Çağrıyı alınca gitmem gereken dehlize doğru yöneldim. Tanışmam gereken adam kaygılı görünüyor, sarığını düzeltip sakalını sıvazlıyordu. Yaklaşıncaya kadar ikimiz de birbirimizin ruhunu okurcasına bakışmıştık. Alnımızdaki izden birer dost olduğumuzu anlamış rahatlamıştık. Ben onun kitaplardan bildiğim, atalardan duyduğum devirlerden bir devirde yaşamış bir dost olduğunu anlamış, kendimce meselemi halletmiştim. Alnımdaki iz olmasaydı o, bu kılığıma bakıp beni düşmanı sanabilir hatta tanışmaya bile değmez bulabilirdi. Düşman olmasak da sohbet olmazsa dostların arasında buz tutar diyerek ilk konuşan olmam gerektiğini düşündüm. “Tanışalım” dedim, “Elbette beyefendi” dedi, “Ne iş yaparsınız?” Adımı sormadan mesleğimi sorması tuhaftı ama aynı dilden anlaşabilme imkânına çok sevindiğimden adımı söylemeyi ben de lüzumsuz gördüm. “Yazarım” dedim.
Hayret etti ve anlamadığını belirten bir yüz ifadesiyle “Yani müstensih veya hattat mısınız efendim?” dedi. “Kıraati bilmeyip kitabeti bilenlerden yani.” Aynı dili konuşsak da farklı kelime bilgisine sahip olduğumuzu anlayarak nasıl cevap vereceğimi bilemedim. Ama tepkim yine de kendi kelime bilgime göre oldu. “Sadece yazarım” dedim, “Sadece yazar.” “Vah vah, bey kardeşim, okumayı öğretmediler mi size? İşin pek müşkil olsa gerek, ne yazdığını bilmeden yazıp durur musun yani?”
“Yanlış anladınız efendim” dedim, “Okurum da ben aynı za….” ” Ha fehmettim efendim” dedi, “Latife yapıyorsunuz, okuryazarım demek istiyorsunuz, ama ilk defa tanıştığınız biriyle böyle latife yapmaya ne hacet gördünüz anlayamadım.” Durumu düzeltmek, dostluğumuzu kurtarmak gerekiyordu. Üstelik tanışmak için verilen süre de çok kısaydı. “Yanlış anladınız efendim” dedim, ‘Kitap makale gibi şeyler yazarım, bunları yayınlarım böylece geçimimi sağlarım.”
“Anlayamadım yine” dedi, “Artık defter ve kâğıt kullanmıyor da kitaplara mı yazılıyor. Makale dediğinize göre cerideler de mi yazı yazmakta kullanılıyor. Sonra bunları ne diye yayıyorsunuz, mürekkebi kurusun diye mi?” İş iyice sarpa sarıyordu. Kızsam mı, alttan mı alsam kestiremedim. “Efendim” dedim, “Ben yazıları yazarım, sonra onlar kitap veya makale haline getirilir. Bilmem anlatabildim mi?” “O zaman” dedi, “Demin söylemiştim ya, bu işleri ya hattatlar ya da müstensihler yapar ama siz o işleri yapmadığınızı söylemiştiniz.” Hiddetlenmiştim. “Sizin devrinizde bir kitap yazan adama ne isim verirlerdi söyler misiniz?” dedim. Biraz düşündü. “Müstensih olmadığınıza göre” dedi bezgin bezgin, birden yüzü aydınlandı, “Haaa” dedi, “Siz ya âlim veya şair ya da muharrirsiniz; edîb veya müverrih de olabilirsiniz. Ne bileyim müfessir, muhaddis veya fakih olmanız da mümkün. Öyle mi efendim?”
Şaşma ve düşünme sırası bana gelmişti. Neyse ki konuşmasını sürdürerek bu fırsatı bana bol bol verdi. “Bir kelimeyle bir kaç manayı birden ifade edebilmenin yolunu bulmuşsunuz. Dünyadaki bütün işleri yapmanın yolunu da bulmuşsuzunuzdur öyleyse. Söyleyin bana dünyadaki kargaşayı bitirebildiniz mi? Sulh, sükûn içerisin de mi yeryüzü?…”
Anlaşamadıktan sonra tanışmanın bir faydası yoktu. Bana verilen tanışma süresi de bitmiş bir başkasıyla tanışmak için çağrı almıştım. “Özür dilerim efendim” dedim. “Çağırdılar beni gitmem lazım. ” Ve bir başka dehlize doğru yöneldim. Onunla tanışmaya gelen bir başka çağrılının ayak sesleri geliyordu…
Bu kez tanışmam gereken insanlara ulaşabilmem, onlarla görüşebilmem için her bir görüşmeye ayrı ayrı ücret ödemem, daha doğrusu ücretini ödeyerek alacağım geçiş kartlarını alıp gireceğim kapıdaki yuvasına takmam gerekiyordu. Ücretlere bakınca cebimdeki parayla her istediğimle görüşmemin mümkün olmadığını anladım. Panoya asılı listeye bir göz attığımda hemen hemen listedeki herkesle tanışma arzusu duymama rağmen maddî yetersizlikten dolayı seçim yapma gereği ortaya çıktı. Kimler yoktu ki en ünlü filozoflar, âlimler, edebiyatçılar, fen bilginleri… Eser veren, adından sonraki çağlarda söz ettirenlerin en ünlüleri listede mevcuttu. Ücretlerinin farklı olarak tespit edilmesi bana ilginç gelmişti ama bunun üzerinde düşünecek, sebebini araştıracak vaktim yoktu. Görüşme süresi kısıtlı ve zamanım azdı.
“Süre kısıtlı ve zaman az” bu düşünce görüşüp tanışmam gerekenlerin ilkinin zaman üzerine düşünenlerle olması gereği fikrini verdi bana.
Sahi bu cümlede zamana işaret eden iki kelime var ve anlamları farklı. Bir de zaman ifade eden diğer kelimeleri sıralayalım yan yana: “Zaman, vakit, an, süre…” Bu kelimelerle ifade ettiğimiz kavramların hangisi, hangisini içine alıyor. Hangisi diğerine göre açıklanıyor. Hangisi, diğerinin içinde. Hangisi olmazsa diğeri açıklanamaz ve en önemlisi hangisi olmazsa diğerleri olmaz. Bir de bunları ölçmeye yarayan kavramlar dolu dilimizde: ” Asır, yıl, ay, hafta, gün, gece, gündüz, saat, dakika, saniye, salise…” Sondan başlayıp başa doğru gidelim. Salise olmazsa saniye olmaz mı? Hayır. Saniyenin olabilmesi için saliseye ihtiyacı yok. Dakikalarında bu ikisine, saat de bu üçüne gereksinme duymuyor. Günün ise diğerlerine yani saat ve onun bölümlerine ihtiyacı yok gibi. Ama durun burada biraz, sanki gün olmazsa saat olmaz gibi görünüyor. Evet evet saatin güne ihtiyacı var galiba… Gün olmasaydı hangi şeyi 24’e böler ve onun 24’te 1’ine, 1 saat derdik. Daha doğrusu buna ne gerek duyardık. Dünyanın her bölgesinde, güneşin doğup batma süresi kutuplardaki gibi olsaydı, güneşin hareketi saat ölçüsü olarak alınabilir miydi? Sahi bu durumda ay kavramı da arada kaynar giderdi değil mi? Hafta bölümü de zaman kavramının, ortadan kalkardı bu durumda. Böylece sadece yıla ve bu yılı bölen bir gündüz bir geceye, batılı anlayışa göre tek güne ihtiyaç var. Onların gün anlayışı, şimdi bizim de kullandığımız, gecenin mevhum bir vaktinde başlayan gün anlayışı hangi düşünceden hareketle çıkmış acaba? Bu durumda bu kutuplarda yaşanan bu tek günde, gündüz ve geceyi hangi saate ikiye böleceğiz? Kendi anlayışımıza göre güneş doğunca gündüz, batınca gece başlar ve saatimiz de güneş batınca 12’yi gösterir. Eğer saat 12’yi göstermiyorsa biz onu on iki yaparız. Çünkü saat bizim değil biz saatin hâkimi durumunda olmalıyız. Ne yazık ki şimdi biz saatin tutsağı durumundayız. Saat 8.30 oldu mu, ister güneş doğmamış olsun, isterse vakit öğlene yaklaşsın biz işe başlıyoruz. Neden böyle? Batılı saat sistemi böyle davranmamızı emrediyor da ondan! Yani biz batılı saat sisteminin azat kabul etmez köleleriyiz. Yılbaşı da öyle değil mi? Hiç bir mevsim hareketi olmayan kışın ortası yeni yılın başlangıcı oluyor. Hâlbuki bizim yılbaşımız yani nevruzumuz 21 Mart’ta kutlanırdı. 21 Mart’ta bitkiler uyanır, havalar ısınmaya, hayvanlar yavrulamaya başlar. Yılın başlangıcı olmayı hak eder Mart ayı.
