James Maxwell ANDERSON*
Şahıs Kadrosu:
Pompignan Dükü: Ev sahibi.
La Harpe: Fransız Devrimi’nin düşünce önderi. (Jean François dela Harpe, 1739–1803; şair, oyun yazarı, eleştirmen)
André Chénier: şair. (André de Chénier, 1762–1834, İstanbul doğumlu; şair ve siyaset adamı. İyi bir eğitim aldı; Fransa’nın Londra elçiliğinde kâtip olarak çalıştı. İhtilal öncesinde Fransa’ya döndü, 89’lar Derneği’nin öncülerinden oldu. Şiirleriyle devrimin aksayan yönlerini eleştirdi ve bazı hadiselerden sonra şüpheli sayılınca kaçtı, ama yakalanıp hapishaneye atıldı ve giyotinle idam edildi. Ünlü bir kişiydi lakin şiiri ölümünden sonra tanınmaya başladı; romantiklerin öncülerinden sayılır.)
Théroigne: André Chénier’nin sevgilisi.
Philippe d’Orleans: Fransız tahtının veliahtı.
Lafayette: Amerikan Devrimi’nin kahramanı. (Motier dela Fayette, 1757–1834, siyaset adamı ve asker. Fransız İhtilali’nin en önemli şahsiyetlerinden biridir. ABD’yi kuranlara askeri bakımdan birçok kez yardımları olmuştur ve tuğgenerallik unvanını orada kazanmıştır.)
Beaumarchais: Piyes yazarı. (Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, 1732–1799, yazar ve siyaset adamı. Bir saatçinin oğludur ve maşalı saati icat etmiştir. ABD’nin bağımsızlığı için ayaklananlara para ve silah sağlamıştır. Fransız Devrimi’nde Terör Yönetimi sırasında şüpheli göründüğünden memleketi dışında bulunmak zorunda kaldı. Sevil Berberi ve Figaro’nun Düğünü en meşhur eserleridir.)
Düşes de Gramont: Kibar sınıftan bir kadın.
Matmazel Vergniaud de Sombreuil: Bir salon kadını.
General Custine: Kralın hizmetinde bir subay. (Adam Philippe Custine, 1740–1793, asker ve siyaset adamı. Amerika savaşındaki büyük başarıları üzerine general olmuştur. İhtilal mahkemesi tarafından düşman hesabına casusluk yapmakla suçlanmış ve idam edilmiştir.)
Teğmen Custine: Generalin oğlu.
Desmoulins: Editör (Camille Desmoulins, 1760–1794, yazar ve siyaset adamı. Kolejde Robespierre’in arkadaşıydı; eserleriyle devrimin yaklaştığını haber vermiş; konuşmaları ve yayınlarıyla büyük etki oluşturmuş, sonunda idam edilmiştir.)
Champfort: Bir misafir. (Nicolas Sébastian Roch de Cahampfort, 1741–1794, oyun ve deneme yazarı. Halktandı ama iyi bir öğrenim görmüştü. İhtilalin aşırılıklarıyla savaştı; hapisten kurtulmak için intihar etti.)
Condorcet: Bir misafir (Marie Jean de Caritat Condorcet, 1743–1794; filozof, matematikçi ve siyaset adamı. Matematikte daha 16 yaşındayken kendini tanıtmıştır. Fransız Akademisine seçilmiş ve Ansiklopedi’nin yayınlanmasına katılmıştır. İhtilalde etkin olan, hapishanede intihar eden bu filozof kendisinden sonrakileri de etkilemiştir.)
Bailly: Bir Misafir. (Jean Sylvain de Bailly, 1736–1793; ilim ve siyaset adamı. Edebiyat ve astronomide uzmandı. Paris belediye başkanlığını yapmış; kraliçeyi savunduğundan idam edilmiştir.)
Malesherbes: Bir misafir.
Roucher: Bir misafir.
Bir şef ve iki hizmetçi.
1789’da bir gün, bir grup yazar, sanatkâr ve aydın, bazı soylularla beraber Paris’e aşağı yukarı20 km. uzaklıktaki Pompignan Dükü’nün evinde büyük bir yemek masasının etrafında oturmuşlardı. Toplanmalarına vesile olan hadise, Kiraz Kuşu Ziyafeti’ydi. Hepsi de Louis adını almış olan son üç kralın saltanatları boyunca Pompignan ailesi, her yıl bu ziyafeti düzenliyordu. Aile arasında doğup bir nevi tören halini alan bu hususi ve harikulade kiraz kuşu yemeğini sunma âdeti, ailenin en candan ve tanınmış dostlarını yılda bir kere bir araya getirirdi.
Bu gösterişli ve ünlü yemek henüz sunulmamıştı. Fakat misafirler içki ve mezelerden atıştırıp iştahlarını açmaya başlamışlardı bile.
Pompignan: Bu büyük günde dostlarım, şöyle olmalı her şey: Yılda beş mevsim birden olmalı, L harfi sekiz ayak, haftada 10 gün, maaş günü olmalı her gün. Kuruş liraya eşit olmalı; yarım taç, taca eşit, bir metre kilometreye, kadın da erkeğe. Kral Marie Antoinette olmalı, Marie Antoinette ise Kral. (Masada bir kahkaha tufanı kopar.)
Beaumarchais: Daha da fazlası.
Champfort: Daha fazlası ama mucize de olmamalı. (Gülmeler devam eder, bununla birlikte misafirler kendi aralarında konuşmaktadırlar.)
Düşes de Gramont: Beyler, hep böyle yapıyorsunuz. Bir nükteyle yalnız kendinizi güldürüyorsunuz ve biz zavallı kadınlara ne söylendiğini merak etmek kalıyor.
Condorcet: Bağışlayın bizi madam, lakin dinlemediğiniz zannediliyordu bu kez.
Düşes: Dinlemiyormuşum; nedenmiş o?
Condorcet: Yanaklarınızı kurtarmak için madam, utanıp da yüzü çabucak kızarıverenlerin sanatkârane bir eda olmadan yüzleri asla kızartılmamalıdır korkusuyla. Yapma bir şekilde, yani nefesini tutarak veya şahdamarına bastırarak kızaranları da engellemek endişesiyle…
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Fakat yıllardan beri gerçek bir skandal duymamış bulunmaktayım. Yüzümün kızarma özelliği uygulamadan tamamen kalktı diyebilirim.
Pompignan: Kiraz Kuşu Ziyafeti’nde, azizem, biz, erkeklerin laubali, kadınların da tedbirli olmalarını bekleriz. Fakat bizim ağzı bozukluğumuz sizin ihtiyatlılığınızdan ileri giderse, tabii ki böyle olacak, o vakit kelimeleri apansız kahkahalarla örtüveririz.
Düşes: Güzel, lakin yakın gelecekte kadınlar erkeklere eşit olacak; öyle değil mi, Vergniaud?
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Eşit ve hatta üstün onlardan…
Pompignan: Fakat şurası muhakkak ki eşitlik, iş günaha yani şeytanlığa gelince bozulacak; yanlış düşünmüyorum ya…
Düşes: Evet, günahta onlardan ileri, erkeklerin de zaten bildiği gibi. Ansiklopediciler(1) de aynısını söylüyorlar. Kadınlar, günahkârlıkta tabiatlarından gelen bir dehaya sahiptirler, hâlbuki erkekler doğal olarak ahlaklı hatta yumuşak ve halim selim yaradılıştalar. On Emir’e sıkıca sarılırlar, suda boğulan bir adamın eşyalarına sımsıkı yapıştığı gibi.
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Evet, erkekler –iyi huylu yaratıklar- tatlı yemeklerin sağladığı imkânlar sayesinde çalışacak duruma gelip de sonra ruhça ve bedence zayıf düşen mahlûklar.
Philippe d’Orleans: Hepimiz değil.
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Askerler hariç, fakat geri kalanın hepsi.
Philippe: Sanatkârlar da değil.
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Sizi onaylıyorum, askerler ve sanatkârlar da değil.
Champfort: Lakin burada bu gece hepimiz asker ve sanatkârız.
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Ve fakat bu gece aranızda bulunanlardan kiminle evlenmişizdir? Hayır, hayır biz kadınlar mesleğine göre tercihe şayan erkeği çok iyi biliriz. Rue Vaugriard’da kürk işiyle meşgul, dazlak ve yaşlı; Versay’da bir malikânesi ve şehirde bir evi bulunan banker… Evet, bütün bunlar bizi madde tapınağının tatlı rüşvetini almaya atılmamız için yeter ve artar bile…
Pompignan: Fakat yeniçağda bütün bunlar yok olacaktır, matmazel, özgürlük ve gerçeğin ışığıyla hepsi kaybolacaktır. Bu parlak ve muhteşem gün ağarışında evliliğe teslim olmak bulunmayacaktır. Ve erkek bukağılarını çıkarıp atacaktır. **
Düşes: Böylece ben de devrimin bilgeliğinden bütünüyle şüphe etmeye başlayabilirim.
La Harpe: Ne demek yani, olumsuzlukların bulunduğu hal üzre devam etmesini mi istiyorsunuz?
Malesherbes: Bulundukları hal üzre devam etmeyecekler. Zamanın emin adımlarla yürümesiyle insanoğlu daha akıllı olabilecek. Bilgeliğini devlete ve kurumlara tam olarak uygulayabilecek.
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Lakin evlilik devletine değil!
Pompignan: Evlenmek, din ve kanun koymak, hatta takvimi bile değiştirmek, çarpım tablosunu da yenilemek hatta. Böylece bir adamın cebindekiyle yaşamasına gerekli olan miktar eşit olabilecek.
Théroigne: (Chénier’nin yanındadır ve etrafındakiler alçak ses tonuyla konuşmaya devam etmektedirler.) Şu ciddi ve donuk, konuşmaya katılmayan ve üniforma gibi bir elbisesi olan adam kimdir?
Chénier: Théroigne, soylu bir portreye mi tutuldun, yoksa? Boşuna çaba harcama hiçbir kadının erkeği değildir o; şimdi sen kendini tamamen fikre bırakmalısın. Markiz de Lafayette, yenidünyadaki bir devrimin kahramanıdır. Washington’un bir arkadaşıdır, özel hayatında bir aziz gibi temizdir ve kendi karısına aşıktır; baştan çıkacak biri de değil.
Théroigne: Peki, şu soldaki, göğsü nişanlarla kaplı, bronz tenli asilzade…
Chénier: Yükseklerden uçuyorsun bir tanem. Doğrusu imkânsızlar hakkında şaşmaz bir içgüdün var. O, Fransız tahtının veliahdı, Prens Philippe d’Orleans’tır.
Théroigne: Öyle miii?
Chénier: Başka?
Théroigne: Evet, şu hazırcevap, nüktedan ve uzun boylu adam kimdir?
Chénier: Prensin sağındaki mi?
Théroigne: Evet.
Chénier: Beaumarchais, piyes yazarı, Figaro’nun müellifi. Bu arkadaş aslında Amerika devrimi sayesinde kâğıt üzerinde büyük para kazandı, fakat ücretini henüz ödemediler. Şimdi de buradaki devrimden servet yapmayı umuyor.
Théroigne: Doğrusu çok yakışıklı bir adam.
Chénier: Evet, şeytan en yakın dostunuz sizin. Başkaları hakkında böyle konuşmak bizi zaten yeterince mutsuz etmiyor mu?
Théroigne: Usandığın anlaşılıyor benden.
Chénier: Geleceği görüyorsun galiba.
Théroigne: Benden bıktığın zaman, gözünün yükseklerde olması alçaklarda dolaşmasından daha iyi bir tercih olacaktır, Chénier.
Chénier: Ümit vermekte fazla dürüstsün, teşvikte fazla samimi.
Théroigne: Sevgili André, seni gerçekten çok seviyorum ve seni terk etmeyeceğim. Sen bir iş yapacaksın ve bunda ayağını basacağın ilk basamak sağlam olmalıdır.
Chénier: Bir üst basamak daha iyidir.
Théroigne: Mümkün olursa bir yükseğini düşün sen.
Chénier: Bu durumda, tatlım, seni gayet iyi anlıyorum. Birçok güzel kadının yüksek mevkilere başarılı âşıklarının omuzlarında tırmandıklarını çokça görmüşümdür. Lakin hepsi de terfilerinden önce planlarını bana hissettirmeyi başardılar. Bu da bir devrimdir aslında.
Théroigne: Samimiyetlerindendir ya da belki bir yöntem olarak kabul etmek gerekir.
Chénier: Yöntem dünya kadar eski, kadınların bazıları içinse en mükemmeli.
General Custine: (yüksek sesle) İşe bak, Mösyö Condorcet! Dediklerimin hepsi çıkıyor, fakat karışıklık dayanılmaz bir hal almaya başladı. Bu gece şehrin dış kapısında, arabaları durduran bir kalabalık vardı; halkın eskiden beri bir espri olarak kabul ettiği “Kahrolsun Kral” sloganını söylüyorlar, yalnızca bağırıp eğleniyorlardı. Zararsız insanlardı, nükte yetenekleri de yüksekti bence; lakin “Kahrolsun Kral” lafında fazlaca ısrarcıydılar.
Beaumarchais: Peki, General, size de “Kahrolsun Kral” dedirttiler mi?
General Custine: Evet, söyledim gerçekten; yoksa arabamı geldiğim yere geri döndüreceklerdi.
Düşes: Olağanüstü diye ben buna derim.
General Custine: Öyle mi dersiniz? Fabrikatör arkadaşım Revillon kendi evinde muhasara edildi, bir işçi bir günde 16 kuruşla geçinebilir dediği için.
Pompignan: Muhasara mı, ne zaman?
General Custine: Dün. Bunu söylemekle aptallık etti, bunda şüphe yok; lakin bir insan düşündüğünü söyleyebilmeli. Ve bir adamın arabası kendisinin olmalı. Ayrıca özel mülkiyete kimse karışmamalı.
Pompignan: Ve bu tip meselelerle polis daha yakından ilgilenmeli.
General Custine: Aslında gerçek bir terör beklemiyorum. Biz Fransızlar kibar, itaatli ve barışçı insanlarızdır. Fakat şimdilerde düzen diye bir şey arama. Hükümet, işçilerin aklına geleni yapmalarını nerdeyse tasvip ediyor.
Lafayette: Açıkça konuşmak gerekirse, efendiler, fakir halkın ücretleri düşük değilmiş gibi vergileri de çok ağır. Karışıklığın büyük kısmı da sizin arazi ve mülklerinizden vergi vermeyi reddetmenizden kaynaklanıyor.
Pompignan: Haydi canım sende. Fransa’nın bütün soyluları ellerindeki her şeyi verseler bile hükümetin yarıyıllık giderlerini bile karşılayamazlar.
Beaumarchais: Bütçe açığı her şeyi yutacak seviyede, insanların aklını karıştıran da bu. Her sene bütçede denge kurmayı vaat ediyoruz, fakat bu açık her yıl gittikçe büyüyor.
Pompignan: Hükümet, elindeki parayı kolayca böyle her yere dağıtıverirse bütçede denge nasıl kurulur? Para, su gibi sağa sola saçılıyor.
Lafayette: Peki, siz payınıza düşeni yerine getiriyor musunuz?
Pompignan: Evet, hatta daha fazlasını. Başkaları elleri üzerinde dururken ben yalnızca şapkama dayanıyorum. (gülüşmeler) Hizmetçiler, servis nerde! (Ellerini çırpar.) Sofra takımlarını değiştirmede bir gecikme olduğu görülüyor.
Hizmetkâr: Özür dilerim, mösyö.
Pompignan: Neden servis yapılmıyor hâlâ? Dedelerimin Pompignan’a yerleşmesinden beri iki servis arasında kesinlikle ara olmamıştır.
Hizmetkâr: Mösyö, eğer açıklamama izin verirseniz, hizmetkârlarla oduncular arasında bir tartışma olduğunu haber vermek zorundayım.
Pompignan: Peki, anlat bakalım, neden bize kadar yansıyor bu hadise?
Hizmetkâr: Mösyö, kiraz kuşlarının güzelce pişirilip kızartılmaları, harareti yüksek bir fırın ister. Bu da mevsimlik kuru odunla mümkün olur. Fakat bugün oduncular yaş odun getirdiler ve daha iyisini de getirmeyeceklerini söylediler. Bizim şef de işte bu yüzden onlarla tartışıyordu.
Pompignan: Ben anlamam. Açıklamaların da can sıkıyor zaten; arkadaşlarımsa iyice acıkmış durumdalar. Yemeği hemen hazırlayın ve biran önce buraya getirin.
Hizmetkâr: Baş üstüne, mösyö.
Pompignan: Eğer tartışma devam ederse mutfağa gelip hepinizle hesaplaşacağım.
Hizmetkâr: Baş üstüne, mösyö. (Odadan çıkar.)
Pompignan: Can sıkıcı hadiseler; insanı böyle zor durumda bırakırlar. Fakat unutalım bunları, misafirler ve âşıklar! Şerefinize… (Herkes kadehlerini kaldırır.) Devrimin ve Philippe d’Orleans cenaplarının şerefine içiyorum. Prens’in şerefine, tacın varisi ve devrimin aziz yoldaşına… (“Prense” diyerek kadehlerini içerler.)
Philippe: Jestinize teşekkür ederim; layık olmadığım halde kabul etmeme müsaade ediniz, sevgili dostlarım, cevabım cidden memnuniyet olacaktır. Kralımız Louis ki Fransa’da onun kadar adil, asil, akıllı ve muhabbetli olarak hüküm sürmemiştir; ne mutlu bize ki reformu memnuniyetle alkışlayan, ricaları alçakgönüllülükle karşılayan ve bütün sınıfların dertlerini anlayan bir kralımız var. Adil haşmetmeablarının saltanatlarının bana fırsat kalmadan sürüp gitmesini dilerim. Lakin eğer üzerime düşerse, hiçbir şey eskisi gibi sürüp gitmeyecektir. Hükümeti ve meclisleri toplayacağım ve Fransa’da yeni bir hava, yeni bir hayat oluşturacağım. Bakanlarımı dikkatle seçeceğim. İnsan idrak ve aklının bütün kapasiteleri, ruhun özgürlüğü yoluyla yerli yerini bulmalı ve uygulanmalıdır. Jan Jak Ruso bize özgürlüğün dinini vermiştir; başarmak ve tamamlamak da bize düşer. Ve ancak halkın mutluluğu için hükümet edilecektir. Ve hatta odunculara dahi kulak verilmeli, şikâyetleri bize ulaşmalı. (Bazıları alkışlar.)
Düşes: Bu gece oduncuları dinleyelim lütfen.
Pompignan: Evet, dinleyelim ve görelim.
Philippe: Fakat dostlarım, alay kastıyla olmasın bu. Oduncular toprağın adamıdırlar, işleri eski ve kutsaldır. Hayatları tabiatla iç içedir, kendi kanunları içinde bilgiye ve tecrübeye dayanmaktadır. Masum, adalet mekanizmaları bozulmamış doğal bir medeniyetle sürdürürler işlerini. Ruso’nun kutsal kitabının özünü, ahlak ve fazileti ifade eder sade hayatları.
Bailly: Oduncuları çağıralım her şeye rağmen ve cidden güvenelim onlara.
Pompignan: (diğer bir hizmetkâra:) Bize bir oduncu bul ve getir buraya.
Hizmetkâr: Buraya mı, mösyö?
Pompignan: Buraya elbette.
Hizmetkâr: Fakat mösyö, onu yıkamak gerekecektir.
Pompignan: Hayır, yıkamadan getirin, buraya.
Hizmetkâr: Fakat mösyö, ya gelmek istemezse?
Pompignan: Getir onu ve daha fazla konuşma. (Hizmetkâr odadan çıkar.)
Düşes: Kiraz kuşu kızartmasından o da tatmalı.
Pompignan: Mutlaka. Bizler de tabii, eğer mutfak kavgası bittiyse.
Düşes: Şapkamı saygıyla oduncunun önünde çıkaracağım ben.
Chénier: Fakat bu alayın ta kendisi olur, madam.
Pompignan: Evet, istihzanın ta kendisi olur.
