Yeni bir kalem açsam da, onunla mı yazsam bu yazıyı. Yok, yok; yeni açılmış bir kalem çok keskin olur, iyi çıkaramam bu yazıyı. En iyisi, geçende açtığım şu sevdiğim kamış kalemimi biraz tadil edeyim. Uygunu bu olur herhalde.
Zaten o kalem çok kalın olacaktı, bu yazı için. Nerede, efendim, benim kalemtıraşım. Hah şöyle gel bakalım ey kalemtıraş. Ey kendisine sahip olabilmek için neler çektiğim kalemtıraş, söyle bakalım iyi açabilecek misin, bugün, kalemimi? Yoksa, ben sadece bir aletim, açacak olan, iyi açacak olan sensin mi diyeceksin. Peki, ey alet, seni elde etmek için ne çabalar sarf ettiğimi ne çabuk unuttun. Benim de şöyle eski hattatlar gibi bir kalemtıraşım olsun, şu adi bıçaklar, çakılardan kurtulup, işimi hakkıyla görebilecek hem de geleneğe uygun bir şey bulayım dediğin zamanları sen ne bilirsin… Bilmezsin elbet, hadi şimdi bırak lafazanlığı, düzelt bakalım şu kalemin vahşisini, ünsünü..
Eh, bu da oldu sayılır. Kalemimiz tamam. Geçen sene aharladığım kâğıtlardan birini çıkarayım, şu köhne dolaptan. Gerçi eski hattatlar bir senelik değil üç-beş senelik aharlı kâğıtları kullanırlarmış; hatta kâğıdı kâğıtçıdan, mürekkebi mürekkepçiden alırlarmış. Biz ne yapıyoruz: kâğıdı aharlamayı öğren, bir sürü sinir bozucu denemeden sonra, eh, biraz becer. Mürekkebin isini ayrı yerden bul, Arap zamkını temin et, karıştır ikisini, bilmem ne kadar tokmakla, bilmem ne kadar ez. Efendim sonra işte sana mürekkep. Kâğıt mürekkep tutmaz, mürekkep kâğıt istemez. İyi o zaman her birisi ayrı yerde dursunlar, havaya yazalım biz de yazıyı… Dert bunların hepsi dert. Onsuz da olmuyor, onlu da. Vazgeçmeyiz elbet, lakin feryada iznimiz vardır herhalde. O da olmasa daha iyi ama, henüz olgun birisi olamadık herhalde. Oluruz inşallah bir gün. Can tendeyse ümit vardır. Ya can tende olmasa, ya canın gideceği vakit olmamış olursak… Ne demiş şair:
‘ya dehre gelmeseydim ya aklım olmasaydı’
Şair bu mısraı bu manada kullanmamış belki, ama ben böyle anlamak istiyorum. Bu yorum bana ait, ilk defa ben söylüyorum bunu böyle. Her insanda yetenek var, kabiliyet verilmiş insana, istidadı bulunuyor bütün insanların. Yeter ki geliştirebilsin, yeter ki gereğince kullanabilsin, yeter ki sınırlarını bilebilsin ve şükredebilsin. Bizi yaradana şükür, verdiği yeteneklere şükür, bizden uzak tuttuklarına da. Ne yapalım, biz de bu zamana tayin olunmuşuz. Rabbim herkesi en uygun zaman ve mekânda yaratır. Belki eserimiz az olacak ama, ecrimiz çok olacak belki. İnşallah, kim bilir; bizden yapması, O’ndan vermesi.
Kağıdı tebeşirleyelim de, mürekkebi tutsun bari; hani fena da aharlamamışım yani. Kendinle de övünmesen olmaz, şamatayı bırak da, işine başla haydi. Bugün de hava pek sıcak. Kışın, o mübarek sakallı nur yüzlü amca ne diyordu: “Bugün de hava pek soğuk, elhamdülillah.” Sen şikâyet et, kendinle öğün, bakalım nereye varacaksın bu figanlarınla… Ne de doğru düşünüyorsun, ey nefis. Hoş, senin içinde cereyan eden, senin yüksek fikir sandığın bu şeyleri, başkalarının da bilmesi ve takdir edip “ne büyük bir insansın sen” demesini istersin ya ey nefis, şükür ki öyle demiyorlar, şükür ki senin iç yüzünü, öbür yüzünü bilmiyorlar. Şükür ki dile gelmeyen, boğazdan öteye geçmeyen sözler, kelimeler, düşünceler, duygular var… Bir sırrilik var dünyada. Aslında her şey apaşikar. Ama biz anlamıyoruz. Anladığın, anlayabildiğin zaman belli, apaçık, ortada. Tersi olunca ne yaparsan yap, beceremezsin anlamayı. Onun içindir ki kâfirler; kör, sağır ve dilsizdirler ya. Bak! Şu ikindi güneşinin perdeler arasından yol bulup da giren huzmelerine. Normalde göremediğin tozlar ne kadar da belli. Neredeyse tane tane sayabileceksin… İkindi vaktine rağmen sıcak yani. Evden de dışarı çıkmadım, hiç, bugün. Pencereyi açsan satıcıların, çoluk çocuğun, arabaların, şehrin sesi, uğultusu, böğürtüsü dolacak içeriye. İşte açamazsın pencereyi. Filozofun biri “İnsanın gürültüye olan duyarlılığıyla zekâsı arasında doğru orantı vardır” demiş. İşte bir de zeki olmayı atfediyorsun kendine. Ne yani, normal insanlar kadar zekiyim işte. Bıktım, böyle hep kendi kendimle uğraşmaktan. Felsefe yapıp düşünmekten, bak, hiçbir şey yapamıyorum işte… Neden bir iş yapacakken böyle problemli oluyorum. Niye rahat olamıyorum olaylar, insanlar, işler karşısında. Ne biçim bir insanım ben. Bir iş ki, benim sevdiğim, benimseyip hayat boyunca devam ettirmek istediğim, kutlu bir çaba olarak adlandırıp üstüne fikirler bina ettiğim bir iştir; neden bir yazı yazacakken böyle oluyorum, yoksa yeteri kadar halis ve sağlam, işinde azim ve sebat gösterebilen birisi, bir insan olamayacak mıyım? Kendi kendimden kurtulup bir şeyler yapamayacak mıyım? Yoksa hayatını boşu boşuna geçirenler gibi yitip gidecek, kaybolacak mıyım?
