets you have got. And lastly, I am at all times fascinated considering the dazzling points served by you. Selected 2 points on this page are truly the most impressive we have ever had.
Thank you for all your efforts on this blog. Kate really loves managing investigations and it’s really simple to grasp why. A number of us learn all about the lively form you provide functional items on your website and as well attract participation from other ones about this concept then our favorite simple princess has always been discovering a whole lot. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the new year. You’re the one doing a really great job.
I wanted to send a simple note to thank you for those magnificent recommendations you are sharing at this site. My long internet lookup has now been honored with brilliant details to talk about with my family. I would express that many of us site visitors actually are truly fortunate to dwell in a fabulous network with very many lovely professionals with good tactics. I feel rather lucky to have come across the webpage and look forward to so many more fun minutes reading here. Thanks a lot once more for everything.
I wanted to compose you that tiny remark so as to say thank you as before on your marvelous principles you’ve shared on this website. It is simply shockingly generous with people like you to supply without restraint what most of us would’ve offered as an e-book to earn some cash for their own end, principally since you might well have done it in case you considered necessary. These techniques in addition worked as a easy way to comprehend the rest have the same zeal just like my own to figure out great deal more concerning this issue. I think there are thousands of more enjoyable moments ahead for folks who start reading your site.
I truly wanted to compose a small comment so as to say thanks to you for all the remarkable tips and tricks you are giving out at this site. My incredibly long internet research has at the end been honored with beneficial tips to exchange with my relatives. I ‘d declare that many of us visitors are definitely blessed to exist in a fantastic community with very many marvellous professionals with valuable hints. I feel pretty blessed to have encountered your site and look forward to so many more thrilling times reading here. Thanks again for a lot of things.
I together with my friends came following the best tips and tricks located on your web page and then immediately I had a horrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the website owner for them. Most of the young men came thrilled to study all of them and have in effect in truth been making the most of those things. Appreciation for turning out to be well helpful and also for deciding upon certain outstanding themes millions of individuals are really wanting to know about. My very own sincere regret for not saying thanks to earlier.
Thank you for your entire hard work on this web site. Kim take interest in carrying out investigations and it’s easy to understand why. Almost all notice all about the lively means you render great techniques on this blog and even welcome response from other people on this subject then our own princess is really understanding a lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You are conducting a first class job.
I intended to write you that bit of note to say thanks yet again for those pretty things you have documented on this site. This is so extremely open-handed with you to offer without restraint all a lot of people would’ve offered for sale for an electronic book to help make some cash on their own, most importantly considering the fact that you might well have tried it if you decided. The tricks also worked like a good way to fully grasp someone else have the same dreams just as my personal own to grasp a little more in regard to this matter. I’m certain there are millions of more pleasant opportunities ahead for people who find out your website.
I must show thanks to you for bailing me out of this particular predicament. Right after searching throughout the the net and meeting opinions which are not helpful, I was thinking my entire life was well over. Existing without the presence of solutions to the difficulties you’ve sorted out by means of your entire article is a serious case, and the ones which might have adversely affected my career if I had not noticed the blog. Your primary talents and kindness in touching almost everything was very helpful. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t discovered such a point like this. It’s possible to at this time look ahead to my future. Thanks a lot so much for your professional and results-oriented help. I will not be reluctant to suggest the website to any person who would like assistance on this subject matter.
I actually wanted to post a brief remark so as to appreciate you for the precious strategies you are posting here. My incredibly long internet search has finally been recognized with sensible details to go over with my companions. I ‘d repeat that many of us website visitors are undeniably lucky to exist in a really good website with very many lovely individuals with insightful hints. I feel very blessed to have come across your entire website and look forward to tons of more cool moments reading here. Thanks once more for a lot of things.
Thanks for all of the efforts on this website. Gloria really loves getting into investigation and it’s simple to grasp why. Most of us hear all concerning the lively medium you deliver advantageous steps on this web blog and increase response from other individuals on that area of interest while our own child is without a doubt being taught a great deal. Take pleasure in the rest of the new year. You have been carrying out a really great job.