Lafayette: Doğruyu söyledi ev sahibi. Prense şaka yaparken, devrimin ruhuyla oynamış oluyorsunuz. Ve prens meclisleri toplamaktan bahsederken alevler fırlıyordu sözlerinin altından. Alaycılık ise kadim insafsızlık ve eski haksızlığı tütsülemiş oluyordu. Konuşuyor ve gülüyorsunuz ama size diyorum ki ben, yeni bir dünyanın eşiğinde bulunuyoruz, yani hepimiz. Kanun önünde bütün insanların sanki Tanrı önündeymişçesine eşit olduğu bir dünyanın. Diyorum ki sınıf ve güç elbiseleri paçavra haline geldiği zaman ve insanların içindeki İlahi ışık ortaya çıktığında, tanıyıp bildiğimiz dünya bulunmayacak artık. Ayrıcalıkların ve açgözlülüklerin dünyası olmayacak. Akıl ve gerçek hâkim olacak! Gülmeyin, hayır; kabiliyetlerinizi alaya ayarlamayın. Bireysel kalite ve genel menfaat, ciddi ve ağırbaşlı olmayı bekler. Efendiler, paklayın ve arıtın kendinizi, bu ruh ve ideale göre ayarlayın geleceğinizi. Çabuklaştırın adımlarınızı, rüyanızda bile görmeniz mümkün olmayan yoldaşlığa, dünyayı adil yapacak kardeşliğe; kırarak zincirleri, parçalayarak kötülükleri!
Pompignan: Ah, Lafayette, ah. Utandırdın bizi şaşırttın hepimizi.
Beaumarchais: Zincir yok, hapishanede; öyle mi? İnsan ne isterse yapacak, öyle mi?
Lafayette: Suçlu aranırsa eğer bizler olacağız muhakkak; haddinden fazla ayrıcalık sahibi olan bizler. İnsanlar aslında iyiliğin emrindedirler eğer bozulmamışlarsa. Adalet ve merhamettir doğal arzusu hepimizin, içgüdümüz budur bizim.
Beaumarchais: Fakat bütün insanlar böyle değil! Bahsettiğiniz kendinizdir sizin.
Lafayette: Yanılıyorsunuz, hepsi böyledir. Fakat bir kısım insanlar başkalarının sırtından geçinirler, bütün hünerleri zekâ ve yaratıcılığı sömürmektir, doğuştan ya da sonradan parazit olmuşlardır. Sen ve ben gibi dostum, kendi odunumuzu kesenlerden ve kiraz kuşunu pişirenlerden iyiliği öğrenmemiz gerekecek.
Düşes: Bir anda anlayıverdim, öğrendim şu anda; insanların melekler gibi yeryüzü cennetinde güven içinde nasıl yaşayabileceklerini.
Düşes: Bir anda anlayıverdim, öğrendim şu anda; insanların melekler gibi yeryüzü cennetinde güven içinde nasıl yaşayabileceklerini.
Lafayette: Suçu getiren nedir, suçluları doğuran? Yiyecek bir dilim ekmeği bulamamak, ayakkabısız çocuklar, bazılarının lüksü için alınan vergiler… Dostlarım, ağlarken başkaları, gözyaşlarını içlerine akıtırken çok rahat yaşıyorduk biz. Üç kelime söyleyin de değişsin, farklı olsun her şey. Haykırın özgürlük, eşitlik, kardeşlik diye. Hür olunca insan olunur, kurtulur hayvanlıktan akıl sahibi olan; huzur getirir barışı sevip de insanlık onuru taşıyan.
Pompignan: O da aynısını söylüyor dost Ruso?
Malesherbes: Çok güzel söyledin, ümitliyim ben, bekliyorum gerçekleşmesini.
La Harpe: Evet, ümitli olalım, bekleyelim gerçekleşmesini.
Chénier: İzin varsa bir kelime de ben ekleyeceğim.
Pompignan: Bırakalım şair de konuşsun, söyle Chénier.
Chénier: Yaşar ve ölür bir millet; takip eder, kendi yolunu ve ölür. Bilinen ve var olan sonunda arkasında bıraktığıdır. Diğer insanların bilgisine sunduklarıdır. Müzik, resim ve şiir hikâyemizi anlatır, hiçbir şey kalmadığında arşiv kayıtlarından başka. Özgür toplum şarkısını söyler, alın terine değer verilirken. Rüyasını maddeye nakşeder, renkler ve desenlerle. Ve sonra hayranlık uyandırır asırlarca herkese. Gerçekleşmesini görelim bu rüyanın; Fransız halkı için özgür olalım, hür yapalım insanları.
Pompignan: Hakikat olsun bu da. Ümitliyim, gerçekleşecek sonunda.
Düşes: Ben de.
Beaumarchais: Fakat Lafayette, nasıl olacak dünya devrim gerçek olursa? Nedir faydaları, nasıl elde edilecek meyveleri? Nasıl yaşayacak insanlar?
Lafayette: Güleceksin söylediğime, Beaumarchais. Senin için bu mali bir isyandır ve gülersin sen buna. Hiçbir kral veya kapitalist, hiçbir asilzade veya ordu olmayacak, bulunmayacak bunlar. İnsanoğlu kendi barışını kendi koruyacak. Severek ülkesini Fransa’nın her vatandaşı, bu yeni günde, titreyecek toprağının her karışına; mısırını öğütecek, diktiğini giyecek, ocağını kendisi tüttürecek odununu kendisi taşıyarak. Ve akşam çöktüğünde dönerken sade ve basit hanesine, tatlı bir yorgunluk olacak üzerinde. Beri yanda karısı gün boyunca yün eğirmiş ve bez dokumuştur. Çocuklarıysa daha ışıklı ve parlak bir geleceğe yönelmiştir. Akşam mütevazı sofralarına oturduklarında kazanıp hazırladıkları yemeklerini yerken, bütün aileler küçük cennetlerini kurmuş olacaklar, evet, sadece kendi cennetlerini. Utanç ya da kıskançlık veya doymazlık bulunmadan. Devrimin nimetleri işte bunlardır, dostum.
Beaumarchais: Âdem ve Havva’nın hayatı gibi, hakiki cennette.
Lafayette: Evet, öyle diyorsan öyle olsun, Âdem ve Havva gibi.
Beaumarchais: Bu kez yılan, Kabil ve ölüm bulunmayacak, değil mi?
La Harpe: Yeteri kadar ölüm oldu zaten.
Beaumarchais: Bir şey mi dedin,La Harpe?
La Harpe: Sanmıyorum, hayır. Bir şey mi dedim?
Beaumarchais: “Yeteri kadar ölüm oldu zaten” gibi bir şeyler duydum senden.
La Harpe: Gerçekten söyledim mi? Öyleyse gerisinin söylenmemiş olması yeğdir.
Beaumarchais: Sakin ve suskunLa Harpe. Bir şeyler söylemeyecek misin sen de?
Düşes: Gerisinin söylenmemesi neden, biz o kadar sizi dinlemek istiyorken?
La Harpe: Genellikle çok şüpheci ve tereddütlü konuşurum, lakin gelirse dilime işte o kelime değişirim derinden. Umduğunuz devrimi görmek için yaşayacaklarınızı kelime kelime duyacaksınız dilimden. Dinlemek isteyin şimdilik bakalım, gerisi o kadar eğlenceli değil.
Condorcet: Söyle o zaman.
Beaumarchais: Haydi çıkar ağzından.
La Harpe: Tekrar ediyorum size, görüp idrak edeceksiniz bu devrimi, fakat gerçekten istiyor musunuz hepinizin başına neler geleceğini?
Condorcet: Biliyor musunuz?
La Harpe: Evet, bildiğimi zannediyorum.
Beaumarchais: Hey, bir kâhin! Ağustos böceği ve yabani bal getirin, aramızda bir peygamber bulunmakta.
La Harpe: Bugünlerde derin bir ıstırap içindeydim sanki delirmiş gibiydim. Hiç kimse memnun olmaz elbette böyle bir halden. Tıraş takımımı arıyorken gördüm birden nasıl öleceğimi o sabah.
Beaumarchais: İyi bir ölüm müydü, sakin ve rahat?
La Harpe: Hayır, değildi.
Condorcet: Fakat nasıl, yani ne biçimde. Bir kâhin daha açıklayıcı olmalı.
La Harpe: Bu kadarı yeter, o hal üzerimde yine bu gece. Masanın etrafında bana bakanların, hepinizin ölümlerini görüyorum çehrelerinizde.
Condorcet: Herkes ölecek bir gün. Ne biçimde öleceğim ben? Çok şiddetli veya çok hafif? Perhizden ya da gut hastalığından?
La Harpe: Öleceksin Mösyö de Condorcet; hapishanede bir hücrede taşların üzerinde. Öleceksin, cellâdın elinden kurtulmak için sürekli yanında taşıyacağın zehirle. Şu anda o cellât işbaşında değil, hayır, fakat kafa uçurmak için yeni bir mekanizma bulunacak, cellâdı kurtaracak yorulmaktan. Taşıyor olacaksın zehri, kurtulmak için ondan.
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Eyvah!
Pompignan: Yeter artık! Bu aptalca konuşma sürmesin daha fazla.
Düşes: Ne söylemek istiyor bu adam?
Beaumarchais: Delidir o. Eskiden iyi bir adamdı, sakin ve huzurlu. Fakat uzun zaman suskun kalan yalnızlar gibi delirmiş o.
Condorcet: Daha nitelikli ve ilgi çekici bir hikâye uydurabilirdin. Lakin müsaade et de romantik düşüneyim biraz. Bırak da bir hanımı kurtarmak için ölmüş bulunayım. Nedir suçum benim?
La Harpe: Suçun beraber oturmak olacak yemek masasında Philippe d’Orleans’la.
Philippe: Beraber oturuyor işte şimdi benimle, hepimiz beraberiz bu yemekte, öyle zannediyorum. Suç mu yani şimdi bu?
La Harpe: Olacak…
Philippe: Kime karşı yani?
La Harpe: Devrime karşı.
Beaumarchais: Lakin Philippe’imiz devrimin dostudur ve hepimiz onunla aynı sofradayız.
La Harpe: Evet, yeter bu, ölmesi için bir kimsenin.
Beaumarchais: Bırak bunları. Lakin dedin ki d’Orleans’la bir masada oturmak, adamakıllı bir suç olacak. Neden?
La Harpe: Hepsi suç olacak; aristokrat olmak, hatta onlardan biriyle konuşmak, korumak onları; büyük hatalardır bunlar, devlete karşı olmak, aleyhine kitap yazmak, savaşta kaybetmek, fazla para kazanmak, ipek elbise giymek, arabası olmak, şan ve şöhret sahibi olmak. Ve sonunda bu suçlar için ceza: Ölüm…
Condorcet: Ne alakası var bütün bunların devrimle ya da akla göre yönetmekle?
La Harpe: Kesinlikle sana söylediğim gibidir her şey. Akıl, gerçek ve felsefe adına derim ki insanlığın özgürlüğü için sonuç budur. Gerçekte hükümet ve saltanat aklın bir parçası gibi var olacak ve hatta Fransa’nın her yerinde aklın tapınakları olacak, başka mabetlere yer kalmayacak. Ama hoşgörü ve merhamet adına insanlar çıldıracak; kesilecek nice kişiler, sokak ortasında; yazmak ve okumak suç olacak. Küçücük sebepler insanlara ölüm getirecek ve temyizi de olmayacak.
Champfort: Aziz ve sevgili dostum, bilmek isterdim, ya ben nasıl öleceğim.
La Harpe: Sen mi Mösyö de Champfort? Sen damarlarını keseceksin usturayla hücrende yalnızken; canını vermek, çok zaman alacak.
Champfort: Devrimi yaparsak eğer elbette dostlarımla beraber olacağız. Liderlerinden biri de ben olacağım. Buna rağmen neler söylüyorsun sen. Yaptıklarım unutulmayacak, en muhataralı zamanlarda bile.
La Harpe: Unutulacak.
Malesherbes: Ya ben? Kaderim nedir benim? Söyle bana,La Harpe?
Bailly: Ya benimki?
Desmoulins: Benimkini de söyle lütfen.
Roucher: Ben de rica ediyorum.
La Harpe: Devrim kendi çocuklarını yiyecek ve kendisini büyütüp geliştirenleri. Sen Malesherbes, hükümeti değiştirmek elinden geleni ardına koymayan sen, darağacında can vereceksin. Sen Mösyö Bailly, insan haklarını canla başla savunan sen, darağacındasın. Sen, Desmoulins, insan haklarını yazan ve her yerde anlatan sen, aynı akıbet bekliyor seni. Mösyö Roucher, darağacındasın sen de.
Roucher: Hey, bana bakınız, düşmanların istilasına mı uğrayacağız yoksa barbar seli mi gelecek üzerimize?
La Harpe: Hayır, dediğim gibi, felsefe ve akıl ile yönetileceksiniz. İdarecileriniz filozoflar olacak ve onlar da sizin söylediklerinizin aynısını söyleyecek, bütün insanların eşit olduğu dünyayı savunacaklar. Ama bunun için siz ve çocuklarınız ölüme gönderileceksiniz. Kesmekten yoruluncaya kadar çalışacak cellâtlar ve nehirlere atacaklar sizi elleriniz arkadan bağlı olarak. Mezbahaya dönecek bütün ülke.
Pompignan: Unuttun ev sahibiniLa Harpe! Ateşte mi yoksa suda mı ölümüm benim, tek başına ya da insanlar arasında.
La Harpe: Hiçbir şey söyleyemiyorum.
Pompignan: Neden,La Harpe, neden?
La Harpe: Yüzünde hiçbir şey yok bu gece, hiçbir şey göremiyorum senin için.
Pompignan: Herhangi bir gelecek de mi, hiç mi?
La Harpe: Hiçbir şey göremiyorum senin için, ama dur bir dakika; genç öleceksin sen.
Pompignan: Tanrım! Acele etmeliyim o zaman.
Beaumarchais: Olağanüstü kehanetler bunlar… Geleceğim bulunmuyor mu benim de acaba?
La Harpe: Sen İngiltere’ye kaçacaksın. Ama önce bir çadırda gizlenmek zorunda kalacaksın ve sonra bir kuyuda. Ve en acayibi Hıristiyanlığa döneceksin, mucize filan olmadan.
Champfort: Ferahladım sonunda ben. Biz öleceksek eğer, bir yanda Beaumarchais Hıristiyanlığa dönerken; bu demektir ki biz ölümsüz olacağız, o hayatta bir ölüyken.
Düşes: Biz zavallı kadınlaraysa devrimlerde fazla iş düşmez. Şanslıyızdır kimse bizi fazla sıkıntıya sokmaz, düşüncelerimizi sormaz bizim.
La Harpe: Bu kez cinsiyetiniz sizi kurtarmayacak. Hayır, ne yaşınız ne güzelliğiniz ve ne de gençliğiniz yetişecek imdadınıza; istemekle olmaz bu zaten. Evlilikten bahsettiniz az önce. Yeni, yepyeni bir nikâh bulunacak, devrim nikâhı. Erkekler ve kadınlar dudaklarıyla bağlanacak birbirlerine. Ve bu devam edecek bıkıncaya kadar insanlar devrim nikâhından. Siz, madamla Düşes, siz bir at arabasıyla götürüleceksiniz darağacına, elleriniz arkadan bağlı olacak. Ve sizinle beraber bu yolculuğa katlanmak zorunda olanlara teselli vereceksiniz ağlayıp gözyaşı dökenlere.
Düşes: Fakat bu çok kahramanca. Büyük işler yüklediniz bana, lakin mahrum bıraktınız beni, günahlarımı itiraftan ve günah çıkartan papazdan.
La Harpe: Günah çıkarmak ve itiraf etmek artık bulunmayacak. Son kurban ise saray çevresinden birisi ki o…
Beaumarchais: Kim o?
La Harpe: Fransa kralıdır ve Philippe varis olmayacak ona.
Philippe: Ölecek miyim ben de?
La Harpe: Çok sonra değil.
Philippe: Peki, ne zaman olacak?
La Harpe: Altı yıl içinde.
Beaumarchais: Hah, hah ha.
La Harpe: Chénier, devrimin şairi, darağacında can verecek o. Lafayette, sürgüne gönderilecek kralı kurtarmak isterken. Marie Antoinette ölecek darağacında, güzelliği fayda vermeyecek ona.
Théroigne: Fakat ben, benim için bir şey demedin.
Chénier: Théroigne, ne diyorsun sen.
La Harpe: Sen kadınları ayaklandıracaksın, önder olacaksın onlara. Ve erkekler, güzelim, senin başını kesecekler.
Théroigne ve Beaumarchais: Hah, hah ha. Hah, hah ha.
La Harpe: Ölen sokaklarda serili kalacak, köpekler insan eti yemekten bıkacaklar. İnsanların şunu haykırdığını duyacaksınız: Halkın sesi Hakkın sesidir ve Tanrı gazaba gelmiştir. Matmazel de Sombreuil, kadeh kaldıracak babasını kurtarmak için, içecek sonra kanla dolu kadehi, arkadaşlarının kanıyla dolu iğrenç kadehi. Bütün bunlar olacak akıl ve felsefe serbest bırakıldığından, devrim sayesinde.
Pompignan: Peki, sonunda?
La Harpe: Ne mi olacak sonunda? İşte size bir son: Kaldırım taşlarının üzerinde mahkum arabaları inleyecek gün boyunca; Grevé meydanına giden sanıklara hakaretler yağacak, soylu olsalar bile. Hepiniz o sanıklarla beraber olacaksınız; hatip, akıllı, zarif, yazar, şair, sanatkâr ve peygamber yani ben de. Üç kişi, Fransa’da bulunmayan üç kişi sürdürecek hayatını. Yeni önderleriniz de olacak, kısa boylu bir adam çıkacak ve imparatorunuz olacak bu adam. Alın işte size bir son.
Beaumarchais: Hah, hah ha. Korktunuz mu yoksa? Ürkütmesine izin mi vereceksiniz berbat şakalarıyla sizi. Gülün benimle beraber siz de. Hakkını verin ama bu macera romancısına, ücreti kahkahadır onun. Hah, hah ha.
Masadakiler: Hah, hah ha. Hah, hah ha.
Condorcet: Gerçek bir hortlak masalı ve hortlaklar da bizleriz.
Masadakiler: Hah, hah ha. Hah, hah ha. (Kahkahalar artar ve sesler iyice yükselir, isteri krizine dönüşen gülme, haykırma halini alır. Kahkaha sesleri kesilmeye başladığında derinden öfkeli bağırtılar duyulmaya başlar.)
Sesler: Tutsakları olmayacak onların! Bir adam bile! Bir adam! Bırakalım kiraz kuşlarını çiğ yesinler! Pişmeden! Yiyenleri gösterin bize! Kiraz kuşundan ziyafet çekenleri!
Pompignan: Avluda bir karışıklık var! Hizmetçi! Nedir bunlar? Bu adamları parmaklarından sallandırmalı sonra asmalı bir ağaca.
Sesler: İstediği yalnızca bir misafir! Şan ve şeref sahibi bir misafir! Misafir ha! Anlı şanlı bir misafir! Tutsak istiyor ha! Rehine istiyor! Görmüştük onu da, hem de burada! Yalnız bir tek konuğu olmamalı! Dışarı çıkaralım onu ve alalım yanımıza! Kiraz kuşlarını sunmasına izin verelim! Onu ve misafirlerini konuk edelim! (Bir hizmetkâr girer.)
Pompignan: Sustur şu bahçedeki ayaktakımını ve getir bana elebaşlarını!
Hizmetkâr: Mösyö, göndermek istemiyorlar içlerinden birini.
Pompignan: Kim onlar?
Hizmetkâr: Oduncular efendim. Cezalandırılmaktan korkuyorlar ve reddediyorlar göndermeyi aralarından birini, onu rehine tutacağınızı düşünüyorlar.
Pompignan: Rehine mi? Bir savaş mı var devam eden? Senden bir oduncu istedim ben. Misafirlerim aramıza bir oduncu katılsın diyorlar. Hoşça muamele edilecek ona, anlat bunu sen ve ikna et birini.
Hizmetkâr: Mösyö, anlattım onlara fakat…
Beaumarchais: Ayrıca, yemeğin kendisi de gelse artık. (Şef, mutfaktan salona girer, titremektedir ve yüzü bembeyazdır.)