Belki de öyleyim, belki de böyleyim. İnsan kendisiyle uğraşmasa olmuyor herhalde. Kim bilir her insan, belki de, uğraşmadan edemiyordur kendisiyle. Veya herkese ait bir özellik değildir. Peki, o büyükler, yüceler, ulular, kahramanlar nasıl insanlardı? Hayatları sırasında bizim gibi mi düşünür, bizim gibi mi yaşarlardı? Veya nasıl yaşarlardı? Kendimi alamıyorum, bu insanlar hata, yanlış, günah yaparlar mıydı; ya da yapsalar bile bizde olduğu gibi bir nevi insanın kendisi karşısındaki pozisyonunu sarsan, sonrasında insanın kendi hayatından adeta bıçak veya keskin bir aletle çıkarmak isteyeceği hataları işler miydi? Bir veli bir vakit namazını bile, istemeyerek de olsa kaçırmış mıdır? Fire vermiş midir bu insanlar? Olmuşlarsa nasıl olmuşlardır?.. Gel de içinden çık, beynim yanıyor, kalbim tutuşuyor, bu sorulardan nasıl kurtulabileceğimi bilmiyorum. Belki de kurtulmak istemiyorum. Acayip bir şey vesselam. Neyse bırak bunları, şu mürekkebimize bakalım, efendim. Açıl bakalım ey kapak. Hâlâ, güzel bir koku yayılıyor, şişeyi açtığında. Aslında bir parfüm şişesi. Şişe değil aslında. Camdan yapılmış belki ama, koyu mavi bir renk camın içine girmiş de, o maddeyi artık cam denilemeyecek bir hale çevirmiş, bu tatlı özelliği vermiş sanki. Sahaflardan bir pazar günü bunu aldığımda mürekkep şişesi yapmayı düşünmemiştim doğrusu. Sırf şekli ve rengi, bunu kullanırken alabileceğim zevki çağrıştırmıştı da, öyle almıştım. Nereden nereye, şimdi içindeki mürekkebi karıştırırken, o günlerden ne kadar uzağım… Nerede o mutlu ve çilekeş talebelik günleri, nerede mutsuz ve yine çileli şimdiki zamanım.
iyi yıllardaki kötü günler kadar olmuyor
kötü yıllarda iyi günler arıyorum
Çile bu senfoninin temel motifi, ayrılmaz parçası, tabanı ve asli şeyi. Değişmiyor. Sen şimdi böyle düşünmüyorsun. Şimdiki zamanın geçmiş olduğunda değişik düşünürsün, herhalde. Onun için bütün zamanların içinde sen sıkı ve sağlam, halis ve kuvvetli olmaya bak. Zaman tükendiğinde, sen tükenmiş olma. Yaşadığın müddetçe doğru bildiğin yolda kuvvetle yürü. Bu iç hesaplaşmaların senin için merhale aldırıcı, faydalı, basamak çıkarıcı olduğu sürece iyi; ama kısır döngü içinde eritip çürütücü olursa mahvına sebep olabilir. Tek çaren var: dua. Rabbinin yardımı ve yol göstericiliği olmasa yanarsın. Bunu sağlayabilmen için de inanç ve uygulama gerekli.