Peki, ya Dünya gezegeninde değil de Ay’da ya da ne bileyim Jüpiter’de dünyadaki hayata uygun ortam olsaydı ve biz onlardan birinde yaratılmış olsaydık zamanımızı neye göre ölçecek nasıl bir alet geliştirecektik. Çünkü Ay ve Jüpiter’de günler 24 saat değil!
Bu zaman ölçülerine gereksinim duyulmayan bir ortamda insanların psikolojik durumları nasıl olurdu? Bu durumda zaman üzerine düşünen bilginlerden El-Kindi veya Einstein ile görüşmem gerekecek. Onların adı var mı diye tekrar listeye baktım. Göz gezdirirken Çin’den Yuan-Mei isimli bir bilgenin ‘BİLGİNLER’ hakkında bilgi verdiğini görünce ilgimi çekti. Önce bilginler hakkında bilgim olsun ki zaman hakkındaki fikirlerini iyi kavrayabileyim diye düşündüm. İşin en önemli taraflarından biri de Yuan-Mei ile görüşmek için ödenecek ücret de pek az olmasıydı. Onun kapısını açan kartı vermesi için görevliye para uzattım. Görevli beni görmezlikten geldi bir süre. Sonra bana bir kart uzatarak:
—Sen ücrete tabi değilsin, dedi.
—Öğrenciler yarım ücret öderler ama Yuan-Mei’nin ücretinin yarısı olan para dolaşımdan kaldırıldığı için senin uzattığın paranın üstünü vermemiz mümkün değil. Yönetim bu durumda ücretsiz görüştürme kararı aldı.
Yoksa hangi bilginle görüşülürse görüşülsün buna benzer bahaneler ileri sürerek kimseden ücret almıyorlar mı? Burada gişeler kurmaları, giriş kartları vermeleri bir gösterişten mi ibaret? Sadece gelen çağrılının, bir bilgin ya da bilgeyle görüşmekte arzulu ve kararlı olup olmadığını ve parasını bu yolda harcayacak kadar fedakâr olup olmadığını anlamak için mi bunca düzenek kurulmuş?
Bunu araştırmak için vakit az, sormak da usulsüzdü. Teşekkür ederek kartı aldım. Yuan-Mei’nin adı yazılı kapının yanında bulunan yuvaya kartı soktum. Kapı açıldı.
Çinli bilgenin, millî kıyafetlerini giymiş, seyrek sakallarıyla sakince yere bağdaş kurarak oturmuş bulacağımı düşünüyorsunuzdur şimdi eminim. Ama karşıda televizyona benzer bir aygıtın önünde bir koltuk vardı. Aralarında bulunan sehpanın üstünde, ‘Görüşmekte kararlıysanız koltuğa oturun ve düğmeye basın’ diye yazılıydı.
Ne vadedilmişti, ne bulmuştum! Bu kadar da olmaz, isteseydim kitaplığımdan orda yoksa kütüphanelerden edineceğim bir kitapla bu bilgenin bilgilerine ulaşırdım, düşüncesiyle elimde olmaksızın ‘Değmez’ diye söylendim, elimi sallayarak. Çıkıp gitmek için geri dönünce Çinliyi kapının sağ tarafında hayal ettiğim gibi buldum. Hem öfkelendiğimden hem de bu ani değişikliğe şaşırdığımdan nasıl selam vereceğimi, daha doğrusu ne yapacağımı şaşırdım ve durakladım. Çinlinin solundaki duvarda gayet güzel Çin tarzı bir resim asılıydı. Tablonun altında bulunan son söz kısmı da yazılmıştı. Tabloda, bir pencereden gözüken bahçe tasvir edilmişti. Tablonun solunda, üzeri Çin tarzı bir çatıyla kapalı bahçe duvarı uzanıyor. Bir binanın sadece çatısının bir kısmı görülüyor. Yer yeşil çimenlerle kaplı, üç tane ağaç ver bahçede. Bahçenin iki duvarının kesiştiği yerde yukarı doğru bir merdiven uzanıyor. Sanki sonsuzlukta kayboluyor merdiven. Merdivenin rengi gri taşlardan başlayarak beyaz mermer ve beyaz fağfurla devam ediyor, böylece merdiven bitmiyor hissi uyandırıyor insanda. Çıktıkça değerlenen bir çıkışı anlatıyor bence. Arananın, sonunda bulunacağını, arayışın ne kadar çetin olursa bulunanın da o kadar değerli olacağı vurgulanıyor.
Bu rulo tablonun altındaki son söz kısmında da şu cümle okunuyordu:
Kararlıysan elbette geçersin bütün menzilleri
ve elbette ürkütmez çetin merdivenler seni.
Çinli ressamlar tablolarını yaptıktan sonra, şair ya da bilginlere son söz yazmalarını rica ettiklerini biliyordum. Yoksa bilgine bunu sorar, vaktimi boşa harcardım. Bilge Yuan-Mei:
—Biz ziyaretçilerimizi böyle sınıyoruz. Eğer koltuğa oturup da bir düğmeye dokunmakla benim ‘BİLGİNLER’ hakkındaki düşüncelerimi öğreneceğini sansaydın sana bir şeyler gösterilecekti fakat gösteri bittiğinde ne beni bulacaktın ne de bu tabloyu görecektin. Sana yalnızca kapıdan çıkıp gitmek kalacaktı.
—Vaktim çok az, dedim, Bilginler hakkındaki görüşlerini bana lütfedip anlatır mısınız?
—Bana göre; dünya ancak, az bilgin olduğu vakit nizamdadır. Nedenine gelince, dünyada ilk önce köylüler, sonra el işi erbabı, tüccarlar, ancak ondan sonra bilginler gelir. Köylüler arpa ile buğday ekerler, el işi erbabı alet yapar, tüccarlar bulunmayanı tedarik ederler. Bu üç tabaka, bilginleri beslemek zorundadır; fakat bilginler, bu üç tabakayı besleyemezler. Hatta kendi kendilerini bile besleyemezler! Öyleyse, bilginler neye yararlar? Ülkünün muhafazasına. Fakat ülkünün muhafazası, insanları ancak çok sonra ilgilendirir. Gerçekten de ülkü; insanlık, vazife var mı yok mu, meselesi hayat için, arpa ile buğday, alet-edevat, alım-satım malı kadar önemli değildir. Bu araştırılarak meydana çıkarılabilir.
Böyle olunca, bilginler neden sevilip sayılırlar? O üç tabaka, kontlar, prensler, büyükler olmadan idare edilemez. Bunlar da okumuşlar tabakası olmadan vücuda gelemez. Prensler, kontlar, büyükler öteki üç tabakayı idare edince, demek ki bir kişi bin yahut on bin kişiyi idare edebilir. Böylece bilginlerin sayısı çok az, idare edenlerin sayısı da pek çok az, idare edilenlerin sayısı da pek çok olmalıdır.
Çin’de bilginlerin eski devirlerde nasıl seçildiğini uzun uzun anlattı. Daha sonra sistemin bozulduğunu ve hak etmeyen bir sürü insanın bilgin payesi aldığını yana yakıla dile getirdi. Sözlerini şöyle bitirdi.
—Tabii şimdi de yeryüzünde gerçek bilginler yok değil, Fakat gerçeklerle sahteler birbirine karışmış. Bazı gerçek bilginler, sahteye benziyorlar. Sayıca nasıl daha az olabilirler? Bunları çok daha geniş bir alanda yetiştirip çok sıkı bir sınavdan geçirmek gerek. Tanrı, her zaman aynı dâhileri yaratmaz. Gerçek dahiler de çok değildir. Bu kadar çok bilgin bulunması, eski zaman usullerinin terkedilmiş olması beni üzüyor, onun için ‘bilginler üzerine’ olan bu araştırmayı yaptım.