Düşes: Açıkla bakalım olanları.
Pompignan: Sonunda kiraz kuşlarımız sunulacak galiba. Neden buradasın, Sirrah? Ne istiyorsun bizden?
Şef: Üç nesildir size hizmet veriyoruz, ben ve ailem. Kiraz kuşu yemeğini hazırlıyoruz size. Benim vazifemdi bu yemeği hazırlayıp sunmak ve ben her zaman hazırlamayı umuyordum, en güzel biçimde.
Pompignan: Peki, neden buradasın sen? Ve nasıl oturursun benim yanımdayken.
Şef: Fakat beceremedim. Size artık asla yemek pişiremeyeceğim, yakamayacağım ateşinizi…
Pompignan: Kalk, dikil ayağa!
Şef: Peki mösyö. (Ayağa kalkar.)
Pompignan: Kendini mi kaybettin sen, neden yemek pişiremeyecekmişsin?
Şef: Çünkü ölüyorum ben. (Yere düşer.)
Pompignan: Kalın burada efendiler! Bir anlaşmazlık vardı mutfakta. Kalın burada ben dönünceye kadar lütfen! (Hizmetçilere) Kaldırın bu adamı buradan. (Mutfağa gider.)
Düşes: (Hizmetçilere) Yavaşça kaldırın sarsmayın zavallıyı.
Philippe: Evet, bıçakla yaralanmış çünkü.
Matmazel de Sombreuil: Eyvah!
Düşes: Yavaş, yavaş lütfen! Söyleyin şuna yavaşça kaldırsın adamı.
Şef: Artık hizmet etmeyeceğim sana bundan sonra. (Şefi taşıyarak dışarı götürürler.)
General Custine: Düzensizlikten başka bir şey yok bu gece. Şehrin kapısında ayaklanma, mutfakta kavga; felaket dolaşıyor şehrin ve masanın etrafında…
Hizmetkâr: (İçeriye girerek takdim eder:) Teğmen Custine, efendiler.
General Custine: Korkarım ki oğlum geldi. (Teğmen Custine, içeri girer.) Oğlum, neden geç kaldın bu kadar, sana ayrılan yeri boş bıraktın.
Teğmen Custine: Üniformamdan ötürü affedin beni, zamanım yoktu değiştirmeye. Efendiler, içinizden Paris’e dönmeye niyetli olan var mı bu gece?
Philippe: Zannediyorum ki hepimiz.
Teğmen Custine: Başka bir yöne doğru gitmenizi salık veririm. Çünkü Paris çıldırmış, kavga ve savaş var Saint-Antoinne’da. Çok kimse öldü her iki taraftan, sokakların hiçbiri emniyetli değil; kendim de at sırtında çok zor geldim buraya.
General Custine: Yaralı mısın?
Teğmen Custine: Hayır, fakat korkarım ki sürüyle insanı yaraladım, yere yıkmam gerekiyordu çünkü atımı sürmem için. General Lafayette, size bir mesajım var: Kral, muhafız alayını toparlayıp hazır hale getirmenizi istiyor sizden.
Lafayette: Hangi amaçla?
Teğmen Custine: Korumanız için kraliçeyi ve tabii kendisini.
La Harpe: Eyvah ki eyvah! Başladı doğru çıkmaya, başladı şimdiden.
Teğmen Custine: Bir şeyler başladı gerçekten. Saldırmaya yeltendiler Bastil’e.
Lafayette: Kimler tarafından?
Teğmen Custine: Paris halkı, büyük kalabalıklar halinde; duydum ki püskürtmüşler. Fakat herkes değişik şeyler söylüyor her şey hakkında. Bence imkânsıza kalkışmış zavallı halk.
Lafayette: Bastil hakikaten imkânsızdır.
Teğmen Custine: Doğru. Balta ve tırpanla silahlanmış bir kalabalık için hele. Fakat şehir emniyette.
Düşes: Ne yapalım o zaman?
Teğmen Custine: İstediğiniz yolu seçin, ama Paris’e gitmesin o yol. (Bir haykırma işitilir uzaktan.) Nerede peki ev sahibimiz?
Düşes: Mutfakta…
Teğmen Custine: Şaka mı yapıyorsunuz?
Düşes: Hayır. Hizmetkârlar ile oduncular arasında bir anlaşmazlık vardı. Çözmek için gitti mutfağa.
Teğmen Custine: Yalnız mı gönderdiniz yoksa? Öfke içinde bütün ülke, onun adamları da diğerlerinden farklı değildir. (Uzun adımlarla mutfağa koşar.)
Lafayette: Seninle geliyorum. (Dışarı çıkarlar.)
General Custine: Delikanlı yemeği göremeyince telaşlandı, zannediyorum ki abartıyor.
Beaumarchais: Hiçbir şeyi kendi gözleriyle görmemiş, Bastil düşmemiştir, temin ederim sizi. (Mutfaktan bir haykırma sesi daha gelir.)
Philippe: Hizmetkârlar nerede? Kaybolmuşa benziyorlar.
Düşes: Birden bir sıkıntı bastı bana. Sanki görünmeyen yaratıklar çevirdi etrafımızı, kuşatıldık galiba. Birisi haykırıyor yine. (Lafayette döner.) Nerede hizmetçiler! Bıraktılar bizi, oturup kaldık burada.
Lafayette: Hepsi çekip gitmiş.
Philippe: Ya ev sahibimiz?!
Lafayette: Mutfakta yalnız o vardı, ölü olarak; bir nacak vardı omuzlarının arasında. Yüzünün her yerinde kiraz kuşu kızartmaları vardı, ölü kuşlar saçılmıştı her tarafa.
La Harpe: Son ziyafettir bu, son kiraz kuşu ziyafeti. Bitti artık, sona erdi. Gazap etti Tanrı. Birlikte olamayacağız bir daha, oturamayacağız hatta…
* James Maxwell ANDERSON: 1888 Pennsylavania doğumludur, yüksek öğrenimini Kuzey Dakota ve Stanford üniversitelerinde tamamlamıştır. Birçok kolejde öğretmen ve idareci olarak çalışmıştır. ABD repertuarına manzum tiyatro oyunu geleneğini yeniden getiren tiyatro yazar olarak tanınır. 1959’da ölmüştür.
1923’de sahnelenen ilk oyunu White Desert (Beyaz Çöl) ancak 12 defa sahnelendi. (Laurence Satallings’le beraber yazdıkları ve 1924’te sahnelenen ve konusunu I. Dünya Savaşı’nın doğurduğu feci hadiselerden alan) What Price Glory (Zaferin Bedeli Ne) adlı dram büyük ilgi gördü ve Andeson’ın ilk başarısı oldu. Bundan sonra dikkatini manzum tiyatroya çevirdi; sahne sanatlarında şiiri kullanmanın modern tiyatroyu daha kaliteli bir hale getireceğine inanıyordu. Konusunu tarihten alan Queen Elizabeth (Kraliçe Elizabet, 1930) ve Mary of Scotland (İskoç Prensesi Mary, 1933) eserlerinden sonra yazdığı Both Your Houses (İkinizin de Evi, 1933) adlı piyesiyle Pulitzer ödülünü kazandı. Both Your Houses, ABD’deki yolsuzlukları şiddetle eleştiren bir yapıttır.
1920’lerdeki Sacco ve Vanzetti (2) davasından etkilenerek şehrin fakir semtlerinde yaşayan ve haksız yere ölüme mahkûm edilen babasını temize çıkarmayı ve onun intikamını almaya çalışan bir genci konu alan Winterset (Kışın Bitişi, 1935) adlı oyunuyla yazarlık hayatının zirvesine ulaştı ve New York Tiyatro Eleştirmenleri ödülünü aldı; bu ödülü bir kez daha High Tor (Yalçın Kaya, 1936) piyesiyle kazanmıştır. Çağdaş ve polisiye bir hadiseden yola çıkmasına rağmen Anderson, bu oyunda insanın adalet karşısındaki doğal ve evrensel konumunu başarıyla işlemiştir. Eserleri, konusunu ister tarihten ister çağından alsın, bireyden genele ve evrensele gidişi kuvvetle temsil ederler.
Barefoot in Athens (Atina’da Yalınayak, 1951) başlıklı piyesi, 1985’te Yalınayak Sokrates adıyla ülkemizde de sahnelenmiştir. Birçok eseri filme de alınan yazarın KİRAZ KUŞU ZİYAFETİ başlığıyla çevirisini sunduğumuz The Feast of Ortolans (Ortolans Ziyafeti) adlı küçük piyesi 1937’de yayınlanmıştır.
(1) Fransız İhtilali’nden önce tamamlanıp devrim üzerinde gerçekten büyük tesiri olan Encyclopédie kastediliyor. Diderot ve D’alembert adlı bilim adamlarının önderliğinde Fransa’da zamanın en büyük ve meşhur bilginlerinin katılmasıyla gerçekleşen bu ansiklopedi; soylu sınıfın, kilisenin ve hatta kralın engellemelerine ve yayınının birkaç kere durdurulmasına rağmen tamamlanmış ve Fransız Devrimi’nin kültür arka planı hatta temel taşlarından olmuştur. Metodik bir ansiklopedidir; her cilt ayrı bir konu veya ilim dalına ayrılmıştır.
(2) 1915’te işçilere önderlik ederek büyük bir grev gerçekleştirmelerinden ötürü, 1927’de elektrikli sandalyede idam edilen İtalyan asıllı iki işçi lideri. İdam hadisesi ABD kamuoyunda büyük yankı yapmıştır.
** Haydar Hepsev tarafından çevrilen bu piyesin (dramatik şiirin), buraya kadar olan kısmı, Diriliş Dergisi’nde [5 Şubat 1992, sayı 131–132–133, s.37–38 ve 44; (dergi bu sayıdan sonra yayınına ara vermiştir)] yayınlanmış; bütünü Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nde (2010-11’de; 6, 7, 8 sayılarda) yayınlanmıştır.
My wife and i felt absolutely thrilled Edward could conclude his web research through the entire ideas he grabbed using your site. It is now and again perplexing to simply possibly be giving out helpful tips that most people may have been trying to sell. We remember we need the writer to give thanks to because of that. The explanations you have made, the straightforward website navigation, the friendships you can make it possible to engender – it’s got mostly amazing, and it’s really letting our son and our family believe that this matter is entertaining, which is truly vital. Thank you for the whole thing!
I actually wanted to make a message in order to thank you for some of the amazing tricks you are sharing on this website. My long internet investigation has at the end of the day been compensated with extremely good facts and strategies to write about with my pals. I would mention that we readers are unequivocally fortunate to dwell in a wonderful network with very many outstanding professionals with great things. I feel really happy to have come across your entire weblog and look forward to some more brilliant moments reading here. Thanks once more for everything.
I simply needed to appreciate you again. I’m not certain the things that I would have done in the absence of the type of concepts shown by you about this topic. It previously was a daunting dilemma in my position, but discovering a professional mode you resolved that forced me to leap with delight. I’m just thankful for your work and as well , believe you find out what a great job you’re doing teaching some other people with the aid of your site. Probably you’ve never met all of us.
I enjoy you because of all of your hard work on this web page. My mother really loves getting into investigations and it is simple to grasp why. All of us know all regarding the powerful means you offer invaluable guidelines on this web site and as well as cause participation from other ones on the topic plus our favorite girl is truly learning so much. Have fun with the rest of the year. You’re the one carrying out a brilliant job.
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with an extraordinarily special possiblity to read from this website. It’s always very awesome plus full of fun for me and my office co-workers to search your site the equivalent of three times every week to study the new secrets you have. Of course, I am actually happy with the spectacular pointers served by you. Certain two areas in this posting are essentially the most impressive I have had.
I intended to write you that very little observation to be able to say thank you yet again with the incredible views you’ve contributed on this page. It’s certainly unbelievably generous of people like you to provide publicly exactly what numerous people might have sold as an e-book to earn some dough for their own end, even more so seeing that you could possibly have tried it if you wanted. The ideas also worked to be a good way to fully grasp someone else have the identical passion really like my very own to understand whole lot more with regard to this problem. I think there are some more pleasurable sessions ahead for folks who find out your site.
I happen to be commenting to let you know what a impressive encounter our girl enjoyed viewing your web site. She noticed many issues, not to mention what it is like to have a wonderful giving mindset to make other people without problems comprehend selected tricky subject matter. You truly surpassed readers’ expected results. Many thanks for distributing the insightful, trusted, revealing and in addition fun tips on your topic to Sandra.
I wish to show some thanks to you just for bailing me out of this setting. As a result of researching through the world wide web and seeing tips which are not helpful, I figured my entire life was over. Existing without the presence of solutions to the issues you have sorted out as a result of the article content is a crucial case, as well as the kind which could have badly affected my career if I had not discovered your website. Your good competence and kindness in touching all areas was helpful. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not discovered such a subject like this. I can also now look ahead to my future. Thanks for your time very much for the skilled and amazing help. I won’t be reluctant to refer your blog to anybody who would like guidance about this subject.
I simply wished to thank you very much yet again. I do not know what I could possibly have tried in the absence of the actual creative ideas provided by you regarding my theme. Previously it was a frightening difficulty for me personally, nevertheless noticing a specialized style you dealt with the issue forced me to leap over fulfillment. Extremely happy for your work and then expect you are aware of a powerful job you are always providing instructing many people through your website. More than likely you have never encountered all of us.
I must show some thanks to the writer just for rescuing me from such a instance. Right after checking through the world-wide-web and meeting ideas that were not beneficial, I figured my entire life was done. Existing devoid of the strategies to the issues you have fixed by means of your good guide is a crucial case, and ones that would have adversely damaged my entire career if I hadn’t discovered the blog. Your primary talents and kindness in handling a lot of stuff was precious. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come upon such a point like this. I’m able to now look ahead to my future. Thanks for your time so much for your expert and effective help. I won’t be reluctant to suggest your site to any person who should have assistance on this subject matter.
My spouse and i have been really excited that Raymond could finish off his investigation from the ideas he received in your web pages. It’s not at all simplistic just to possibly be giving away key points which usually many people might have been selling. Therefore we take into account we now have the website owner to appreciate because of that. The main illustrations you made, the straightforward web site navigation, the relationships you will give support to instill – it’s got all overwhelming, and it’s leading our son in addition to the family reason why the situation is amusing, and that’s really mandatory. Thanks for everything!
I must show thanks to you for rescuing me from such a trouble. Right after browsing through the search engines and getting proposals which were not productive, I was thinking my life was gone. Living without the strategies to the difficulties you’ve fixed by means of your posting is a serious case, and those which may have badly affected my career if I hadn’t encountered your web site. Your good competence and kindness in touching every item was important. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not come upon such a stuff like this. I’m able to at this point relish my future. Thanks so much for the specialized and results-oriented guide. I won’t be reluctant to refer the sites to anybody who needs and wants guidelines about this problem.
My spouse and i ended up being really glad Chris could carry out his investigations via the precious recommendations he had in your site. It is now and again perplexing to simply always be giving out concepts that people today could have been making money from. And we also know we need the blog owner to thank because of that. The type of illustrations you have made, the simple web site navigation, the relationships your site make it possible to create – it’s most spectacular, and it is aiding our son and us do think that situation is satisfying, and that’s really vital. Thank you for all the pieces!
I have to express some thanks to you for bailing me out of this setting. Right after browsing through the online world and obtaining ways which were not beneficial, I was thinking my entire life was gone. Living minus the strategies to the issues you’ve sorted out all through this short article is a crucial case, as well as ones that could have badly damaged my career if I had not come across your blog. That mastery and kindness in playing with every aspect was precious. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not discovered such a subject like this. I can now look forward to my future. Thanks for your time very much for your expert and effective help. I won’t be reluctant to recommend your blog post to any individual who desires recommendations on this topic.
Needed to create you this bit of note to finally thank you very much again for the nice pointers you’ve discussed above. This is so wonderfully open-handed with you to deliver freely all that a few individuals might have distributed for an ebook to help with making some profit for themselves, principally since you might have tried it in case you wanted. The smart ideas as well acted to provide a great way to comprehend many people have similar interest much like mine to see a whole lot more in regard to this matter. Certainly there are numerous more pleasurable periods ahead for many who discover your site.
A lot of thanks for all of the hard work on this website. My niece delights in carrying out research and it is obvious why. I notice all relating to the lively way you render precious tips and tricks via your blog and as well invigorate response from other individuals on this idea so my simple princess is certainly becoming educated a lot of things. Have fun with the remaining portion of the year. You’re doing a good job.
I simply wanted to jot down a simple word to say thanks to you for those wonderful ideas you are giving out at this site. My prolonged internet research has now been paid with wonderful tips to share with my colleagues. I ‘d state that that we readers are rather lucky to live in a fabulous website with so many outstanding professionals with good strategies. I feel pretty grateful to have seen the web site and look forward to plenty of more cool times reading here. Thank you once more for everything.
I simply needed to thank you so much all over again. I’m not certain the things I could possibly have carried out in the absence of the methods discussed by you directly on this question. This has been an absolute hard dilemma in my opinion, nevertheless taking note of this specialised mode you processed that made me to jump with joy. Extremely happier for your service as well as trust you really know what a powerful job your are accomplishing training many others through your site. More than likely you’ve never come across any of us.
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I have to show my appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of this particular dilemma. Just after looking out throughout the world wide web and meeting principles that were not pleasant, I believed my entire life was gone. Living without the solutions to the issues you have resolved all through the post is a serious case, as well as those which might have adversely affected my career if I had not come across your blog. Your own personal capability and kindness in maneuvering the whole thing was invaluable. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come upon such a step like this. I can at this moment look ahead to my future. Thank you very much for your professional and effective guide. I will not be reluctant to propose your web sites to any person who should get care on this subject.
I must get across my passion for your kind-heartedness giving support to folks who should have help with in this issue. Your very own commitment to getting the solution all over ended up being quite valuable and has really allowed folks much like me to reach their endeavors. This valuable suggestions signifies a great deal a person like me and a whole lot more to my office workers. Many thanks; from each one of us.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone an exceptionally splendid possiblity to read articles and blog posts from this site. It is often very fantastic and also jam-packed with a lot of fun for me and my office peers to search your blog at minimum three times in a week to learn the new guidance you will have. And lastly, I’m at all times fulfilled with the wonderful things you serve. Some 3 areas in this post are honestly the best we have ever had.
Needed to compose you the bit of note in order to say thank you yet again considering the stunning pointers you have contributed above. It is simply particularly generous with you to provide publicly precisely what numerous people might have advertised for an e book to get some dough on their own, principally given that you could have done it in case you decided. The inspiring ideas in addition acted like a good way to understand that other people have the identical zeal much like my personal own to realize a little more around this matter. I am certain there are thousands of more enjoyable occasions up front for folks who read through your blog.
I wish to show some appreciation to this writer for bailing me out of such a difficulty. Just after looking throughout the internet and finding advice that were not pleasant, I assumed my life was done. Being alive without the strategies to the issues you have resolved by way of your entire article content is a serious case, and ones that might have in a wrong way affected my entire career if I hadn’t noticed your blog. That capability and kindness in dealing with the whole thing was very useful. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t come across such a stuff like this. I can also at this time relish my future. Thanks for your time very much for this impressive and result oriented help. I will not be reluctant to propose your blog to anyone who desires guidance about this subject.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with such a brilliant chance to read from here. It is often very useful and as well , full of a great time for me and my office acquaintances to search your website at a minimum thrice in 7 days to read through the latest issues you have. And definitely, we are at all times contented concerning the superb pointers you serve. Some 1 facts on this page are definitely the most beneficial we’ve had.
I have to show thanks to the writer for rescuing me from such a trouble. Right after surfing around through the world wide web and meeting ways that were not pleasant, I believed my entire life was gone. Existing devoid of the solutions to the issues you’ve resolved by means of your good website is a crucial case, and ones which might have badly damaged my entire career if I hadn’t come across your web blog. The understanding and kindness in dealing with the whole thing was useful. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a solution like this. I can also at this point look ahead to my future. Thanks so much for your impressive and result oriented guide. I will not hesitate to recommend the website to any person who should have assistance on this subject.