Ne kadar çalışmıştım bu vav harfine, hoca rabbi yessir’i yazdırırken. Tabii ki ilk yazdığım vav oydu, diğer hattatlar gibi. İlk meşkimi gördüğümde iyice gençtim, mahcup ve utangaç bir genç. Bir cumartesi günü, ikindileyin, hocayı gördüğüm, onun da beni gördüğü ve hatta yan yana iki bankta çok yakın olduğumuz halde cesaret edip bir türlü meşkimi verememiştim de, sonunda, bir saat kadar sonra, ağzımda gevelenen kelimelerle “hocam, meşk getirmiştim” diyebilmiştim. Meğerse o da ben meşk veririm belki diye oturmasını ve arkadaşlarıyla konuşmasını uzatmış. Boşuna konuşturmuşuz, belki de hiç konuşmak istemediği halde, belki de evine gidip çalışmayı istediği halde… Daha iyiydim o zamanlar, mahcup ve utangaç, ferah ve hoşgörülü. Gerçi o zamanlarda da içimde fırtınalar cereyan ederdi ama dışarıya vurmazdım. Daha güçlüydüm herhalde. Ya şimdi… Şimdinin ipliğini çıkarmayan adam olmasın. Şimdiyi kim savunabilir. Kıstası, belki doğru görünen, doğruya benzer, gerçeklik ve doğruluk payı ve ölçüsü taşıdığını kuvvetle zannettiğimiz şeyleri yapmak, yaptıklarımızı ise devam ettirmek olabilir.
Vav ile başlıyoruz, işte yazıya, bakalım nasıl olacak. Yalnız bir iki defa müsvedde kâğıdına alıştırma yapayım. En büyük hattatlar bile alıştırma yaparlarmış. Kıyas mı ediyorum kendimi, onlarla. Evet, ama haddimi bilerek. Evet, ama onları usta, kendimi şakirt bilerek, onları örnek alıp bir nevi ruhaniyetlerinden istimdat ederek. Zaten bilmiyoruz, öğretmediler bize, öğrenemedik onların nasıl olduklarını, nasıl öğrenip nasıl öğrettiklerini. Bir öldüklerini biliyoruz; doğum yerleri soru işaretli, vefat tarihleriyse rakamlı, o hane ise dolu.
“öldürüp evvel onu açlıktan
sonra bir türbe dikerler başına”
İlgisizlik ve bilgisizlik bir daha öldürmüş onları.
Bu kadar düşünürsen elbet, böyle olur işte. Acemiler bile bu kadar kötü yazamazlar, bu vavları. Hiç olmazsa bir sevimlilik vardır, yazılarında. Kendini veremiyorsun düşünmekten. Biraz konsantre olsana, biraz dikkat etsene, çalışsana; haydi gayret…
Olmuyor, olmuyor, olmuyor. Bu kaçıncı yazışım, bu kaçıncı başlayışım, sanki yeni meşk yazan bir müptediyim. Hep aynı yere, hep başlangıca mı geleceğim ben. Hadi bakalım zorla kendini, bunca çalışmadan, bunca gayretten sonra sen yazamayacak bir adam değilsin… Dur bakalım, şu vav’ı asıl yazacağım, temiz kâğıda yazmayı bir deneyeyim. Bazen asıl kâğıda yazmak sihirli bir tesir yapabiliyor. Gel bakalım güzel kâğıt.
Vav’ı bitirdik, lakin biz de bittik. İşte akşam ezanı okunuyor. Gitmeliyim namaza, geldikten sonra bitiririm, inşallah, yazıyı. Zaten bugün evden de dışarı hiç çıkmadın sen. Hadi bakalım namaza. Kıl ve gel, bitir şu yazını.
(Ve işte VAV.)
*Haydar Murad Hepsev’in bu hikâyesi, ilk defa DİRİLİŞ Dergisi’nde (Sayı 98–99, 1–8 Haziran, İstanbul, 1990, s. 26–27); Sohbet adlı hikâye kitabında (H.M. Hepsev, İstanbul, Mart 1994, s.5–9) yayınlanmıştır.
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I am only writing to make you know what a excellent experience my wife’s princess found reading your blog. She came to understand lots of things, with the inclusion of how it is like to possess a wonderful helping spirit to get certain people easily fully grasp a number of grueling subject matter. You really did more than readers’ desires. I appreciate you for presenting the interesting, healthy, educational and as well as cool tips about the topic to Sandra.
I am writing to make you understand what a cool encounter my friend’s girl enjoyed browsing your site. She came to find a wide variety of issues, most notably what it is like to possess an ideal coaching character to get certain people quite simply grasp certain specialized topics. You truly did more than my expectations. Thanks for showing the practical, trustworthy, educational and easy tips about your topic to Jane.
My wife and i ended up being really lucky when Peter managed to conclude his investigations from the precious recommendations he was given using your site. It’s not at all simplistic to simply continually be making a gift of methods which usually a number of people could have been trying to sell. And we also acknowledge we’ve got the website owner to thank for this. All the explanations you made, the easy blog navigation, the relationships you can assist to foster – it is mostly astounding, and it’s really letting our son in addition to us reason why the article is enjoyable, and that is seriously indispensable. Many thanks for all the pieces!
I would like to show thanks to you for bailing me out of this incident. As a result of browsing through the internet and obtaining tips which were not helpful, I was thinking my entire life was over. Living without the presence of approaches to the issues you have fixed by means of the report is a crucial case, as well as the kind that might have in a negative way affected my career if I hadn’t noticed the website. Your own personal ability and kindness in maneuvering a lot of things was excellent. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t encountered such a thing like this. I can at this moment look forward to my future. Thanks very much for this high quality and result oriented help. I won’t think twice to refer the website to any individual who desires guide about this situation.