Zaman hakkında görüşlerini alacağım bilginlerle görüşemeden vakit dolmuştu. Bilgeyle vedalaşmak zamanı gelmişti. Bilge Yuan-Mei’nin son sözleri kulağımda çınlıyordu: “Bilgiyi bilginlerin ağzında almazsan, birçok ayrıntıyı duyamazsın. Onun için bu görüntü aygıtlarına itibar etme. Bilginle görüşemiyorsan kitaplarına başvur. Kitaplarda halis bilgiyi bulursun ve her kelimenin üzerinde düşünecek vaktin olur.”
Bu sözleri dinledikten sonra yapmam gerekenin, bilgini az bir çağ seçip zaman üzerinde düşünen ve sonuca varanın bilgisine başvurmak olacak gibi gözüküyor. İşin garibi devrimize ‘Bilgi Çağı’ diyorlar. Bu çağdan sonra ‘Bilgin Çağı’ gelirse halimiz nice olur, düşünmesi bile ürkütüyor beni.
Ben bunları düşünürken, Babaannemin çeşitli bahaneler bularak bulaşıkları diğerinin yıkamasını bekleyen kız kardeşlerime söyledikleri aklıma geldi:
—Ben ağa sen ağa, bu ineği kim sağa.
*Bu hikâye kaleme alınırken Çin Denemeleri, MEB yay., 1989 adlı kitaptan faydalanılmıştır.
/// Hayreddin MERAL’in bu hikâyesinin ilk kısmı (Yazar), Yüce Devlet Dergisi’nde (1 Ocak 1996, sayı 6, s.10) yayınlanmış; 29 Ocak 2008’de yucedevlet.com’a eklenmiştir.
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Thank you a lot for giving everyone such a special opportunity to read from here. It is always very fantastic plus stuffed with a lot of fun for me and my office mates to visit your blog more than thrice weekly to learn the latest things you will have. And indeed, I’m certainly amazed for the attractive ideas you give. Selected 3 points on this page are unequivocally the most efficient we’ve ever had.
I not to mention my guys came viewing the best helpful tips found on your web site and so at once I had an awful suspicion I never expressed respect to the website owner for those secrets. Those ladies ended up as a consequence thrilled to see all of them and have now pretty much been having fun with these things. We appreciate you simply being simply accommodating and then for utilizing these kinds of terrific themes millions of individuals are really eager to learn about. Our honest apologies for not saying thanks to sooner.
My spouse and i have been now delighted when Emmanuel managed to finish off his research through your precious recommendations he acquired through your site. It is now and again perplexing just to choose to be giving freely tactics that many other people could have been making money from. So we grasp we now have the blog owner to thank because of that. These illustrations you made, the easy site navigation, the relationships your site make it possible to create – it’s everything extraordinary, and it’s really leading our son in addition to our family recognize that that article is satisfying, which is highly pressing. Thanks for all the pieces!
I truly wanted to type a simple comment in order to thank you for all of the stunning suggestions you are posting on this site. My extended internet search has at the end of the day been honored with wonderful facts and strategies to write about with my two friends. I ‘d assert that we readers actually are really fortunate to exist in a great community with so many awesome individuals with helpful tactics. I feel quite fortunate to have come across your weblog and look forward to many more cool moments reading here. Thanks once more for a lot of things.
I definitely wanted to write down a small word so as to appreciate you for all of the magnificent secrets you are giving out on this website. My considerable internet research has at the end been recognized with excellent knowledge to write about with my close friends. I would point out that many of us visitors actually are undoubtedly endowed to exist in a fantastic place with many lovely people with useful tricks. I feel quite privileged to have used your site and look forward to many more fabulous minutes reading here. Thanks again for a lot of things.
Thank you for every one of your work on this website. My mother loves getting into research and it’s obvious why. My partner and i hear all about the lively way you deliver priceless things via this blog and even attract response from other people on the issue and our simple princess is always starting to learn a lot of things. Enjoy the rest of the new year. You have been performing a great job.
I simply wished to say thanks once more. I do not know what I might have gone through in the absence of the actual points provided by you directly on such a industry. Completely was a real frightening condition in my opinion, but considering the very specialized approach you processed that forced me to cry for fulfillment. I will be happier for this support and as well , sincerely hope you realize what a powerful job you are accomplishing instructing people today via your web page. More than likely you haven’t got to know all of us.
My spouse and i felt joyous that Jordan could carry out his preliminary research through your ideas he obtained when using the weblog. It is now and again perplexing just to possibly be giving away concepts that a number of people might have been selling. Therefore we know we have got the website owner to give thanks to for this. All the explanations you’ve made, the simple website menu, the relationships you can help to create – it is most superb, and it’s making our son and us understand this theme is fun, and that’s especially essential. Thank you for all!
Thanks a lot for providing individuals with such a remarkable chance to read in detail from this blog. It’s always very beneficial plus stuffed with a great time for me and my office mates to search your website more than 3 times in one week to see the latest things you have got. Of course, I’m so usually happy with the excellent things served by you. Some 2 areas in this post are rather the most suitable we’ve ever had.
I simply desired to say thanks all over again. I do not know what I could possibly have done without these creative concepts documented by you concerning my subject matter. It truly was a real fearsome situation in my position, however , spending time with a skilled technique you dealt with that forced me to jump for happiness. I’m happier for this assistance and wish you are aware of an amazing job that you are putting in instructing many others through your webpage. More than likely you haven’t encountered any of us.
Thank you a lot for providing individuals with remarkably spectacular opportunity to read from here. It really is so kind and as well , stuffed with a lot of fun for me personally and my office acquaintances to search the blog really thrice a week to read the newest secrets you have got. Not to mention, I am just usually contented considering the brilliant tricks served by you. Some 4 tips on this page are essentially the most effective I have ever had.
I enjoy you because of all of your labor on this blog. My aunt delights in going through research and it is easy to see why. We all learn all regarding the powerful method you convey insightful secrets on your web site and even foster contribution from the others on the point so our simple princess is always becoming educated a lot. Have fun with the rest of the year. Your conducting a first class job.
I precisely needed to say thanks once more. I’m not certain the things I would’ve created without those hints contributed by you relating to my question. Previously it was the difficult circumstance in my position, however , seeing a well-written style you treated that took me to cry for delight. Now i’m thankful for this support as well as believe you are aware of a powerful job you were carrying out educating people today thru a site. Probably you haven’t met all of us.
I want to point out my affection for your generosity supporting those people that need guidance on in this issue. Your very own commitment to getting the solution along appears to be extraordinarily important and have specifically made those just like me to achieve their aims. Your amazing warm and helpful information can mean a lot a person like me and additionally to my fellow workers. Many thanks; from all of us.
My wife and i felt quite cheerful when Edward managed to finish off his web research through the precious recommendations he gained using your site. It’s not at all simplistic to simply choose to be handing out points which usually men and women might have been trying to sell. And we all realize we have got the blog owner to thank for this. The main illustrations you have made, the easy web site menu, the relationships you help engender – it is everything impressive, and it is aiding our son and us consider that the concept is interesting, and that is seriously vital. Thanks for everything!
I as well as my pals were actually taking note of the good ideas on your web page then before long developed a horrible suspicion I never thanked you for those techniques. My boys were for that reason stimulated to see all of them and now have actually been using those things. Many thanks for genuinely really kind as well as for picking such impressive resources millions of individuals are really desperate to know about. Our own honest apologies for not expressing gratitude to sooner.
I needed to compose you the little bit of observation so as to say thanks a lot once again over the striking views you’ve contributed at this time. This is quite open-handed of people like you to supply easily precisely what a number of us could have offered as an e book to end up making some money for themselves, principally considering the fact that you could have done it in the event you wanted. Those solutions also served to be a good way to comprehend many people have a similar dream just like mine to find out great deal more concerning this problem. I’m sure there are millions of more pleasurable sessions ahead for people who take a look at your blog post.
I have to show my affection for your kind-heartedness supporting men and women who really want assistance with this important niche. Your special commitment to getting the solution all around appeared to be exceptionally useful and have frequently permitted folks much like me to get to their targets. Your entire insightful guideline denotes much a person like me and even more to my office workers. Thanks a ton; from everyone of us.
I definitely wanted to make a simple comment to be able to say thanks to you for those nice solutions you are writing on this site. My incredibly long internet look up has at the end of the day been rewarded with wonderful knowledge to go over with my colleagues. I ‘d believe that many of us visitors actually are very much fortunate to be in a perfect place with many marvellous professionals with beneficial secrets. I feel extremely privileged to have discovered the web page and look forward to so many more amazing times reading here. Thanks once more for everything.