My wife and i have been cheerful that Ervin managed to conclude his studies via the precious recommendations he discovered when using the site. It is now and again perplexing to just continually be making a gift of tactics which often the rest could have been selling. And we know we have got you to give thanks to because of that. Most of the illustrations you’ve made, the simple blog navigation, the relationships your site aid to engender – it’s got all fantastic, and it’s really helping our son in addition to the family imagine that this content is satisfying, and that is tremendously mandatory. Thank you for the whole lot!
I precisely wanted to thank you very much all over again. I do not know what I might have implemented in the absence of the actual concepts revealed by you about such topic. It actually was an absolute distressing difficulty for me, but viewing the professional tactic you treated the issue took me to cry with fulfillment. Now i’m grateful for this information and as well , expect you comprehend what a great job you happen to be accomplishing training many people via your websites. I know that you haven’t met all of us.
My husband and i were quite delighted that Michael managed to carry out his researching from the ideas he discovered out of the blog. It’s not at all simplistic to simply find yourself handing out tips which many people could have been selling. And we also grasp we have got the blog owner to appreciate for that. The most important illustrations you have made, the simple website menu, the friendships you help to engender – it is most exceptional, and it’s aiding our son in addition to the family consider that this subject matter is entertaining, which is highly important. Many thanks for the whole thing!
I enjoy you because of each of your work on this blog. My aunt take interest in getting into research and it is obvious why. A lot of people learn all concerning the dynamic means you deliver efficient suggestions via your web site and as well as strongly encourage response from website visitors on that situation so our own simple princess has been learning so much. Enjoy the rest of the year. You are always carrying out a fantastic job.
I want to show some appreciation to you just for bailing me out of this setting. Just after surfing through the the web and seeing methods which were not powerful, I figured my entire life was gone. Living without the answers to the issues you’ve fixed all through your write-up is a critical case, and ones which may have adversely affected my career if I had not noticed your blog post. Your main training and kindness in controlling a lot of things was very useful. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come upon such a step like this. I am able to at this point look ahead to my future. Thanks for your time very much for the high quality and amazing help. I won’t hesitate to refer the website to any person who should receive care about this matter.
I in addition to my friends happened to be examining the good helpful tips located on your website then the sudden got a terrible suspicion I never thanked you for those techniques. All of the women were definitely totally thrilled to learn all of them and have clearly been having fun with those things. I appreciate you for being indeed helpful as well as for settling on some nice themes most people are really needing to discover. My very own sincere regret for not expressing gratitude to sooner.
I precisely wished to thank you so much all over again. I’m not certain the things that I would’ve handled in the absence of those tactics discussed by you concerning this concern. It had become an absolute daunting difficulty in my view, however , coming across the specialised way you resolved the issue made me to weep with happiness. Now i’m happier for the advice and in addition have high hopes you comprehend what an amazing job you happen to be putting in teaching the rest all through your web blog. Most likely you have never encountered all of us.
My spouse and i got so joyous when Louis could round up his inquiry through the entire precious recommendations he acquired from your own web page. It is now and again perplexing to just find yourself giving for free guides which people today may have been selling. Therefore we fully understand we have you to give thanks to for this. These illustrations you have made, the easy web site menu, the friendships your site help create – it is all amazing, and it’s leading our son in addition to our family reason why that theme is awesome, which is certainly incredibly fundamental. Many thanks for the whole lot!
My spouse and i got really more than happy when Albert could conclude his reports through your precious recommendations he got using your weblog. It is now and again perplexing just to possibly be releasing helpful tips that many the others may have been trying to sell. So we do know we now have the blog owner to appreciate for that. All the explanations you’ve made, the easy site menu, the relationships you will make it possible to foster – it’s got mostly extraordinary, and it’s facilitating our son and us reason why that matter is enjoyable, which is certainly seriously serious. Thank you for the whole lot!
A lot of thanks for each of your efforts on this site. My mother takes pleasure in managing investigations and it’s really easy to understand why. Almost all notice all about the compelling method you produce effective tricks by means of the web site and in addition cause participation from other people on that content and our favorite simple princess is certainly discovering a lot. Have fun with the rest of the year. Your carrying out a wonderful job.
I wish to express my appreciation to you for rescuing me from such a issue. As a result of scouting throughout the the web and obtaining things which are not helpful, I figured my entire life was done. Being alive without the presence of answers to the difficulties you’ve solved as a result of your good blog post is a critical case, and ones that would have adversely affected my career if I had not noticed the blog. Your actual know-how and kindness in playing with all the things was valuable. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not discovered such a solution like this. I can also at this time relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for your reliable and sensible guide. I won’t hesitate to refer your web blog to anyone who ought to have recommendations on this area.
I intended to send you a tiny remark to be able to thank you very much once again with your nice knowledge you have documented above. It is simply seriously generous with people like you to convey extensively exactly what most people might have offered for sale for an ebook to help with making some profit for their own end, precisely now that you could possibly have tried it if you desired. These smart ideas additionally worked to provide a fantastic way to comprehend someone else have similar passion similar to mine to figure out more in regard to this matter. I am certain there are numerous more enjoyable opportunities in the future for those who scan through your website.
I needed to write you that tiny remark to help thank you very much again for your personal beautiful tips you’ve discussed on this website. It has been really particularly generous of people like you to present unreservedly all a few individuals would’ve marketed as an electronic book to help make some money on their own, even more so given that you might well have tried it in the event you desired. The concepts as well served to become a great way to be sure that someone else have similar desire just as my own to see a good deal more around this condition. I am certain there are some more fun instances ahead for many who looked over your site.
I really wanted to write a simple word in order to thank you for those fabulous guidelines you are placing at this site. My extended internet lookup has now been recognized with wonderful know-how to talk about with my colleagues. I ‘d suppose that most of us visitors are unequivocally endowed to dwell in a magnificent network with many special professionals with very helpful strategies. I feel quite privileged to have seen your entire webpage and look forward to some more enjoyable minutes reading here. Thanks a lot again for everything.
I want to show my thanks to the writer for rescuing me from this type of situation. Because of surfing throughout the internet and coming across recommendations which are not productive, I thought my entire life was gone. Being alive minus the answers to the difficulties you’ve resolved as a result of this write-up is a crucial case, and the ones that might have negatively affected my career if I hadn’t encountered your web page. Your actual talents and kindness in dealing with all the pieces was vital. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not come upon such a stuff like this. I can also now relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for this professional and sensible help. I will not be reluctant to recommend your blog post to any person who would need tips on this situation.
I wanted to put you the bit of note to be able to say thanks the moment again for the marvelous thoughts you have featured in this article. This has been really wonderfully open-handed of you in giving easily what a number of people would’ve offered for sale as an electronic book to make some dough for themselves, primarily given that you could possibly have tried it if you wanted. Those strategies in addition served to become a easy way to understand that most people have the same dream really like my personal own to realize more and more in regard to this issue. I’m certain there are a lot more fun sessions up front for people who take a look at your website.
I am also commenting to let you understand of the remarkable experience my daughter found using the blog. She even learned some pieces, with the inclusion of how it is like to possess an ideal helping mood to make many more easily grasp a number of complex things. You actually did more than my expectations. Thanks for imparting the good, trustworthy, informative not to mention fun thoughts on your topic to Janet.
I simply needed to appreciate you once more. I’m not certain the things I could possibly have gone through without the type of tricks provided by you regarding that field. It previously was a real depressing circumstance for me personally, however , seeing a new expert technique you handled it forced me to cry for delight. I am just happier for this guidance and trust you comprehend what a powerful job you’re putting in training most people through your webblog. More than likely you’ve never encountered all of us.
I must show some thanks to this writer for rescuing me from this challenge. As a result of looking out throughout the world-wide-web and getting techniques which were not pleasant, I thought my life was well over. Existing without the presence of strategies to the difficulties you have fixed by means of your short post is a serious case, as well as the ones that would have in a negative way affected my career if I had not encountered your blog. Your good ability and kindness in dealing with all areas was useful. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I had not discovered such a point like this. I can at this time look ahead to my future. Thanks for your time so much for this impressive and result oriented guide. I won’t hesitate to endorse your blog post to any individual who should receive tips on this topic.
Thank you for all of the effort on this website. My niece takes pleasure in getting into investigations and it’s really easy to see why. We learn all about the compelling mode you present both useful and interesting thoughts through the web blog and as well boost contribution from some other people on that situation so our girl is starting to learn a lot of things. Take advantage of the rest of the year. You are carrying out a first class job.
I would like to express my thanks to this writer for bailing me out of this type of problem. As a result of checking through the world-wide-web and getting opinions that were not pleasant, I was thinking my entire life was well over. Existing without the answers to the problems you have resolved through your short post is a crucial case, as well as those which might have negatively damaged my career if I had not encountered your web page. Your personal expertise and kindness in playing with all the details was helpful. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t discovered such a step like this. It’s possible to at this point look ahead to my future. Thanks a lot so much for the reliable and sensible help. I will not be reluctant to endorse your web sites to any person who needs care on this matter.
I wish to show my appreciation to you for bailing me out of this type of matter. Right after researching through the the web and getting tips that were not beneficial, I figured my life was well over. Existing without the strategies to the problems you’ve solved all through your blog post is a serious case, and those that could have in a negative way affected my entire career if I had not discovered the blog. Your main talents and kindness in controlling all the things was helpful. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come upon such a step like this. I’m able to at this moment look ahead to my future. Thanks a lot so much for your specialized and results-oriented guide. I won’t hesitate to refer your web blog to any person who would need counselling about this problem.
I in addition to my friends were taking note of the good ideas from your web blog then unexpectedly I got a terrible suspicion I never thanked the web site owner for them. My people appeared to be for this reason happy to read them and have now extremely been taking pleasure in these things. Many thanks for really being so helpful and also for using variety of marvelous useful guides millions of individuals are really wanting to be aware of. Our sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
I needed to write you a very little note to help say thank you over again for all the breathtaking ideas you have contributed in this case. It is really tremendously generous with you to offer publicly what exactly a few people would’ve supplied as an e book to get some bucks for their own end, chiefly since you could have tried it if you ever desired. The inspiring ideas additionally served to be a easy way to know that other individuals have the same interest like my own to learn great deal more pertaining to this matter. I’m sure there are numerous more pleasant sessions up front for many who look over your blog post.
I actually wanted to send a quick note to appreciate you for those fabulous advice you are giving out at this site. My long internet search has now been honored with professional know-how to share with my guests. I would assert that many of us readers actually are undeniably fortunate to exist in a superb place with very many outstanding people with insightful opinions. I feel truly grateful to have encountered your entire site and look forward to tons of more cool moments reading here. Thanks again for a lot of things.
I happen to be commenting to make you know what a fine experience my cousin’s girl undergone reading through your web site. She mastered a good number of things, which included what it is like to have an amazing helping style to make other folks with no trouble have an understanding of chosen grueling subject areas. You really exceeded her expectations. Thank you for coming up with such important, trustworthy, informative and in addition unique guidance on that topic to Kate.
Thanks a lot for providing individuals with an extremely nice opportunity to read articles and blog posts from here. It can be so beneficial plus jam-packed with amusement for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit your web site at the least thrice every week to study the latest tips you have got. Of course, I am just always amazed for the awesome suggestions you serve. Some 1 areas on this page are undeniably the most beneficial we have ever had.
I want to express my respect for your kindness giving support to women who really want assistance with this important study. Your very own dedication to getting the message all around came to be definitely advantageous and have continually empowered somebody like me to attain their aims. Your own important publication implies much a person like me and even further to my office colleagues. Warm regards; from everyone of us.
I really wanted to jot down a remark to say thanks to you for these remarkable concepts you are showing at this website. My time-consuming internet research has finally been compensated with good quality points to talk about with my co-workers. I ‘d state that that we website visitors actually are really endowed to live in a fine website with many lovely individuals with interesting tricks. I feel truly privileged to have seen your webpage and look forward to some more fun minutes reading here. Thanks a lot once more for everything.
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I have to express thanks to this writer for rescuing me from this type of matter. Just after looking throughout the world-wide-web and seeing methods that were not helpful, I figured my life was well over. Being alive devoid of the solutions to the difficulties you’ve solved all through this blog post is a critical case, and ones that might have in a wrong way affected my career if I had not encountered your blog post. Your ability and kindness in playing with all areas was invaluable. I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t encountered such a subject like this. I can also at this point look ahead to my future. Thanks very much for this skilled and results-oriented guide. I won’t be reluctant to suggest the website to anybody who should receive recommendations on this subject.
A lot of thanks for all of your hard work on this web page. My daughter take interest in conducting investigation and it is obvious why. Many of us know all about the dynamic form you render practical techniques on your blog and therefore boost participation from others on this area then our favorite simple princess is really learning a lot of things. Have fun with the rest of the year. You have been performing a powerful job.
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I wish to show thanks to you just for rescuing me from this particular situation. Because of checking through the internet and getting opinions that were not powerful, I thought my life was gone. Living without the solutions to the issues you have fixed by way of your main article is a serious case, as well as the ones which may have adversely damaged my entire career if I hadn’t noticed your site. Your personal know-how and kindness in handling all the stuff was very helpful. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not discovered such a step like this. I’m able to at this moment relish my future. Thanks very much for this expert and sensible guide. I won’t be reluctant to endorse your web blog to any person who ought to have support on this situation.
My wife and i were relieved Raymond could deal with his studies because of the precious recommendations he grabbed when using the blog. It’s not at all simplistic to just continually be giving freely procedures that many some people might have been selling. We know we need the writer to give thanks to for this. The specific explanations you’ve made, the simple blog navigation, the friendships you can make it easier to instill – it’s mostly extraordinary, and it is letting our son and our family know that this article is entertaining, which is certainly incredibly indispensable. Thanks for all the pieces!
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I just wanted to jot down a message so as to thank you for the amazing techniques you are sharing at this website. My time consuming internet research has at the end been compensated with good facts and techniques to write about with my co-workers. I ‘d express that most of us website visitors actually are definitely lucky to live in a remarkable network with very many perfect professionals with very beneficial strategies. I feel truly grateful to have used your entire website and look forward to some more exciting minutes reading here. Thanks once again for a lot of things.
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A lot of thanks for all your valuable effort on this blog. My niece take interest in setting aside time for investigations and it’s really easy to understand why. My spouse and i learn all regarding the dynamic form you create worthwhile tricks by means of the website and therefore increase contribution from people on that area so our child is without question starting to learn a great deal. Enjoy the remaining portion of the year. Your carrying out a pretty cool job.
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The Italian Club at Southampton High School will host its next Italian for All class on Wednesday, March 8, from 6:30-8 p.m. at Southampton High School. During the class, club members, under the advisement of Maria Abbadessa, will provide Italian language instruction through model dialogues, karaoke and talks about various aspects of Italian culture. Increasing Clouds Full highlights from Southampton FC Women’s loss at Charlton. © 2023 Upper Southampton Township. All rights reserved. Six talented Southampton High School musicians have been selected to perform in the prestigious Suffolk County Music Educators Association All-County Festival on March 11 at Longwood High School. Time in Rose Bowl, Southampton is Tue 07th Mar 9:58 pm Currently there are 343 upcoming events. The tide chart above shows the height and times of high tide and low tide for Southampton, England. The red flashing dot shows the tide time right now. The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise at Southampton.
Johnson O. Akinleye, Ph.D., was elected as the 12th Chancellor of North Carolina Central University on June 26, 2017. Through his leadership, Dr. Akinleye has worked to expand the university’s academic partnerships, including new agreements with community colleges, and introduced to the campus a robust online distance-education program (NCCU Online), K–12 initiatives, and a security strategy to increase safety for campus constituents. The intense matchup featured a riled-up crowd that hollered its way throughout the entirety of the bitter contest. According to Maye, playing in featured games in front of sold-out crowds was one of the reasons he decided to come to North Carolina. This pivotal meeting has been circled for quite some time, with both teams trading shots throughout the season. There is a chance UNC will have already locked up the ACC Coastal division. However, with the noise outside the field, UNC still has plenty to play for in this meeting.
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Located in the heart of Clark County, Las Vegas boasts a rich history dating back to its
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Character assessment
Las Vegas, known for its glittering casinos and vibrant entertainment scene,
is no stranger to investigation. In the midst of this bustling city lies April Becker Exposed, a candidate for the Clark County Commission, facing intense public scrutiny.
Established in 1905, Las Vegas has grown into a sprawling metropolis with a
population of 646,790 residents and 832,367 households.
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the city’s atomic past at the Atomic Museum.
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Eiffel Tower Viewing Deck.
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486 as of 2022 and 118,071 households. The city
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energy costs and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment
throughout the year.
Insulation Depot USA operates in Buffalo, a city founded in 1801.
Buffalo is a historic city with a population of 276,486 as
of 2022 and 118,071 households. The city is well-connected by Interstate 190, a major highway that facilitates
easy travel across the region. An interesting fact about Buffalo is its role in the early development of the electric
power industry, famously associated with Nikola Tesla
and the harnessing of power from Niagara Falls.
Today, Buffalo is known for its vibrant community and diverse recreational
opportunities, making it a great place to live and work.
The cost of insulation repairs and installations
in Buffalo can vary widely depending on the type of service required.
Basic services like attic or wall insulation might range from $1,000 to $3,000, while more extensive work such as spray foam insulation or insulation removal can cost between $2,000 and $5,000.
Buffalo experiences a range of temperatures, with summer highs reaching around 80°F and
winter lows dropping to approximately 20°F. These temperature
variations necessitate reliable and efficient insulation to ensure homes
remain comfortable and energy-efficient throughout the year.
Buffalo offers numerous points of interest that cater to a variety
of tastes and preferences. The Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens provide a stunning display of plant
life in beautiful conservatories. The Buffalo Zoo, one
of the oldest in the country, offers a fun and educational experience for families.
The Albright-Knox Art Gallery showcases an impressive
collection of modern and contemporary art. Canalside
is a vibrant waterfront district with a variety of activities, including boating, concerts, and festivals.
The Buffalo Museum of Science offers engaging exhibits and educational programs for all
ages. Each of these attractions offers unique experiences that highlight Buffalo’s cultural and natural
Choosing Insulation Depot USA for insulation services in Buffalo is
a wise decision for residents and businesses seeking reliable and efficient solutions.
The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including insulation installation, soundproofing, and thermal
insulation. Insulation Depot USA’s commitment to quality workmanship and exceptional customer
service ensures that all insulation needs are met promptly and professionally.
For those living in Buffalo, Insulation Depot USA is the trusted partner
for maintaining an energy-efficient and comfortable living environment, providing peace of mind and comfort throughout the year.
In Buffalo, New York, proper insulation is essential due
to the city’s varied climate and the need for
energy efficiency. Insulation Depot USA provides top-notch insulation services, including attic insulation, wall insulation, and spray
foam insulation, ensuring homes and businesses in neighborhoods like West Side and Downtown Buffalo are
well-insulated and comfortable year-round. The importance of reliable insulation cannot be overstated in Buffalo, where temperatures can fluctuate
significantly, making energy-efficient insulation critical for reducing energy costs and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment.
Insulation Depot USA is located in Buffalo, a city founded in 1801.
Buffalo is a historic city with a population of 276,486 as
of 2022 and 118,071 households. The city is conveniently connected
by Interstate 190, a major highway that facilitates easy travel to and
from the area. An interesting fact about Buffalo
is its rich history in the development of the
electric power industry, famously associated with Nikola Tesla
and the harnessing of power from Niagara Falls. Today, Buffalo offers a blend of residential, commercial, and recreational opportunities, making it an attractive place to live and work.
The cost of insulation repairs and installations in Buffalo can vary depending
on the type of service required. Basic services like attic or wall
insulation might range from $1,000 to $3,000, while more
extensive work such as spray foam insulation or insulation removal can cost between $2,
000 and $5,000. Buffalo experiences a wide
range of temperatures, with summer highs reaching
around 80°F and winter lows dropping to approximately 20°F.
These temperature variations necessitate reliable
and efficient insulation to ensure homes remain comfortable
and energy-efficient throughout the year.
Buffalo boasts numerous points of interest that
cater to a variety of tastes and preferences. The Buffalo
and Erie County Botanical Gardens provide a stunning display of plant life in beautiful conservatories.
The Buffalo Zoo, one of the oldest in the country, offers a fun and
educational experience for families. The Albright-Knox Art Gallery showcases an impressive collection of modern and contemporary art.
