Muhterem Beyefendi,
İslam Harfleri, yani medeniyetimizin yazısı, sahipsiz kalmıştır. Latin harfleri, bambaşka bir medeniyete ait olduğu halde, sanki bin senedir kullanılan yazı oymuş gibi kabul edilmiş görünüyor. Kimse hatırlamıyor bile, milletimizin Kur’an Yazısı diye yücelttiği muhteşem ve mübarek yazımızı. Bir an unutmaması gerekenler bile, bir saniye dahi hatırından çıkarmaması lazım gelenler bile, her zaman akılda tutması şart olanlar bile, derin bir kış uykusunun gafletiyle unutmuş ve hatta terk etmiş görünüyorlar.
Yazımız bir bayraktır, bağımsızlığımızın uygarlık alanındaki bayrağı. Nasıl ki siyasi bağımsızlığımızı bayrak ve sancak temsil eder; nasıl ki ekonomik bağımsızlığımızı kendi paramız sağlar; uygarlık, kültür ve düşünce alanındaki bağımsızlığımız da kendimize ait olan yazı ile gerçekleşir. Bu da İslam Yazısı’dır, İslam Harfleri’dir, medeniyetimizin yazısıdır, Kur’an Harfleri’dir. Hilal nasıl İslam’a simge ise İslam Harfleri de uygarlığımıza simge olmuştur.
Yazı, elbette bir şekildir, ama öze en yakın bir şekildir. Özün ve ruhun doğurduğu bir şekildir. Arab’ın, Acem’in, Türk’ün, Kürd’ün, Endülüslünün, Afrikalının, Asyalının, Ortadoğulunun yani İslam Milletinin hepsinin emeğiyle ortaya çıkmış bir şekildir. Topyekûn İslam milletinin malı ve yazısıdır. Tarih boyutu İslam tarihiyle özdeşleşmiştir; estetik boyutu diğer bütün yazıların üstündedir; pratik yani kolay yazılma ve elin işleyişine uygun olma özelliği ise dünyaca bilinmektedir; coğrafya boyutu da İslam milletinin var olduğu her yerdir.
İslam ve Türk dünyası ile (fikir, kültür, sanat, edebiyat ve siyaset açılarından) birlik ve beraberlik hatta sağlıklı bir irtibat kuramayışımızın bir sebebi de bizim ve diğer bazı ülkelerin yabancı alfabeler kullanmamızdır; bunu bilelim. Batının ve küfrün memleket ve milletimiz üzerinde rahatça oyun oynayabilmesinin sebeplerinden biri de yazımızı terk edişimizdendir; bunu bilelim. Bugün devlet ve milletimizin içine düştüğü zilletin başlıca sebeplerinden birisi de kendi tarih ve medeniyetine arkasına dönmesindendir, yazımıza dönmek ve sahip çıkmakla bu ayıbı üzerimizden kaldırmış olacağız; bunu da bilelim.
Yanlışta ısrar boşunadır, üzerinden yüzyıl geçse de boşunadır, bin yıl geçse de. Hele bu hata temelli ve köklü bir hata ise, temelden başlayıp büyük bir zincir halinde birçok önemli yanlışlıklara sebep oluyorsa… Bugün kültür, sanat, edebiyat ve düşüncedeki zayıflık, kısırlık ve verimsizliğin temelinde bu vardır. Yazı devriminin insanlarımızda meydana getirdiği antipati ve kötümserliğin izleri bugün dahi küllenmemiştir, yaşamaktadır. Toplumun alt şuurundaki izi ve etkisi ise bilenlerce malumdur. Yapmamız gereken, bu yanlışlıktan dönmeye çalışmaktır, hatalar silsilesinin anası durumunda olan bu yanlışlıktan kurtulmaya gayret etmektir.
Bunun için;
1. Her fırsat ve imkânda, yazımızdan bahsedilmelidir. Yazımızın kullanışlığı, işlekliği ve güzelliği her zaman ve her fırsatta vurgulanmalıdır. Tarih ve medeniyetimizle gerçek bağın ancak İslam yazısı ile kurulabileceği konusu ısrarla işlenmelidir. İslam ve Türk dünyası ile gerçek birliğin yazımızla oluşturulabileceği telkin edilmedir.
2. Yazımızı yeniden gündeme getirmek için özel sayılar, özel nüshalar çıkarılmalı, özel program ve toplantılar düzenlenmelidir.
3. İnsanlarımızın gözlerinin yazımıza alıştırılması için örnekler ve fotokopiler, yazılı ve görüntülü basınımızda, ön ve birinci planda sıkça yer almalıdır. Bu örneklerin bugünkü yazıya çevrilmesi ve sadeleştirilmesi yoluyla anlaşılması da sağlanmalıdır. Hatta gazete ve dergilerimizde özel bölümler ayırarak yazımızın öğretilmesine çalışılmalıdır. Gençlerin yazımızı öğrenmesi ve kullanması teşvik edilmelidir. Vakıf ve derneklerimiz, yazımızı her yönü ve hakkıyla öğreten seviyeli ve devamlı kurslar düzenlemelidir.
4. Hüsn-i hatt sanatı, bugün, yazımızı yaşatan bir konumdadır. Son senelerde Hatt’ın bir ölçüde yaygınlaşması, hattatlarımızın bilhassa genç hattatlarımızın sayısının artması, yazımızın hâlâ yaşadığının bir delilidir. Bu sebeple bunu, yazımızı gündeme getirmek için bir fırsat bilmeli ve;
a) Hattatlarımız ve eserlerinden (örnekleriyle beraber) sıkça bahsedilmelidir,
b) Hatt ve tezhib sergileri (tabii ki örnekleriyle) haber yapılmalı, bunların özellikleri anlatılmalıdır,
c) Hatt ve tezhib sanatkârlarının eserleri hakkında müstakil eleştiri yazıları yayınlanmalıdır.