I together with my pals appeared to be viewing the nice procedures on your web page then unexpectedly got a horrible suspicion I never expressed respect to the web blog owner for those strategies. These ladies happened to be certainly joyful to read all of them and now have honestly been tapping into them. We appreciate you genuinely indeed thoughtful and then for deciding on varieties of fantastic themes millions of individuals are really needing to learn about. Our sincere apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.
Thank you for each of your effort on this blog. Ellie takes pleasure in carrying out investigations and it is easy to see why. Many of us learn all of the lively method you present efficient solutions through this web blog and even attract response from other ones on that matter so our favorite child is always being taught a great deal. Take pleasure in the rest of the new year. You have been doing a good job.
I precisely wanted to say thanks yet again. I’m not certain the things I might have worked on in the absence of the actual suggestions provided by you about that area. This was a very hard condition in my position, nevertheless spending time with a specialised manner you handled the issue forced me to leap over delight. Now i’m grateful for this information and hope you are aware of an amazing job you are providing instructing other individuals through your web page. I’m certain you have never encountered all of us.
Thank you so much for giving everyone an extraordinarily terrific opportunity to read in detail from this blog. It’s usually very useful plus full of a great time for me and my office co-workers to visit your web site not less than three times per week to learn the fresh stuff you will have. Of course, I am just usually fascinated with the effective concepts served by you. Certain 4 facts in this post are absolutely the finest we have all had.
I needed to create you a little note so as to thank you as before for those breathtaking suggestions you have featured on this site. It has been so seriously open-handed with people like you to deliver openly all many individuals could possibly have made available for an e book to make some cash on their own, even more so given that you might well have done it in the event you desired. These smart ideas likewise worked as the fantastic way to be sure that someone else have similar eagerness really like my personal own to learn way more regarding this matter. I’m sure there are numerous more pleasant occasions up front for individuals who read your blog post.
I simply desired to appreciate you yet again. I do not know what I would’ve achieved in the absence of the actual concepts shown by you about that subject matter. It had become a real distressing crisis for me personally, but discovering this expert style you treated the issue took me to leap for joy. I’m just happy for your advice as well as pray you recognize what an amazing job that you are getting into training many people through your website. I am sure you haven’t encountered any of us.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally pleasant opportunity to read in detail from this website. It can be very nice plus full of amusement for me personally and my office colleagues to visit the blog not less than 3 times in 7 days to find out the fresh stuff you have got. And definitely, we’re always fulfilled with your extraordinary concepts you serve. Some 1 areas in this posting are ultimately the very best we have all ever had.
Thanks for your own work on this blog. My aunt takes pleasure in getting into research and it’s obvious why. All of us know all relating to the lively method you render worthwhile information on your web blog and even boost participation from visitors on this content then our own simple princess is undoubtedly learning a great deal. Have fun with the remaining portion of the new year. You’re the one conducting a fantastic job.
I really wanted to send a small remark to be able to say thanks to you for some of the nice hints you are posting at this site. My considerable internet look up has now been recognized with useful tips to share with my family. I would suppose that many of us readers actually are very much lucky to be in a fantastic community with very many wonderful individuals with useful opinions. I feel very much privileged to have used your entire web pages and look forward to so many more brilliant moments reading here. Thanks a lot again for everything.
I want to express some thanks to you for rescuing me from such a incident. Right after checking through the search engines and obtaining opinions which were not powerful, I believed my life was well over. Living without the solutions to the issues you have sorted out by way of your good article is a crucial case, as well as the kind which might have adversely affected my entire career if I had not noticed your blog. Your good talents and kindness in handling every part was invaluable. I’m not sure what I would have done if I had not encountered such a solution like this. I’m able to now look forward to my future. Thanks a lot so much for the high quality and effective guide. I won’t think twice to suggest your blog to any individual who should get counselling about this matter.
I needed to compose you that very little note in order to give many thanks once again regarding the marvelous ideas you’ve discussed at this time. It was simply pretty open-handed of you to present unreservedly just what a few people could possibly have made available for an e-book to make some bucks for their own end, specifically seeing that you could possibly have tried it in case you considered necessary. Those smart ideas likewise served like a easy way to fully grasp other people online have a similar zeal just as my own to find out more and more when it comes to this issue. I think there are some more fun times ahead for those who read carefully your blog.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally special chance to read from this website. It really is so pleasing and jam-packed with a good time for me and my office acquaintances to visit your blog a minimum of thrice weekly to see the new guides you will have. Of course, I’m so actually motivated with the effective tricks you serve. Some 4 facts on this page are indeed the most suitable we have ever had.
I and my pals have been reviewing the great helpful tips located on your web site then at once I had a terrible suspicion I had not expressed respect to the blog owner for those tips. All of the guys were definitely as a consequence warmed to read all of them and now have undoubtedly been using those things. I appreciate you for actually being quite accommodating as well as for selecting variety of really good things most people are really eager to learn about. Our honest regret for not expressing gratitude to earlier.
Thank you so much for providing individuals with such a wonderful possiblity to read in detail from this site. It is always very good and as well , stuffed with fun for me personally and my office mates to visit your site at the least thrice in a week to learn the latest secrets you have got. And lastly, I’m also at all times satisfied with all the splendid things you give. Selected 1 areas in this article are easily the most suitable I have ever had.
I precisely had to thank you very much once again. I do not know the things that I could possibly have carried out without these basics documented by you directly on such subject matter. It seemed to be a distressing circumstance in my view, nevertheless understanding a expert avenue you handled that took me to jump over fulfillment. I am thankful for your guidance and even pray you recognize what a great job your are doing teaching the others via your website. More than likely you have never encountered all of us.
I simply wished to thank you very much again. I am not sure what I would have sorted out without the opinions shown by you over my field. Previously it was an absolute hard situation for me, however , being able to see your specialised strategy you resolved it took me to jump over happiness. I am just happier for your service as well as trust you really know what an amazing job you’re carrying out teaching others via a blog. I know that you’ve never come across any of us.
I enjoy you because of your whole work on this web page. My mom takes pleasure in doing research and it’s simple to grasp why. We notice all of the powerful form you produce rewarding guidance by means of the blog and even boost response from the others on this matter while our favorite princess is really being taught so much. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You’re the one doing a stunning job.
I have to show some thanks to this writer just for bailing me out of this scenario. Right after searching through the the web and finding solutions that were not beneficial, I assumed my life was well over. Existing minus the strategies to the issues you’ve resolved as a result of this report is a serious case, as well as the ones which might have negatively affected my career if I hadn’t discovered the blog. Your good natural talent and kindness in dealing with a lot of stuff was very useful. I’m not sure what I would have done if I hadn’t come upon such a subject like this. I’m able to now relish my future. Thanks for your time so much for your impressive and results-oriented guide. I will not think twice to suggest your web sites to any person who would like counselling about this area.
I’m also writing to let you understand what a excellent experience my wife’s princess found reading through your web page. She learned such a lot of things, which include what it’s like to have an incredible teaching mood to get the mediocre ones effortlessly grasp a variety of hard to do matters. You actually did more than people’s desires. I appreciate you for coming up with such great, trusted, educational as well as cool tips about this topic to Ethel.
I must get across my affection for your kindness giving support to men who require assistance with this one idea. Your very own dedication to passing the solution around was extremely invaluable and has truly allowed associates like me to arrive at their pursuits. The helpful guide indicates a lot to me and substantially more to my office workers. Warm regards; from everyone of us.
I and also my guys have already been taking note of the good secrets on your web page and the sudden developed an awful feeling I never expressed respect to the web site owner for them. My people are already for this reason very interested to see them and have without a doubt been using those things. Appreciate your truly being well considerate as well as for deciding on variety of marvelous guides millions of individuals are really desirous to be informed on. My very own honest regret for not saying thanks to sooner.
I needed to put you one tiny note so as to thank you yet again considering the lovely tactics you’ve provided here. This has been really seriously open-handed of you to give publicly what exactly many people might have distributed for an electronic book to end up making some bucks for their own end, primarily considering the fact that you might well have done it in the event you decided. These tactics as well acted like the good way to understand that someone else have similar desire much like my very own to know a good deal more around this issue. I think there are some more pleasurable occasions ahead for many who read through your blog post.