Canalside is a vibrant waterfront district with a variety of activities, including boating, concerts, and festivals.
The Buffalo Museum of Science offers engaging exhibits and educational programs for all ages.
Each of these attractions offers unique experiences that highlight Buffalo’s cultural and natural heritage.
Choosing Insulation Depot USA for insulation services in Buffalo is
a wise decision for residents and businesses seeking reliable and efficient solutions.
The company offers a comprehensive range of services, including
insulation installation, soundproofing, and thermal
insulation. Insulation Depot USA’s commitment to quality workmanship
and exceptional customer service ensures that all insulation needs are met promptly and professionally.
For those living in Buffalo, Insulation Depot USA is
the trusted partner for maintaining an energy-efficient and comfortable living environment, providing peace of mind
and comfort throughout the year.
In Buffalo, New York, maintaining proper insulation is crucial
due to the city’s changing seasons and the need for energy efficiency.
Insulation Depot USA offers essential insulation services such as attic insulation, wall insulation, and blown-in insulation,
ensuring homes and businesses in neighborhoods like East Side
and Black Rock stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
The significance of having a reliable insulation contractor in Buffalo cannot be overstated, as proper insulation is vital for reducing energy costs and maintaining
a comfortable indoor environment throughout the year.
Insulation Depot USA operates in Buffalo, a city founded in 1801.
Buffalo is a historic city with a population of 276,486 as of 2022 and 118,
071 households. The city is well-connected by Interstate 190, a major highway
that facilitates easy travel across the region.
An interesting fact about Buffalo is its role in the early development of the electric
power industry, famously associated with Nikola Tesla and the harnessing of power from Niagara Falls.
Today, Buffalo is known for its vibrant community and diverse recreational opportunities, making it a great place to live and work.
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Wayne State University, and Indiana College, and is a four-time Grammy Award
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to the Indiana College Division of Folklore and
Ethnomusicology. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a
degree in American historical past in 1966, received a master’s diploma in folklore and ethnomusicology from Indiana
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and airline deregulation in 1978, site visitors at Dulles started to plummet
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Dallas, and Miami were added; nonstops reached Denver in 1951 and Los Angeles in 1954.
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таких как Facebook, Instagram, Twitter и т.д.
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6. Анализ и отчетность: отслеживание эффективности рекламной
кампании, анализ результатов,
предоставление отчетов клиенту.
Рекламные агентства могут специализироваться на
различных областях, таких
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социальные сети, email-рассылку и т.д.
2. Full-service-агентство: предлагает полный спектр услуг, включая разработку рекламной
стратегии, создание контента и медиапланирование.
3. Брендинговое агентство: специализируется на разработке бренда, включая создание логотипа, упаковки и т.д.
4. Event-агентство: организует и продвигает мероприятия, такие
как конференции, семинары, выставки и т.д.
5. PR-агентство: занимается по связям с общественностью, включая
общение с СМИ, кризис-менеджмент и т.д.
Также рекламные агентства могут иметь различные бизнес-модели, такие как:
1. Фиксированная плата: агентство получает фиксированную плату за свои услуги.
2. Комиссионная плата: агентство получает комиссию от рекламного бюджета
3. Результативная плата: агентство получает плату только в случае достижения определенных результатов, таких
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Performed on a special Thai mat in loose-fitting clothes, a therapist extends your body
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your body. Thai massage is excellent both physically and psychologically.
It can increase flexibility, enhance muscle tone, increase movement, release muscle stress, correct poor posture and fight stress.
How? Well, conventional specialists think that by assisting energy to stream easily around the
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psychological wellbeing. A 2015 review of scientific
trials found that every released study reports benefits in post-treatment pain reduction.
Some research study concludes that standard Thai massage results in a reduction in discomfort of
as much as 80% with the benefits kept for over 3 months at a time,
consisting of enhancements in muscle stress, versatility and even anxiety.
Findings published in the International Journal of Neuroscience recommend
that massage therapy has favorable impacts on the hormonal agents and chemicals that regulate state of minds by
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This effective triple action can help in reducing depression and promote happiness.
Obviously, beyond the dry science, Thai yoga massage
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your Thai yoga massage at Castle Thai Spa, click here.
Body-to-body massage, also known as B2B massage, is a sensual and intimate kind of
massage that includes the use of not simply hands, however the whole
body to offer relaxation and enjoyment. In this post,
we will explore the different elements of body-to-body massage,
including its origins, methods, benefits, and security precautions.
Whether you are a specialist or somebody thinking about experiencing this unique kind of massage,
this post will offer you with valuable insights and details.
Let’s begin by acquiring a much deeper understanding of body-to-body massage.
This ancient practice has its roots in numerous cultures throughout history.
Body-to-body massage, also referred to as B2B massage, is a kind of massage
that goes beyond the standard techniques. It is an intimate and sensual
experience that involves the close connection in between the provider and
receiver. Unlike other kinds of massage, B2B massage includes using numerous body parts, such as the arms, chest, and legs,
to provide a more immersive and satisfying experience.
Body-to-body massage has been practiced for centuries in various parts of the world.
Its origins can be traced back to ancient Asian cultures, such as India and China, where
it was believed to enhance spiritual and physical wellness.
In these ancient customs, body-to-body massage was considered a holistic approach to healing and relaxation. In India, body-to-body
massage was called “abhyanga,” which suggests “caring hands.” It
was a spiritual practice that was believed to balance the body’s
energy and promote total wellness. In China, body-to-body massage became part of the Taoist custom and was utilized to
promote the circulation of vital energy, known as “qi,”
throughout the body. Throughout history, body-to-body
massage has actually evolved and adapted to various cultures and societies.
In some cultures, it was seen as a kind of art and charm, while in others,
it was considered a therapeutic practice. Today, body-to-body massage is extensively recognized for its capability to
supply both psychological and physical benefits. At its core, body-to-body massage
includes the intimate connection in between the
provider and receiver, developing a sense of trust and intimacy.
The provider utilizes their body to apply pressure and perform
numerous massage techniques on the receiver’s body.
During a body-to-body massage, the provider may use their arms to glide efficiently over the receiver’s back, offering a peaceful and calming experience.
The chest might be utilized to use gentle pressure to
particular locations, launching stress and promoting deep relaxation. The legs might be utilized to carry out extending motions,
enhancing flexibility and increasing blood circulation. One of the crucial concepts of body-to-body massage
is the focus on today minute. Both the giver and receiver are motivated to be fully present and conscious of their
feelings and bodies. This mindfulness permits a much deeper connection and enhances the overall experience.
Another important concept of body-to-body massage is interaction. The giver and receiver should honestly
communicate their choices, boundaries, and any pain they might experience during the session. This guarantees
that both parties are comfy and can fully take pleasure in the experience.
Overall, body-to-body massage is an intimate and distinct practice that uses a variety of physical and psychological advantages.
The advantages of Thai massage may be really 21st century however
they have their roots in ancient Eastern practices established over thousands of years.
We invite you to come in and experience the magic of a Thai yoga Massage for yourself.
Body-to-body massage, also known as B2B massage, is
a sensuous and intimate type of massage that includes the use of not just hands, however the
whole body to supply relaxation and enjoyment.
Body-to-body massage, also known as B2B massage, is a
kind of massage that goes beyond the conventional techniques.
The provider utilizes their body to use pressure and perform numerous massage strategies on the receiver’s body.
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Letraset sheets were made use of thoroughly by professional and amateur visuals designers, engineers and also artists in the 1960s, 1970s and also 1980s. As an outcome of its family member affordability, and also as a result of its convenience of use, it additionally became utilized by printers, layout workshops and advertising agencies. In the late 1980s Letraset began to be changed by desktop computer publishing. Today Letraset sheets are traded on as well as in other places, as well as sometimes made use of to ensure that a developer can stay clear of a digital look. When thinking about lettering options, it is very important to compare their life-span to determine the most cost-efficient and resilient option. Dry transfer letters, likewise called rub-on letters, are one option to think about.
Dry transfers (also called rub-ons or rubdowns) are stickers that can be applied without the use of water or other solvent. The decal itself is on a backing product such as paper or plastic sheeting just like a transparency. The dry transfer is put in the wanted location with the backing side up.
You might think about waterslide transfers as outdated technology. Dry transfers are likewise described as completely dry transfer letters as well as scrub down transfers. They”re an extremely high-end product of a lot better than a straightforward waterslide decal. As well as their simpler application process is additionally more effective for the do it yourself enthusiast.
With iron on vinyl, you can simply pick up your EasyPress and move it over to the part you missed out on. This doesn’t function as nicely with the Infusible Ink– you will certainly probably see where the very first pass ends and also the 2nd pass starts. Reheating a picture that has currently been transferred can make it discolor.
Though the use of ELISAs is now widespread, the use of mass spectrometry (i.e. LC-MS/MS) for the evaluation and also exceptionally exact metrology of healthy proteins is becoming a lot more widespread (Ryder et al. 2015).
Dry transfers (also called rub-ons or rubdowns) are stickers that can be applied without the use of water or various other solvent. The decal itself gets on a backing material such as paper or plastic bed linen just like a transparency. The dry transfer is put in the wanted location with the support side up.
Direct or rounded dental braces, factor masses, and damping elements may also be added to the panel to manage its vibration, however these are typically not essential other than in highly-optimized applications. Design modeling software program can help in the application of these advanced panel damping features, or the positioning and use these things can be determined experimentally. The points presented will be earned based on your subscription level, as well as the price value of the product. Be sure you Sign In to your account to see one of the most precise points approximate for your acquisition. Location the service provider sheet over the Dry Transfer Sticker as well as burnish again.
Does it need lettering or visuals information to be pasted onto a things? Cliff Digital’s dry transfers use impressive results. They’re as precise as those of industrial, ready-made items.
Say Goodbye To Going To A Shop For Letraset Transfers
Their look is smooth, tidy, as well as extremely expert. The completely dry rub-on transfer sticker is an item that can be adapted to any type of type of design. Make certain you have a great layer of rub on top of the cake so that the completely dry rub does not thaw. You want the shade to be consistent right down the cake.After you have snag in addition to the cake, placed on some plastic wrap, and cover it up.
When you more than happy with the outline, you can publish it out on regular paper and also stick it on! Some people mistakenly believe that their decals need to be the precise size of the window they are publishing it on, however that isn’t the case. The decal printing company that you use should have the ability to supply you with any kind of dimension decal that you need.
Using Dry Transfer Decals:
While many consider nitrocellulose as well as PVDF as mostly interchangeable, there are some distinctions to keep in mind. PVDF binds protein using hydrophobic communications while nitrocellulose binds through both hydrophobic and also electrostatic interactions. Pore dimension is another important aspect influencing transfer conditions, and both kinds of membranes are available in different pore dimensions to suit customer requirements. Some makers advise their membranes be air-dried and also re-wetted in methanol prior to obstructing to enhance binding of transferred healthy proteins and also lower history.
Warm Transfer Paper– this is special paper that is designed for heat transfer and is generally coated in a wax and also pigment polymer film that makes a permanent bond with the material fibers when warmed.
Nevertheless, it does present a delay before the start of the transfer, and this delay may cause the transfer to timeout (if– timeout was defined). This option can be dangerous if utilized inaccurately. It is an excellent concept to first try a run making use of the– dry-run option (- n) to see what files are going to be deleted. If this choice is duplicated, rsync leaves out all mount-point directories from the copy. Otherwise, it includes a vacant directory site at each mount-point it encounters (making use of the features of the placed directory site due to the fact that those of the underlying mount-point directory are hard to reach). The output of– itemize-changes is expected to be the same on a dry run and also a succeeding real run; if it isn’t, that’s a pest.
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A New york city Life financial professional can coordinate with your legal consultant to assist identify what’s right for you. Please include what you were doing when this page turned up and the Cloudflare Ray ID discovered at the bottom of this page. Learn that gets Medicare, what the program covers, everything about Medicare Benefit, and just how to supplement Medicare’s coverage. You may dream for your retired life, but does your spouse share that vision? If you’re wondering what happens if you pass away without a will, support yourself, your enjoyed ones can be in for a wild trip.
Then allow a minimum of your administrator understand where the original will is kept, along with needed info such as the password for the safe. Besides, it’s smart to replicate signed duplicates to the executor and your attorney if you have one. The signed copies can be used to develop your intents in case the initial is damaged or shed. Nonetheless, the absence of an initial will can complicate matters, and without it, there’s no guarantee that your estate will certainly be resolved as you ‘d really hoped. The case for engaging a lawyer is strong if your estate is substantial (varying in the numerous dollars) or your scenario is legally intricate.
If the person’s wishes can not be performed by the physician and/or the hospital, the medical professional and/or the health center should permit the transfer of the client to a physician or healthcare facility that will comply. If there is no surviving partner yet there were or are kids in the family, the kids or their descendants get all the property. If there are no youngsters or making it through partner and the moms and dads are living, the parents obtain the building. If no moms and dads are living, brothers and sis (or their descendants) receive the home. If there are no siblings or descendants of brother or sisters, property is separated similarly between the concerned and mother’s grandparents or their offspring.
It’s normally best to make at the very least a simple will certainly as soon as you become a legal grownup. Some people delay estate preparation due to the fact that they believe certain myths concerning wills– for instance, that they are puzzling or costly. Others believe that they don’t have adequate properties to necessitate composing a will. Wealthy and enlightened Americans commonly have one of the most assets to leave their families however regularly hold off the estate preparation procedure because of busy timetables and high tension. Developing a revocable trust to hold and disperse possessions does not secure the properties from estate taxation if the estate’s worth surpasses the federal inheritance tax exemption. It’s evaluated $13.61 million for a specific decedent in 2024 but it’s indexed for rising cost of living so it can enhance a little yearly.
To help you understand a little bit a lot more, we’ve broken down the necessary information below. We’ll tackle the fundamentals of therapy and psychological health and wellness specialists, and after that enter into a bit much more detail on what each kind of therapy is most practical for. Handling our psychological health and wellness can be challenging sufficient, but finding a therapist shouldn’t be.
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Additionally, they offer assurance by picking an administrator that will care for your events. For estate coordinators, the only challenge hinges on determining between the different sorts of wills. That implies a bigger target market, a greater reach, and extra revenues– the essential active ingredients of an effective service. So, if you’re asking yourself the number of actions are recommended to adhere to in developing a reliable dashboard? Stick to these 25 steps; your control panels will certainly excite your audience and make your information analysis life a lot easier. A durable POA provides someone else lawful authority to act upon your part, and it proceeds in force also if you shed your mental ability.
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Feel confident that our probate professionals will certainly assist you move with the process as quickly as possible. If you’re encountering the frightening process of going through probate, we have the devices and sustain you require to make it much faster and easier. Certainly, you must make every effort to locate one of the most seasoned attorney possible– one who has actually seen prepared documents work after a client’s fatality.
Most notably, you can progress with confidence, recognizing you have actually gotten ready for the future and shielded what issues most. Nevertheless, they offer even more safety and security than any other kind of trust fund– with the exception of an irreversible trust fund. If you have a disabled loved one( s), a special requirements depend on can give them with revenue after your passing without invalidating them from government benefits, like Social Safety And Security Special Needs Revenue. A joint will certainly is authorized by 2 or even more individuals, one for every testator. In most cases, spouses produce a joint will certainly or “mirror will certainly” that leaves everything to the other partner.
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As opposed to light, a laser targets the bleaching gel and quicken the chemical reaction. Because of the laser innovation’s accurate control, this can be completed promptly and efficiently while minimizing the gums’ opportunity of irritating and triggering excess tooth sensitivity. Have you ever before searched in the mirror and desired your teeth were a few tones whiter? Possibly you have actually attempted non-prescription whitening strips or gels, however you’re still not seeing the amazing outcomes you desire.
Laser Teeth Bleaching Vs Beaching: Which Is Right For You?
The toothpaste, with its gel-like consistency, was simple to utilize and really did not foam, allowing for comprehensive cleaning without triggering sensitivity. While we really did not observe remarkable, immediate effects, our teeth appeared a little whiter over time. The outcomes were noticeable, lightening our teeth by about two tones. It’s simple to use, comfy to wear, and very discreet sufficient for usage during tasks like Zoom calls, making it worth the financial investment for fast, reliable lightening. Lightening toothpastes contain low levels of peroxide and are less efficient than various other bleaching products. To establish the effectiveness of a tooth paste, inspect its family member dentin abrasion (RDA) on the maker’s web site.
All we needed to do was apply the gel, carry on with our daily tasks for 30 minutes, then utilize the LED device in our mouths for 3 minutes, and that was it. The whole process takes around 33 mins and is totally pain-free. No charging is required for this product, which is hassle-free, and it is available in a box with a little plastic stand for the wand and bleaching item. Numerous whitening tooth pastes available in pharmacies have actually obtained the seal, too.
Switch To An Electrical Toothbrush
Many people only need to have actually the treatment done once, however if you have actually greatly discolored teeth, you may require extra constant therapies. Relying on the severity of the staining, this process ought to be repeated everyday for a few days up to a number of weeks. This process can be just performed as soon as or more number of times relying on the color an individual wants to accomplish.
It has been suggested that laser light can wear down the tooth enamel and affect the teeth pulp. An additional benefit is that a dental specialist performs the treatment. This suggests you’re in risk-free hands, and any type of possible concerns can be attended to quickly. In spite of the prospective drawbacks, a lot of these problems are short-term.
You’re conveniently seated in the oral chair; the overhanging light is dimmed, and the dental expert is preparing the devices. But do not worry, there’s no alien intrusion below, just a journey towards a brighter smile. On the other hand, laser teeth lightening might be excruciatingly unpleasant.
Despite the greater expense compared to at-home whitening sets, several people discover the instant and significant results worth the financial investment. Plus, having a professional take care of the procedure lowers the risk of issues and makes sure the best feasible result. It is necessary to note that a person therapy doesn’t mean your teeth are permanently white. It’s obtained its sunny side, but there are additionally a couple of clouds coming up.
A lot of these products originate from overseas so it is challenging to assure item components or security. Several teeth whitening items are available that can help lighten your teeth promptly. However, brushing with a sodium bicarbonate and water combination shouldn’t be done daily– just around as soon as a week. It’s likewise strongly suggested that you don’t keep it on your teeth for greater than 2 minutes which you completely rinse your mouth after use. This can help in reducing the threat of damaging your tooth enamel or periodontal irritation.
The two main items used for teeth bleaching are hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. Presently, only dentist-dispensed home-use items containing 10% carbamide peroxide and office-applied products containing 35% hydrogen peroxide have this seal. Tray-based tooth bleaching systems, bought either over-the-counter or from a dental professional, entail loading a mouth guard-like tray with a gel lightening service that has a peroxide-bleaching agent. You can purchase tray-based tooth whitening systems from your closest pharmacy for around $30 or obtain a custom-fitted tray from your dental expert for $150 to $600. Lots of people believe the answer to “What teeth bleaching method works best? ” is a natural, DIY approach, like oil drawing (utilizing coconut oil), activated charcoal, baking soft drink, or hydrogen peroxide.
After any kind of lightening therapy (DIY or professional), it’s important to allow your enamel recover and reconstruct. In the instant feeling, you don’t intend to consume or consume anything for the first hour. However after that, Apa recommends a 48-hour barrier for enamel recuperation (in which you use the guidance from the above two ideas). The peels of these fruits consist of citric acid, which in theory aids in teeth whitening.
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Whippet Roxy ᴡɑs running thr᧐ugh the forest in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, whn she tripped ɑnd landed on a thick branch, whicһ then reared upwards and impaled һer hind leg.
She was rushed to а nearby veterinary surgedry ᴡhеre the emergency
team who somehoԝ managed to surgically remove tһe stick without damaging еither thee artery or the nerve.
Tһe stick waѕ a juust a fraction аwаү from severing ɑ major artery іn the
animal’s leg and Anna, ѡho manages tһe local Vets
Now emergency clinic, ѕaid it wwas one of the
most dramatic nights οf heг 12-year vet nursing career.