My wife and i got now cheerful that Louis managed to do his preliminary research by way of the precious recommendations he made from your own web pages. It’s not at all simplistic to simply be giving for free key points which usually many people have been making money from. And now we recognize we have the website owner to give thanks to for that. The illustrations you made, the straightforward blog navigation, the relationships you can give support to create – it’s most amazing, and it’s really facilitating our son in addition to the family imagine that that article is awesome, which is certainly really vital. Many thanks for the whole lot!
Thank you a lot for giving everyone a very special opportunity to discover important secrets from this site. It is always so kind and packed with a lot of fun for me and my office mates to search your website particularly three times in a week to find out the newest guidance you have got. Not to mention, I’m just usually motivated considering the cool concepts served by you. Selected 3 facts in this article are absolutely the most suitable I have ever had.
My wife and i got really comfortable Chris could finish up his research by way of the ideas he had when using the web page. It’s not at all simplistic just to find yourself handing out methods which many people could have been trying to sell. We keep in mind we’ve got the writer to give thanks to because of that. The main explanations you made, the straightforward web site menu, the relationships you can give support to foster – it is everything terrific, and it is facilitating our son and the family reckon that that issue is excellent, which is certainly seriously vital. Thank you for all!
I would like to express appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of this circumstance. Just after researching through the internet and coming across opinions which were not powerful, I figured my entire life was over. Existing without the presence of solutions to the issues you’ve solved through this post is a crucial case, and the kind which might have adversely affected my entire career if I had not noticed your blog post. Your main talents and kindness in handling everything was helpful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t encountered such a solution like this. I’m able to at this point relish my future. Thanks a lot very much for your skilled and sensible guide. I won’t think twice to propose your blog post to any person who ought to have assistance on this matter.
A lot of thanks for all your efforts on this site. My daughter takes pleasure in managing investigation and it’s easy to see why. We all know all regarding the powerful medium you provide worthwhile secrets on the website and as well foster response from website visitors on this subject while my princess has been being taught a lot. Have fun with the rest of the new year. Your doing a really good job.
I in addition to my pals happened to be looking at the best helpful hints on your site while at once developed an awful suspicion I never expressed respect to the website owner for those secrets. The guys ended up happy to read them and have now sincerely been taking pleasure in them. Appreciation for actually being really thoughtful and for using this sort of brilliant ideas millions of individuals are really wanting to learn about. Our own honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to you sooner.
Thank you so much for giving everyone a very splendid possiblity to check tips from this web site. It is usually so awesome and packed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office mates to search your blog a minimum of thrice in 7 days to see the fresh guides you have got. Of course, I am also at all times pleased for the amazing concepts served by you. Some 1 tips in this post are clearly the most efficient we’ve ever had.
I have to get across my passion for your kindness giving support to persons who have the need for assistance with this important question. Your personal commitment to passing the solution all through turned out to be rather beneficial and has consistently enabled guys and women like me to arrive at their ambitions. Your amazing interesting tips and hints denotes much to me and extremely more to my office colleagues. With thanks; from all of us.
Thanks for all your efforts on this web page. Kate delights in working on research and it’s easy to see why. We all know all about the dynamic form you create very helpful guides through this blog and even recommend contribution from some other people on that content while our simple princess has always been understanding a lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. You are carrying out a really great job.
I not to mention my guys have been checking out the nice procedures found on the website then then came up with a horrible suspicion I never thanked the web site owner for them. All of the young boys happened to be for that reason passionate to read all of them and have in effect certainly been taking pleasure in those things. We appreciate you actually being simply kind and then for utilizing certain marvelous guides millions of individuals are really needing to understand about. Our own honest regret for not expressing appreciation to sooner.
I wanted to draft you the tiny remark to finally give many thanks again for the pleasing guidelines you have contributed on this site. It has been simply strangely generous with people like you to grant unreservedly all that many people could possibly have offered for sale for an electronic book to help make some dough for their own end, most importantly considering the fact that you might have tried it if you ever considered necessary. Those good ideas in addition acted to become good way to fully grasp some people have the identical desire like my very own to know much more regarding this condition. I believe there are numerous more fun sessions in the future for folks who scan your blog post.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extraordinarily superb chance to read in detail from here. It can be very useful and also packed with fun for me and my office fellow workers to visit your web site at a minimum 3 times per week to read the newest stuff you have got. Not to mention, I am usually amazed concerning the excellent principles you serve. Selected two tips in this article are absolutely the most impressive I’ve ever had.
I simply wanted to construct a small note so as to thank you for all of the fabulous ideas you are placing on this site. My time intensive internet search has at the end of the day been recognized with excellent tips to share with my friends and family. I would mention that most of us visitors are extremely endowed to dwell in a remarkable site with many wonderful people with great tips. I feel rather blessed to have seen your weblog and look forward to some more excellent moments reading here. Thank you once more for everything.