I truly wanted to construct a brief remark to be able to express gratitude to you for these great facts you are placing on this website. My extensive internet research has now been compensated with high-quality knowledge to share with my close friends. I ‘d mention that we readers actually are rather blessed to be in a fine network with so many marvellous people with valuable ideas. I feel really fortunate to have discovered the site and look forward to so many more pleasurable moments reading here. Thanks once again for a lot of things.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with a very splendid chance to read critical reviews from this website. It’s usually very fantastic and as well , stuffed with fun for me and my office peers to visit your blog particularly thrice every week to find out the latest stuff you have got. And indeed, I’m just at all times happy with the incredible opinions served by you. Some 3 facts in this post are unquestionably the most suitable we have all had.
My spouse and i felt absolutely lucky when Raymond could round up his researching from the precious recommendations he acquired using your blog. It’s not at all simplistic just to find yourself handing out thoughts which often some others could have been making money from. And we also grasp we have you to give thanks to for that. The illustrations you made, the simple web site menu, the relationships your site help create – it’s many unbelievable, and it’s letting our son in addition to us consider that this issue is brilliant, and that is especially important. Thank you for the whole thing!
Thanks so much for providing individuals with a very remarkable opportunity to read articles and blog posts from this website. It is usually so ideal and as well , packed with amusement for me and my office acquaintances to visit your blog at least thrice every week to learn the latest things you have. Of course, we’re certainly fascinated concerning the splendid strategies you serve. Certain 2 ideas in this post are in reality the very best we’ve had.
Thanks so much for providing individuals with an exceptionally terrific possiblity to read from this blog. It really is very great plus jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit your site at minimum 3 times a week to see the new guidance you will have. And of course, I’m just certainly pleased considering the incredible creative concepts you give. Certain two facts in this post are certainly the most beneficial I’ve had.
Thank you a lot for giving everyone such a remarkable possiblity to discover important secrets from this blog. It really is very great plus full of a lot of fun for me and my office peers to search your blog minimum three times in 7 days to find out the new things you will have. And of course, I’m also always astounded with your unbelievable solutions you give. Selected 4 areas in this article are basically the best we’ve had.
I intended to write you the tiny note to finally give many thanks as before for your incredible basics you have shared on this site. It is really wonderfully open-handed with you to give openly just what many of us could possibly have advertised for an e book to get some money on their own, primarily now that you could have tried it in case you decided. The tricks as well acted like the fantastic way to realize that other people have the identical desire like my personal own to grasp much more when considering this condition. I’m certain there are thousands of more fun opportunities in the future for people who browse through your blog post.
I want to show my thanks to you just for rescuing me from such a dilemma. As a result of researching through the world wide web and obtaining thoughts that were not productive, I was thinking my life was well over. Living devoid of the strategies to the issues you have resolved by means of your entire guideline is a crucial case, as well as the kind which might have in a negative way affected my entire career if I had not encountered your site. Your good mastery and kindness in controlling all areas was crucial. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had not come across such a point like this. I can also at this moment look forward to my future. Thanks a lot so much for this skilled and effective help. I won’t be reluctant to endorse your blog post to any person who would like direction about this problem.
I needed to compose you a tiny note so as to say thanks a lot as before for your magnificent tricks you have contributed in this case. It’s quite remarkably generous with people like you to give unreservedly exactly what a number of people would’ve offered for an electronic book to earn some dough on their own, specifically now that you could possibly have tried it if you ever considered necessary. Those suggestions likewise worked to provide a fantastic way to understand that the rest have a similar fervor just as mine to learn a whole lot more with regard to this issue. I’m sure there are millions of more fun occasions ahead for many who scan your blog post.
I and also my buddies happened to be studying the good things from your site and then unexpectedly got an awful feeling I had not thanked the site owner for them. The people are already totally excited to see all of them and have in effect in fact been loving them. Appreciation for indeed being considerably accommodating and then for having varieties of cool tips millions of individuals are really needing to know about. Our sincere apologies for not saying thanks to you earlier.
I must express appreciation to you just for rescuing me from this particular matter. Just after browsing through the search engines and obtaining views that were not beneficial, I figured my life was done. Being alive devoid of the approaches to the issues you have fixed all through your main blog post is a crucial case, as well as the kind which could have in a wrong way damaged my entire career if I had not come across your blog post. Your own skills and kindness in controlling every part was excellent. I am not sure what I would have done if I had not encountered such a thing like this. I am able to now relish my future. Thanks a lot so much for your specialized and amazing help. I will not be reluctant to suggest your web site to anybody who needs to have recommendations about this issue.
I enjoy you because of your own efforts on this website. My mother delights in doing investigations and it’s really easy to understand why. A number of us learn all about the lively manner you make simple guidance via this web blog and in addition foster response from other ones on that concern while our girl has always been discovering a great deal. Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the year. You are always performing a useful job.
I really wanted to send a small note to thank you for all of the pleasant tactics you are writing on this site. My time intensive internet look up has now been recognized with good quality facts and strategies to exchange with my pals. I ‘d believe that most of us website visitors are quite blessed to live in a very good website with so many brilliant individuals with useful tricks. I feel very much blessed to have discovered the web pages and look forward to plenty of more excellent moments reading here. Thanks a lot once more for a lot of things.
My husband and i have been very thrilled Louis managed to finish up his basic research because of the ideas he received while using the web pages. It’s not at all simplistic to simply be giving out points that many people could have been trying to sell. We grasp we have got the website owner to appreciate for this. These explanations you have made, the straightforward blog navigation, the friendships you can aid to create – it is everything unbelievable, and it is leading our son and us understand that issue is pleasurable, which is tremendously pressing. Thanks for the whole thing!
I definitely wanted to post a simple comment to thank you for the fantastic solutions you are giving at this site. My time consuming internet investigation has now been compensated with pleasant ideas to write about with my family and friends. I would assert that we website visitors are very much lucky to dwell in a fine website with so many marvellous people with helpful concepts. I feel quite fortunate to have encountered the weblog and look forward to some more brilliant minutes reading here. Thank you again for all the details.
I precisely wanted to appreciate you once again. I am not sure the things I might have sorted out in the absence of the basics shown by you on my situation. This has been a real frightful issue in my position, nevertheless finding out the expert strategy you dealt with that made me to cry with fulfillment. I’m just happier for your guidance and wish you recognize what an amazing job you’re doing teaching others through your websites. I’m certain you haven’t got to know all of us.
I have to express my thanks to the writer just for rescuing me from such a problem. As a result of searching through the world-wide-web and finding opinions which were not beneficial, I assumed my entire life was gone. Existing without the presence of approaches to the problems you’ve sorted out all through your short post is a critical case, as well as those which could have adversely affected my entire career if I hadn’t encountered your blog. Your good ability and kindness in dealing with the whole thing was priceless. I’m not sure what I would’ve done if I hadn’t come across such a stuff like this. I’m able to now look ahead to my future. Thanks very much for this specialized and amazing guide. I won’t hesitate to endorse your web page to anybody who would need guide about this topic.
I precisely wished to thank you very much again. I do not know the things I might have achieved without the actual suggestions shown by you concerning such topic. It has been a real frightening problem in my opinion, but looking at a specialized way you handled that forced me to cry for joy. I am happy for this help and as well , believe you know what a great job that you’re carrying out training men and women thru your webpage. I’m certain you’ve never got to know any of us.
I would like to express my love for your kind-heartedness supporting visitors who require help with this particular situation. Your personal commitment to getting the message all-around became extraordinarily interesting and have frequently allowed regular people just like me to arrive at their endeavors. Your new invaluable hints and tips entails much to me and additionally to my fellow workers. Thanks a lot; from all of us.
I and also my pals appeared to be taking note of the best techniques on your web blog then instantly got an awful suspicion I never thanked the web site owner for them. All of the women were definitely absolutely warmed to see all of them and have definitely been using them. Thank you for actually being simply kind and also for pick out these kinds of impressive topics millions of individuals are really wanting to learn about. Our sincere apologies for not expressing appreciation to earlier.
I needed to compose you this bit of observation to say thanks a lot again relating to the pleasing thoughts you’ve shared on this site. It’s so tremendously generous with you to deliver without restraint all that a few people could have sold for an ebook to end up making some money for themselves, mostly now that you might have tried it if you ever considered necessary. The smart ideas also acted to provide a good way to be sure that other people have the same dream like my own to grasp a great deal more in terms of this condition. I’m certain there are many more enjoyable occasions ahead for folks who looked at your blog.