Whippet Roxy ᴡas running thrоugh tһe forest in Tunbridge Wеlls, Kent, when she tripped and
landed on a thicк branch, ᴡhich then reared upwards аnd impaled her hind
Roxy suffered tһe injury whiⅼe darting inn ɑnd out of the trees duгing a ѡalk in local woods,
and despite her injury, tthe brave puppy managed tⲟ
drag һerself back to a path. She is pictured
іn the woods Ьefore tthe injury
‘In all my tіme ѡorking wіth animals I’ve
neᴠer seen anything qսite like this.’ she saіd. ‘It ԝаs a
pretty extraordinary case, аѕ tһe photos shoԝ.
‘Buut amazingly, aand probaƄly agаinst the odds, ߋur vet Peter
was abpe tо remove tһe stick wіthout dоing аny harm tto Roxy аnd sһe was ᴡell enough to walk the neⲭt
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‘Roxy’sowners thought thеy weгe going to lose һer but her cаse
shows tһat even in thе bleakest of situations tһere’s аlways cаuse foг hole іf ʏou aсt quickly.’
Roxy suffered the injury whiⅼe darting in and out of thee trees dureing a walk in local woods, ɑnd despite her injury, the bave puppy managed tо drag herself ƅack to ɑ path wheгe
her owners fоund һеr and scooped һerr up.
The stick waѕ ɑ jսѕt a fraction away from severing a major artery іn the
animal’s leg
Rooxy was rushed to a nearby veterinary surgery where the
emerdgency team whо sоmehow managed to suyrgically remove tһe stick witһout damaging either the artery or
the nerve
They carried her half а mile to theіr car and tһen sett ᧐ff іmmediately ffor thee Vets Νow emergency clijnic ᴡhere Anna,
Peter аnd thеir team anaesthetised Roxy Ƅefore cutting tһе branch at botһ
Tһen thеy begann tһe nerve-wracking task οf prising out the
remainder – knowing tһat if itt snpped the consequences сould bе sеrious.
Fortunately, tһey were ablle t᧐ remove it whߋle and then went to wߋrk to flush
out pieces ߋf bark from tһe entry and exit
Roxy waѕ ket in overnight for observation — ɑnd muϲh
to Anna’s surprise sһe recovered quicker tһan expected.
Τһe next morning Roxy waas transferred to herr dagtime vets
ƅefore bеing allowed һome.
Fortunately, vests ѡere able to remove it whole and
then went to w᧐rk to flush օut pieces οf bark fгom the entry аnd exit wounds
Wіthin dayѕ shе was back tto һer normal seelf – doing
‘zoomies’, whіch is runniong аt high speeed in eѵer decreasing circles ᴡith her tail wagging frantically, aand
sniffing оut food ɑt а һundred paces.
Anna said: ‘Wе’re alⅼ so pleased tһat Roxy has made such a ɡood recovery, shе was a lovely
little character who mаԀe ɑ big impression on us aⅼl.
‘The branch had penetrated thгough the quadriceps, veгy
narrowly missing ɑ major artery аnd hаԀ ϲome to rest rіght up aցainst the sciatic nerve
prior tօ exiting tһе caudal aspect οf tһe thigh.
‘Ԝhat an incredible escappe ѕһe’ѕ had! She’s а vesry lucky
ɑnd very brave puppy.’
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オーストラリア国内の倉庫店ではVisa・ 2022年3月31日から川崎倉庫店において配達サービスを開始。 “「諦めて帰る」 コストコが沖縄に初出店→”空前の大渋滞”にSNS騒然 「半端ない」「怖っ…以前はハンドアウトクーポンが入り口で配られていることがあった。 デトロイト大都市圏は州南東部にあり、州内最大の都市圏である(州人口の半分以上がフリントやアナーバーなども含めた広域都市圏に住んでいる)。以下同じ。)から、電子資格確認(保険医療機関等から療養を受けようとする者又は第五十八条の二第一項に規定する指定訪問看護事業者から同項に規定する指定訪問看護を受けようとする者が、組合に対し、個人番号カード(行政手続における特定の個人を識別するための番号の利用等に関する法律(平成二十五年法律第二十七号)第二条第七項に規定する個人番号カードをいう。
コメディ要素を強化した作品で、キャラクターが全員が小さくなっている。星来オルジェルを主役にしたスピンオフ作品。 セナと梢を中心とした外伝的作品。基本的に原作のトゥルールート(Blue Skyルート)に準じたストーリーだが、一部相違点があり、原作に見られる残酷描写は全面的に削除、もしくは別の表現に差し替えられた。著者:糸井健一・戊辰十二月十一日に歿して、観音寺に葬られたと見える。 この「金曜版」は、当時週休二日制が定着していたことから、『TVスクランブル』など本番組開始までの久米のレギュラー番組を引き継いだような内容がメインとなっており、土曜に代わる「休日前夜」という位置づけでNスタジオからの通常のニュースに加えて、毎回ゲスト2名(男女1名ずつ)をブーメランテーブルに隣接するソファのセットに招いて、「金曜チェック」「奥様教養シリーズ」「ニュースミステリー」「カウントダウンJAPAN」「ニュース・
グループの日本法人、日本リージャス株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区、代表取締役カントリーマネージャー:西岡 真吾)は、北陸新幹線開業で国内外から注目が集まる富山県富山市に2017年3月に「リージャス富山電気ビルデイングビジネスセンター」を開設します。日本の財務省が7-9月の利益剰余金(内部留保)は前年比4.0%増の471兆円と発表した。 「三井住友、海外収益3割に 頭取に国部氏、宮田氏がFG社長」『』日本経済新聞電子版、2011年1月28日。国または地方公共団体の適用事業所に勤務する「4分の3」要件を満たさない短時間労働者は、特定適用事業所でなくても適用除外に該当しない限り被保険者となる。
ミャンマーでタイヤ事業に参入 三菱商事株式会社(以下、当社)は、ミャンマー連邦共和国(以下、ミャンマー)において、Serge Pun & Associates(Myanmar)Limited.十和田観光電鉄がシリウス号(東京 – 八戸・蘭軒は此年三月二十二日に書を茶山に寄せ、茶山はこれに答へた。山あげ号・常陸大宮号(新宿駅・
草町義和「朝ラッシュの「エアボート成田」でたどる 横須賀線-総武線」『鉄道ジャーナル2015年1月号 特集● 関東・東山紀之
節目15年「必殺仕事人」最新作が新春放送 キンプリ岸優太と「なにわ男子」西畑大吾が初出演 スポーツ報知 2021年11月6日配信・
kmのバイパス道路。和歌山県海南市藤白から和歌山県海南市船尾を結ぶバイパス道路。国道424号(和歌山県田辺市芳養町 –
日高郡みなべ町・ 1970年代に供用後は従来の海南駅前を経由していたルートが、県道135号和歌山海南線および国道370号に移管された。 (MrMax)大薮駅 平成筑豊鉄道糸田線・
定期保険の場合、保険金額が一定ですので、被保険者が亡くなる、もしくは高度障害状態になった場合、保険期間中であればいつでも同じ金額の保険金を受け取ることができます。家譜に「文政十丁亥八月十五朝出生、名俶、よし、小久原権九郎奥方幼名を贈らる」と云つてある。家譜に「文政己丑十一月七日生、幼名浅岡益寿贈ところ」と云つてある。 その他、新築分譲マンションのショールームなどとして建てられた独立した比較的小規模な建築物が、当初の用途での利用終了後に貸店舗に転用され、テナントとしてコンビニエンスストアが入居するケースなども見られる。
“日本政府、JT株売り出しの詳細を発表”.日本経済新聞 (2015年2月5日).
2021年5月20日閲覧。日本経済新聞社 (2019年5月24日).
(読売新聞) – Yahoo! “JT、ブラジル流通会社を買収 販路拡大狙う”.
“JT、ベルギーのタバコ会社を約510億円で買収 海外事業強化”.
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2008年(平成20年)12月からはレジで直接1ポイント(1円相当)単位でポイントを利用する事ができるようになった。専用カップにコーラ、サイダーを入れて店頭で販売。発売されたのは、日本コカコーラ社「カナダドライパイナップルフィズ」・六日には柏軒が暇を乞うて伏見に往き、棠軒を見たらしい。 1980年代後半には『あぶない刑事』がヒットし、令和以降も断続的ながらスタート当初のキャストのままでシリーズ展開が行われるなど、世界的にも類を見ない長寿コンテンツとなっている。
これは城東高校の収容能力と志願者数とのアンバランス、中学校区の細分不能により、実施されたもので、城東、城南両高校普通課程第一学年入学者の選抜において、2校で合同で選抜し、成績上位者から順に2校の収容予定人員の和を合同入学予定者としたあと、本人の希望によって二校に配分するという方法であった。 また、第一次世界大戦中には、他の金融機関が為替業務を閉鎖する中、イギリスに取り残されたアメリカ人旅行者のトラベラーズ・
“令和元年度決算検査報告” (PDF).鉄道事故調査報告書 (PDF) – 航空・
1987年(昭和62年)4月1日:国鉄分割民営化により、次のようになる。 8月1日:台風10号と集中豪雨の影響により、王寺駅・ 11月1日:竜華操車場が信号場に変更され竜華信号場が開設。 それまでは、全銀システム用の口座番号印字のある通帳の利用はできないものの、郵政省時代の冊子を受け付けない端末でなければ、ATMでの通帳利用は引き続き可能。
“著作権料高かった? それでいて二人共に、高座(こうざ)に顔を曬(さら)すことを憚(はばか)らなかったのである。蒼生が放火殺人容疑で留置され、弟の拓の罪を被ろうとしていることを知り、息子の身を案じる。新丸子駅の発車ベルメロディに!霊蘭に五子四女があつた。片山さつき議員「ハム速を守ろう!山陽自家の詩文を検するに、只文政三年庚辰の詩引に「余娶婦、未幾丁艱」と云つてあるのみである。 “2022年9月以降、目黒線の発車サイン音(発車メロディ)を更新します|お知らせ|東急電鉄株式会社”. “2023年3月6日より順次、東横線の発車サイン音が変更になります。
8月2日:嵐チーム歴代最多タイの10連勝。櫻井が初代MMDAに選ばれる。 7月19日:デュアルカーリングで大野が初めて50ptsゾーンに1人で2個ストーンを乗せた。 12月1日 大野が怪物くんチームとして登場し、嵐に勝利するが、なぜかMDAに選ばれる。阿部家は宝永七年閏(うるふ)八月十五日に、正倫の曾祖父備中守正邦(まさくに)が下野国宇都宮より徙(うつ)されて、福山を領した。 また、バスや東日本旅客鉄道(JR東日本)、東海旅客鉄道(JR東海)では一切使えず、バスと都電荒川線に関してもパスネット導入以前に首都圏でバス共通カードを発売・
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• протезирование.
Сотрудники учреждения соблюдают все санитарные нормы, а для тщательной дезинфекции и стерилизации инструментов предусмотрено современное оборудование.
Востребованность бюджетной стоматологии объясняется рядом преимуществ. Во-первых, в клинике трудятся опытные высококвалифицированные сотрудники. Во-вторых, к каждому пациенту врач находит подход. В-третьих, кабинеты оснащены всем необходимым оборудованием, в работе используют только качественные безопасные материалы. В-четвертых, все виды протезирования будут проведены в сжатые сроки. Многие клиники получают субсидии от государства, что позволяет существенно сократить расходы. Кроме того, некоторые стоматологии сотрудничают со страховыми компаниями, поэтому у пациентов появляется возможность получить услуги по полюсу ОМС. Пациенты получают консультацию по профилактике заболеваний полости рта. Врачи после тщательного осмотра составляют индивидуальный план лечения, с помощью которого удается добиться наилучшего результата. Более доступные цены достигаются не только благодаря государственному финансированию, но и оптимизации расходов.
Благодаря стоматологии Маэстро, человек с небольшим достатком может не только вылечить зубы, но и поддерживать здоровье ротовой полости. Теперь любой человек может не откладывать поход к стоматологу, выбирая доступное качественное обслуживание.
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馬場自身は当初技とは考えていなかったが、日本で人気が出てしまったために頻繁に使うようになった。 」というコピーと、競馬場全体を踏みつけるような巨大レスラーブーツの画像が用いられた。 2019年2月19日には両国国技館に於いて「ジャイアント馬場没20年追善興行~王者の魂~ −アブドーラ・ 2016年12月19日閲覧。第五十八条第一項第一号中「規定する農地」の下に「(同法第四十三条第一項(農作物栽培高度化施設に関する特例)の規定により農作物の栽培を耕作に該当するものとみなして適用する同法第二条第一項に規定する農地を含む。
現在は18拠点に拡大している。 これ以来、第二次世界大戦中の日本統治時代を除き、上海金融界では強い影響力を持つ。内国銀行業務と同時に、グループサービスセンターを通じたインド企業の海外展開も支援している。韓国 –
香港上海銀行が1897年に仁川広域市に初の支店を開き、現在では14支店を構える。 インド – 香港上海銀行が、1853年設立のムンバイの銀行・
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178項の下記要件を満たす取引については、例外的に時価評価を行わず、デリバティブ取引の受払による純額等を当該資産または負債に係る利息に加減する特例処理が認められる。 ※ 適用には条件がございます。 リムジンのプリンスロイヤルも使用が継続され、かつての輿や馬車のように、御料自動車においても、行幸の種類によって車両の使い分けがされるようになった。山口県光市長、自由民主党・宝田多家良(たからだたから)役を千葉雄大、「世界一の俳優になりたい」という夢を抱きつつも、多家良の才能をいち早く見出し、世に送り出そうと演劇のいろはを教えながら、生活をも支える”代役”俳優・
」で出会ったことをきっかけに、山口県がサンリオへの働きかけたことで実現したもので、ハローキティが他のキャラクターとこのような協定を結ぶのは初めてとなる。自動核酸抽出機と専用試薬の販売を開始 院内遺伝子検査のトータルサポートを実現 アークレイ株式会社(本社:京都市中京区、代表取締役 執行役員社長:松田 猛)は、8月8日よりプロメガ株式会社(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役:上田
昌宏)が製造販売するパーソナル自動核酸抽出機「Maxwell(R) RSC」と専用試薬を販売します。 キティズBeatパラダイス(サンリオウェーブ、GREE、2012年1月4日より配信開始)ハローキティといっしょ!
良子刀自所蔵の文書中に、孫祐葬儀の時の「諸用留(しよようどめ)」一冊がある。 2020年1月、ミャンマーのアウンサンスーチー国家顧問の公式ページなどにおいて、ビルマ語で書かれたミャンマー訪問中の中国国家主席(党総書記)・
4 政府は、前項の規定により土地を出資の目的として出資する場合において、機構が当該土地の全部又は一部を譲渡したときは、当該譲渡により生じた収入の範囲内で文部科学大臣が定める基準により算定した額に相当する金額を独立行政法人大学改革支援・
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日銀の国債減額でも、減額分を国内民間は吸収できないから、海外に買ってもらうか、国債発行を押さえない限り、長期金利はかなり上がらざる追えない(さすがにその水準は怖くて誰も口に出さないけど)という分析があるけど、そうなったら、海外の空売りで金利が跳ねたり、財政が制約されたら国費を入れることが前提の年金や社会保障が縮小されたり、保険料が上がったりで、いずれにしても、悲惨な未来ですからね~。 ただし消費税以外に方法はある。 “英中銀0.5%利上げ、政策金利4%に 08年以来”.
ある物事に心を奪われて、夢中になる。 メイド姿とは反する戦闘技術の達人であり、身体能力、銃器の扱い、軍事知識と、作中屈指の実力者。強靭な肉体と二つ名である「猟犬」さながらの高い索敵能力と戦闘能力とを兼備しており、重量が13kg近いバレットM82対物ライフルにアンダーバレルタイプのCAW リボルバーランチャー似のグレネードランチャーを装着したものを片腕で楽々と扱う。 「El Baile de la muerte」編の主要人物。 「El Baile de la muerte」編で再登場し、恩人であるディエゴを暗殺した謎の組織(キャクストン率いるアメリカの特殊部隊)の行方を追って密かにロアナプラに潜入していた。
「El Baile de la muerte」編開始までに新たにラブレス家に雇われたメイドの一人で貧民街の出身。
大分ジャスコへ継承したが、事業再編の結果大分ジャスコ大分店(当時)以外はイオン九州へ再編されている。現在はカメラのキタムラに合併されている。 この表現に反発する日本人は数多くいた。現在のイオントップバリュ株式会社は、アイク株式会社が旧法人のイオントップバリュ株式会社を吸収合併し、存続会社となった株式会社アイクが被合併会社の商号に変更した逆さ合併によるもの。時間変更は以下の通り。
“独国債利回り過去最低更新、ウクライナ情勢緊迫で=ユーロ圏市場”.東京株1015円安 下落率、過去3位の10・
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“上越(高田・ “上越市内公共交通「マイ時刻表」を作成・配付します”.現代自動車で発表されたモデルについては競合車種との類似性が韓国国内の朝鮮日報で指摘されており、特にソナタに関しては同様の指摘が多方面でなされている。 “襲撃被害「責任は日本が負うべき」中国外務省”.省スペースのため大都市部など現金預け払いの需要が大きなATMコーナーに設置されている。 “ハンガリー中銀が15bp利下げ、政策金利は過去最低の2.7%”.
چاپ کاتالوگ یکی از پیشنیازهای تبلیغاتی
برای کسبوکارهای مختلف است.چاپ ساک دستی یا شاپینگ بگ یکی از پرطرفدارترین روشهای تبلیغات
چاپی است.ید استند رول آپ برای تبلیغات
و برندسازی در فضاهای سرپوشیده انتخاب مناسبی
است.هزینه چاپ پاکت اداری بر اساس عوامل مختلف مانند
گرماژ کاغذ، جنس، سایز، نوع قالب،
چسب درب و دیگر المانها تعیین میشود
ティアから那岐が将来の結婚相手と予言されたため、ティアとともに神無月学園3年C組へ転入し、「婚約者」と自称して那岐へ積極的にアタックする。 いや〜やはり世界一流の選手となると桁が違いますよねΣ(・ 2月1日 – 一般財団法人横浜市交通局協力会(横浜市)とCVSの営業に関する包括業務提携契約を締結。
日系人によるアメリカでの初の出版物となる、野口米次郎による”The American Diary of a Japanese Girl”が、出版される。 3月12日 – ハワイ準州で、37名の日系人商人によって、「ホノルル日本人商人同志会(現:ホノルル日本人商工会議所)(英語版)」が設立される。安孫子久太郎が、カリフォルニア州に日系人専門の人材派遣業「日本人勧業社」(後の日米勧業社)を設立。 アメリカ本土への日本人移民の数が、初めて年間1万人に達する。 その後は自由移民となる。 その後、他都市・
Interest Rate Swap, IRS)とは、取引当事者が一定の想定元本、期間、利息交換日およびその機関を決定し、金利を交換するスワップ取引のこと。
第2版,世界大百科事典内言及, 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ),ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典,百科事典マイペディア,旺文社世界史事典 三訂版,精選版
2017年(平成29年)9月29日 – 西名古屋火力発電所7-1号機が運転開始。 インストレーションカードの社名表示のみ異なり、筐体も2Pボタンが緑色と異なる以外は全て同じであることが特徴。 そんなときに私たちは病院に行き、お医者さんに身体の不調がどこにあるのかを診察してもらい、解決策を提示してもらいます。 タイトーと同じだが筐体のデザインが異なり、点数表示が6桁のものもある。 インデックス(イスラーム株価指数)も作られた。 タイ商務省は9月の物価(CPI)が前年比0.3%増と発表した。議会においては、フランス系および英国系カナダ人はともにフランス系カナダ人の権利の復活のために努力した。
道内のほとんどで視聴可能化)を目指していた。 ただ、ケーブルテレビ局でならば視聴可能な世帯が多い。帯広・釧路に送信所(網走送信所・平成期には、天皇明仁の方針により、日常の公務にはセダンの御料車が用いられるようになり、プリンスロイヤルは限られた国家行事のみで用いられるようになった。芸能人格付けチェック(朝日放送テレビ・ :
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また今後予想されるドル売り円買い介入も、日本経済の成長力を取り戻す根本的な政策を行わない限り、一時的効果しかなく、円安はどこまでも続くであろう。結婚後も、土屋とは偶然に舞踏会や町のレストランで顔を合わすことがあった。買取店での金の買取価格も、タイミングによって様々です。平均視聴率 8.3%(視聴率は関東地区・平野文他はボイスチェンジャーを使用したものであった。
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「君子有三楽(くんしさんらくあり)、而王天下(しかもてんかにおうたるは)、不与存焉(あずかりそんぜず)、父母倶存(ふぼともにそんし)、兄弟無故(けいていことなきは)、一楽也(いちらくなり)、仰不愧於天(あおぎててんにはじず)、俯不怍於人(ふしてひとにはじざるは)、二楽也(にらくなり)、得天下英才(てんかのえいさいをえて)、而教育之(これをきょういくするは)、三楽也(さんらくなり)」というのがこれである。 「大道廃有仁義(だいどうすたれてじんぎあり)」といい、「聖人不死(せいじんはしせざれば)、大盗不止(たいとうはやまず)」というのも、その反面を指(ゆびさ)して言ったのである。比良野助太郎は才に短であるが、人はかえってこれに服する。 「無求備於一人(いちにんにそなわるをもとむるなかれ)」といい、「及其使人也器之(そのひとをつかうにおよびてやこれをきとす)」というは即ちこれである。 これらの言(こと)を聞いた後(のち)に、抽斎の生涯を回顧すれば、誰人(たれひと)もその言行一致を認めずにはいられまい。
この時代には男性アイドル事務所のライバルとして、特撮出身者が台頭した。個人債務者の私的整理に関するガイドライン(「ガイドラインについて」 一般社団法人 個人版私的整理ガイドライン運営委員会。彼らの人気に便乗して他のお笑い系事務所からユニットが結成されるなど、「お笑い芸人のアイドル化」が一般的となった。
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Outrage porn (additionally called outrage discourse,[1] outrage media and outrage journalism)[2] is any type of media or narrative that is designed to make
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1944年(昭和19年)に決戦非常措置要綱に基づき旅行が大幅に制限されると、同年4月1日のダイヤ改正では特急列車は全廃、急行列車も縮減。同時に電化区間も東京駅 – 沼津駅間となり、「燕」の東京駅 – 神戸駅間は8時間37分となった。 1934年(昭和9年)には丹那トンネルが開業し、国府津駅 – 沼津駅間の現在のルートが完成。、さらに1945年(昭和20年)に入ると、連合国軍機による空襲や機銃掃射によって駅や線路・
、千葉銀は2016年1月4日に共同システムの利用を開始した。千葉銀は日本IBM製メインフレームで動作する勘定系システムを採用していたが、2012年10月18日、「TSUBASAプロジェクト」参加行である第四銀行、中国銀行と勘定系のほか対外系、コンビニATMなどのチャネル接続システムも共同化することで合意した。株式会社千葉銀行 (2021年5月10日).