I precisely needed to appreciate you once again. I do not know what I might have created in the absence of the entire aspects contributed by you directly on that situation. It seemed to be a terrifying situation for me personally, however , viewing the very expert form you handled the issue made me to cry with fulfillment. I’m thankful for your information and even believe you find out what an amazing job you’re undertaking teaching many others all through your web blog. Probably you haven’t come across all of us.
I together with my buddies were checking the nice information located on your site and at once came up with a terrible suspicion I had not thanked the blog owner for them. My women were definitely certainly passionate to read them and have in effect in reality been taking advantage of those things. Thank you for really being quite helpful as well as for picking out this form of brilliant resources most people are really eager to know about. My very own honest regret for not expressing gratitude to sooner.
I want to express some thanks to this writer for bailing me out of such a incident. After looking through the online world and obtaining proposals that were not productive, I was thinking my entire life was gone. Living without the strategies to the problems you’ve resolved by means of your main short post is a crucial case, as well as the kind which may have in a negative way affected my career if I hadn’t come across your web page. Your own personal capability and kindness in touching everything was precious. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come upon such a solution like this. I’m able to at this point relish my future. Thank you very much for this high quality and result oriented guide. I won’t hesitate to recommend your web blog to anyone who should receive guidelines about this matter.
Thank you for your whole hard work on this blog. Ellie loves working on internet research and it is simple to grasp why. Many of us hear all relating to the compelling tactic you provide powerful tricks via this blog and even increase response from other ones on that area of interest so our own child is without question starting to learn a whole lot. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You have been doing a useful job.
I want to point out my gratitude for your kind-heartedness giving support to people who really need help on your niche. Your very own dedication to getting the solution all through had become definitely beneficial and has surely encouraged individuals much like me to achieve their ambitions. Your new informative tips and hints means a whole lot to me and a whole lot more to my peers. Regards; from everyone of us.
Thanks a lot for giving everyone an extremely wonderful chance to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It’s always very amazing and also stuffed with fun for me personally and my office mates to visit your site no less than thrice every week to study the newest items you have got. Not to mention, I’m also always astounded concerning the tremendous things you serve. Certain 2 ideas in this post are easily the most efficient I have ever had.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with such a brilliant chance to read articles and blog posts from this website. It is always very pleasurable and jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit your website particularly three times in one week to learn the latest issues you have. And lastly, I’m so always fulfilled for the great creative concepts you serve. Selected 1 tips on this page are ultimately the simplest I’ve ever had.
I have to show thanks to you for rescuing me from such a challenge. Just after checking throughout the world-wide-web and obtaining proposals which are not helpful, I thought my entire life was done. Living without the presence of approaches to the problems you’ve fixed by means of this posting is a crucial case, as well as ones that might have in a wrong way affected my entire career if I hadn’t come across your site. Your own personal knowledge and kindness in dealing with every item was crucial. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come upon such a stuff like this. I’m able to at this point look forward to my future. Thanks so much for the professional and results-oriented guide. I won’t be reluctant to recommend your web page to anyone who needs to have recommendations on this matter.
Thank you for your whole effort on this website. Debby really loves managing investigations and it’s really obvious why. We all know all about the compelling form you offer invaluable tips and hints via your blog and as well strongly encourage participation from some other people on the content plus our child is now studying a lot of things. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You have been conducting a dazzling job.
I enjoy you because of all your efforts on this website. Gloria takes pleasure in conducting internet research and it’s really simple to grasp why. A lot of people notice all relating to the lively means you render useful guidelines on your web site and as well as boost contribution from some others on that matter then our favorite daughter is actually becoming educated so much. Enjoy the rest of the year. You are doing a dazzling job.
I wanted to compose you this very small observation to finally thank you over again for your personal magnificent methods you have contributed here. It was so strangely open-handed of you to allow freely all that most people might have distributed for an electronic book to earn some bucks on their own, and in particular given that you could have tried it in case you desired. These points additionally worked as a great way to fully grasp that many people have similar zeal like mine to know the truth a good deal more regarding this matter. I’m sure there are millions of more fun moments in the future for many who find out your blog.
Thanks for all of the work on this web page. Debby really likes going through investigations and it’s really easy to see why. I notice all regarding the powerful way you deliver reliable thoughts through your web blog and improve participation from people on this situation plus our favorite princess is without a doubt learning a lot. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the year. You’re the one performing a glorious job.
I intended to create you this little remark to finally say thanks as before on the spectacular advice you have discussed in this case. It’s particularly generous with people like you to allow extensively all that many people could possibly have offered as an electronic book to help with making some money for themselves, principally since you might have done it if you wanted. Those ideas also acted to be a fantastic way to recognize that someone else have a similar fervor just as mine to figure out a great deal more concerning this condition. I’m certain there are some more enjoyable occasions in the future for many who read through your website.