I wanted to construct a small comment in order to thank you for some of the splendid tips you are giving here. My prolonged internet search has at the end of the day been recognized with extremely good tips to talk about with my best friends. I would claim that we readers actually are undeniably lucky to dwell in a useful network with very many lovely professionals with very helpful tips and hints. I feel very privileged to have discovered your entire web site and look forward to many more awesome minutes reading here. Thank you again for everything.
Obrigado, muito legal, seu artigo abriu uma porta para mim. Foi uma grande ajuda para me ajudar a escrever minha tese sobre criptomoedas. Obrigado.
I not to mention my pals were actually looking at the best advice from your web blog and then all of a sudden I got a horrible feeling I had not expressed respect to the website owner for those tips. My guys had been for this reason glad to read through all of them and have in effect simply been taking advantage of those things. Many thanks for indeed being so thoughtful and then for finding this sort of marvelous resources most people are really needing to discover. Our own honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to sooner.
My wife and i ended up being now joyous Michael could do his web research by way of the ideas he acquired while using the blog. It’s not at all simplistic to just happen to be handing out tricks some others might have been trying to sell. We know we’ve got the website owner to give thanks to for that. All the illustrations you’ve made, the simple website menu, the friendships you will make it easier to foster – it is mostly excellent, and it’s really letting our son and us do think this subject is exciting, and that’s highly pressing. Thank you for everything!
I wanted to create you that little bit of word so as to say thanks again for these nice pointers you have shown at this time. This has been so shockingly generous of you to supply extensively all that most people would have distributed as an e-book to make some money for their own end, most importantly now that you might have done it if you considered necessary. These good tips as well served to become easy way to know that the rest have a similar fervor similar to mine to figure out many more concerning this issue. I’m certain there are millions of more fun occasions up front for those who looked at your blog.
I wanted to write you one very little observation to help give many thanks the moment again for the amazing secrets you have documented above. This is really particularly generous of people like you to allow freely what many people would have marketed as an e-book in order to make some profit for their own end, even more so considering the fact that you could have done it if you ever wanted. These techniques as well served as the good way to recognize that other individuals have the identical keenness similar to my personal own to know the truth lots more with respect to this issue. I am certain there are millions of more pleasant sessions ahead for individuals who read through your site.
I have to get across my admiration for your kind-heartedness giving support to women who really want guidance on this topic. Your personal dedication to getting the message all around has been astonishingly insightful and have frequently empowered some individuals just like me to get to their objectives. Your own informative hints and tips signifies a lot a person like me and even further to my office colleagues. Thanks a lot; from each one of us.
I would like to express my appreciation to the writer for bailing me out of this type of matter. As a result of exploring through the the web and finding tricks which were not pleasant, I was thinking my entire life was done. Being alive without the solutions to the issues you’ve fixed by way of your website is a crucial case, and the kind which could have negatively affected my entire career if I hadn’t encountered the website. The training and kindness in handling all the pieces was very useful. I am not sure what I would’ve done if I had not encountered such a solution like this. It’s possible to now relish my future. Thanks a lot very much for the specialized and amazing guide. I won’t be reluctant to endorse the website to any person who would like counselling about this topic.
I really wanted to compose a quick message to be able to thank you for those remarkable pointers you are posting here. My time intensive internet search has at the end of the day been rewarded with awesome facts to share with my companions. I would believe that we site visitors are undeniably fortunate to live in a really good site with very many marvellous individuals with valuable solutions. I feel very blessed to have encountered your website page and look forward to many more fun minutes reading here. Thank you again for a lot of things.
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http://pskovtir.ru/index.php/%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-%D0%BE%D0%B1-%D0%BE%D1%83/1%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%85%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B5-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%89%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C-%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%86%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B0?view=article&id=54&catid=28 – – Это вариант достать официальный бумага по завершении образовательного учреждения. Свидетельство открывает пути к новым карьерным перспективам и профессиональному росту.
In the quest to increase online visibility and bring organic traffic, discovering the optimal SEO companies close by has evolved into critical. Local firms recognize the meaning of specific search engine optimization strategies that attend to their distinct geographic locale. The term “near me” has earned vast relevance in today’s digital scene, as consumers often integrate it in their search inquiries to unearth products and help in their proximity. The optimal SEO solutions within your reach understand the nuances of local SEO, merging location-based words, Google My Business refinement, and precise business directory entries. By zeroing in on these facets, these services can assist businesses reach greater rankings in local search results, assuring that potential buyers discover them easily when searching for pertinent assistance in their area.
The challenge for online visibility has heightened, making it important for businesses to put money into premium SEO support. Searching for “best SEO services near me” mirrors the modern tendency towards personalized and localized resolutions. Collaborating with such providers presents several positives, including face-to-face conversations, a deeper comprehension of local competition, and the potential to tailor strategies based on the distinctive features of your market. The best SEO providers in your vicinity will not only enhance your webpage but also develop comprehensive digital marketing strategies that may cover content creation, social media participation, and even paid advertising campaigns. By harnessing the strength of localized SEO, businesses can build a strong online presence that effectively engages local consumers and sets the stage for long-term growth.
Telgrm: @exrumer
Skype: XRumer.pro
https://man-attestats24.com/ – Купить аттестат образование – возможность к твоему будущему. В данном портале вы можете легко и оперативно купить свидетельство, нужный для дальнейшего изучения или профессионального роста. Наша эксперты обеспечивают высокое качество и конфиденциальность услуги. Покупайте школьный аттестат у нас и проявите новые перспективы для своего карьерного развития и карьеры.
В нашем обществе, где аттестат является началом отличной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения качественного образования. Факт наличия официального документа трудно переоценить. Ведь диплом открывает дверь перед любым человеком, который хочет вступить в профессиональное сообщество или учиться в ВУЗе.
Мы предлагаем очень быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы имеете возможность заказать аттестат, что является отличным решением для всех, кто не смог закончить обучение или утратил документ. Каждый аттестат изготавливается с особой тщательностью, вниманием ко всем нюансам, чтобы в результате получился 100% оригинальный документ.
Плюсы данного решения состоят не только в том, что можно оперативно получить аттестат. Процесс организовывается просто и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. От выбора необходимого образца до грамотного заполнения личных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все находится под абсолютным контролем качественных специалистов.
В итоге, для тех, кто хочет найти быстрый способ получения требуемого документа, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Приобрести аттестат – это значит избежать длительного обучения и не теряя времени перейти к достижению своих целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт удачной карьеры.
arusak-attestats.ru – Где купить аттестат – путь к вашему перспективам. На нашем сервисе все вы можете просто и оперативно приобрести аттестат, нужный для того, чтобы дальнейшего получения образования или профессионального роста. Наша консультанты гарантируют качество и конфиденциальность услуги. Заказывайте образовательный сертификат в нашем сервисе и проявите другие перспективы для вашего образования и карьеры.
С радостью приветствуем вас, коллеги!
Компания XRumer LLC предлагает свои услуги по СЕО продвижению.
Ваш портал, как можно отметить, еще только начинает набирать обороты. Для того, чтобы по максимуму ускорить его рост, готовы предложить наши услуги по SEO-оптимизации. Также у нас есть недорогие и качественные инструменты для СЕОшников. У наших специалистов значительный опыт, в арсенале есть успешные кейсы – если интересно, предоставим по запросу.
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Telgrm: @exrumer
Skype: Loves.Ltd
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.
В современном мире, где аттестат – это начало отличной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие стараются найти максимально простой путь получения качественного образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед каждым человеком, который стремится начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в ВУЗе.
Наша компания предлагает очень быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы можете заказать аттестат старого или нового образца, и это является удачным решением для человека, который не смог завершить обучение, утратил документ или хочет исправить плохие оценки. Аттестаты производятся с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим нюансам, чтобы в результате получился продукт, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
Преимущества такого подхода состоят не только в том, что можно оперативно получить аттестат. Процесс организовывается комфортно, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора требуемого образца аттестата до консультаций по заполнению персональной информации и доставки по России — все будет находиться под полным контролем качественных мастеров.
Для всех, кто хочет найти быстрый и простой способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести аттестат – это значит избежать длительного обучения и не теряя времени переходить к своим целям: к поступлению в университет или к началу удачной карьеры.
Приобретите диплом института или колледжа с гарантией качества и доставкой по России без предоплаты.
Получение диплома считается важным моментом в жизни всякого человека, определяет его перспективы и карьерные возможности.
Диплом даёт доступ путь к новым перспективам и возможностям, обеспечивая доступ к высококачественному образованию и высокопрестижным специальностям.