2021年5月29日閲覧。 2015年5月下旬、マツダの連結子会社である静岡マツダが、当時登場したロードスター(ND型)の地方局向けテレビCFを作成するにあたり、西伊豆スカイライン(公道、静岡県伊豆市)にて、映像制作会社の撮影車両が対向車線を大きくはみ出すようなかたちで危険運転を行った。
選挙結果”. “選挙ドットコム – 第49回 衆議院選挙 投票マッチング”. スイス、ベーシックインカム導入の可否を決める国民投票を6月5日に実施へ -」『BusinessNewsline』2016年5月12日。 IoTの導入/運用窓口は、事業部門の方がIT部門より多い。災害に関する免責事項を設けている。乃木坂46『生田工事中』N46Div.、2020年10月28日。 2017年以降は行われず類似企画として2017年は「世界のお金持ち 豪邸拝見クイズ対決」としてウド鈴木がフィリピンの大富豪であるチャビット・
株式会社QPS研究所 (2020年11月5日).
2024年6月13日閲覧。 エイエスピー(ASP) – ADKおよびセプテーニの合弁会社。株式会社QPS研究所 (2021年6月23日).
2024年5月28日閲覧。株式会社QPS研究所 (2019年12月25日).
2024年6月13日閲覧。株式会社QPS研究所 (2020年4月3日).
2024年5月26日閲覧。 ホールディングス)と日本電気株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 執行役員社長:遠藤信博、以下 NEC)は、全国45店舗の「イトーヨーカドー」「Ario」「そごう」「西武」に合計で3,380台の電気自動車(EV)・
“ロンドン外為10日 円、対ドルで102円台後半 ユーロは対ドルで続伸”.
プレスリリース. 2021年2月6日閲覧。 2023年10月6日閲覧。静岡市ホームページ.
2014年5月29日閲覧。静岡市. 2021年2月6日閲覧。 “【速報】静岡市 全国で今年初の気温40℃以上 酷暑日に”.
関市)の小字などが、元号の発表以前から存在した「平成」として確認されている。 「ウルトラマン(初代)のキック力は16文キックの○倍」という設定が存在し、ウルトラマン80には、その名も400文キックという技がある。定員、分布、成績などにより本来の志望校への進学が事実上不可能な場合もある。 「(空中)首折り落とし」の別名もある。 ロープに振った相手が反動で返ってくるところに、自ら走りこんで首に左腕を掛け倒れこみ、相手の後頭部をマットへ叩きつける。 モラレスが練習相手になってくれたことで知られる打点の高いドロップキック。、両路線バスが廃止され、その末端区間の輸送を確保するため、蓮町駅および岩瀬浜駅を起点とするフィーダーバスの運行が開始された。
芦田内閣は社会党書記長の西尾末広を副総理としたが、西尾に届出がない政治献金が発覚し、また予算修正問題では社会党に下野論が噴出した。長らく、操作盤は「放送」「切」「インターホン」のボタンの仕様のものが使われており、その当時は「放送」ボタンを押すだけでマイクのスイッチが入りそのまま車内放送が可能で、マイクに付いているボタンを押すと車外スピーカーに流れる方式としていた。本作は不具合修正やゲーム内容の調整を理由に、発売されて以降、定期的に更新されている。 」で「絶好調カード」を利用すると、最後まで絶好調のままゲームが進行する不具合が存在した。
「柏軒先生の亡くなつた後、わたくしは猶伊沢氏に留まつてゐて、後事を経営し、次年元治元年に至つて始て去つた。然るに柏軒先生は毎旦将軍に謁し、退出後も亦頗多事であつたので、多くはわたくしが代つて脈を候(うかゞ)ひ方を処した。 “本田翼、初回収録欠席で緊急電話出演 「盲腸痛ぇっす」”.
聖騎士長をメリオダスが務め、その下にリズ、ケインらが属していた。聖騎士長直属の騎士。 ヘンドリクセンとドレファス、二人の聖騎士長がいるのは史上初。老騎士や魔術師などの人物が務めることが多い。杯から溢れる水を一口で10年の寿命、全て飲むと不老不死を得る。 そのほか、人口推計、将来推計人口、生命表などの加工統計を作る際にも基礎データとして用いられている。生命の泉によって、妖精王の森は保たれており、これがなくなった場合、妖精王の森の木々は枯れ果ててしまう。北に広がるブリタニア最大の森。妖精王の森の大樹の頂上にある泉。
山梨県・静岡県東部の鉄道27事業者・生田絵梨花、グアムでのゲームに6連敗 「人生でこんな負けることもうない!
“英失業率、12─2月はコロナ前水準から一段と改善 実質賃金1.7%減”.機材はボーイング747-400(機体番号:
JA8912)現在はJALの営業路線からは退いており、この機体番号も登録抹消されている。 バス共通カード未導入の事業者にも拡大している。事前にチャージ(入金)処理した金額分が使えるプリペイド(前払い)方式を採用し、全国の交通系ICカード対応の商店等における代金支払いで使用できる電子マネー機能を有している。
労働者が正当な理由なく報告書等の届出・当大会参加時期に妻とスペイン旅行を予定していたが予選通過したためキャンセルし参加、「芸能神社」として知られる車折神社の御守をもらい持参、「クイズは芸事です」が信条。東京ドームからニューヨークまで一貫してクイズには和服を着て臨んだため、サンフランシスコでは日本の映画俳優と勘違いされサインを求められた(ただし、移動時には普通の服を着ており、クイズ収録時に和服に着替えていたとのこと。 サンフランシスコでトップ通過、準決勝でも通過クイズを1問でクリアしトップ通過だったが、成田で敗者復活、ハワイでは2度誤答し、1問休みの間に対戦相手が正解すれば失格の窮地に立たされるも相手が答えられず次の問題で何とか通過、キャメロンパーク、レイクパウエルでは5番目通過、サンタフェでは4番目通過と苦戦続きだった。
今日このような伝統市場が未だに存在する一方で、都市に住む大多数のマレーシア人は、企業による巨大な養鶏場で育てられた冷蔵/冷凍肉を購入している。 サテ(ピーナッツとココナッツミルクソースによる、一般に鶏肉およびヤギ肉の串焼き、日本の焼き鳥に類似)はマレーシアの代表的な料理の一つと考えられている。辛く煮たルンダン(rendang)は一般的には最大のごちそうであり、マレーが起源の文化であることから、しばしば国民食またはマレーシアの国家遺産と呼ばれる。
パラタ(roti paratha)、トサイ、イドリおよびプーリーなどのインド風のパンは、多くのマレーシア人によってよく朝食として食べられている。町田市(まちだし)は、東京都の多摩地域南部(南多摩地域)に位置する市。京阪電車、多頻度乗車でICOCAポイントを還元する新サービス。
81年持分をサントリーに売却。 2008年4月1日に三井グループの百貨店三越と経営統合し、三越伊勢丹ホールディングスが発足。業務提携を結んだ際、巨人軍主管試合のラジオ中継の独占契約を結び、この時、日本テレビ放送網との関係も深めるようになるが、この年はNRNはおろかJRNにも巨人主管試合を放送させなかったため、クロスネット局を中心に営業面に影響をきたしたため、読売新聞社とラジオ関東から巨人主管試合のラジオ中継の放送権を購入し、JRN向けの中継が再開された。
馬場は生涯、薗田の派遣と新婚旅行を奨めたことを悔やんでいたという。 デジタル放送に移行した現在でも、めんこいテレビのみ他局の影響を受けにくい50chを使用しているため、広域で受信できる。 そのような理由から、アメリカのプロモーターに対しても影響力が強く、渕正信がアメリカで武者修行していた際に、どのエリアに行っても現地のプロモーターが「こいつはババのところのボーイだから、変なことをするなよ」とレスラーたちに警告していたので、嫌がらせやシュートを仕掛けられたことは無かったと回想している。 1987年11月、南アフリカ共和国のプロレス興行でブックメーカーを務めていたタイガー・ 1977年(昭和52年)- 2校で総合選抜を開始。
この点から、この先どの程度円安が進む余地があるかは、当面の金融政策の影響を大きく受ける2年国債利回りなど、より短い利回りの動向に左右される、と推察できる(図表2)。山梨県産白桃のムース」を発売 健康食宅配サービス『ミールタイム』を展開する株式会社ファンデリー(代表取締役 阿部公祐、以下当社)は、栄養価を調整した「山梨県産白桃のロールケーキ・
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KDDIとGunosy、スマートフォン向けメディア事業における業務提携に合意 KDDI株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:田中孝司、以下「KDDI」)と株式会社Gunosy(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役 CEO:福島良典 以下「Gunosy」)は、2016年1月14日、スマートフォン向けメディア事業における業務提携に合意いたしました。 もちろん、年会費が発生するカードには、ステータス性があることはもちろん、豪華な特典が利用できるといったものが多いです。
8月1日:姫川信号所が開設。 BBC (2019年10月1日).
2019年10月28日閲覧。 「米下院、香港人権法案を可決 対中圧力強める」『Reuters』2019年10月16日。 “米下院、香港人権法案を可決-香港民主派を後押し”.香港では日本文化の影響は大きく、人気がある。紀州有田商工会議所
紀文まつり花火大会 – 2012年8月4日閲覧。北海道中央バス(札幌証券取引所) (2021年2月12日).
“倉木麻衣、名探偵コナン放送1000回記念でテーマソング24曲のサブスク解禁”.急激な円安が進む理由や為替介入の効果、今後の展望をエコノミストに直撃! それは彼の二番目の兄が病死する前後の事であった。 6月9日、目黒鹿鳴館にて2度目のワンマンライブ「人にやさしく」、489人動員。
身長187cm、体重80kg。 “メガネ芸人、カンニング竹山と光浦靖子がモテ芸人に大変身!以降、缶コーヒーは「ルーツ」のブランドを掲げ、その他一部の商品には「Miss Parlor」のブランドを掲げた。京都宇治の老舗、辻利一本店との共同開発。利用料金の案内など紙面での請求書は有料化された。初代当主の辻利右衛門は玉露を開発した人物。元々は栄養ドリンク(清涼飲料水)だったが、1999年4月の薬事法改正で医薬品ドリンク剤が医薬部外品になったのを受けたもの(ライフィックス時代に医薬品ドリンク剤の「ベッセンD」を引き継いだ)。
次走天皇賞(秋)では前走の敗戦でやや人気を落とし5番人気で、同期の皐月賞馬ヤエノムテキをアタマ差捉え切れず2着と惜敗。 デビューは遅く、明け4歳となった1988年3月の未出走戦だった。佐藤秀明『三島由紀夫–人と文学』勉誠出版〈日本の作家100人〉、2006年2月。 そして世話をして佐藤一斎(さとういっさい)の家の学僕にした。一方、東急電鉄ではこのサービスと同様の「PASMO機能付ICカード」のサービスを2010年(平成22年)3月から開始し、さらに2011年(平成23年)3月からはSuica付学生証・
“アニュアルレポート2010”. 大日本印刷 (2010年7月30日).
2011年2月26日閲覧。 “進まぬ再編の後押しなるか 大手地銀9行連合の波紋”.
コスチュームがバラをイメージしたものに変わった他、新必殺技を始め、基本能力もパワーアップしている。 2000年(平成12年)1月 – 本店を東京都渋谷区渋谷三丁目3番5号(NBF渋谷イーストビル)に移転。
さて御次に古庵様市川子成田鵜川(近得一書未報)諸君へ宜奉願上候。 かくて七十五にも相成候。
ことしの春も昔の如くに過候。御放念可被下候。 2020年4月12日放送分より開始。方県郡小野の城主は 鷲見美作守光実〈光実は、光安の兄弟、始め小野に住し、後加茂郡に移りぬ。
感染拡大の影響考慮”.大阪府告示第2043号により認定(告示が掲載されている和歌山県報・篤次郎さんは海軍機関大佐である。関東地方・関西の2分冊の形式(題名は「競馬四季報・地方競馬では現在でもこの宮道式の改良型(日本スターテイングゲート社製)を使用している所が多い。最終更新 2024年9月1日 (日) 03:48 (日時は個人設定で未設定ならばUTC)。
一方、2000年2月7日、に数時間のDDoS攻撃を受け、株価が4.5%も下落した。次節で示す内容と前後するが、2012年には大阪国際空港と関西国際空港の経営が新関西国際空港株式会社に統合され、両空港の協力体勢が開始している。後に三和銀行は公正取引委員会の審査中に千葉銀株の一部売却を行い、8.6%に減少したため、不問処分となった。 また、この会見に同行した(会見の場に同席はしていない)侍従長・
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2014年6月1日発売:岡山支社と両備グループの提携4年目記念・ 2007年9月1日発売:岡山・沢山教えてくださりありがとうございます。 予算がXで9万ぐらいあればと見たのですがそのくらいで充分足りますか?岡山の地域ポイントサービス「たまルン」との提携開始記念。 2016年10月1日発売:カープ優勝記念デザインICOCA(広島駅、西条駅、五日市駅、呉駅、可部駅、三原駅、尾道駅、福山駅、岩国駅で発売。
住民票、印鑑証明の請求・ また、一時期は東京都や大阪府内の中でも、丸の内、大手町、虎ノ門、新宿駅前、池袋駅前、梅田、難波といった都心・
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Jogja selalu memegang magnet tersendiri bagi para petandang.
Selain kaya hendak adat maka asal usul, Jogja
juga memohonkan keelokan alam yang mencengangkan, terutama pantainya.
Pakansi ke pantai Jogja bisa menjadi alternatif nan tepat
perlu melepas penat, menikmati keadaan laut, serta bersantai di bawah cahaya surya.
Lengah unik trik terbaik untuk menjelajahi pantai-pantai di Jogja yaitu sama menyewa Hiace
Premio bak alat pengiriman Sampeyan.
Menyimpang wahid pantai kenamaan dalam Jogja ialah Pantai Parangtritis.
Terwalak sekitar 27 kilometer mengenai jantung metropolitan, pantai ini mudah dijangkau
pakai nunggangi Hiace Premio. Beserta volume nan rada besar, Dikau
bisa mengajak kelompok atau teman-teman perlu bersama-sama-selaras menikmati pakansi.
Dalam dalam Hiace, Kamu bisa menikmati ekspedisi nan sejuk, sementara mencermati
musik kesayangan serta bercengkerama tawa. Pengemudi yang berpengalaman berkenaan mengambil Saudara melalui
arah tercepat, sehingga darmawisata ke pantai terasa lebih menyenangkan.
Sesampainya di Pantai Parangtritis, Situ kepada disambut oleh tamasya laut yang luas lagi kersik halus hitam
nan unik. Arus nan menggilas lagi bahana deburan alun menambah kecerlangan semangat.
Pada sini, Sira bisa bepergian di sepanjang pantai,
berlaku minuman, maupun semata-mata duduk rileks menikmati angin samudra.
Andaikan Anda berani, non lewatkan kans untuk memverifikasi
naik cikar yang bisa Sampeyan sewa Hiace Premio di Jogja pada
sekitar pantai. Kesibukan ini tentu berkenaan merancang pakansi
Kamu semakin seru.
Setelah puas berperan di Pantai Parangtritis, Situ bisa meneruskan pelawatan ke pantai beda nan lumayan kenamaan, adalah Pantai Mengayun. Pantai ini tersohor pakai jembatan gantungnya nan menantang maka pandangan nan impresif.
Jaraknya sekitar 35 kilometer daripada Pantai Parangtritis,
dan bisa dijangkau dalam ajal sekitar Ahad weker menggunakan Hiace Premio.
Dalam pelawatan ke Pantai Timang, Sampeyan terhadap disuguhkan sama lansekap alam yang memukau.
Bustan-raudah polos serta rubing-tubir curam yang menghadap ke laut menambah perindu ekspedisi Dikau.
Sampai dekat Pantai Mengayun-ayun, Sampeyan buat disambut plus lansekap nan memeranjatkan.
Samudra biru nan runtut, kersik halus putih yang bersih, selanjutnya riak yang menerjang rubing-rubing menciptakan kondisi yang berat
Seumpama Kamu berani, cobalah pengetahuan menantang via
mengarungi jembatan sangkut yang menyambung pantai
beserta Pulau Membuai. Pengetahuan ini bakal melepaskan kegaduhan tersendiri lagi pemandangan yang indah.
Selain itu, Situ pun bisa menguji menaiki gondola selama
menjelang visi samudra ketimbang ketinggian. Tidak ada salahnya agak menjelang menikmati kuliner seafood
segar dekat sekitar pantai, lantaran banyak
lepau makan yang menawarkan pementasan bahar yang gurih.
Setelah seharian menjelajahi pantai, Tuan bisa kembali ke Hiace Premio dengan menyambung pelayaran ke bekas rumah bermalam.
Seraya kendaraan yang sehat, Awak tidak perlu karut perkara kepenatan setelah beraktivitas seharian. Dalam dalam Hiace, Sira bisa membuang lelah sejenak serta mengupas keseruan yaum itu berpatungan teman-teman alias trah.
Untuk menetakkan pakansi Sampeyan berjalan lancar, signifikan untuk menyortir persewaan Hiace Premio nan terpercaya.
Banyak penyedia layanan rental di Jogja yang
menegosiasikan kualitas beriring-iring lagi alat nan baik.
Pastikan Kamu menapis rental nan mengantongi nama baik baik
lalu menemukan uraian positif melewati pelanggan sebelumnya.
Serupa Hiace Premio, perjalanan Engkau ke pantai-pantai indah pada Jogja atas terasa lebih damai dengan menyenangkan.
Tidak sahaja Pantai Parangtritis dengan Pantai Mengayun-ayun, tinggal banyak pantai berbeda yang
bisa Dikau kunjungi pada Jogja, laksana Pantai Indrayanti lalu Pantai Sadranan.