I would like to show some appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of this particular instance. As a result of researching through the world-wide-web and coming across proposals that were not pleasant, I figured my entire life was well over. Living without the presence of strategies to the issues you’ve fixed through your entire short post is a critical case, and the kind that would have badly damaged my career if I hadn’t noticed the website. Your own knowledge and kindness in playing with all the things was priceless. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a solution like this. I can at this point look forward to my future. Thank you very much for your impressive and amazing help. I will not think twice to suggest your web blog to anyone who needs and wants assistance on this subject matter.
I really wanted to write a brief message to be able to say thanks to you for some of the magnificent ways you are writing on this site. My rather long internet research has at the end of the day been paid with really good knowledge to exchange with my family. I ‘d assert that many of us visitors actually are very lucky to be in a notable place with many brilliant individuals with valuable basics. I feel rather happy to have discovered your site and look forward to many more enjoyable times reading here. Thanks once again for everything.
I would like to express appreciation to this writer just for rescuing me from this issue. After researching through the the web and coming across principles that were not productive, I was thinking my entire life was well over. Existing devoid of the solutions to the difficulties you have fixed all through the write-up is a critical case, as well as the kind that would have negatively damaged my entire career if I hadn’t discovered the website. That ability and kindness in maneuvering all the stuff was priceless. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come across such a thing like this. I can at this time look forward to my future. Thanks a lot so much for this high quality and sensible help. I won’t think twice to propose your web sites to anyone who would need assistance about this subject.
Thank you so much for giving everyone a very superb chance to read in detail from here. It is always very cool and as well , full of fun for me personally and my office peers to visit your site at the very least thrice in a week to study the fresh tips you will have. Of course, we are usually amazed with the eye-popping principles you give. Some two areas on this page are in reality the most suitable we’ve ever had.
My wife and i ended up being absolutely more than happy that Raymond could complete his studies with the precious recommendations he grabbed through your blog. It’s not at all simplistic just to happen to be making a gift of information that many men and women could have been selling. Therefore we fully understand we need the writer to give thanks to for that. The specific explanations you have made, the simple site navigation, the relationships you can aid to promote – it is mostly powerful, and it’s aiding our son and us understand the theme is brilliant, and that is really important. Many thanks for everything!
I am glad for commenting to let you understand what a useful discovery my wife’s girl undergone studying your web page. She came to find a lot of pieces, including what it is like to have a marvelous teaching heart to make the rest effortlessly completely grasp specified advanced matters. You really exceeded my expectations. I appreciate you for delivering the beneficial, dependable, educational and also unique guidance on this topic to Mary.
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with such a wonderful chance to read critical reviews from this web site. It is usually very excellent plus jam-packed with fun for me and my office mates to visit the blog at the very least thrice a week to read the fresh tips you have. And indeed, I am also at all times motivated considering the staggering tips you serve. Certain 1 points on this page are without a doubt the best we have all ever had.
I precisely desired to appreciate you yet again. I am not sure the things I might have implemented in the absence of the tactics documented by you about such question. It seemed to be an absolute terrifying scenario in my opinion, nevertheless discovering the very professional mode you managed it made me to jump with delight. I am happy for your information as well as hope you know what an amazing job that you are getting into instructing men and women thru a site. I’m certain you have never come across all of us.
I precisely wished to appreciate you once again. I’m not certain the things that I would’ve gone through without the actual tricks contributed by you directly on such problem. Completely was an absolute difficult issue in my position, nevertheless observing this well-written mode you managed the issue forced me to jump with happiness. I’m just grateful for the advice and as well , hope that you are aware of an amazing job your are doing educating some other people through a site. More than likely you have never come across any of us.
I simply had to appreciate you all over again. I do not know what I might have used without the entire secrets provided by you about my concern. It was a very depressing issue in my opinion, however , coming across a well-written fashion you solved it took me to weep with happiness. I will be thankful for this guidance and then expect you know what a powerful job that you are carrying out educating people today through a blog. Most likely you’ve never encountered all of us.
I have to show some appreciation to this writer just for bailing me out of this particular condition. As a result of looking through the online world and finding proposals that were not productive, I figured my entire life was over. Existing minus the answers to the problems you’ve resolved as a result of your main guideline is a critical case, and ones that might have badly affected my career if I had not come across your web page. Your actual understanding and kindness in dealing with all the details was vital. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not come upon such a stuff like this. I can at this point look forward to my future. Thanks a lot so much for the reliable and amazing help. I won’t think twice to recommend the website to any individual who desires care about this subject.
Thank you so much for giving everyone remarkably spectacular chance to read articles and blog posts from this web site. It’s usually so fantastic and as well , full of fun for me personally and my office mates to search your site nearly three times per week to see the fresh guides you have got. Of course, I’m at all times pleased considering the beautiful creative concepts you give. Selected 3 points on this page are basically the most efficient we’ve ever had.
Thanks a lot for giving everyone such a remarkable opportunity to read articles and blog posts from this web site. It really is so pleasurable and jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office mates to search the blog at the very least 3 times a week to study the new tips you will have. And definitely, we’re usually happy with all the gorgeous techniques you serve. Some 4 points in this article are certainly the best I have ever had.