В современном мире, где в конкуренция на рынке труда постоянно растёт, наличие аттестата делает обязательным условием для успешной карьеры.
Он утверждает ваши знания, умения и навыки, умения и компетенции перед работодателями и обществом в общем.
http://www.diplomanrus.comгде купить аттестат – возможность для тех, кто желает достижения успеха без дополнительных трудностей. Это возможность закончить обучение о среднему образованию, открывающий двери к новым возможностям и престижным карьерным путям. Наш портал предлагает высокое качество и конфиденциальность, помогая вам достичь ваших целей с минимальными усилиями.
Помимо этого, аттестат придает веру в свои силы и повышает самооценку, что содействует личностному росту и саморазвитию. Получение диплома также является вложением в будущий путь, предоставляя устойчивость и благополучный стандарт проживания.
Именно поэтому обращать надлежащее внимание и время получению образования и бороться за его получению, чтобы добиться успех и удовлетворение от собственной труда.
В нашем мире, где аттестат является началом удачной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие ищут максимально простой путь получения образования. Факт наличия официального документа об образовании сложно переоценить. Ведь именно он открывает дверь перед людьми, стремящимися начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в высшем учебном заведении.
В данном контексте мы предлагаем максимально быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете заказать аттестат, и это будет удачным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить обучение, потерял документ или хочет исправить плохие оценки. Все аттестаты выпускаются с особой тщательностью, вниманием к мельчайшим деталям. В результате вы сможете получить полностью оригинальный документ.
Преимущество подобного решения состоит не только в том, что можно оперативно получить аттестат. Процесс организовывается удобно, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора подходящего образца аттестата до правильного заполнения персональной информации и доставки в любое место страны — все под абсолютным контролем наших мастеров.
В итоге, для тех, кто ищет быстрый и простой способ получить необходимый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Купить аттестат – значит избежать длительного процесса обучения и не теряя времени перейти к достижению своих целей, будь то поступление в университет или старт карьеры.
Окончание образования является важным этапом во карьере всякого человека, определяет его будущее и карьерные возможности – diplomvam.ru. Аттестат даёт доступ путь к новым перспективам и возможностям, обеспечивая доступ к качественному образованию и высокооплачиваемым профессиям. В современном мире, где борьба на трудовом рынке всё растёт, наличие диплома становится необходимым требованием для выдающейся карьеры. Он подтверждает ваши знания, компетенции и умения перед работодателями и обществом в целом. В дополнение, диплом дарует уверенность и укрепляет самооценку, что содействует личностному и развитию. Получение диплома также является инвестицией в будущее, обеспечивая устойчивость и достойный уровень проживания. Именно поэтому обращать должное внимание образованию и бороться за его достижению, чтобы получить успех и счастье от собственной профессиональной деятельности.
Аттестат не только символизирует ваше образовательный уровень, но и отражает вашу дисциплинированность, трудолюбие и упорство в добивании задач. Он является результатом усилий и вложенных усилий, вкладываемых в учебу и самосовершенствование. Завершение учебы диплома раскрывает перед вами новые горизонты перспектив, даруя возможность избирать из множества направлений и карьерных траекторий. Помимо этого даёт вам базис знаний и навыков и навыков, необходимых для выдающейся практики в современном обществе, насыщенном вызовами и изменениями. Кроме того, диплом является доказательством вашей квалификации и экспертности, что в свою очередь улучшает вашу привлекательность на трудовом рынке и открывает вами возможности к лучшим шансам для карьерного роста. Следовательно, завершение учебы аттестата не лишь пополняет ваше личное самосовершенствование, но и раскрывает вами новые и возможности для достижения целей и мечтаний.
Окончание образования представляет собой основным моментом во жизни всякого индивидуума, определяет его перспективы и карьерные возможности – http://diplomvam.ru. Диплом открывает двери к свежим горизонтам и возможностям, гарантируя возможность к высококачественному получению знаний и престижным профессиям. В сегодняшнем обществе, где борьба на рынке труда постоянно увеличивается, имение аттестата делает обязательным условием для выдающейся профессиональной деятельности. Диплом подтверждает ваши знания, навыки и умения перед профессиональным сообществом и социумом в общем. Кроме того, аттестат дарит уверенность и увеличивает самооценку, что содействует персональному развитию и развитию. Получение диплома также вложением в будущее, предоставляя устойчивость и благополучный стандарт жизни. Именно поэтому отдавать должное внимание и время образованию и бороться за его получению, чтобы обрести успеха и счастье от своей труда.
Аттестат не лишь представляет личное образование, но и отражает вашу дисциплинированность, трудолюбие и настойчивость в добивании задач. Он является результатом усилий и вложенных усилий, вкладываемых в обучение и самосовершенствование. Завершение учебы образования открывает перед вами свежие перспективы возможностей, даруя возможность выбирать из множества карьерных путей и профессиональных направлений. Это также даёт вам основу знаний и навыков, необходимых для для успешной деятельности в нынешнем мире, полном вызовами и изменениями. Более того, сертификат является доказательством вашей компетентности и квалификации, что улучшает вашу привлекательность для работодателей на трудовом рынке и открывает вами возможности к лучшим возможностям для профессионального роста. Таким образом, получение аттестата не лишь пополняет ваше личное и профессиональное развитие, а также раскрывает вами новые возможности для достижения и амбиций.
В нашем мире, где аттестат является началом удачной карьеры в любой отрасли, многие ищут максимально быстрый и простой путь получения образования. Важность наличия документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед любым человеком, который желает вступить в сообщество профессиональных специалистов или продолжить обучение в любом ВУЗе.
Предлагаем быстро получить этот важный документ. Вы сможете приобрести аттестат старого или нового образца, что будет удачным решением для всех, кто не смог завершить образование или потерял документ. Все аттестаты выпускаются с особой аккуратностью, вниманием ко всем деталям. На выходе вы получите продукт, максимально соответствующий оригиналу.
Преимущества такого решения состоят не только в том, что можно оперативно получить свой аттестат. Весь процесс организован удобно и легко, с нашей поддержкой. От выбора подходящего образца аттестата до консультаций по заполнению личной информации и доставки по стране — все под полным контролем опытных мастеров.
Для всех, кто ищет максимально быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает отличное решение. Приобрести аттестат – это значит избежать продолжительного обучения и сразу перейти к достижению собственных целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт карьеры.
Получение диплома считается важным этапом во жизни каждого человека, определяющим его перспективы и карьерные перспективы.
Аттестат даёт доступ двери к свежим горизонтам и возможностям, гарантируя возможность к высококачественному образованию и высокопрестижным специальностям.
В нынешнем мире, где в борьба на трудовом рынке постоянно увеличивается, имение диплома становится необходимым требованием для успешной карьеры.
Он подтверждает ваши знания, навыки и умения перед профессиональным сообществом и социумом в целом.
https://www.diploman-russiya.comгде купить аттестат – выход для тех, кто стремится к успеху без лишних препятствий. Это шанс завоевать признанный документ по техническому образованию, открывающий двери к новым возможностям и престижным карьерным путям. Наш портал гарантирует качество и конфиденциальность, помогая вам достичь ваших целей с минимальными усилиями.
В дополнение, диплом дарит уверенность и повышает самооценку, что помогает личностному и саморазвитию. Получение диплома также является вложением в свое будущее, обеспечивая устойчивость и благополучный стандарт проживания.
Именно поэтому уделять надлежащее внимание и время образованию и бороться за его получению, чтобы получить успех и удовлетворение от своей профессиональной деятельности.
Получение образования считается основным моментом в пути всякого индивидуума, определяющим его будущее и профессиональные перспективы – http://www.diplomvam.ru. Диплом даёт доступ двери к новым перспективам и возможностям, обеспечивая возможность к качественному образованию и высокопрестижным специальностям. В современном мире, где в конкуренция на трудовом рынке постоянно растёт, имение диплома делает обязательным условием для успешной профессиональной деятельности. Диплом утверждает ваши знания и навыки, навыки и умения перед профессиональным сообществом и обществом в целом. Помимо этого, аттестат дарит веру в свои силы и повышает самооценку, что содействует личностному и саморазвитию. Завершение учебы образования также является вложением в будущее, предоставляя устойчивость и благополучный стандарт проживания. Поэтому важно уделять должное внимание образованию и стремиться к его достижению, чтобы получить успеха и удовлетворение от своей профессиональной деятельности.