5. İslam Harflerini müdafaa eden kitaplar, en geniş ve kapsamlı biçimlerde tanıtılmalı, içindeki dikkat çekici ve orijinal bölümler okuyuculara aktarılmalıdır. Bu tip kitapları tekrar tekrar gündeme getirmeli ve daha geniş okuyucu kitlelerine ulaştırılması sağlanmalıdır. [Bu hususta yayınlanan en son kitap olan Osman ŞERİFOĞLU’nun Kültürümüz Açısından İslam Harflerinin Müdafaası (Selam Neşriyat, İstanbul, 1994) adlı eserinin basın ve yayın organlarımızda tanıtılmaması, hatta haber bile yapılmaması son derece üzücü bir konudur. İslam Harflerinin savunulmasının genç nesilden birisi tarafından yapılması bile takdire şayandır.]
6. Hazine-i Evraklar (arşivler) milletlerin hafızalarıdır. Hafızasını kaybeden veya onu kullanmayan milletler yok olmaya mahkûmdurlar. Kaldı ki millet ve memleketimizin içinde bulunduğu birçok mühim meselenin çözümü (Osmanlı Arşivi, Topkapı Sarayı Arşivi, Şer’i Siciller Arşivi, Vakıflar Arşivi gibi) arşivlerimizde bulunmaktadır. Gazetelerimiz, dergilerimiz ve televizyonlarımız bu arşivlerden faydalanmalı, buralara araştırmacı muhabirler göndermeli, onlar ilgili konuları haber yapıp belgeleri asılları ila beraber yayınlamalıdır. Bu, ayrıca, medyamıza yeni bir hava ve tarih boyutu getirecek, kalite ve kalıcılık sağlayacaktır.
Sadece yazımızı değil, takvimimizi (hicri ve ay takvimi), kıyafetlerimizi, ölçülerimizi, müessese ve geleneklerimizi yani kısaca medeniyetimize ait bütün şekil ve unsurları yeniden gündeme getirmek, ısrarla işlemek, sık sık vurgulamak ve çağımıza taşınmasına gayret etmek zorunda olduğumuzu unutmayalım. Ve yine unutmayalım ki bizler İslam medeniyetinin mensuplarıyız. En son, en yeni, en mükemmel, en doğru, en haklı ve en güzel bir uygarlığın çocuklarıyız. Bu yüzden bu uygarlığın bizden istediği ruh ve şekilde olmaya, davranmaya çalışmak zorundayız.
Sun’i gündem ve konularla oyalanıp oyuna gelmek yerine, gerçek ve asıl, temelli ve köklü, kalıcı ve ileriye götürücü konularla meşgul olalım. Bu mevzularla arada sırada ilgilenmek yetmez; fikr-i takip sahibi olarak ısrarla peşinde olmalı, her fırsat ve imkânda meselelerimizi işlemeli, anlatmalı ve vurgulamalıyız.
Bunu için, biz aşağıda imzaları bulunanlar, İslam ve sağ iddialı basınımızdan, bu mektup çerçevesinde ele alınan konulara sahip çıkmalarını, anlatıp telkin etmelerini, bu hususlarda gerçek ve özgün çalışmalar yapmalarını, bekliyor ve istiyoruz.
Haydar HEPSEV, Talip MERD, Zekeriya PAK, Ramazan ÇOLDUR, Ekrem SIRMA, Abdurrahman YILMAZTÜRK, Hayreddin MERAL, A. Semih TORUN, Hayri AYTAÇ, Ebubekir SUBAŞI, Ali TOKÖZ, Süleyman ATMACA, C. EKİCİ, Abdülkadir ALTIN, M. Zeki DAĞ, Selahattin DURMAZ.
NOT: 1. Bu metin, İslam ve sağ iddialı bütün sesli, yazılı ve görüntülü basın ve yayın organlarına gönderilmiştir.
2. Bu metnin yayınlanmasında mahzur bulunmamaktadır.
*Mektubun yukarıda ismi bulunanlarca imzalanmış nüshası, H. Hepsev’in arşivindedir.
*Yukarıda söylendiği gibi mektup, o dönemdeki İslam ve sağ iddialı basın ve yayın organlarına, köşe yazarlarına gönderilmiştir. Beklenen Vakit Gazetesi’nden Yılmaz Yalçıner (köşe yazısında, 10 ve 11 Haziran 1994, s.7); Zaman Gazetesi’nden Tâhâ Kıvanç (yani Fehmi Koru, Kulis başlıklı köşesinde, 10 Haziran 1994, s.4); Türkiye Gazetesi’nden Ayhan Katırcıkara (Fantezi ve Kulis başlıklı köşesinde, 23 Temmuz 1994, s.9); İslami Edebiyat Dergisi (Temmuz-Ağustos-Eylül 1994, s.78) mektup hakkında haber, eleştiri ve değerlendirme yazıları yayınlamışlardır. Zaman Gazetesi’nden Mustafa Yazgan (25–26–27–28 Ağustos 1994 tarihlerinde, Sütun başlıklı köşesinde s.12) İslam Alfabesi Hakkında Düşünceler başlıklı dört yazı yazmış; mektuptan büyük ölçüde etkilenip hatta kimi cümleleri aynen alıntıladığı halde maalesef isim ve kaynak belirtmemiştir.
*Mektup, Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nde (1 Ocak 1996, sayı 6, s.7) yayınlanmıştır.
/// Bu yazı, ilk defa 02 Aralık 2007’de’a eklenmiş, (Aralık 2011′de sitemiz yeniden yapılandırılmadan önce) 1016 kere okunmuştur.