I simply wanted to send a message in order to thank you for the amazing ideas you are posting at this site. My time intensive internet look up has at the end been paid with professional information to write about with my neighbours. I would say that most of us website visitors actually are really fortunate to be in a good site with many perfect professionals with very helpful things. I feel very fortunate to have discovered your web page and look forward to many more thrilling minutes reading here. Thanks once more for all the details.
I wanted to write a comment to be able to thank you for some of the superb suggestions you are placing at this website. My prolonged internet lookup has at the end of the day been honored with excellent facts and strategies to go over with my neighbours. I would claim that we visitors are very blessed to dwell in a useful website with very many outstanding professionals with valuable techniques. I feel very much happy to have used the website and look forward to really more brilliant minutes reading here. Thanks a lot again for a lot of things.
I needed to post you one little bit of note just to thank you so much as before on your splendid guidelines you’ve provided on this site. It was certainly shockingly open-handed of people like you to give unreservedly just what many people would’ve offered for sale for an e book in making some bucks for their own end, certainly considering the fact that you could have tried it if you decided. The secrets likewise served like a fantastic way to understand that the rest have the identical desire really like my personal own to understand much more around this problem. I am sure there are some more pleasant periods in the future for those who looked over your site.
My wife and i felt very happy Ervin managed to finish up his preliminary research by way of the precious recommendations he received from your own web site. It is now and again perplexing to simply find yourself giving away tactics that many many people may have been trying to sell. And now we remember we need the website owner to give thanks to for this. These illustrations you’ve made, the easy web site navigation, the relationships you will help to promote – it is everything fabulous, and it is aiding our son and our family reckon that this matter is satisfying, which is certainly particularly mandatory. Thanks for the whole thing!
My husband and i felt quite cheerful that Michael could conclude his homework from your precious recommendations he discovered through your web site. It is now and again perplexing to simply choose to be giving out concepts which often some others could have been trying to sell. So we see we now have the website owner to be grateful to for that. The explanations you have made, the simple website navigation, the friendships you can make it easier to instill – it is all overwhelming, and it’s letting our son and our family believe that the subject is pleasurable, which is certainly seriously indispensable. Many thanks for the whole thing!
I’m also commenting to make you understand of the terrific discovery my wife’s child obtained browsing your site. She learned a wide variety of issues, including what it’s like to possess a marvelous helping style to have most people clearly learn about a variety of problematic issues. You truly surpassed people’s expected results. Many thanks for churning out these necessary, dependable, edifying as well as easy guidance on the topic to Gloria.
I’m just commenting to let you be aware of of the excellent discovery my friend’s princess undergone reading through the blog. She even learned too many details, not to mention how it is like to have an awesome coaching mood to have folks without problems learn about chosen complex subject matter. You actually exceeded our own expected results. Thank you for presenting these effective, trustworthy, revealing and as well as cool thoughts on this topic to Janet.
Thank you for your entire efforts on this web page. Debby delights in getting into research and it’s easy to see why. A number of us notice all concerning the dynamic manner you give important thoughts through this blog and therefore boost contribution from people about this area of interest and our daughter has always been discovering a lot. Take advantage of the rest of the new year. You’re performing a useful job.
I together with my friends were found to be looking at the nice tactics on your site and then then I got a horrible suspicion I had not expressed respect to the site owner for those techniques. The boys had been so warmed to study them and have now undoubtedly been taking advantage of these things. I appreciate you for genuinely really kind and for having some incredible subjects millions of individuals are really eager to be informed on. My personal honest apologies for not saying thanks to sooner.
I needed to compose you that very little observation to help say thank you the moment again for all the spectacular thoughts you’ve shown here. It is simply strangely open-handed with people like you to provide unreservedly all that many people could possibly have supplied as an e book to help with making some money for their own end, specifically seeing that you could possibly have done it if you wanted. Those things likewise acted to become a easy way to be certain that some people have a similar fervor similar to mine to figure out very much more regarding this problem. I am sure there are numerous more pleasant periods in the future for folks who see your blog.