Needed to post you this very small observation so as to say thank you the moment again considering the lovely advice you have contributed at this time. It has been so shockingly open-handed with people like you in giving easily exactly what some people would’ve advertised for an ebook to help with making some money for themselves, mostly considering the fact that you might well have tried it in the event you wanted. The suggestions as well served like a easy way to be sure that other individuals have the same dream much like mine to see very much more when considering this matter. I’m certain there are many more pleasant sessions up front for many who scan your blog.
My spouse and i were more than happy that Louis managed to do his analysis while using the precious recommendations he discovered out of the weblog. It is now and again perplexing to just choose to be freely giving guides which people might have been trying to sell. We fully grasp we have the blog owner to appreciate for that. Those illustrations you’ve made, the easy blog menu, the friendships your site give support to create – it is everything impressive, and it is aiding our son and us understand the idea is satisfying, which is certainly extraordinarily mandatory. Many thanks for all!
I simply wished to appreciate you again. I am not sure what I might have gone through in the absence of the entire concepts contributed by you concerning this topic. This was an absolute challenging problem in my position, nevertheless looking at a new expert avenue you managed the issue made me to cry over delight. I will be happier for your advice and as well , have high hopes you know what an amazing job you are providing training the others thru your web page. Most probably you haven’t come across any of us.
I am only writing to let you be aware of of the outstanding experience my cousin’s daughter encountered using your webblog. She discovered plenty of pieces, which include what it is like to have a marvelous coaching nature to have other individuals without hassle know just exactly certain multifaceted matters. You really exceeded our own desires. I appreciate you for supplying those powerful, healthy, educational and easy tips on your topic to Janet.
I simply wanted to thank you so much all over again. I do not know the things I might have done in the absence of those information documented by you about my industry. It absolutely was a very traumatic concern in my position, however , noticing a specialised form you resolved the issue made me to weep with joy. I am happier for your service and as well , wish you really know what a great job you’re carrying out training other individuals through your webblog. I know that you haven’t come across any of us.
I am commenting to make you understand what a impressive encounter my wife’s girl encountered reading through the blog. She even learned several pieces, with the inclusion of what it is like to possess a very effective helping spirit to get other folks easily know just exactly a number of specialized subject areas. You really did more than our own expected results. Thank you for producing these precious, trustworthy, revealing as well as fun thoughts on that topic to Evelyn.
I have to get across my appreciation for your kind-heartedness for those who should have assistance with the issue. Your personal dedication to getting the message all-around appeared to be surprisingly significant and have made many people much like me to get to their objectives. This insightful tips and hints indicates this much a person like me and even further to my office workers. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
I and also my friends have been taking note of the best techniques from your web site then all of the sudden came up with a terrible feeling I had not expressed respect to the web site owner for those techniques. Most of the guys happened to be as a result happy to learn all of them and already have extremely been using these things. Many thanks for simply being simply helpful and for opting for variety of cool ideas most people are really needing to understand about. My personal sincere apologies for not saying thanks to sooner.
I precisely had to say thanks yet again. I’m not certain what I would’ve accomplished without those pointers discussed by you relating to my industry. Completely was a terrifying issue in my circumstances, nevertheless being able to view a well-written manner you processed it forced me to cry with delight. Now i’m thankful for your work and then hope you realize what a powerful job you happen to be undertaking teaching most people with the aid of your websites. More than likely you’ve never met all of us.
I want to show my thanks to this writer for rescuing me from this type of matter. As a result of browsing throughout the search engines and seeing views which are not productive, I thought my life was done. Existing minus the approaches to the difficulties you’ve resolved all through this short article is a serious case, and those which might have in a wrong way damaged my entire career if I had not come across your website. The ability and kindness in controlling almost everything was excellent. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a step like this. I am able to at this time look ahead to my future. Thank you very much for your expert and sensible help. I won’t think twice to refer your web page to any person who would like guidelines about this area.
I am writing to let you know what a incredible discovery my girl developed using your web site. She even learned many details, which include what it is like to have an excellent helping nature to get the mediocre ones easily know selected grueling subject matter. You really did more than our expected results. Many thanks for delivering those great, trustworthy, explanatory not to mention cool guidance on your topic to Jane.
I definitely wanted to jot down a note so as to say thanks to you for those superb tips and hints you are placing here. My considerable internet look up has finally been paid with awesome facts and techniques to go over with my family members. I ‘d repeat that we site visitors actually are unquestionably blessed to exist in a very good place with so many perfect people with valuable points. I feel very much privileged to have encountered your entire web page and look forward to many more thrilling minutes reading here. Thanks once again for a lot of things.
I and also my buddies came taking note of the best advice found on the website and suddenly got a terrible feeling I had not expressed respect to the website owner for them. My young men ended up so passionate to read through them and now have pretty much been tapping into these things. Appreciate your getting considerably thoughtful and then for picking variety of essential areas most people are really wanting to discover. My very own sincere regret for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
I have to show appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of this matter. Because of checking throughout the world-wide-web and meeting techniques which were not pleasant, I thought my entire life was done. Existing devoid of the answers to the difficulties you’ve resolved all through your article is a serious case, as well as the kind which may have badly affected my entire career if I hadn’t encountered your website. Your personal ability and kindness in handling every aspect was excellent. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a thing like this. I’m able to at this moment look ahead to my future. Thank you very much for the expert and result oriented help. I won’t be reluctant to endorse your web page to any person who should receive guide about this issue.