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I have to express thanks to this writer for rescuing me from this particular crisis. After exploring throughout the internet and seeing proposals which were not helpful, I believed my entire life was well over. Being alive without the approaches to the difficulties you’ve fixed by means of your entire report is a serious case, as well as the ones that might have in a negative way affected my career if I hadn’t encountered your web page. Your personal mastery and kindness in maneuvering a lot of things was priceless. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I hadn’t encountered such a thing like this. I can at this point look ahead to my future. Thank you very much for this expert and sensible guide. I will not think twice to refer your blog post to anyone who needs and wants guidance on this subject matter.
I in addition to my buddies were actually reading the best ideas on your web blog and then before long I got a terrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the web site owner for those techniques. Most of the men became thrilled to learn them and have in effect simply been enjoying these things. Thank you for turning out to be quite helpful and then for deciding on these kinds of superb issues most people are really desperate to understand about. Our sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
I must voice my appreciation for your generosity for men and women who really want assistance with this area. Your special commitment to passing the solution all around was particularly practical and have consistently empowered people much like me to attain their dreams. Your entire informative guidelines denotes a great deal to me and even more to my office colleagues. Best wishes; from everyone of us.
I must point out my passion for your kind-heartedness supporting men and women who have the need for assistance with the question. Your special dedication to getting the message throughout ended up being certainly effective and have in most cases allowed women much like me to attain their endeavors. Your amazing informative advice can mean a whole lot a person like me and still more to my fellow workers. Regards; from all of us.
Thanks so much for giving everyone such a marvellous chance to check tips from this web site. It is often so terrific plus stuffed with a lot of fun for me and my office acquaintances to search your website at the very least three times per week to study the fresh stuff you have. Not to mention, we’re usually happy for the striking strategies served by you. Certain two areas in this posting are absolutely the finest we have had.
I wish to voice my passion for your generosity supporting folks who have the need for help on this one subject. Your personal dedication to getting the message across ended up being extremely significant and have empowered men and women like me to arrive at their objectives. Your amazing helpful hints and tips can mean a whole lot to me and especially to my office workers. Regards; from all of us.
I in addition to my buddies were actually taking note of the nice tips from the blog while quickly I got a terrible suspicion I had not thanked the web site owner for those techniques. These men appeared to be consequently warmed to study them and already have undoubtedly been taking advantage of those things. Appreciation for really being so thoughtful and then for picking these kinds of magnificent areas most people are really needing to learn about. Our own honest regret for not expressing appreciation to you earlier.
Thanks so much for giving everyone an extremely spectacular opportunity to read critical reviews from this site. It is always very amazing and also full of amusement for me personally and my office colleagues to search your blog a minimum of thrice a week to read the fresh guides you have got. Not to mention, I am just always amazed for the unique things you serve. Some 2 ideas in this post are unequivocally the finest we’ve ever had.
I want to express appreciation to you for rescuing me from this difficulty. Just after scouting throughout the internet and getting tricks which were not beneficial, I thought my life was done. Existing minus the approaches to the difficulties you have solved as a result of this guideline is a critical case, and those which may have badly affected my career if I hadn’t discovered your web site. Your own personal expertise and kindness in controlling the whole lot was very useful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a thing like this. I can at this moment relish my future. Thanks very much for your high quality and result oriented help. I will not be reluctant to recommend your site to anybody who ought to have care on this area.
Thanks so much for giving everyone a very breathtaking opportunity to read critical reviews from this site. It is usually very amazing and packed with a great time for me and my office fellow workers to search your site no less than thrice per week to study the fresh secrets you have. Of course, I’m also actually pleased with your breathtaking secrets you give. Some 1 ideas on this page are completely the finest I’ve had.
Thank you for every one of your work on this site. My niece enjoys setting aside time for research and it’s really simple to grasp why. My spouse and i know all concerning the lively medium you deliver priceless tips on your web site and as well as encourage participation from some other people on that concern so our own princess has been starting to learn so much. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You’re the one conducting a fantastic job.
I precisely wished to appreciate you again. I do not know the things that I could possibly have achieved in the absence of the actual tactics revealed by you directly on such field. Completely was a very challenging circumstance for me personally, nevertheless being able to see your expert way you processed the issue forced me to jump for delight. I will be happier for this assistance and thus have high hopes you know what an amazing job you are doing educating some other people by way of your website. I am certain you haven’t encountered any of us.
I wish to show my appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of this particular challenge. Right after scouting throughout the search engines and coming across concepts which were not productive, I assumed my life was gone. Living without the answers to the issues you’ve fixed through the posting is a crucial case, as well as the ones that could have badly affected my career if I hadn’t noticed the website. Your actual knowledge and kindness in handling all things was vital. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a solution like this. I can also at this point look forward to my future. Thank you very much for the expert and results-oriented guide. I won’t hesitate to recommend your web sites to any individual who ought to have counselling on this subject matter.
Thank you for all of the labor on this blog. Debby delights in carrying out investigations and it’s simple to grasp why. A lot of people notice all relating to the dynamic medium you render great thoughts through the web site and as well as increase contribution from website visitors on that concept and my daughter is in fact learning a lot. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. You have been carrying out a splendid job.
I as well as my buddies ended up going through the best secrets found on your website and at once I got a horrible suspicion I had not expressed respect to the website owner for those strategies. All of the young boys appeared to be excited to learn them and have in actuality been enjoying those things. Thank you for getting very thoughtful as well as for pick out varieties of high-quality guides millions of individuals are really desirous to be aware of. My personal honest regret for not expressing gratitude to you earlier.