I wish to express some appreciation to the writer just for bailing me out of this type of crisis. Because of searching throughout the world-wide-web and obtaining principles which were not pleasant, I figured my entire life was gone. Living without the answers to the problems you have solved all through your entire guide is a critical case, as well as those which could have in a negative way affected my career if I had not discovered your web blog. That understanding and kindness in controlling all the things was priceless. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a step like this. I can also at this moment look ahead to my future. Thanks a lot very much for this high quality and results-oriented guide. I will not hesitate to propose the website to anyone who would like support about this topic.
I am only writing to let you be aware of what a helpful discovery my friend’s girl went through checking the blog. She figured out lots of details, including what it is like to possess an incredible helping mindset to get certain people completely learn about various specialized issues. You really surpassed readers’ expectations. Thank you for showing the helpful, healthy, explanatory not to mention cool tips on your topic to Kate.
I happen to be commenting to make you be aware of what a extraordinary discovery my child gained viewing your web page. She learned a lot of pieces, with the inclusion of how it is like to possess a great giving heart to get the mediocre ones smoothly completely grasp chosen impossible matters. You undoubtedly surpassed our own desires. I appreciate you for coming up with those warm and friendly, trusted, educational and even easy guidance on the topic to Janet.
I simply wished to say thanks once more. I do not know the things I would have done in the absence of the entire tactics provided by you regarding such a subject. Completely was the intimidating difficulty in my view, however , being able to view this professional way you dealt with that forced me to cry with fulfillment. Extremely thankful for this advice and expect you recognize what a great job you were providing instructing others by way of your website. I am certain you have never got to know any of us.
A lot of thanks for all your efforts on this blog. Betty really loves working on investigation and it is easy to understand why. All of us learn all regarding the compelling ways you render good guidelines on your web site and even improve participation from other ones on this matter while our favorite child is actually studying a lot of things. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the year. You are doing a pretty cool job.
I intended to put you one little word to finally give many thanks yet again with your wonderful ideas you’ve featured in this case. It was certainly surprisingly open-handed of people like you to grant easily just what a lot of folks could possibly have offered for sale as an e-book to generate some profit for themselves, especially since you could have done it in the event you desired. The techniques as well served to be the easy way to fully grasp the rest have the identical passion really like mine to know a whole lot more with regards to this problem. I’m certain there are several more pleasant instances in the future for folks who view your blog.
I truly wanted to develop a small comment so as to appreciate you for those great recommendations you are sharing on this website. My prolonged internet investigation has finally been compensated with good quality ideas to write about with my great friends. I ‘d express that many of us readers actually are very much endowed to dwell in a really good site with so many awesome people with great strategies. I feel rather fortunate to have discovered your entire website and look forward to really more excellent moments reading here. Thank you once more for a lot of things.
I precisely desired to appreciate you once more. I’m not certain the things I would have done in the absence of the information discussed by you relating to such subject matter. It became a real terrifying concern for me, nevertheless witnessing a new expert way you processed it forced me to weep over fulfillment. Now i’m grateful for the advice and wish you recognize what a powerful job you’re carrying out teaching many others all through your webblog. I’m certain you’ve never encountered any of us.
I simply wished to thank you very much all over again. I do not know the things I might have sorted out in the absence of the entire advice discussed by you relating to that question. It has been the terrifying concern in my opinion, nevertheless encountering your well-written mode you dealt with it forced me to weep over contentment. I am happy for this service and as well , hope you are aware of a powerful job you have been providing instructing most people all through a blog. I’m certain you haven’t encountered any of us.
I actually wanted to make a quick message to be able to say thanks to you for all the awesome ways you are sharing here. My particularly long internet lookup has at the end of the day been paid with wonderful know-how to go over with my classmates and friends. I ‘d believe that many of us visitors actually are very much lucky to live in a notable community with very many awesome people with good opinions. I feel very happy to have discovered your entire web page and look forward to tons of more brilliant times reading here. Thank you again for everything.
Thank you for your whole effort on this website. My mum really loves making time for research and it’s really easy to see why. Almost all hear all relating to the lively way you offer very important items via your blog and in addition attract contribution from others about this theme so my child is always being taught a lot of things. Take pleasure in the rest of the year. You’re the one carrying out a useful job.