My spouse and i have been absolutely joyful Michael managed to deal with his studies through the precious recommendations he made through the web site. It is now and again perplexing to simply find yourself giving for free concepts which usually the rest have been selling. And we take into account we now have the website owner to appreciate because of that. The main explanations you made, the easy blog navigation, the friendships you will make it possible to instill – it is mostly extraordinary, and it’s facilitating our son and our family feel that that issue is thrilling, which is rather fundamental. Thank you for all the pieces!
I precisely had to say thanks yet again. I’m not certain the things I would have achieved without the information discussed by you concerning such subject. It actually was a real frightful dilemma for me, however , taking a look at a new well-written style you resolved the issue forced me to jump for gladness. I’m grateful for your support as well as believe you really know what a great job that you’re undertaking training the others with the aid of your site. More than likely you’ve never met all of us.
I must show my gratitude for your kind-heartedness for women who should have guidance on the subject matter. Your personal commitment to getting the solution up and down ended up being wonderfully powerful and have constantly encouraged those just like me to realize their endeavors. Your amazing interesting recommendations can mean a lot a person like me and much more to my mates. Many thanks; from all of us.
I’m just writing to make you understand what a fabulous discovery my girl had studying your webblog. She discovered several pieces, including what it’s like to have an awesome giving style to get other individuals effortlessly completely grasp certain grueling things. You undoubtedly exceeded our desires. Thanks for imparting those good, trusted, educational and even unique tips about this topic to Ethel.
Thanks a lot for giving everyone a very remarkable opportunity to read critical reviews from here. It’s usually very awesome and also packed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit your web site nearly thrice every week to study the new stuff you have got. And of course, I’m just actually satisfied concerning the unique creative ideas you serve. Certain 4 tips in this post are really the most effective I have ever had.
I enjoy you because of your own work on this web page. Kate loves engaging in investigations and it’s really easy to understand why. Almost all hear all regarding the compelling mode you render very helpful solutions through this web site and in addition attract participation from some other people on that issue then my daughter is now understanding a lot. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the new year. You’re doing a brilliant job.
I and my guys appeared to be checking out the nice guidelines on your web blog and so quickly got a terrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the web blog owner for those tips. The people were totally thrilled to study all of them and have really been loving those things. Many thanks for simply being quite accommodating as well as for settling on these kinds of notable subject matter millions of individuals are really desirous to be informed on. My personal sincere regret for not expressing gratitude to sooner.
My husband and i ended up being quite delighted Emmanuel managed to conclude his homework because of the precious recommendations he discovered through the web page. It is now and again perplexing to simply continually be giving for free information and facts that many other folks have been trying to sell. Therefore we take into account we have got you to be grateful to for this. The specific illustrations you have made, the simple blog navigation, the relationships you will assist to engender – it is most astounding, and it is aiding our son and us imagine that the topic is thrilling, which is exceptionally serious. Thank you for the whole thing!
A lot of thanks for all of your labor on this blog. Kate delights in engaging in investigation and it’s really simple to grasp why. My partner and i notice all regarding the lively medium you convey practical guides through this blog and as well as encourage response from others on that content so our favorite simple princess has always been starting to learn a great deal. Take pleasure in the rest of the new year. You’re conducting a great job.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an extremely terrific chance to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It’s always so enjoyable plus full of a great time for me personally and my office co-workers to visit your web site minimum 3 times in 7 days to read through the fresh items you have got. And indeed, I’m also certainly happy with your stunning advice you serve. Certain two facts in this article are in reality the most efficient we’ve ever had.
Thank you for all your efforts on this website. Gloria enjoys managing research and it is simple to grasp why. My spouse and i learn all relating to the powerful method you deliver valuable information by means of the website and therefore strongly encourage response from others about this concept while my daughter has been starting to learn a great deal. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. Your conducting a fantastic job.
I really wanted to write a word to thank you for the precious steps you are giving on this site. My considerable internet look up has at the end been paid with useful suggestions to share with my two friends. I would state that that we site visitors are unequivocally endowed to dwell in a superb place with many brilliant individuals with interesting principles. I feel truly blessed to have used your entire website page and look forward to tons of more pleasurable minutes reading here. Thanks again for a lot of things.
I wanted to post you one little word in order to give many thanks as before for these exceptional strategies you’ve discussed on this site. This is simply incredibly open-handed of people like you to deliver easily all numerous people would’ve offered as an e-book to end up making some profit on their own, even more so since you might well have tried it if you wanted. Those good tips in addition served as a great way to fully grasp many people have similar zeal like my own to realize way more around this problem. I’m sure there are some more pleasant instances in the future for folks who look into your site.
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