I must show appreciation to you for rescuing me from this particular difficulty. As a result of researching through the world wide web and obtaining recommendations that were not helpful, I thought my life was over. Being alive minus the answers to the issues you’ve fixed by means of your main posting is a critical case, as well as ones which might have in a negative way damaged my entire career if I hadn’t discovered your blog. Your main skills and kindness in taking care of all the details was very helpful. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a step like this. I can at this point look forward to my future. Thanks a lot very much for the high quality and sensible help. I won’t hesitate to refer the blog to any individual who ought to have care on this situation.
I am also commenting to let you know of the beneficial encounter my wife’s child developed reading through your blog. She picked up such a lot of things, not to mention how it is like to possess an awesome giving mood to have most people without problems know just exactly specified complex matters. You truly surpassed people’s expected results. I appreciate you for delivering those beneficial, trustworthy, educational and in addition cool tips about this topic to Jane.
My spouse and i have been really satisfied when Jordan managed to do his analysis out of the precious recommendations he acquired out of your weblog. It is now and again perplexing to simply happen to be offering strategies people today may have been selling. So we fully grasp we now have the writer to appreciate for that. All of the illustrations you’ve made, the straightforward blog navigation, the relationships you will make it easier to promote – it is all great, and it’s helping our son in addition to us recognize that the idea is thrilling, which is certainly particularly vital. Thank you for all!
Thanks for all your valuable work on this web site. Kim take interest in getting into research and it’s easy to understand why. All of us know all relating to the lively medium you deliver functional tips by means of your web blog and invigorate participation from other ones about this article and my child has been studying a lot of things. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. You’re the one conducting a good job.
I as well as my friends were actually looking at the good information from the website and then before long got a horrible suspicion I had not thanked the website owner for those secrets. The guys are actually certainly stimulated to study them and have honestly been enjoying those things. Thanks for actually being so thoughtful and for considering variety of excellent resources millions of individuals are really needing to understand about. Our own honest regret for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
I would like to express my respect for your kind-heartedness giving support to those individuals that require help with that question. Your very own commitment to passing the solution all through turned out to be extremely insightful and have usually helped professionals much like me to arrive at their aims. Your own informative guide means a great deal to me and even more to my colleagues. Warm regards; from everyone of us.
I am only commenting to make you be aware of what a brilliant experience our child obtained reading the blog. She realized some details, most notably how it is like to possess an excellent teaching nature to let men and women really easily know just exactly selected specialized subject matter. You actually did more than readers’ desires. I appreciate you for churning out the priceless, trustworthy, edifying and also fun guidance on your topic to Evelyn.
I have to convey my passion for your kind-heartedness giving support to men and women who need assistance with in this theme. Your special commitment to passing the solution up and down came to be wonderfully effective and has frequently helped girls just like me to arrive at their pursuits. Your entire helpful publication indicates so much a person like me and somewhat more to my office colleagues. Best wishes; from all of us.
I wish to convey my appreciation for your kindness in support of those individuals that should have help with that concept. Your personal commitment to passing the message along had been exceptionally advantageous and have allowed some individuals just like me to get to their pursuits. Your entire valuable information implies a whole lot to me and far more to my office workers. With thanks; from all of us.
I am writing to make you be aware of what a wonderful experience my wife’s daughter undergone visiting yuor web blog. She mastered a lot of details, with the inclusion of how it is like to possess a marvelous teaching heart to get folks with ease fully grasp chosen very confusing things. You actually exceeded our own expectations. Thank you for producing such effective, trusted, explanatory and even cool guidance on the topic to Gloria.
I would like to convey my affection for your generosity for folks who absolutely need help with the theme. Your real commitment to getting the message across was rather informative and has constantly empowered professionals just like me to realize their pursuits. Your new warm and helpful instruction signifies a great deal a person like me and a whole lot more to my mates. Best wishes; from everyone of us.
I definitely wanted to jot down a simple message to be able to say thanks to you for some of the fabulous pointers you are giving out here. My prolonged internet investigation has at the end of the day been honored with incredibly good facts and strategies to share with my friends and family. I would state that that many of us readers actually are unquestionably lucky to dwell in a fantastic place with very many outstanding individuals with valuable secrets. I feel truly privileged to have encountered your website and look forward to so many more brilliant times reading here. Thanks a lot once again for everything.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone a very remarkable opportunity to read in detail from this website. It can be so cool and as well , full of a great time for me personally and my office colleagues to visit your web site more than thrice per week to learn the new tips you will have. And indeed, I’m so at all times fascinated with all the impressive information served by you. Selected 1 points in this posting are without a doubt the most beneficial we have ever had.
I needed to draft you the very little remark so as to say thank you again with your striking guidelines you have provided on this site. It’s quite incredibly generous with people like you to present openly all most of us might have made available for an electronic book to help with making some cash for their own end, principally considering that you could have tried it if you considered necessary. Those solutions in addition served to become a fantastic way to fully grasp that other individuals have a similar interest just as my own to know a lot more when it comes to this issue. I know there are some more pleasant opportunities ahead for folks who check out your blog.
My wife and i felt very joyous when Peter could conclude his homework through the entire ideas he grabbed out of the web site. It’s not at all simplistic just to always be giving out concepts that many people today may have been trying to sell. Therefore we acknowledge we now have the website owner to give thanks to for that. All of the illustrations you’ve made, the easy website menu, the friendships you can give support to promote – it’s all amazing, and it is letting our son and our family know that the matter is interesting, which is wonderfully vital. Many thanks for all!
I would like to voice my gratitude for your kindness supporting visitors who must have help with this important matter. Your real dedication to passing the solution throughout had been exceptionally significant and have in every case allowed guys and women like me to arrive at their goals. Your amazing useful report can mean a lot a person like me and somewhat more to my office colleagues. Thanks a ton; from everyone of us.