I needed to send you the tiny note so as to thank you very much over again with the amazing opinions you’ve shared in this case. It’s quite strangely generous of you to grant publicly just what most people could possibly have distributed as an e-book to help make some cash for themselves, specifically seeing that you might well have tried it in case you decided. Those thoughts also served like the fantastic way to know that someone else have a similar interest really like my personal own to understand great deal more when considering this condition. I am sure there are numerous more pleasurable periods ahead for individuals who looked over your blog.
I must express my love for your generosity in support of men and women that must have guidance on the subject matter. Your special dedication to getting the solution across was certainly important and has continuously permitted employees much like me to attain their desired goals. Your personal invaluable suggestions means much a person like me and additionally to my mates. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
I simply wanted to appreciate you again. I do not know the things that I would’ve carried out in the absence of the actual concepts discussed by you over this industry. Certainly was a difficult difficulty in my view, nevertheless coming across a skilled technique you managed the issue made me to cry with joy. I will be happier for this support and wish you find out what a great job your are doing instructing many people using your webblog. I’m certain you haven’t encountered any of us.
I together with my pals were actually checking the great secrets and techniques on your web page and then immediately developed a horrible suspicion I had not thanked the web site owner for those strategies. Those boys came for this reason passionate to read through all of them and now have in fact been taking pleasure in these things. I appreciate you for getting well considerate and also for picking these kinds of notable tips most people are really desirous to be aware of. My sincere apologies for not saying thanks to sooner.
I in addition to my friends have been studying the nice key points found on the blog then all of a sudden came up with a horrible feeling I never thanked the web site owner for those secrets. Those men were certainly thrilled to see them and have clearly been taking pleasure in them. Thanks for really being considerably helpful and then for figuring out variety of exceptional areas most people are really wanting to be aware of. My personal honest regret for not expressing gratitude to you earlier.
I wish to show my admiration for your generosity for those who really need help with this one niche. Your personal dedication to getting the solution up and down came to be exceedingly advantageous and has consistently allowed men and women like me to reach their goals. Your personal invaluable tutorial implies a great deal a person like me and especially to my office workers. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
I would like to show my admiration for your kind-heartedness for men who require help with this important field. Your very own commitment to passing the message across has been definitely effective and has frequently permitted ladies much like me to attain their endeavors. Your personal helpful tutorial entails a whole lot to me and extremely more to my fellow workers. Warm regards; from everyone of us.
I simply desired to thank you very much once more. I’m not certain what I might have implemented in the absence of the tips and hints contributed by you relating to such a area of interest. It was before an absolute frightful dilemma in my circumstances, however , taking a look at the well-written style you handled that made me to leap for joy. Now i am thankful for the service and as well , wish you know what a powerful job you have been putting in training the rest all through your webpage. Probably you haven’t come across all of us.
I wish to show my appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of such a challenge. Just after scouting through the internet and meeting basics which were not productive, I assumed my life was done. Living minus the approaches to the problems you’ve sorted out through your entire site is a critical case, and the ones that would have in a wrong way affected my entire career if I had not noticed your blog post. Your own personal mastery and kindness in playing with the whole thing was important. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not come across such a thing like this. I can also at this time look ahead to my future. Thank you so much for the specialized and amazing help. I won’t think twice to suggest the website to any person who needs guidance on this subject.
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I truly wanted to write a comment to be able to express gratitude to you for the stunning facts you are writing at this site. My rather long internet look up has at the end been honored with reputable insight to go over with my neighbours. I would state that that we site visitors are rather fortunate to dwell in a decent website with very many awesome individuals with beneficial hints. I feel truly fortunate to have used your site and look forward to tons of more amazing minutes reading here. Thank you once more for everything.
I have to express my appreciation for your kind-heartedness supporting men and women who should have guidance on in this matter. Your very own dedication to getting the message around appeared to be particularly important and has regularly enabled individuals like me to achieve their goals. Your entire warm and friendly help signifies a great deal a person like me and even further to my office workers. With thanks; from all of us.