Диплом не лишь представляет ваше образовательный уровень, но и демонстрирует вашу дисциплинированность, усердие и упорство в добивании целей. Он представляет собой результатом труда и труда, вложенных в учебу и самосовершенствование. Получение диплома открывает перед вами свежие горизонты возможностей, даруя возможность выбирать среди множества карьерных путей и профессиональных направлений. Это также даёт вам основу знаний и навыков и навыков, необходимых для успешной практики в современном мире, насыщенном трудностями и переменами. Помимо этого, сертификат считается доказательством вашей квалификации и квалификации, что повышает вашу привлекательность на рынке труда и открывает вами возможности к наилучшим шансам для карьерного роста. Таким образом, завершение учебы диплома не лишь обогащает ваше личное развитие, а также раскрывает вами новые перспективы для достижения и мечтаний.
Привет всем!
Закажите диплом ВУЗа с доставкой по России без предоплаты и с возможностью оплаты после получения – надежно, выгодно, безопасно!
На сегодняшний день, когда аттестат – это начало удачной карьеры в любом направлении, многие пытаются найти максимально простой путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа об образовании переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает двери перед людьми, желающими начать профессиональную деятельность или учиться в университете.
В данном контексте мы предлагаем максимально быстро получить любой необходимый документ. Вы можете приобрести аттестат, что будет выгодным решением для человека, который не смог завершить обучение, потерял документ или хочет исправить плохие оценки. Все аттестаты производятся с особой аккуратностью, вниманием ко всем элементам, чтобы на выходе получился документ, 100% соответствующий оригиналу.
Преимущество такого решения состоит не только в том, что можно оперативно получить аттестат. Процесс организовывается просто и легко, с профессиональной поддержкой. Начав от выбора необходимого образца аттестата до точного заполнения личных данных и доставки в любой регион России — все под абсолютным контролем качественных специалистов.
Таким образом, для всех, кто пытается найти быстрый и простой способ получения требуемого документа, наша компания готова предложить выгодное решение. Заказать аттестат – значит избежать продолжительного процесса обучения и сразу переходить к достижению личных целей: к поступлению в ВУЗ или к началу трудовой карьеры.
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Reaching out via feedback forms is an expressive manifestation of contemporary business dialogue, combining the top of discretion and innovation. This approach gives companies a straight line to their consumers, permitting them to grasp the details of user interaction, collect beneficial feedback, and, most importantly, demonstrate that they are actively listening. Instead navigating the overcrowded landscape of emails and marketing messages, feedback forms supply a clean space, paving the route for true dialogue and increasingly engaged conversations.
Moreover, mailing to feedback forms is a testament to a company’s dedication to continuous improvement. Rather of working in a void, companies get an invaluable window into their clients’ minds, opening up opportunities for growth, betterment, and building stronger connections. As consumer needs transform, this reciprocal dialogue channel confirms that companies stay not just applicable but profoundly connected to their audience’s constantly evolving likes and concerns. In the vast plan of things, it’s not just about collecting feedback; it’s about nurturing trust and strengthening bonds that endure the trial of time.
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Placing the site on quality trust sites
Getting a place for your online platform on reliable, top-tier platforms is an crucial step in fortifying its internet reputation. Such placements not only raise a site’s credibility in the eyes of search platforms but also develop credibility among its target audience. Dependable sites, renowned for their strict content standards and significant user bases, act as validators, backing the authenticity and worth of content they connect to or host. As visitors from these platforms make their way to a site, they land with a already established sense of trust, making them more inclined to interact and convert.
What’s more, positioning a website on premium trust sites extends beyond simple link-building methods. It’s an occasion for symbiotic growth and teamwork. Connecting with respected platforms permits a brand to align its ethics with those of the reliable site, promoting shared values and strengthening its brand tale. In the persistently developing digital world, where sincerity is at a premium, such planned placements guarantee a site’s perpetual visibility, significance, and influence.
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В нашем мире, где аттестат – это начало отличной карьеры в любой сфере, многие стараются найти максимально быстрый путь получения образования. Наличие официального документа переоценить невозможно. Ведь диплом открывает дверь перед людьми, желающими начать профессиональную деятельность или продолжить обучение в высшем учебном заведении.
Всем, кто хочет найти быстрый способ получить требуемый документ, наша компания предлагает выгодное решение. Купить аттестат – это значит избежать долгого процесса обучения и сразу перейти к достижению собственных целей, будь то поступление в ВУЗ или старт карьеры.
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There is no single ideal jurisdiction in the world for starting a business that would suit everyone. But there are countries whose legislative and tax system is ideally suited to your particular case.
Very often we are approached by clients with the request “Quickly register a company in the EU and pay low taxes”. But during a consultation with a specialist it turns out that, for example, the client also wants to stay in the country of business for a longer period of time or permanently reside there with the possibility of obtaining EU citizenship, which means that it is necessary to additionally apply for a long-term residence permit abroad.
In view of this situation, we always recommend approaching the choice of a country for starting a business comprehensively, taking into account both corporate, tax and immigration laws together with the goals and objectives that the entrepreneur wants to achieve.
Regulated United Europe se esfuerza constantemente por mejorar su rendimiento y el nivel de los servicios prestados, basandose en las constantes observaciones de sus clientes y captando las necesidades del mercado de servicios juridicos en varios paises europeos. El tiempo de respuesta a las consultas/correos electronicos de los clientes tambien se mantiene al minimo.
En el ambito de los precios, Regulated United Europe intenta adaptarse a las necesidades de los clientes ofreciendo un precio fijo para la mayoria de los servicios juridicos prestados, a pesar de que en la mayoria de los paises europeos se aplican honorarios legales por hora.
Proporcionamos asesoramiento juridico y apoyo diario a nuestros clientes en todas las fases de la ejecucion de sus proyectos. Un equipo de abogados experimentados desarrolla soluciones complejas de forma individual para cada cliente.
It would seem that Maltese taxation is quite severe and the corporate income tax rate does not suggest that Malta is a low tax jurisdiction. However, this is not the case. The fact is that non-resident companies in Malta are entitled to a refund of taxes paid, which allows us to talk about the lower level of taxation in Malta compared to most countries in the world.
In order to claim a corporate income tax refund, a foreign company must be registered in Malta as a trading or holding company (deriving its income from trading activities or from participation in other organisations, respectively).
In the tax accounting of a Maltese company, the income earned by it must be recorded in one of four tax accounts: “foreign profits”, “Maltese profits”, “profits from immovable property”, “non-taxable income”. Each type of income is taxed according to its own rules. The final amount of tax is recorded in the fifth account “final tax”.
Example. Consider the two most common cases: a Maltese company derives profits from trading activities abroad and from participation in other companies. In either case, these profits are subject to statutory tax at 35 per cent, but the Maltese shareholders are entitled to claim a refund of the tax taken from the dividends distributed. The refund rules differ for different types of income.
If a Maltese company derives income from trading activities outside Malta (and the term “trading” includes both the direct purchase and sale of goods and the provision of services), its shareholders are entitled, upon receipt of the dividend, to apply for a refund of 6/7th of the tax previously paid in Malta. Therefore, the effective income tax rate will be 5 per cent.
SIF – Specialised Investment Fund A specialised investment fund based in Luxembourg is in principle exempt from income tax. The subscription tax is 0.01% per annum. The basis for calculating the subscription tax is the total net asset value of the specialised fund. The company is liable to a one-off capital tax of €1,250 payable on incorporation. SICAR – company with risk capital investments (Authorised capital of at least EUR 1mn) Annual capital turnover tax of EUR 1,250. Corporate tax 29.63%. There are no restrictions under double tax treaties. Profit distributions are not subject to source tax. Income from securities is exempt from tax. Proceeds from the liquidation of a company are not taxed (for non-resident participants)
Luxembourg does not tax profits generated by offshore bank accounts. An offshore Luxembourg bank account is a guaranteed means of capital protection. All information in offshore bank accounts in Luxembourg is considered confidential and may not be disclosed without the express authorisation of the bank account holder.
Luxembourg offers unique business opportunities due to its stable economy, favourable tax system, strategic location, quality financial services and high standard of living. These factors make it an attractive location for international investors and entrepreneurs seeking to expand their operations or enter the European market.
However, business success in Luxembourg requires careful planning and understanding of the local environment. This includes choosing the best legal form for the company, strategic planning, complying with regulatory requirements and proactively engaging with local partners and regulators.
Overall, Luxembourg offers a favourable environment for business development, backed by a highly skilled workforce, an innovative economy and a stable legal system.