I have to express my thanks to the writer just for bailing me out of this situation. As a result of checking throughout the online world and meeting thoughts which are not productive, I figured my entire life was well over. Living devoid of the solutions to the problems you’ve solved by means of your entire article content is a crucial case, as well as the kind that would have adversely damaged my entire career if I had not discovered your web blog. Your primary expertise and kindness in dealing with every aspect was very helpful. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a subject like this. I’m able to at this moment relish my future. Thanks very much for your high quality and result oriented guide. I won’t hesitate to refer the sites to any individual who needs to have counselling about this problem.
I intended to create you the very small observation to give many thanks yet again for these magnificent strategies you’ve discussed here. This has been quite open-handed with people like you to grant without restraint precisely what most of us might have marketed as an ebook to earn some profit on their own, certainly since you could possibly have tried it in the event you considered necessary. These basics in addition worked to provide a easy way to recognize that other individuals have similar dream just like my very own to learn good deal more on the topic of this matter. Certainly there are millions of more enjoyable times up front for individuals that scan your website.
I would like to express my admiration for your generosity in support of persons who really need guidance on this particular topic. Your personal commitment to getting the message up and down turned out to be definitely practical and has usually encouraged individuals much like me to get to their aims. The helpful key points signifies a whole lot a person like me and further more to my office workers. Thanks a ton; from all of us.
I intended to draft you this bit of note to help give thanks again just for the exceptional principles you have shared here. This is simply surprisingly open-handed with you to provide extensively exactly what many people would have offered as an e book in making some cash for themselves, particularly now that you could possibly have tried it if you ever wanted. Those techniques in addition acted as the easy way to be aware that the rest have the identical fervor like my own to know more and more in regard to this condition. I believe there are many more fun situations ahead for those who take a look at your site.
I truly wanted to post a message so as to say thanks to you for the fantastic guides you are sharing at this site. My time consuming internet investigation has at the end been recognized with reliable insight to exchange with my guests. I ‘d claim that many of us visitors actually are undoubtedly endowed to live in a fine place with many perfect individuals with interesting opinions. I feel pretty lucky to have used your entire weblog and look forward to many more entertaining moments reading here. Thanks a lot again for all the details.
I must express some thanks to the writer for rescuing me from this type of trouble. After browsing throughout the the net and obtaining proposals that were not productive, I thought my entire life was gone. Living minus the solutions to the difficulties you have resolved all through your good site is a critical case, and ones which could have negatively damaged my entire career if I had not come across your blog post. Your good skills and kindness in touching a lot of stuff was important. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a stuff like this. It’s possible to at this time look forward to my future. Thanks for your time very much for the professional and effective guide. I will not hesitate to suggest your web blog to anyone who needs and wants assistance on this problem.
My husband and i have been very joyous when Edward could deal with his research using the precious recommendations he came across from your blog. It is now and again perplexing to simply always be handing out hints which often other people have been selling. We really keep in mind we have got the website owner to appreciate because of that. These explanations you’ve made, the straightforward website menu, the friendships you assist to promote – it’s got most overwhelming, and it’s facilitating our son in addition to us consider that this matter is pleasurable, and that’s particularly fundamental. Thanks for the whole thing!
My husband and i were now excited Albert could carry out his investigations through the entire precious recommendations he made from your web site. It’s not at all simplistic just to find yourself giving freely thoughts some people could have been making money from. Therefore we realize we have got the blog owner to give thanks to because of that. Those explanations you have made, the simple website menu, the relationships you aid to promote – it’s most astonishing, and it’s really letting our son and us imagine that the subject matter is excellent, and that’s tremendously pressing. Thanks for all the pieces!
I simply needed to thank you so much once more. I’m not certain what I would have implemented in the absence of the actual ideas contributed by you regarding such subject. It was actually a traumatic case in my opinion, but witnessing this well-written strategy you processed the issue forced me to leap for delight. I am just grateful for your help as well as sincerely hope you comprehend what an amazing job you are putting in teaching others via a web site. I am certain you haven’t encountered any of us.
I want to show my appreciation for your kindness supporting people who should have help with the area of interest. Your special commitment to passing the solution all through was incredibly productive and have regularly enabled workers much like me to arrive at their dreams. This warm and helpful tips and hints denotes much a person like me and still more to my fellow workers. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
I have to express my gratitude for your generosity supporting people that really need help with that topic. Your personal dedication to getting the solution throughout had been extraordinarily good and has always permitted most people like me to achieve their desired goals. Your important suggestions denotes so much to me and a whole lot more to my peers. Warm regards; from each one of us.
I wanted to post a word to say thanks to you for these remarkable tips and hints you are showing at this website. My time-consuming internet search has finally been recognized with reliable points to write about with my contacts. I would say that most of us website visitors are undeniably endowed to live in a very good site with very many perfect people with great ideas. I feel rather lucky to have come across your entire web page and look forward to many more brilliant times reading here. Thanks a lot once again for everything.
I and also my friends were viewing the good tricks from the website and then at once got a horrible suspicion I had not thanked you for those techniques. Those boys appeared to be so happy to learn them and have now without a doubt been having fun with those things. We appreciate you genuinely considerably helpful and also for finding this kind of awesome tips most people are really desperate to be informed on. Our sincere regret for not expressing appreciation to you sooner.
I am only writing to let you understand of the fine experience our girl undergone going through your web site. She discovered plenty of details, which included how it is like to have a wonderful teaching nature to let men and women really easily master specific extremely tough matters. You undoubtedly surpassed people’s expectations. I appreciate you for rendering these necessary, dependable, explanatory and even unique thoughts on that topic to Julie.