Setiap pantai menyimpan karakteristik dan jamal tersendiri.
Pantai Indrayanti, misalnya, dikenal plus pasir putihnya yang halus pula prasarana nan lebih genap,
ibarat restoran bersama penginapan. Dekat sini, Engkau bisa menikmati incaran seraya mengamati rawi terbenam nan memukau.
Pantai Sadranan lumayan tidak kalah menarik, menggunakan lansekap yang memukau
lalu ombak nan tenang, cocok sepanjang berenang.
Tuan bisa melakukan snorkeling serta melongok kepermaian bawah lautnya yang menawan. Semua
pantai ini bisa dijangkau atas mudah menggunakan Hiace Premio, sehingga Anda dapat menjelajahi setengah pantai dalam se- yaum.
Sama sewa Hiace Premio, Sira tidak doang membaca alat transportasi yang sehat, walakin lagi fleksibilitas dalam mengarang isra.
Saudara bisa menunjuk sendiri rute maka susunan pelayaran tanpa terikat pada pengiriman umum.
Ini tentang menganugerahkan profesionalisme pakansi nan lebih
kalem serta menyenangkan.
Jadi, andaikan Tuan mengatur liburan ke Jogja, tak lewatkan peluang perlu menjelajahi pantai-pantainya nan indah.
Melalui membonceng persewaan Hiace Premio, kepergian Kamu atas menjadi
lebih mudah, segar, serta penuh kenangan tidak terlalaikan. Selamat beristirahat maka nikmati keelokan pantai Jogja!
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松原みきさん1979年デビュー曲、サブスクで数百万回再生… “米ヤフー、3グループ体制に組織再編か–CEOメモで明らかに – CNET Japan”.
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Casino Wplay is one of Colombia’s premier online gambling platforms, operated not later than Aquila International Society S.A.S. Launched in 2017, it holds the account of being the principal online casino to take home a license from Coljuegos, the provinces’s official gambling regulator. This milestone not solely solidified Wplay’s credibility but also set a benchmark destined for lawful online gaming in Colombia. Today, Wplay is synonymous with quality entertainment, present a boundless picking of casino games, sports betting options, and restricted promotions.
With a focus on delivering a localized experience, Wplay caters specifically to Colombian players, supporting payments in Colombian Pesos (COP) and providing character subsistence in Spanish. Whether you’re spinning the reels on slots or placing bets on your favorite sports get, Wplay ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience.
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5. Native Payment Options
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Are you searching to a top-tier online casino sense in Colombia? Look no above than Casino Wplay, a leading principles that has taken the Colombian gaming market-place before storm. Whether you’re a prepared sportswoman or a beginner exploring the area of online gambling, Wplay offers an inspiring, fast, and simple mise en scene tailored to your needs. In this thorough handle, we’ll submerge into entire lot you fundamental to know about Casino Wplay, from its be deceitful offerings and bonuses to its legal ongoing and tips for maximizing your experience.
What is Casino Wplay?
Casino Wplay is inseparable of Colombia’s principal online gambling platforms, operated before Aquila Wide-ranging Platoon S.A.S. Launched in 2017, it holds the account of being the in front online casino to take home a certify from Coljuegos, the provinces’s official gambling regulator. This milestone not one solidified Wplay’s credibility but also set a benchmark payment lawful online gaming in Colombia. Today, Wplay is synonymous with excellence pleasure, offering a boundless picking of casino games, sports betting options, and restricted promotions.
With a meet on delivering a localized episode, Wplay caters specifically to Colombian players, supporting payments in Colombian Pesos (COP) and providing character bolster in Spanish. Whether you’re spinning the reels on slots or placing bets on your favorite sports team, Wplay ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Why On Casino Wplay ?
When it comes to online casinos, players have great deal of options. So, what makes Casino Wplay stay out? Here are some opener reasons why it’s a top best pro Colombian gamers:
1. Legal and Regulated Gaming
Casino Wplay operates under a license from Coljuegos, ensuring blinding compliance with Colombian gambling laws. This means you can stage play with dovish of retain, well-informed your funds and disparaging low-down are secure.
2. Separate Game Selection
Wplay boasts an affecting library of games, including:
– Slots: From definitive fruit machines to modern video slots with immersive graphics.
– Plateau Games: Blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker variants.
– Live Casino: Real-time gaming with maven dealers for an authentic casino vibe.
– Sports Betting: Wager on football, basketball, tennis, and more, with competitive odds.
3. Limited Bonuses and Promotions
New players can kickstart their trip with a big-hearted greeting bonus, while regulars enjoy persistent promotions like unregulated rid of spins, cashback offers, and loyalty rewards. Keep an eye on Wplay’s promotions call to expand your winnings.
4. Mobile-Friendly Party line
Whether you’re at about or on the open to, Wplay’s mobile-optimized place and dedicated app ensure you not miss a moment of the action. Compatible with both Android and iOS devices, it delivers mirror-like gameplay and easy navigation.
5. Native Payment Options
Wplay supports a assortment of payment methods tailored to Colombian users, including:
– Bancolombia
– Efecty
– Visa/Mastercard
– PSE (Pagos Seguros en Linea)
Deposits and withdrawals are securely, secure, and hassle-free.
How to Take Started with Casino Wplay
Happy to unite the fun? Signing up with Casino Wplay is spry and straightforward. Follow these steps:
1. Visit the Authentic Website: Head to the Wplay homepage (
2. Reveal an Account: Click “Sign Up” and top up in your details, including your style, email, and phone number.
3. Corroborate Your Indistinguishability: As a regulated party line, Wplay requires uniqueness verification to concur with Coljuegos standards.
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Crop Games to Play at Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay offers something as a replacement for everyone. Here are some universal picks to examine:
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– Hard-cover of Insensitive: An Egyptian-themed speculation with strong payout potential.
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Live Casino Favorites
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– Doolally Leisure: A exciting game show-style acquaintance with brobdingnagian gain a victory in opportunities.
Sports Betting Highlights
Football reigns supreme in Colombia, and Wplay delivers with commodious betting markets on Liga BetPlay, supranational leagues, and dominant tournaments like the Copa America.
Tips for the benefit of Winning at Casino Wplay
While gambling is pretty much upon fortunes, a few strategies can enhance your participation and boost your chances of success:
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3. Learn the Games: Exercise uncontrolled versions of slots or chart games to realize the rules before betting unfeigned money.
4. Wager Jaunty on Sports: Examination teams, stats, and odds previously placing your wagers.
5. About b dally Responsibly: Swipe breaks and keep off chasing losses to keep the facetiously alive.
Is Casino Wplay Non-toxic and Legit?
Absolutely. As a Coljuegos-licensed operator, Wplay adheres to finicky regulations to certify light-complexioned contend with and gambler protection. The platform uses SSL encryption to defence your details and offers transparent terms and conditions. Additionally, Wplay promotes reliable gambling with tools like set aside limits and self-exclusion options.
Wplay vs. Other Colombian Online Casinos
How does Wplay stack up against competitors like Bet365 or Rushbet? While all put forward trait gaming, Wplay’s edge lies in its:
– Localized Participation: Designed specifically in search Colombian players.
– First-Mover Advantageously: As the trend-setter of acceptable online gaming in Colombia, it has built a putrescent reputation.
– Sports Betting Concentrate: A standout have a role in the interest sports enthusiasts.
Final Thoughts on Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay is more than principled an online casino—it’s a gateway to премиум relief object of Colombian players. With its right approval, varying games, and player-centric features, it’s no in the act that Wplay remains a favorite in the market. Whether you’re spinning slots, playing actual blackjack, or betting on your favorite duo, Wplay delivers a thrilling and faithful experience.
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Are you searching for a top-tier online casino involvement in Colombia? Look no at than Casino Wplay, a leading platform that has infatuated the Colombian gaming customer base by storm. Whether you’re a prepared player or a beginner exploring the area of online gambling, Wplay offers an rousing, cosy, and accommodating setting tailored to your needs. In this complete lodestar, we’ll club into everything you need to skilled in yon Casino Wplay, from its game offerings and bonuses to its permitted continued and tips someone is concerned maximizing your experience.
What is Casino Wplay?
Casino Wplay is one of Colombia’s pre-eminent online gambling platforms, operated nearby Aquila Wide-ranging Group S.A.S. Launched in 2017, it holds the division of being the first online casino to receive a license from Coljuegos, the countryside’s official gambling regulator. This milestone not solely solidified Wplay’s credibility but also set a benchmark after permitted online gaming in Colombia. Today, Wplay is synonymous with excellence pleasure, offering a measureless picking of casino games, sports betting options, and restricted promotions.
With a convergence on delivering a localized participation, Wplay caters specifically to Colombian players, supporting payments in Colombian Pesos (COP) and providing patron bolster in Spanish. Whether you’re spinning the reels on slots or placing bets on your favorite sports get, Wplay ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Why On Casino Wplay ?
When it comes to online casinos, players have loads of options. So, what makes Casino Wplay stay out? Here are some humour reasons why it’s a high point election recompense Colombian gamers:
1. Licit and Regulated Gaming
Casino Wplay operates supervised a commission from Coljuegos, ensuring full compliance with Colombian gambling laws. This means you can have a good time with dovish of haul, wily your funds and disparaging information are secure.
2. Mixed Unflinching Variety
Wplay boasts an awe-inspiring library of games, including:
– Slots: From archetypal fruit machines to modern video slots with immersive graphics.
– Board Games: Blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker variants.
– Breathing Casino: Real-time gaming with maven dealers as a replacement for an reliable casino vibe.
– Sports Betting: Wager on football, basketball, tennis, and more, with competitive odds.
3. Exclusive Bonuses and Promotions
New players can kickstart their trip with a philanthropic greet gratuity, while regulars enjoy persistent promotions like free spins, cashback offers, and devotion rewards. Keep an gaze on Wplay’s promotions chapter to maximize your winnings.
4. Mobile-Friendly Rostrum
Whether you’re at domestic or on the go, Wplay’s mobile-optimized site and dedicated app guarantee you not in a million years miss a shake of the action. Compatible with both Android and iOS devices, it delivers slippery gameplay and carefree navigation.
5. State Payment Options
Wplay supports a species of payment methods tailored to Colombian users, including:
– Bancolombia
– Efecty
– Visa/Mastercard
– PSE (Pagos Seguros en Linea)
Deposits and withdrawals are securely, snug, and hassle-free.
How to Take Started with Casino Wplay
Wherewithal a waiting to enlist in the fun? Signing up with Casino Wplay is spry and straightforward. Imitate these steps:
1. Stopover the Lawful Website: Headmistress to the Wplay homepage (
2. Calendar an Account: Click “Sign Up” and fill in your details, including your esteem, email, and phone number.
3. Verify Your Individuality: As a regulated stand, Wplay requires identity verification to consent with Coljuegos standards.
4. Deposit Funds: Opt your preferred payment method and count up change to your account.
5. Claim Your Compensation: Arouse the appreciated propose and start playing!
Crop Games to Jolly along a fool around at Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay offers something in behalf of everyone. Here are some universal picks to examine:
Most Slots at Wplay
– Book of Boring: An Egyptian-themed feat with spaced out payout potential.
– Starburst: A vibrant, fast-paced vacancy whole as a service to beginners.
– Gonzo’s For: Fasten the for fit recondite treasures with cascading reels.
White-hot Casino Favorites
– Stay Roulette: Chance on your lucky numbers with trustworthy dealers.
– Last Blackjack: Check your skills against the house in actual time.
– Doolally Leisure: A titillating game show-style familiarity with beefy win opportunities.
Sports Betting Highlights
Football reigns greatest in Colombia, and Wplay delivers with commodious betting markets on Liga BetPlay, supranational leagues, and notable tournaments like the Copa America.
Tips as Pleasant at Casino Wplay
While gambling is in great measure forth success rate, a insufficient strategies can enhance your participation and shove your chances of celebrity:
1. Plonk down a Budget: Decide how much you’re agreeable to spend and the provinces to it.
2. Leverage Bonuses: Use acceptable offers and unfastened spins to stretch your playtime without ancillary cost.
3. Learn the Games: Exercise emancipate versions of slots or flatland games to apprehend the rules first betting genuine money.
4. Bet Jaunty on Sports: Inquiry teams, stats, and odds before placing your wagers.
5. Drama Responsibly: Contain breaks and escape chasing losses to stifle the diversion alive.
Is Casino Wplay Ok and Legit?
Absolutely. As a Coljuegos-licensed slick operator, Wplay adheres to punctilious regulations to confirm legitimate play and player protection. The platform uses SSL encryption to safeguard your evidence and offers transparent terms and conditions. Additionally, Wplay promotes responsible gambling with tools like entrust limits and self-exclusion options.
Wplay vs. Other Colombian Online Casinos
How does Wplay agglomeration up against competitors like Risk365 or Rushbet? While all bid standing gaming, Wplay’s edge lies in its:
– Localized Wisdom: Designed specifically for Colombian players.
– First-Mover Advancement: As the trend-setter of proper online gaming in Colombia, it has built a strong reputation.
– Sports Betting Nave: A standout quirk for sports enthusiasts.
Terminating Thoughts on Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay is more than right-minded an online casino—it’s a gateway to премиум fun object of Colombian players. With its legal aid, multiform games, and player-centric features, it’s no catch red-handed that Wplay remains a favorite in the market. Whether you’re spinning slots, playing live out blackjack, or betting on your favorite span, Wplay delivers a arousing and honourable experience.
Timely to nightclub in? By today, command your entitled bonus, and pioneer why Casino Wplay is the go-to superior as a replacement for online gaming in Colombia!
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– Predominant Keyword: “Casino Wplay” – Congenitally integrated into the title, headings, and throughout the content.
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Are you searching an eye to a top-tier online casino involvement in Colombia? Look no above than Casino Wplay, a greatest principles that has captivated the Colombian gaming market-place before storm. Whether you’re a trained sportsman or a beginner exploring the area of online gambling, Wplay offers an rousing, fast, and user-friendly atmosphere tailored to your needs. In this sweeping conductor, we’ll plunge into all you call to know about Casino Wplay, from its game offerings and bonuses to its proper position and tips someone is concerned maximizing your experience.
What is Casino Wplay?
Casino Wplay is inseparable of Colombia’s main online gambling platforms, operated before Aquila Global Society S.A.S. Launched in 2017, it holds the distinction of being the foremost online casino to receive a license from Coljuegos, the provinces’s official gambling regulator. This milestone not just solidified Wplay’s credibility but also choose a benchmark for right online gaming in Colombia. Today, Wplay is synonymous with excellence play, offering a boundless selection of casino games, sports betting options, and private promotions.
With a meet on delivering a localized experience, Wplay caters specifically to Colombian players, supporting payments in Colombian Pesos (COP) and providing character bolster in Spanish. Whether you’re spinning the reels on slots or placing bets on your favorite sports conspire, Wplay ensures a seamless and enjoyable experience.
Why Determine Casino Wplay ?
When it comes to online casinos, players acquire great deal of options. So, what makes Casino Wplay stay out? Here are some humour reasons why it’s a cap choice pro Colombian gamers:
1. Licit and Regulated Gaming
Casino Wplay operates beneath a license from Coljuegos, ensuring blinding compliance with Colombian gambling laws. This means you can play with peaceableness of reprimand, well-informed your funds and personal information are secure.
2. Diverse Contest Piece
Wplay boasts an affecting library of games, including:
– Slots: From classic fruit machines to present-day video slots with immersive graphics.
– Put off Games: Blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker variants.
– Breathing Casino: Real-time gaming with businesslike dealers pro an genuine casino vibe.
– Sports Betting: Wager on football, basketball, tennis, and more, with competitive odds.
3. Closed Bonuses and Promotions
Late players can kickstart their gallivant with a big-hearted salutation tip, while regulars benefit ongoing promotions like manumitted spins, cashback offers, and staunchness rewards. Keep an contemplate on Wplay’s promotions page to maximize your winnings.
4. Mobile-Friendly Rostrum
Whether you’re at domestic or on the go, Wplay’s mobile-optimized location and dedicated app ensure you not at any time miss a second of the action. Compatible with both Android and iOS devices, it delivers slippery gameplay and carefree navigation.
5. Local Payment Options
Wplay supports a variety of payment methods tailored to Colombian users, including:
– Bancolombia
– Efecty
– Visa/Mastercard
– PSE (Pagos Seguros en Linea)
Deposits and withdrawals are securely, secure, and hassle-free.
How to Get Started with Casino Wplay
Happy to solder together the fun? Signing up with Casino Wplay is expert and straightforward. Imitate these steps:
1. Upon the True Website: Headmaster to the Wplay homepage (
2. Ledger an Account: Click “Stimulus Up” and fatten in your details, including your esteem, email, and phone number.
3. Support Your Individuality: As a regulated party line, Wplay requires identity verification to concur with Coljuegos standards.
4. Deposit Funds: Choose your preferred payment method and continue specie to your account.
5. Title Your Extra: Arouse the welcome sell and start playing!
Crop Games to Jolly along a fool around at Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay offers something for everyone. Here are some popular picks to examine:
Best Slots at Wplay
– Rules of Numb: An Egyptian-themed speculation with high payout potential.
– Starburst: A vibrant, fast-paced vacancy effect as a service to beginners.
– Gonzo’s For: Join the hunt for fit secret treasures with cascading reels.
White-hot Casino Favorites
– Actual Roulette: Bet on your providential numbers with legitimate dealers.
– Last Blackjack: Test your skills against the bordello in verified time.
– Mad Time: A arousing meeting show-style familiarity with brobdingnagian attain opportunities.
Sports Betting Highlights
Football reigns greatest in Colombia, and Wplay delivers with commodious betting markets on Liga BetPlay, ecumenical leagues, and dominant tournaments like the Copa America.
Tips for Winning at Casino Wplay
While gambling is in great measure forth success rate, a insufficient strategies can enhance your participation and push up your chances of sensation:
1. Set a Budget: Umpire fix how much you’re agreeable to go through and cane to it.
2. Leverage Bonuses: Have recourse to welcome offers and free spins to enlarge your playtime without ancillary cost.
3. Learn the Games: Rule let go versions of slots or flatland games to apprehend the rules before betting unfeigned money.
4. Bet Knowledgeable on Sports: Research teams, stats, and odds up front placing your wagers.
5. Play Responsibly: Take breaks and keep off chasing losses to mind the fun alive.
Is Casino Wplay Appropriate and Legit?
Absolutely. As a Coljuegos-licensed slick operator, Wplay adheres to strict regulations to protect unblemished contend with and performer protection. The stand uses SSL encryption to shield your evidence and offers as plain as day terms and conditions. Additionally, Wplay promotes responsible gambling with tools like sediment limits and self-exclusion options.
Wplay vs. Other Colombian Online Casinos
How does Wplay chimney-stack up against competitors like Bet365 or Rushbet? While all offer superiority gaming, Wplay’s rim lies in its:
– Localized Familiarity: Designed specifically in search Colombian players.
– First-Mover Advancement: As the innovator of proper online gaming in Colombia, it has built a intense reputation.
– Sports Betting Focus: A standout memorable part towards sports enthusiasts.
Terminating Thoughts on Casino Wplay
Casino Wplay is more than right-minded an online casino—it’s a gateway to премиум entertainment representing Colombian players. With its proper approval, varying games, and player-centric features, it’s no surprise that Wplay remains a favorite in the market. Whether you’re spinning slots, playing reside blackjack, or betting on your favorite team, Wplay delivers a thrilling and faithful experience.
Ready to sink in? Pop in today, command your freely permitted bonus, and determine why Casino Wplay is the go-to selection in support of online gaming in Colombia!
SEO Optimization Notes
– Essential Keyword: “Casino Wplay” – Not unexpectedly integrated into the caption, headings, and from the beginning to the end of the content.
– Imitated Keywords: “online casino Colombia,” “Wplay games,” “Coljuegos licensed casino” – Used contextually to boost relevance.
– Make-up: H1, H2, and H3 headings emend readability and keyword placement.
– Set forth Count: ~700 words, epitome through despite ranking without formidable readers.
– Internal Linking Opportunity: Links to conjectured tournament guides or perquisite pages could be added if part of a larger site.
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