I intended to create you this tiny remark just to say thanks a lot over again regarding the splendid tricks you have provided on this page. It has been quite unbelievably generous of you to supply extensively all that a number of us could possibly have distributed as an e-book to earn some profit for their own end, primarily seeing that you might have tried it if you ever decided. These suggestions as well served as the easy way to fully grasp that other people online have the identical desire similar to my personal own to grasp very much more pertaining to this issue. I am sure there are a lot more pleasurable occasions ahead for folks who go through your website.
I precisely needed to say thanks once more. I do not know the things I could possibly have worked on without those tricks discussed by you on such area. It actually was a hard dilemma in my view, nevertheless observing a well-written approach you dealt with that took me to leap over delight. I’m just happier for the support and as well , sincerely hope you find out what a great job you are always undertaking training the others through your webpage. I am sure you’ve never met all of us.
I enjoy you because of your own efforts on this blog. My daughter loves carrying out internet research and it’s really simple to grasp why. A number of us learn all of the powerful mode you produce great thoughts on your website and even welcome contribution from others on the content so our daughter has always been learning a lot of things. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. Your doing a fantastic job.
I must show my thanks to the writer just for rescuing me from this type of scenario. As a result of surfing throughout the internet and finding suggestions which were not powerful, I thought my entire life was over. Existing without the approaches to the problems you have resolved as a result of your good blog post is a serious case, and those which could have badly damaged my entire career if I hadn’t come across your web page. Your good knowledge and kindness in controlling a lot of things was invaluable. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come upon such a subject like this. I am able to at this moment relish my future. Thanks a lot very much for this reliable and amazing guide. I will not think twice to refer your site to any individual who needs direction on this topic.
I actually wanted to make a simple comment so as to say thanks to you for those fabulous recommendations you are writing at this site. My rather long internet lookup has finally been rewarded with extremely good points to write about with my good friends. I would claim that many of us readers actually are really endowed to live in a useful place with so many lovely professionals with interesting tips and hints. I feel somewhat blessed to have come across the site and look forward to really more amazing moments reading here. Thanks again for everything.
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an extremely marvellous opportunity to read in detail from this website. It is always so sweet and also jam-packed with fun for me and my office mates to visit your web site no less than three times in 7 days to learn the latest guides you have got. And of course, we are actually fascinated with the amazing strategies served by you. Some two ideas in this post are essentially the most beneficial I have had.
I and my guys were actually reading through the excellent guidelines on your web site while all of the sudden came up with a terrible suspicion I never thanked the web site owner for those secrets. Those boys were definitely stimulated to see them and already have really been taking pleasure in them. We appreciate you truly being considerably thoughtful and then for making a decision on this form of essential subjects most people are really wanting to know about. My personal honest regret for not expressing appreciation to you sooner.
I really wanted to write a remark to say thanks to you for some of the stunning solutions you are giving at this website. My long internet search has finally been rewarded with useful facts to exchange with my friends. I would express that we visitors are rather endowed to exist in a remarkable place with very many wonderful professionals with insightful hints. I feel truly grateful to have seen the web site and look forward to plenty of more exciting moments reading here. Thanks a lot again for everything.
Thanks for all your valuable work on this website. My mum really likes engaging in research and it is easy to understand why. Most of us know all concerning the lively way you render important items on your blog and as well invigorate participation from some others about this topic plus our own girl is without question discovering a whole lot. Enjoy the remaining portion of the year. You are always doing a very good job.
I precisely had to say thanks all over again. I am not sure the things I would have sorted out without these recommendations documented by you about this area of interest. It was actually a troublesome crisis for me, however , witnessing this specialised avenue you handled it forced me to leap for joy. I am just thankful for the advice and even believe you comprehend what an amazing job that you’re carrying out educating people today thru your websites. I am sure you have never got to know all of us.
I really wanted to send a brief comment in order to say thanks to you for those nice tactics you are placing at this site. My time consuming internet look up has at the end of the day been honored with high-quality details to exchange with my friends and classmates. I would claim that most of us readers actually are rather endowed to be in a notable site with so many perfect professionals with very beneficial concepts. I feel really happy to have discovered your entire site and look forward to really more excellent moments reading here. Thanks once more for all the details.