My husband and i got very excited that Emmanuel managed to complete his investigations because of the ideas he was given using your web pages. It is now and again perplexing to simply possibly be offering information which often the others may have been trying to sell. We really understand we have the writer to thank because of that. The entire explanations you’ve made, the straightforward blog navigation, the relationships you will assist to engender – it’s mostly powerful, and it’s making our son and the family reason why this content is amusing, which is pretty serious. Thanks for the whole lot!
I just wanted to jot down a brief remark in order to thank you for all the fantastic tricks you are giving on this website. My considerable internet search has now been recognized with extremely good content to share with my great friends. I would believe that most of us site visitors are undeniably blessed to be in a great community with so many brilliant professionals with insightful tips and hints. I feel pretty happy to have come across the webpage and look forward to really more amazing moments reading here. Thank you once again for all the details.
I am also commenting to let you be aware of of the brilliant experience my friend’s daughter found browsing the blog. She picked up several things, which included what it’s like to possess an amazing giving style to make most people just learn a variety of complicated things. You undoubtedly did more than her expected results. Thank you for rendering such precious, safe, edifying as well as fun thoughts on that topic to Jane.
Thank you so much for giving everyone an extremely nice opportunity to read articles and blog posts from this website. It really is so sweet and full of amusement for me and my office acquaintances to visit your web site more than 3 times a week to read through the newest items you will have. And definitely, I am at all times pleased considering the awesome inspiring ideas you give. Selected two areas on this page are indeed the most beneficial we have all had.
I must point out my affection for your generosity supporting those who actually need assistance with in this concern. Your special commitment to passing the message all around appeared to be especially significant and has specifically made others much like me to realize their objectives. Your informative facts indicates a great deal to me and further more to my mates. Thanks a ton; from everyone of us.
I together with my friends came studying the great procedures on the website and the sudden I had an awful feeling I never expressed respect to the site owner for those tips. My ladies were definitely certainly joyful to learn all of them and already have simply been having fun with those things. Thanks for indeed being quite thoughtful and then for using this kind of decent tips millions of individuals are really wanting to learn about. My personal honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to sooner.
My spouse and i got absolutely satisfied Ervin managed to complete his homework through the entire ideas he had through your site. It is now and again perplexing just to find yourself giving for free solutions which often some other people might have been trying to sell. And now we do understand we’ve got the website owner to be grateful to because of that. The specific illustrations you’ve made, the simple blog menu, the relationships your site assist to foster – it’s all astonishing, and it is facilitating our son in addition to us recognize that that subject is satisfying, and that’s extremely essential. Many thanks for everything!
I simply wanted to thank you very much yet again. I’m not certain the things that I would have done in the absence of those thoughts contributed by you relating to my area. This was a very frustrating scenario in my circumstances, but taking note of your professional way you handled that took me to leap for gladness. Now i’m happy for the assistance and as well , pray you comprehend what an amazing job you have been accomplishing teaching the others using your web blog. I’m certain you’ve never encountered any of us.
I would like to show some thanks to you for bailing me out of this type of dilemma. Just after looking out through the online world and meeting suggestions which were not powerful, I was thinking my entire life was done. Being alive devoid of the answers to the problems you have sorted out by way of your entire guideline is a serious case, and those which could have badly affected my entire career if I had not discovered your site. Your main understanding and kindness in touching all areas was useful. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not come across such a thing like this. I can at this moment relish my future. Thanks a lot very much for this high quality and sensible guide. I will not think twice to refer your blog to anybody who should get tips on this subject matter.
I intended to post you the tiny remark to be able to say thank you yet again for your personal marvelous tips you’ve documented in this article. It has been simply particularly generous of people like you to give publicly what exactly most of us could possibly have advertised as an ebook in making some money on their own, principally considering that you might have done it if you ever wanted. The tactics likewise acted to be a easy way to understand that other people online have the same eagerness just as my own to figure out more and more pertaining to this condition. I am certain there are some more pleasurable periods up front for people who find out your blog.
I enjoy you because of your entire efforts on this website. My niece loves managing investigations and it’s easy to understand why. We all hear all relating to the compelling ways you make reliable strategies via your web blog and improve response from website visitors on the article and our daughter has been being taught so much. Take advantage of the rest of the new year. You have been doing a pretty cool job.
A lot of thanks for your entire hard work on this web site. Ellie enjoys participating in investigation and it is simple to grasp why. We notice all regarding the dynamic medium you deliver useful thoughts on this web blog and in addition recommend contribution from website visitors on the theme plus our daughter is without question understanding a lot. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You’re the one carrying out a brilliant job.
I happen to be writing to let you understand of the brilliant discovery our daughter found studying your blog. She came to find a wide variety of issues, which included what it is like to possess an excellent giving mindset to have the others without problems have an understanding of several extremely tough topics. You really did more than her expected results. Thanks for churning out the beneficial, trustworthy, explanatory and also easy guidance on your topic to Mary.
I wish to get across my gratitude for your generosity supporting persons that actually need help on your concept. Your very own dedication to getting the solution all-around was extraordinarily significant and have frequently empowered guys like me to reach their goals. The interesting suggestions means much a person like me and extremely more to my fellow workers. Best wishes; from each one of us.
Thanks so much for giving everyone an extremely terrific chance to read critical reviews from this site. It’s usually so sweet plus stuffed with a lot of fun for me and my office friends to visit your blog not less than thrice weekly to study the newest guides you will have. Not to mention, I am at all times pleased considering the unbelievable information you serve. Certain two points in this article are in reality the simplest we have had.
I intended to compose you a bit of observation to be able to say thank you over again for the superb methods you’ve provided above. It’s certainly generous with you to allow unreservedly just what a few individuals would’ve offered as an ebook to get some money on their own, mostly given that you might well have tried it in case you wanted. These suggestions as well served to be a great way to be sure that other people have the same passion similar to my very own to know the truth many more regarding this matter. I think there are numerous more pleasurable periods up front for many who find out your site.
I needed to create you a little remark in order to thank you so much again with your awesome basics you’ve contributed in this case. It has been certainly pretty generous with you to grant openly all many of us would have offered for sale as an electronic book to generate some money on their own, notably considering the fact that you could have tried it if you ever decided. Those points additionally served to become a easy way to be sure that many people have a similar keenness much like my very own to see way more with regards to this problem. I think there are numerous more enjoyable situations ahead for many who browse through your site.
I want to convey my admiration for your generosity for those people that actually need help with in this content. Your very own commitment to getting the message around came to be pretty interesting and have usually encouraged women like me to arrive at their aims. Your own useful key points can mean a great deal a person like me and still more to my fellow workers. Thanks a ton; from everyone of us.
I precisely wanted to thank you so much once more. I do not know the things that I would have handled without these tips contributed by you relating to this field. It was actually a real scary circumstance in my circumstances, but spending time with a professional fashion you dealt with it made me to leap with delight. I am just thankful for the assistance and even expect you recognize what an amazing job that you are accomplishing educating men and women with the aid of your website. Most probably you have never encountered all of us.
Thanks so much for giving everyone an exceptionally pleasant opportunity to check tips from this blog. It is usually so amazing and also jam-packed with a good time for me and my office co-workers to search the blog really three times every week to find out the latest guidance you have. And indeed, we’re usually astounded considering the mind-blowing thoughts you give. Selected 2 ideas in this article are particularly the very best I’ve ever had.
Thanks for all your work on this web page. My mother take interest in engaging in investigation and it’s obvious why. My partner and i hear all regarding the dynamic tactic you produce important guidance through this blog and as well attract contribution from some others on the situation so our favorite daughter is undoubtedly understanding a great deal. Take advantage of the remaining portion of the year. Your doing a powerful job.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with a very nice chance to read articles and blog posts from this blog. It can be very useful and also stuffed with a good time for me and my office fellow workers to visit your web site minimum 3 times a week to read the new guides you will have. And definitely, I’m also certainly astounded with your effective creative ideas you serve. Some 4 points in this post are in reality the most impressive I’ve ever had.
I must point out my passion for your generosity giving support to individuals who really want assistance with this important concern. Your real commitment to getting the message all-around ended up being exceptionally insightful and have usually enabled people just like me to arrive at their pursuits. Your personal invaluable tutorial denotes a great deal a person like me and far more to my colleagues. With thanks; from all of us.
My wife and i got fortunate when Michael could finish off his investigation from the ideas he came across through your web site. It is now and again perplexing to just possibly be freely giving tips which usually men and women might have been selling. We understand we’ve got the writer to thank because of that. Most of the illustrations you have made, the easy site menu, the friendships you will make it easier to engender – it’s got mostly sensational, and it’s really letting our son in addition to us believe that this topic is cool, and that’s tremendously fundamental. Thanks for all!
I would like to show my appreciation to you for rescuing me from such a scenario. After researching throughout the world wide web and meeting techniques that were not powerful, I was thinking my life was done. Being alive without the solutions to the difficulties you’ve sorted out by way of your good guideline is a crucial case, and those that could have negatively damaged my career if I had not noticed your blog post. Your own personal ability and kindness in dealing with all things was priceless. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a stuff like this. It’s possible to at this time look forward to my future. Thank you so much for the specialized and effective guide. I won’t be reluctant to refer the website to anybody who should receive guidance on this subject.
I would like to show my thanks to the writer just for bailing me out of such a problem. As a result of scouting through the world wide web and getting ways which were not productive, I thought my life was done. Existing devoid of the answers to the difficulties you have fixed as a result of your write-up is a serious case, as well as the ones that might have negatively damaged my career if I hadn’t encountered your web blog. Your good ability and kindness in handling all the stuff was very helpful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t discovered such a thing like this. I am able to at this time relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for the specialized and results-oriented guide. I will not hesitate to endorse your site to anyone who needs to have recommendations on this problem.
I actually wanted to send a quick comment to express gratitude to you for all the unique information you are sharing at this website. My considerable internet research has finally been recognized with extremely good strategies to go over with my two friends. I ‘d express that many of us website visitors are undoubtedly endowed to exist in a decent place with many perfect individuals with great secrets. I feel quite privileged to have seen your weblog and look forward to really more exciting moments reading here. Thanks again for all the details.
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Four players: Two Switches (two players per console) or four Switches (one player per console) Mario Party kicked off an interesting series of Nintendo games, showing you who your real friends are and how much they can backstab you to get the stars and win the game. Jokes aside, it’s a fun series and has gone on to have sequels in the double digits. Now, the first two games in the Mario Party series are coming to Nintendo Switch Online’s N64 library on the Expansion Pack. Players will be able to play Mario Party and Mario Party 2 offline and online with friends in November. ‘ + response + ‘ The guest player does not need a Nintendo account nor do they need a Nintendo Switch Online subscription. They’ll simply be filled in as a guest. Since the game doesn’t make use of the split screen function like other multiplayer games, there are no real hardware constraints in allowing it.
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you can buy the official version here: ubisoft en-us game uno Uno Online is developed by Code This Lab. The original Uno was developed by Merle Robbins in 1971. It was owned by Mattel in 1992. Uno (card game) Uno is an American card game that was made by Merle Robbins in 1971. It has since been bought by a company named Mattel . It uses 108 special cards that are made just to play Uno. It is similar to Crazy Eights . The cards are put into 4 different groups: Red cards, green cards, blue cards and yellow cards. The flow of gameplay in UNO can change at any time. Players can play special cards that change the current color of the discard pile, force other players to draw extra cards or change the order of all players’ turns. Flexible players learn to play these cards when they can help the most. For example, if the next player has UNO — or only one card in his hand — a Reverse or Draw X card can be played in order to keep the current hand alive and give other players a chance to catch up. Continuously using the same strategy is not a good idea in this game, as players have to adapt their tactics depending on whether or not the game is going in their favor.