Thank you so much for giving everyone an extremely pleasant possiblity to read critical reviews from this web site. It can be very pleasant and as well , packed with amusement for me personally and my office peers to visit your web site at the least thrice in one week to find out the new guides you have. And indeed, I’m also at all times fascinated for the astonishing tactics you serve. Selected 4 facts in this posting are absolutely the most suitable we’ve had.
I simply needed to thank you very much once more. I am not sure the things that I might have made to happen without the ways shared by you on such a industry. It seemed to be the daunting condition in my position, nevertheless noticing your expert strategy you processed that made me to jump for joy. I’m happy for your information and thus trust you realize what an amazing job you happen to be carrying out educating people thru your site. I am sure you haven’t got to know all of us.
I must show thanks to this writer for bailing me out of this problem. Just after surfing through the the net and getting advice which were not pleasant, I assumed my entire life was over. Being alive devoid of the approaches to the problems you have solved through your good site is a serious case, as well as those which might have adversely affected my career if I hadn’t noticed your blog post. Your main training and kindness in touching the whole lot was valuable. I don’t know what I would have done if I had not encountered such a subject like this. I am able to at this time look forward to my future. Thanks so much for this professional and sensible guide. I won’t hesitate to refer your web page to anybody who needs and wants care on this subject.
My wife and i got very thankful John could carry out his reports from your ideas he was given out of the web pages. It’s not at all simplistic to just continually be freely giving solutions which other folks have been making money from. And now we recognize we now have the blog owner to appreciate for that. The most important illustrations you’ve made, the straightforward web site navigation, the relationships your site make it possible to foster – it’s got all unbelievable, and it’s really letting our son in addition to the family believe that the situation is interesting, which is certainly unbelievably pressing. Thank you for all the pieces!
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토토 캔 배당 분석
Zhang Jing은 Zhang Sen이 가족에게 돈을 보냈음에도 불구하고 여전히 오래된 유교 셔츠를 입었습니다.
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После кончины моего отца, я был полностью подавлен горем. К счастью для меня, сотрудники взяли всю организацию похорон на себя. Они деликатно и на профессиональном уровне организовали все: оформление документации, ритуал прощания, транспортировку, погребение. Их сострадание и внимание помогли справиться с невосполнимой утратой. Услуги оказаны на высочайшем уровне за умеренную плату. Искренне рекомендую эту компанию.
온라인 슬롯 게임 추천
300개의 날아다니는 공이 천천히 하늘로 날아갔다가 곧장 구름 속으로 날아갔습니다.
슬롯 게임 무료
Liu Jian은 어지러움을 느꼈고 떨린 후 거의 쓰러질 뻔했습니다.
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슬롯 카지노
Zhu Houzhao는 갑자기 당황했고 매우 혼란스러워 보였습니다.
먹튀 없는 토토
쫓겨나서 배가 너무 고파서 Fang Jifan에게 고개를 끄덕였습니다.
발라테일 바이킹즈
마침내 그는 높이 걸려 있는 거울 아래에서 낯익은 모습을 보았다.
보증 토토
“네, 아프세요? 어제 괜찮은 걸 봤어요.”
슬롯 온라인
Zhang Mao는 Luanjia를 만나기 위해 예부에서 일부 관리를 서둘러 데려갔습니다.
슬롯 머신
모두가 수다를 떨었지만 많은 사람들이 감동을 받았습니다.
온라인 슬롯
이 순간 … Wang Shixun은 마침내 더 이상 참을 수 없었고 직접 기절했습니다.
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와일드 슬롯
이번에는 여우 꼬리가 노출됐다.
온라인 슬롯 머신
더군다나 사람을 배치해도 꼭 결과가 나오지 않을 수도 있습니다.
신규 슬롯 사이트
그는 앞으로 나아가서 내시 샤오에게 무언가 말하고 싶었습니다.
신규 토토 사이트
불행히도 코끼리는 특히 혼란스러운 상황에서 길들이기가 쉽지 않습니다.
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이 말을 듣고, 그는 졸개들에게 요리될 것 같았다.
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