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The City operates on a fiscal year that starts on July 1 and ends on June 30. We use a quarterly tax billing system, meaning we mail tax bills four times per year: Residents of the City of Alexandria who are either 65 years of age or older or permanently and totally disabled by November 15 of the current tax year, may be eligible for the City’s Real Estate Tax Relief Program for Elderly and Disabled Persons. This program offers full or partial exemption from real estate taxes and or deferral of real estate taxes to qualified applicants. Tax relief may be prorated for persons who turn 65 or who become disabled between January 1 and November 15 of the current tax year. Mailing Address:50 Woodland AvenueP.O. Box 7603Convent Station, NJ 07961-7603 Tax payments must be received on or before the due date to avoid interest charges. If payment is not made within 30 days of the original date of mailing, the account will begin to accrue interest at the rate of 14% per annum, computed from the date the bill was due. If the account remains delinquent after June 30th of the fiscal year, a tax lien (a legal claim placed on property for debt) is placed on the property and is recorded with the Norfolk County Registry of Deeds. In addition, the property is placed in the tax title system. A tax lien is the first step in the foreclosure process. All taxes, costs and interest must be paid to prevent foreclosure.
A beneficiary deed is a document that expresses an interest in real property, including any debt to a beneficiary. The person who receives the real property in a beneficiary deed is referred to as the beneficiary. A beneficiary deed expressly indicates that the deed is effective on the death of the owner. The transfer of interest to the beneficiary is associated with all conveyances, assignments, contracts, mortgages, deeds of trust, liens, security pledges and other encumbrances made by the owner. A beneficiary deed is an important document. It allows a smooth transfer of ownership between past and present owners. EXAMPLE: Amanda, who owns a house with her sister, wants to transfer her half of the property to her living trust. When she fills out a new deed, she can insert either “a one-half interest in” or “all my interest in” before the legal description of the real estate.
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Thank you very much for reading! I haven’t played it with kids, but it may be too much depending on how old yours are. The age recommendation on the box of 10+ seems spot-on to me. And for children I would 100% go with whichever set has their favorite characters, since the expansions work as standalone games. All of the expansions improve on the base game, to varying degrees. Marvel Villainous is an asymmetrical game where you need to try and complete your villain’s tasks before your opponents can do theirs. The three characters included in Twisted Ambitions are Kang the Conqueror, Doctor Octopus, and Titania, all of whom come with a fresh goal, new cards, and their own mat and figurine as a player counter. These figurines have always been the best designed and most expensive-looking part of a Villainous set, and this is no exception. Kang’s is blue and shaped for his helm, Titania’s a purple plastic recreation of her hair with some spiked shoulder-padded flair, and Doc Ock’s might be my favourite across Marvel Villainous with a column of twirling octopus arms.
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This will only become more critical as advisors prepare for a massive intergenerational transfer of wealth. For Millennial clients—who are both disproportionately charitable and disproportionately active in cryptocurrency investing—being conversant in charitable strategies related to cryptocurrency is quickly becoming nonnegotiable. The vast majority of U.S. adults have heard at least a little about cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ether, and 16% say they personally have invested in, traded or otherwise used one, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Men ages 18 to 29 are particularly likely to say they have used cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency secured through one-way cryptography. It appears on a distributed ledger called a blockchain that’s transparent and shared among all users in a permanent and verifiable way that’s nearly impossible to fake or hack into. The original intent of cryptocurrency was to allow online payments to be made directly from one party to another without the need for a central third-party intermediary like a bank. However, with the introduction of smart contracts, non-fungible tokens, stablecoins, and other innovations, additional uses and capabilities for cryptocurrency are rapidly evolving. Cryptocurrencies are not FDIC insured and are not protected by SIPC or CFTC regulations.
After a brief rally, Shiba Inu was unable to maintain its upward momentum and was rejected at $0.0000263, which emerged as a significant barrier for SHIB’s price. This failure to break through the resistance level led to increased selling pressure from large holders. This downward movement in major cryptocurrencies has set the tone for the rest of the market, influencing other digital assets like Shiba Inu. However, SHIB continues to hold its own. As Crypto News Flash reported, in some markets like India, SHIB is the most popular crypto overall, beating all other meme coins and even the mainstays like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Shiba Token. “Shiba Inu Ecosystem, Woof Paper (v2),” Pages 2-4. Shiba Inu price today is $0.00001872 with a 24-hour trading volume of $9.67 M, and as such Shiba Inu has a market cap of $11.1 B, giving it a market dominance of 0.62%. The Shiba Inu price moved 2.85% in the last 24 hours.
Hay otras muchas empresas, pero solo quiero recomendar Genesis mining y Minergate por ser unas de las que más tiempo llevan dedicándose al sector. Además, las he probado y puedo decir que funcionan correctamente. Una mining farm es una instalación donde encontramos un gran número de dispositivos que realizan actividades de minería de bitcoin. Descubre qué son, cómo funcionan y dónde se encuentran. Fort Lauderdale, FL, Jan. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Marathon Digital Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ:MARA) (“Marathon” or “Company”), a leader in supporting and securing the Bitcoin ecosystem, today published unaudited bitcoin (“BTC”) production and miner installation updates for December 2023. Criptomoneda: BTC Solo ⭐Boosters and upgrades. Pick up endless boosters on the playing field to get more bitcoins. Manage to grow your mining farm. Expand your farm to earn more income. You can use the more sockets outlets to connect devices and mining bitcoins than the higher the level of your farm.
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